Sunday, November 30, 2014

They Still Wait

            In April, I wrote an article pertaining to the peace talks between the nation of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which is being brokered by the United States of America. Back then the talks were suspended by Israel’s Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and the Israeli Security Cabinet, because of the merger between the Palestinian Authority and Hamas, a terrorist organization. This weekend the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, reiterated his comments in Cairo to a group of foreign ministers from the Arab League that the Palestinians will never recognize Israel as a Jewish state, and further accused them of establishing an apartheid government (1); he has also threatened Israel that he will terminate all security cooperation unless Israel gets back to the table and resumes with the peace talks.

            More than half a year has passed since Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, moved away from the table, therefore there has been no solid movement forward in solving this problem in the Middle East, but as I wrote in April there will come the day when there will be peace, it will be a forced peace contract but nonetheless there will be a signed agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. How long it will be before this contract will take place is unknown to people like you and me, but the day is coming, and coming very quickly, when the one world leader (Rev.6:2) will force an agreement between the two parties (Dan.9:27). President Abbas says that he cannot wait any longer for the peace talks to resume, and for progress to be made he demands that Israel’s so-called occupation end in the West Bank—of course the progress will be in his favour, who is he trying to kid anyways.

            I have my own opinion when the peace agreement will be signed, and you may too, but I cannot see it finalized until a major chaotic event takes place first. It will be called a chaotic event by the world but to many it is an event that has been anticipated ever since Israel became a state once again in May of 1948. This event is the rapture of every person who has put their faith in Jesus Christ (1Thess.4:16-17), and has anticipated this event with every inch of their heart (Phil.3:20-21). When this event occurs there will be millions of people who will be caught up from the earth to meet the Lord in the heavens by his divine power, leaving the rest of the world in utter chaos because of the sudden disappearance of so many all around the globe. The one world leader, who is also revealed as the first beast in the book of Revelations, will announce to the world that he will lead them into a new world order free from those dissident individuals—as he will put it— who have suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth, and one of the first acts that he will accomplish is a peace covenant between the Jews and the Palestinians. It may seem that this peace deal will never materialize, but take note of the word of God it will; as the world still waits.
