Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Darkness Emerges

Darkness looms over the earth, the catching away will happen soon.
In a moment we will be changed, at the last trumpet.

Until then, we wait.

Automatic weapon fire, over an unsuspecting crowd, nobody knows why.

Football players take to their knee, it reveals contempt for the flag and their nation, and exposes disdain for the men and women that give their lives to protect their freedom.

People parade the street, protesting the police by chanting, ‘pigs in a blanket, fry them up like bacon.’

Multiculturalism was supposed to enhance Western society, and with some cultures it does, but with others it has only created animosity toward white society, claims of white privilege has stirred up an evil potion of hate and enmity.

Liberal pundits try to justify the killing of a healthy fetus, demonizing anyone that fights to protect the sanctity of the unborn.

There used to be only two genders, male and female, now the West insists that there are more than fifty genders.

Mother and father, must make way for the gender-neutral guardian or parent, because the world is now an inclusive environment.

Week long festivals to parade sexual orientation, seems mandatory in every city, waving flags using God’s rainbow.

The school system has abolished God of the Holy Bible from the institute of education, in favor of Allah of the Quran.

There used to be some light, slowly it turned grey, henceforth the darkness quickly comes into sight.

A leader will be given a crown, he has been chosen by the Prince of Darkness.

His inauguration will be celebrated like Hollywood on awards night; the world will rejoice.

This is what they have longed for, one leader, one government, one religion to lead the people.

He rides a white horse, a symbol of righteousness, but his ways are far from the truth.

He carries a bow without arrows for show, however the illusion will be their downfall, he will lead them to their destruction.

The world is changing, it will be void of heavenly light before long, there is no right from wrong, every man will do what seems right to him.

They refuse to cease the worship of demons, as they bow down to the golden calf, their pompous hearts cannot save them.

They are unwilling to repent, as murders increase, entrenched in witchcraft, fixed on fornication and thefts as natural as the air they breathe.

The unrepentant will be made to work as slaves, their reward will be the bread they eat each day, but those that worship demons and the golden calf will enjoy oil and wine.

Israel will enter into a peace covenant with her neighbors, the covenant of death and hell, and then the temple of God will be rebuilt in Jerusalem; on mount Moriah.

The sacrifices will begin once again, only to have the world leader then change his mind and put an end to the sacrifice and offering.

He will defile the temple, and set up in it an abomination that causes desolation, just like his forerunner, Antiochus Epiphanes.

Some will resist this new era, and will be slain because they repent and turn to the one true God.

The souls of the slain will cry out to God, and ask for vengeance against those that spill their blood—the inhabitants of the earth.

The slain will stand before God wearing white robes, holding palm branches in their hands, praising God who is on the throne, and the Lamb that sits beside him.

God’s wrath is released, and the inhabitants of the earth will see death, as they begin to slay one another; they will have no peace.

Wild beasts, the sword, famine and plague, will destroy more than a fourth of the earth’s population.

Hail and fire, mixed with blood, will propel with great force to the earth, burning one-third of its surface.

Something that looks like a large mountain fully on fire will be cast into the sea, destroying one-third of the shipping vessels, and killing one-third of all the creatures that live in the sea.

As in the days of Moses and the Pharaoh of Egypt, one-third of the sea will be turned into blood.

A great star, fully on fire, will fall from the sky causing one-third of the rivers and springs to become bitter, killing many of the earth’s inhabitants; the star is named Wormwood.

One-third of the sun, one-third of the moon, and one-third of the stars will go dark, leaving one-third of the day and one-third of the night without light.

The Abyss will be opened by a fallen angel that is given the key to the shaft of the Abyss, the place where the demons cast out of the man from the Gadarenes did not want to go.

Angels that rebelled with Lucifer against God have been sent to the Abyss, held by chains until judgment, but will be released for a short time when the angel with the key opens the Abyss to free them—God will use them to carry out his wrath on the earth.

They have a king that rules them, his name is Apollyon.  

Men will worship the great dragon, Satan, that ancient serpent, who will be thrown out of the heavenly realm after he and his angels lose their place there.

The people will worship the dragon because he empowers the first beast, the one world leader, who is a conqueror, and he is good at it too.

All men, whose names are not in the book of life, will worship the first beast because they can see that nobody can defeat him, they will follow him because once he is assassinated he comes back to life again.

Once he comes back to life again the dragon gives him his satanic power to use, which will last for three and a half years, the last half of the seven-year period, so that he can defeat those who have repented and turned to God during this time period.

With this satanic authority the first beast will conquer the inhabitants of the earth, while at the same time blaspheme God, his dwelling place, and everyone that lives in Heaven.

The great dragon gives the first beast a mouth that can speak forth satanic power.

Those that repent in these terrible times are warned to pay attention, be patient and faithful, because those that are to be taken prisoner will be imprisoned, and those that are to be slain with the sword will be slaughtered with the sword.

A second beast will accompany the first beast, and he will be overwhelmingly satanic.

The second beast will have and exercise the same satanic power as the first beast, as he is the one world leader’s personal representative.

The second beast will make the inhabitants of the earth worship the first beast.

He will have such great satanic power that he will perform powerful miracles, like making fire come out of the heavens for the whole earth to see.

Because of his miraculous powers the people build an image of the first beast in honor of him, at the second beasts instructions.

The second beast will be able to make this image come alive, so that it can speak, and cause all that refuse to worship this image to be slaughtered.

He will force everyone in his kingdom to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead, which is the name of the first beast in numerals—666.

God will commission a specific angel to warn the inhabitants of the earth not to worship the beast and his image and receive his mark, to do so will result in God’s hot wrath against them.

There will be no peace ever for those that worship the beast and his image, and receive his name.

The command for those who repent is to remain faithful to Jesus Christ, for those that will be killed for God’s sake will be blessed.

It cannot be stopped, it has been seen already, therefore it has been written.

Out of the darkness there is one bright light written for 144,000 Jewish men.

A seal is impressed on the foreheads of God’s servants, marked are the twelve tribes of Israel, 144,000 in all.

They will learn a new song, only the 144,000, and sing it before the Holy One that sits on his holy throne, the One that has the appearance of jasper and carnelian.

A rainbow, that looks like an emerald, encircles the Holy One and his throne.

The 144,000, from the twelve tribes of Israel, sing before the four living creatures who live in the midst and all around the holy throne, they have eyes covering their entire being.

They sing, and they sing alone, this new song before the twenty-four elders, who surround the holy throne dressed in white; the elders have crowns made of gold upon their heads.

These 144,000, from the twelve tribes of Israel, are able to keep themselves pure, they never dishonor God with fornication or adultery.

No lie ever proceeds forth from their mouths, God judges them as irreproachable.

They will follow the Lamb of God wherever he goes.

Picture:CC0 Creative Commons