Saturday, January 18, 2020

Lamps That Burn Bright

Have you ever been with a group of Christians at a restaurant or somewhere like that and they are just not interested in talking about the Bible? Have you ever been with people that say they believe in Jesus and yet they are just not curious or concerned in discussing his return? If you are someone that is not hopeful about the rapture occurring even as soon as today then this article is not for you, you will only find this article boring, you will not be inspired. But if you are a believer that is eagerly waiting for the Lord to give us the command to come up out of here then you may have interest in this article and it is possible you will be encouraged by it; it is feasible your soul will even be refreshed by it.

Some are looking for revival to happen, but they never stop to consider how that will even come off. Their idea of revival may be a little mysterious as they are looking for something from the past to happen all over again. God deals with his new creation in seasons in various eras as he works out his plan for the Church age in order to bring his new creation composition to completion; every work has a beginning and an end. Something God performed yesterday may not be what he will do today, his work and power is diverse, it is manifold. As the Church age comes to a finish God desires to energize his people with profound hope, equip them with unfeigned faith that his promise of the rapture is right at the door. This expectation is like a charge of spiritual power that can purify the soul faster and more positively than any dry and dead agenda-driven sermon. The personal aspirations of a church leader will not rejuvenate the believer but only put him to sleep, put him in a state of spiritual slumber. The reason why some lamps are dry is because of a lack of the right food at the right time, the appropriate spiritual knowledge is the sustenance to spiritual growth.

As the world knows the President of the United States has been impeached, the Trump impeachment trial has officially begun in the Senate. The Democrats, and their hirelings in the mainstream media, call it a historical day. They remind America that this action is just and is brought forth in a spirit of humility; and according to the sage of American politics, Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the impeachment of the President is a very sad and disappointing time.

John G. Roberts, the Chief Justice of the United States, is the presiding officer over the impeachment trial and the senators have all sworn an oath to be impartial—paradoxical indeed; politicians swearing an oath to provide nonpartisan or in the case of Donald Trump nonprejudicial justice. The Democrats have been declaring since 2016 that Donald Trump will be impeached even though he has of yet done anything that is an actual impeachable offence.

This impeachment trial is a mockery of Article II, section 4, of the United States Constitution. This whole procedure being played out is only an attempt to remove Donald Trump from the presidency, the Democrats know that he is going to win again in November 2020; and they cannot let it happen. The political elite, the deep state, and the global government have to remove Trump so that they can get on with their agenda, they have waited for the day of the establishment of their one-world government for over two-centuries and they cannot let this president block the initiation of their global power from happening, because according to their occultic prophecies now is the time. The 2016 presidential election was set up for Hillary Clinton to win so that she could then finalize the work of Barack Obama  and complete the transition of the United States into the primary component of the global government, and thereby she would have then introduced the man that would be it’s primary leader, the person the Apostle Paul refers to as the man of sin;[1] he is the beast that comes out of the sea who has ten horns and seven heads.[2]

What is encouraging for the follower of Jesus Christ is that before the Beast receives his power to become the leader of the global government the rapture will happen in advance,[3] the man of sin cannot be crowned as the one-world government leader until the Body of Christ is caught up to meet the Lord in Eternity;[4] we are suppose to encourage one another with this truth.

Some in the Church think conversation about the one-world government and its leader is something people shouldn’t discuss, but if we were to keep quiet about this subject then we would be ignoring what is written, this topic is end-time prophecy given by the Spirit of God to the Church so that we can be ready for the rapture. The global government and its ruler also has a role in the salvation of the remnant of Israel as God will use this beast and his government to chastise Israel’s remnant for a period of seven years, and this government will also be used to judge the end-time generation because they refuse to receive Jesus Christ as Lord.

Jesus prophesied that the generation that witnesses Israel’s rebirth as a sovereign nation[5] will also be alive to witness his return back to the earth,[6] and this event happens at the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period whereas the rapture of the Church happens before the Tribulation Period even begins; according to a correct interpretation of the Scriptures. These witnesses at the end of the Tribulation Period will be Jews that suffered through the days of Nazi persecution across German-occupied Europe and also survived the Holocaust, and then once they were liberated by the Allied forces were granted the privilege of witnessing the rebirth of Israel approximately three years later. You don’t have to have a degree in mathematics to understand that the Jews who witnessed Israel’s rebirth will all soon be deceased as old-age eventually overtakes us all, but as the word of the Lord declares some that witnessed the rebirth of Israel will still be alive to witness his return at the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period—this is evidence that his coming is very soon.  

As if the time of Nazi-occupied Europe was not enough, Christ prophesies that Israel will have to suffer yet another terrible time through the seven-year Tribulation Period, this time it will be a global government occupation of the West and in particular the occupation of the Holy Land by the global dictator. But, as promised in Scripture, during this global occupation the Jews will witness their eternal salvation in the end as Jesus Christ breaks through into the physical realm riding on a white horse to redeem the remnant Jews forever.[7]

The followers of Jesus Christ in this day and age will be taken off the earth soon, as the Lord gave us signs throughout Scripture of what season the rapture would occur. The rapture will occur at least 2520 days, seven biblical years, before the Jews witness the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period. I mean the same Jewish individuals that suffered the Nazi-occupation of Europe, survived the Holocaust, and who witnessed the rebirth of Israel; some of these same individuals will still be alive to witness the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period as Christ indicated in his teachings. On the last day of the seven-year Tribulation Period Jesus Christ comes back to the earth to redeem the remnant Jews.[8] The rapture of the Bride of Christ will occur before the global government becomes officially established, and the one-world government leader receives his power to become leader.

Remember, the Jews that survived the Holocaust are almost all deceased, statistics reveal that in the year 2020 there will only be about 142,000 Holocaust survivors living in Israel,[9] that is not very many. Of course, there are Jews living in places other than Israel right now and have not made Aliyah, meaning they have not immigrated to Israel, but the prophecy of Jesus refers to those living in Israel when Jesus comes back to the earth; these are the witnesses referred to in his prophecy. The same Jerusalem Post article reports that by the year 2025 that number will have decreased significantly to 92,600 survivors, obviously the numbers decrease notably each year.

Also remember, if it were not for President, Donald Trump, there would be someone else as President right now and the globalist agenda would consume the United States, and as sure as sparks fly upward once his time as president is finished the elite’s agenda will be in full force as the transition of the United States into a global entity is inevitable—if it were not for Donald Trump the global government would already be in control, meaning the world would be living in the era of the seven-year Tribulation Period. God has used Donald Trump to put the brakes on the global agenda but only for a limited time, Trump’s calling as the thorn in the side of the Luciferians is short and almost completed.

The Scriptures reveal many signs that will occur before and near the coming of the Lord, but the ones I have noted above are without question signs the Church cannot ignore. The Lord likened his Bride to the ten virgins of Matthew, chapter twenty-five. This parable reveals that some will be prepared for the rapture and some will not. A lamp that burns bright allows the Bridegroom to conclude that his Bride is ready and waiting for him when he comes to take her to his Father’s house,[10] he sees the light burning brightly in her window so he goes and snatches her away; the Bridegroom is honored by his Brides awareness and her appreciation for all that he has done for her. A lamp that has run out of oil will not burn to give off light, and if there is no light burning in the Brides window then the Bridegroom assumes his Bride is not ready and waiting for him so he will not approach her to receive her to himself; he is actually insulted that his Bride is not ready and waiting for him; in ancient days this is the way it was. It looks like from this teaching that he leaves the empty lamp bride behind because she was not ready and waiting for his coming to receive her, and then when she tried to resume her position it was too late as the door to his Father’s house is shut. The foolish virgins in this parable humiliated the bridegroom when they did not take the time to prepare and be ready and waiting for his coming to receive them.

As I said above, this article is not for the Christian that is not interested in the rapture because this type of Christian is foolish like the foolish ones in Matthew’s gospel, they are not committed to the completion of their salvation, the rapture of the Church is the moment when the Bride’s salvation is fully completed—spirit, soul and body.[11] This article is for the Christian that is interested in the rapture and is committed to the completion of their salvation, they yearn to be spiritually glorified, they eagerly wait for the rapture to occur, their lamps burn brightly even through the long process of God’s salvation.

If you are a Christian that is uninterested in the rapture but you took the time to read this article anyways then I can assure you that if you repent and ask God to change your attitude, he by his grace will.


[1] 2 Thessalonians 2:3
[2] Revelation 13:1; Daniel 7:24b-25; 11:36-37
[3] 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12
[4] 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18
[5] May 14,1948
[6] Matthew 24:32-34
[7] Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7; 19:11-16; Zechariah 12:9-10
[8] Daniel 9:24
[10] John 14:1-4
[11] 1 Corinthians 15:50-54; 1 Thessalonians 5:23