Saturday, December 30, 2017

It Is Done in Heaven First

Many of us occasionally struggle when God’s power seems far away, and does not manifest in the various problems we face.
We pray, and ask him to heal us of sickness, heal us of a weakening body, ask him to intervene into situations that are greater than we are.

We pray, we wait, time goes by, and nothing seems to happen.

The sickness continues, the body gets weaker, and the unbearable condition we are in just gets more serious making us feel completely helpless—we feel doomed to negative circumstance.

A cloud of hopelessness develops, weakening our faith in supernatural resolution; deliverance seems uncertain.

Does God really care about us, does he truly want to help us?

His Holy Word says he does.

Why does his power not manifest to heal us when we know that God is a healer?

Where is his ability to make weak knees strong and healthy, when we read that he can make a lame man walk instantly, or restore a shriveled-up hand as people watch on, also raise a man from the dead even after four days?

Why does the overpowering state of lack and want stand in the way of the blessing and power of God’s divine intervention and provision to create change so we can move forward?

God’s power is manifest in his awesome works, his deeds are great, and King David was glad as he meditated on these things day and night.

Three thousand years ago, David realized and lived in the regular manifestation of God’s mighty power.

Two thousand years ago, the Apostles lived daily witnessing the mighty works of God’s power, as the Holy Spirit worked wonders and miracles routinely.

So, where is God’s mighty power, wonders and miracles, and his awesome works in—many of—our lives today?

Is it because the Church is so large in numbers that there is just is not enough mighty power to go around to cover all of our problems?

Some think that God has put his power on the shelf, and that today’s Christian should just go to the Help Center if they are in lack and need, see a doctor for sickness and a broken body—they believe that miracles passed away with the Apostles.

This is more or less a misunderstanding of God’s majesty and mighty power, and it makes him sound weak.

Is God weak, does he have limited strength in these final days, is he tired and does he have no strength left?

No wonder so many are seeking the occult for spiritual power, because they know it exists but cannot find it much in the Church.

Even some people that are not born-again know that man needs more than just physical provision, that there is more to this world than just the physical, they know that we need divine help if we are truly going to make it—those that turn to the occult for help rather than God do not realize that they are turning to the wrong source, but of course, they think they are turning to God.

Than, there are a few that are so eager for the manifestation of God that they try to imitate his power by making up false manifestations, they will have someone lays hands on them so they can flop around the floor uncontrollably—this opens up space for dark power to manifest.

In Moses time, God sent ten plagues to Egypt so that Pharaoh would let his people go.

These plagues were part of the divine element of God’s awesome power that at the climax of it all was able to set a nation free from the powers of a Luciferian stronghold.

Yet today, we plead and beg God to manifest his power to heal and release miracles because there does not seem to be much evidence that he is willing to do it—without a doubt we do need his mighty power.

God tells Moses to lift his staff and stretch forth his hand to divide the waters, and when he did the Red Sea makes a pathway so Israel can escape the Egyptian army; on a dry river bed.

Yet the difficult situations we face bury us down until our resilience and physical strength has worn out.

We see the manifestation of God’s power once in a while, it is rare, it is so infrequent that I think he is trying to tell us something.  

Does he sit on his holy throne enveloping every ounce of his mighty power, and when he gets the urge he just disseminates it like a miser handing out candy?

Is God like a heavenly skinflint that releases only bits and pieces of his mighty power so that he can watch and smirk as his children are in need?

Could Israel’s history teach us something?  

We desperately need help but it feels like he is ignoring us.

Has he put his mighty power on slow motion or even pause?

He promises to supply all our needs and yet the manifestation of his power seems like it is on hold.

Is God our Father not for us, is he against us?

Is he no better than Zeus, the son of Cronus and Rhea, the foremost god of the ancient Greeks?

I can answer this: No! He is not like Zeus, or Apollo, or Artemis or even Ares. He is far superior, and he is pure and holy.

God Almighty speaks, and the worlds came into being, out of nothing he created all that man can see.

Man can travel across the entire earth, even to the farthest galaxy, and God has made all of it by the words he spoke—whatever he speaks it is done.

He gave up his only begotten son, the one whom he loves dearly, and sacrificed him for every one of us, then he promises to favor us, be gracious to us, and give us all things.

Even so, does this mean we still have to put up with lack and deficiency, suffer from sickness, and live with a broken-down body?

I think that sometimes we forget who we are—we are God’s sons through his only begotten son.

Whatever condition we are in does not mean that he does not love us; even though it may feel that way sometimes, and admittedly we occasionally wonder if he even cares.

Nothing can detach us from Christ’s love; he will not divorce us.

Sometimes we lack knowledge, we are uneducated, we are misinformed.

We trust in men to inform us, to enlighten us, to give us the cold hard facts about life on earth; but they often fail us.

From time to time we listen to the wrong voices, men who communicate misinformation, and it causes us to be confused.

We pray, we beg, we plead, and nothing happens, because we are not enlightened, we are not spiritually developed.

God instructs us to believe him, trust every word he speaks, yet we doubt many things he has said because we are ignorant.

When we ask him for something in prayer, for anything, whatever our need may be, we should always believe that he will give it to us free of charge.

He will not demand that that we repay him for it, we cannot purchase God’s merchandise, his glorious riches.

He desires to give us whatever we ask him for; he truly does.

He will manifest his mighty power and part the sea of life for us; solid ground will keep us standing upward.

Believe that he will give you whatever you ask for, take it and believe that you have it.

Your knees are crippled, your back is full of pain, receive his healing power, Christ’s flesh was ripped open at the end of a whip so that we are healed, so that we are cured and made whole.

Have faith in what God says and do not doubt his word.

Ask him, believe and do not doubt in your heart—have faith in God.

You say that you cannot see the manifestation of his power in your circumstance.

Can you see into Heaven with a telescope?

Can you see into the Holy of Holies when you close your eyes, can you see God on his throne? Can you see the Christ at his Father’s right hand as he leans over to make a request for you on your behalf?

Can you physically see into the eternal realm?

The Throne Room of God is where our prayers are answered, this is where the manifestation of his power begins and then issues forth.

The moment we ask God for anything it is done for us in Heaven, his power is manifest and he sends it to us.

In the eternal realm there is no time and physical space like here on earth, it is continuous and infinite, it is immeasurable, and his holy power is unlimited there.

On earth, whatever things we ask for in prayer it then makes its journey to us from Eternity, because God hears our prayers, but in Eternity it was appointed for us before we even asked on earth—we cannot receive the realization of our request until we ask in the realm of time.

In Eternity, God knows the end from the beginning, because the beginning and the end are one in the same; there is no separation because there is no time.

You ask him to heal you today, but in Eternity you were healed yesterday, you were healed the day Christ suffered his wounds; he chose us before the foundations of the earth.

You cannot receive healing until you ask for it, then you must take it because God gives it to you freely—although, you cannot doubt that you have it even far beyond the moment of asking.

Whatever we ask God for in prayer it is done for us already in Heaven, so when will the manifestation of his power in Eternity join itself with us in the realm of time, when does the physical manifestation occur?

We ask God to heal us, or to intervene in the absence of provision, and we wait, time goes by, because the Holy Spirit has to have divine substance to work with—faith.

The power of God has been released, our request has been granted, but for the mighty power of God to manifest on the earth faith has to join with it.

More often than not doubt takes over, because it seems to us that the manifestation of his power is not present according to our senses.

Our thinking needs to change.

In Eternity it is done, in the realm of time we have to wait.

In Eternity, the past, present and future are all happing at once.

On the earth, time has intervals, it has seconds, minutes, hours, days, et cetera.

The physical body and all of creation, the physical realm, was designed to function in time.

Once we ask God for anything we must then wait for what is done in Eternity to manifest in time.

How long it takes depends on the size of faith we exercise in the God of Eternity.

Some think they have faith but their mouth and actions speak otherwise, revealing they truly do not trust what God speaks.

When our faith diminishes so will the manifestation of God’s power in our situation, because in Eternity our faith is already known for what it is; our faith may be a secret on the earth but in Eternity nothing is hidden.

If we hold onto our faith and work to make it expand, allowing it to develop, keeping it active, then God’s mighty power that issues forth from his Throne Room will make miracles manifest in the physical realm.

Picture: CC0 License



Monday, December 4, 2017

Eternity: I Cannot Wait

Have you ever thought about eternity?

What it is like; this place where there is no time, this continuous and infinite place.

We usually call it Heaven, where the Lord, God Almighty dwells.

We cannot exist in eternity, because we are made of flesh and blood.

Our flesh was made to exist in the realm of time, not eternity.

A glorious body is being prepared for us as I write, and it is made for eternity.

In eternity, the past, present and future, are all one.

Think of it like this: Look down into your coffee cup, drop three cubes of sugar into it, then stir your coffee around and watch the sugar cubes dissolve.

While the sugar dissolves, as your coffee swirls around in the cup, the sugar cubes become one with each other in the coffee, and this is similar to how the past, present and the future exist in eternity.

In eternity, God knows the end from the beginning, because the beginning and the end are one in eternity; there is no separation because there is no time.

There is order, just not chronological order.

Here on earth, the physical overlaps continuously, everything proceeds in a forward motion all the time—you cannot go back in time.

In eternity, forward moves backward, backward moves forward, meanwhile they both move side-to-side similar to the four living creatures as they navigate by the Spirit on their wheels, in the book of Ezekiel.

There is no chronological order in eternity, but only Devine order as everything flows together all at once.  

The past, present and the future in the realm of time has to have intervals, it has to have pauses, it must have breaks in motion, it must stretch out over periods of time—this is how God designed time, and the physical body to exist in the realm of time.

The physical brain would overload and completely break down if it were to spend one second in eternity, this is why God is preparing a glorious body for us.

When the Prophet Isaiah, and the Apostle John, saw God on his holy throne they saw him through the power of the Holy Spirit, through spiritual vision.

In eternity, God Almighty sees the future as if it were in the past, he experiences the present as if it were the future, and the past is the present as they coexist with the future, like three sugar cubes dissolving together in a coffee cup as they whirl around at the behest of a spoon.

You do not know what will precisely happen tomorrow, or next week, or next month, while you are in this realm of time, because physical movement must occur for man to go forward, and the future be made known.

Unless God Almighty decides to give you a dream or vision, showing you precisely what will occur in the future, you are subject to the development of physical motion for you to see what will happen tomorrow.

In eternity, in your glorious body, you will see the past, present and the future all at once, and still be able to comprehend it.

The reason why God can prophecy with 100% accuracy is because he has already seen the future of humanity in the past.

He knows man’s past, present and future all at once, without getting a migraine.

When you are raptured and given a glorified body, in the twinkling of an eye, time will be in your past, and you will begin to function with an eternal body and mind.

Every man that receives an eternal body, at the rapture of the Church, will have the ability to live in eternity, where the past, present and future is one, and also have access back into the realm of time once Christ establishes an earthy kingdom.

So, what this means, is that those that receive a glorified body will become spiritual beings like the man Jesus Christ, be greater than God’s holy angels, and have the spiritual ability to exist both in the eternal realm and the earthly realm.

Wow! I cannot wait.

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Alien Helpers

After sundown, a certain man gets ready for bed, like he does every night.

He gets into bed, gets under the covers, and looking up to the ceiling toward the heavens he says, “All went well today, everything went my way, I expect tomorrow will be the same.”

After this, he reached over to his night table and grabbed his healing crystal out of the drawer, he laid it on his stomach underneath the covers, and then he fell asleep.

The next morning, he arose from his sleep and prepares for another long day at work.

While he makes his breakfast, he hears some police and fire sirens outside going back and forth on the street, but he gives it little attention; he has no interest to even go and see what is going on.

He is a self-absorbed individual, if something does not directly involve him he is uninterested, he really could not care less about others.

He eats his breakfast quickly, then he heads out to the garage, where his SUV is parked and waiting for him.

Upon entering the garage, he now hears helicopters flying over his house, he also hears the sound of loud voices that seem to be at the end of his driveway.  

All the racket and commotion has now got his attention.

When he opens the garage door, he is approached abruptly by a man in uniform coming up his driveway, he is from the National Guard—he has a Beretta M9 Pistol strapped to his hip.

They have the street shut off, nobody is allowed to leave their property, and it looks like they are doing military exercises.

The man asks the National Guard what is happening, and is told that many people across the country have suddenly vanished, and for his own safety he must now go back into his house.

The Guard soldier said that the government is going to announce that martial law will take effect shortly.

Now he is a on edge, so he reaches into his pocket and pulls out another crystal, and grasps it firmly believing it will cut the tension that just built up in his lower back.

He shuts the garage door, and walks slowly through the garage back into his house, trying to get his head around what the National Guard said, and everything that is happening.

He grabs his remote and turns the television set on to the News Channel.

The State Department is giving a press briefing, except this is not the regular State Department spokesperson, it is someone else in her place.

The State Department spokesperson substitute is reporting that millions of people all over the world have suddenly disappeared.

Every state in the USA, every nation in the European Union, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom are all reporting that people instantaneously vanished into thin air.

Then, the News Channel switches their coverage over to the White House Press Briefing Room, where the White House press secretary is ready to speak to the journalists that are waiting there to hear from the President’s Office.

But, this also, is not the regular White House press secretary, again this is another substitute.

The White House press secretary substitute steps to the podium and speaks into the microphone, saying, “What has happened overnight was an orchestrated effort between, until now, a top-secret world government body, and their intergalactic partners.”

He adds, “The successful operation removed every person that stood in the way of world peace, and the advancement of the human race, from the face of the Earth.”

He continues further, “The joint operation, was primarily carried out by one of the four groups of aliens that we act jointly with known as the Tall Whites, who simultaneously removed these people, and now humanity can move forward in implementing the next step in human evolution.”

One of the reporters asks him, with some stumbling in his words, “What…I mean…who were these people taken away, and did you say that ‘ALIENS’ are responsible?”

The replacement for the press secretary responds, “The people removed were born-again, bible believing individuals, and yes, the aliens, our intergalactic partners, who have been collaborating and working with us for some time helping us to move forward as a unique and universal race used their resources to remove them.”

You could hear a pin drop in the briefing room, because for the first time a journalist did not know what to ask next.

The press secretary substitute then proceeds to announce that the government has implemented martial law in America, and across the Western hemisphere other governments have likewise initiated the suspension of civilian law.  

He closes the press briefing with a further announcement, which is, that in the next few days there will be an official inauguration of a new and important leader, he will be introduced to the world as the man that will be responsible for leading the world forward.

He will lead its citizens in a new one world government, consisting of Western nations amalgamating as ten nations with him as the primary leader.

The White House press secretary substitute, assures the White House press corps, that this new leader will be strong against any nation and peoples that attempt to contravene this new world confederation.

Meanwhile, the man that is watching history unfold before his eyes, and a new world order begin is shocked, yet somehow, he feels relief that he was not one of the people removed from the Earth.

He looks toward the heavens, still holding onto the crystal he pulled out of his pocket earlier, and shouts out loud, “Thank you, Universe! All is well, everything will go well for me today and from hereafter.”

Obviously, the above story is only my imagination; I am speculating that this is how prophecy will develop once the rapture occurs.
Although, my speculation may sound odd to some of you, it very well could be similar in nature.
The Holy Bible records that once the rapture of the Church occurs there will be a new world order, with a particular man heading a ten-nation confederacy—many already know this.

But, what the Scriptures have hidden is the reason the world will give for the disappearance of the people raptured.

Naturally, they will not admit that it is Jesus Christ who is responsible, but they will announce to the world a fictitious reason and claim credit for it.

From various research sources, I find, that there is the possibility that those in authority will announce to the world that the people taken have been a continuous hindrance to the next step in the evolutionary process, and they will claim that the people missing have been a detriment in the Earth’s balance—its harmony with humans.

How this connects with the one world religion, which will be Islam, is that Islam and their god, Allah, both align perfectly with the Earth’s harmony—kind of a contradiction in thought and philosophy.

Once the Church is raptured, the new world leaders will reveal to the world what many people have thought for years, that Fox Mulder and his theory of alien life existing on other planets and some extraterrestrial’s living here on Earth is true.

For more than a decade, the Honorable, Paul Theodore Hellyer, a former Canadian, Minister of National Defense, has been giving seminars and speaking to government dignitaries around the world about the four types of extraterrestrials that have been working with governments for years.

He has pressured world governments, who are hiding the facts of these so-called extraterrestrials, to reveal the alien technology that they have received and have been working with, that he says, is capable of solving some of the world’s major problems, like—the fraudulent—climate change, for example.

Even though, the world’s elites claim these extraterrestrials are aliens from other galaxies, and are friendly to the Earth’s inhabitants, these creatures are really fallen angels, and devils from the demonic world, that have the ability to take on the appearance as outer space beings.

These alien beings claim they want to help the human race, according to Hellyer; and Fox Mulder.

However, their plan to help the human race is a contradiction, nothing could be further from the truth.

These fallen angelic beings are on a mission to destroy man, and have done a good job in deceiving man in their attempt to destroy him.  

In Noah’s day, these fallen angelic beings messed around with the Earth’s inhabitants mixing their angelic DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, with human DNA, which then produced Nephilim.

The Nephilim were born with a mixture of human DNA and heavenly DNA, which God forbids, because this type of creature cannot be redeemed, therefore this caused God to then flood the Earth, saving only those with human DNA that could still be redeemed.

If God did not destroy the Earth’s inhabitants in Noah’s day then eventually all men would be unredeemable—this was Lucifer’s plan.

Then, after the flood, when the Earth began to populate again, the fallen angels began to corrupt various civilizations again, and this is why God used and commanded the Israelites to completely destroy these civilizations, and not because the Lord is a violent master.

The fallen angels have not gone away, they are still here, some are held in the pit bound by chains, but some are still active on the Earth—they will eventually be dealt with by Jesus Christ in the future.

Are they still actively mixing their angelic DNA with human DNA?

You would have to be very innocent to think not.

If you think this is crazy, then research the Holy Bible, and extrabiblical sources to find the evidence.

The writer of Hebrews records, that God’s angels can appear as humans, and so can fallen angels appear as human, or whatever form they choose.

Most world leaders—Luciferians—have the means and ability to consult and work with fallen angels and the demonic world, and these devils have convinced the globalists that the alien confederation will remove the born-again, bible believing Christians, from the Earth so they can then move forward with their new world order agenda.

Right now, the only thing stopping the one world government from being established, and the one world leader from being inaugurated, is the presence of the true Church of Jesus Christ on the Earth, and the Holy Spirit that indwells it as its Devine Helper—according to the Apostle Paul.

The Church will not be on the Earth forever, as soon we will be taken up by Jesus Christ.

The Holy Scriptures predict, that Jesus Christ will return to the Earth and establish an Earthly kingdom while Jews that witnessed the rebirth of the Jewish nation in 1948 are still living to witness his return also.

The Holy Scriptures also predict, that the rapture of the Church will occur at least seven years before Christ’s return to the Earth.

When the rapture of the Church does happen, I predict that the Western leaders will give the so-called aliens, their intergalactic partners, credit for the disappearance of Christians.

The West is virtually a secular society, meaning the majority believes that society can do very well without belief in the Holy Bible and the presence of Christians in the world.

Much of Western civilization today believes that there is no need for the God of the Holy Bible.

Faith in the God of the Holy Bible is discouraged in the West, especially since the end of WWII.

The United States, of America, has the last vestiges of faith in God, but even in this place faith is being attacked and its opponents are working hard to eradicate it from American society altogether—there is strong faith in God in Eastern nations, but they have different challenges with Islam, and Communism, et cetera.    

The Christian faith is attacked in America by politicians, Hollywood, the music industry, and so on.

The paradox in this non-religious twist is that the West disavows the Christian faith but is embracing Islam instead.  

Nonetheless, the West has rejected the God of the Holy Bible and the followers of Jesus Christ.

Europe has renounced Jesus Christ for some time now, but was it ever really a continent that truly had faith in Christ?

Much of Christianity in Europe is mixed with paganism and liberalism—not saying that there are not true followers of pure Christianity; those that adhere to the Holy Bible.

In the first century, the Apostle Paul, brought the message of Christ to Greece and the Roman Empire, and for centuries people in Europe accepted and followed Jesus Christ.

According to some studies, more than three quarters of Europe identify themselves as Christian today, and affiliate with Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy.

The Catholic Church has been prominent in Europe for many centuries, since the forth century, and the Protestant Church was birthed out of there in fifteen hundred, but paganism has really been the dominate force.

The people that are behind the one world government originate out of Europe, and exported this Satanic agenda and power into the early days of America.

The followers of Christ in Europe fight the good fight, but the power of Liberalism, Secularism, and now Islam, have taken over to usher in the establishment of the biblically prophesied one world government.

In America, Christianity came with European settlers fleeing religious persecution, and America eventually became a Christian nation.

It is still referred to as a Christian nation even though the number of people that affiliate themselves with true Christianity is falling, and falling fast.

Liberalism, in the West, is entrenched into some of the doctrine of Christianity, which has made it ineffective in changing the dynamics of the faith.

Many interpret the Holy Bible in America and Canada to appease their will and desire.

Over the last few decades, a hatred against Bible believing Christians has grown to where Christianity is despised by a growing number of people.

Can the blame be attributed to self-righteous, pompous people that claim to be followers of Jesus Christ?

Sure, some of it can, but the real reason that America, Europe, Canada and the United Kingdom hate true Christians is not because of the good or bad Christian, it is because they hate Jesus Christ himself.

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Man That Vanished

Early one morning, a man decides to go out for a walk near his home, and to pray.

Walking is not a frequent activity for this guy, but on this particular morning, instead of just viewing some YouTube videos on the internet, he thought he could use some exercise and pray at the same time.

He figured that he would kill two birds with one stone; as the saying goes.

His morning coffee was tasting extra good that day, so he poured himself an extra cup before he went out on his hike and prayer.

A hike and prayer, communicating with God while burning calories; a double portion of well-being.

The sun had not come up when he first started, but the weather was mild so he did not need a jacket.

He was feeling really good as he walked briskly, singing praises to the Lord, and he wondered why he does not make this a daily routine.

His journey took him near the creek that was not far from his residence, the sound of the flowing water gave his prayer time a special type of ambience, and as the sun began to rise his decision to walk and pray was the right call.

The morning sky was beautiful, the sun rising up over top of the trees, the wind was calm, and he seemed to be reaching into a richer sense of the awareness of God’s presence than what was normal for him.

He felt like he could keep walking for miles, and he imagined himself bursting through into the spiritual realm where the angels and demons do battle.

As he walked through the ankle high grass, parallel to the fast running creek, he felt the dew working its way through his hiking boots into his socks.

In his boots, he could not only feel his feet beginning to get sopping wet, but he could also hear the slushing noise wet feet make inside of footwear. 

‘Nonetheless,’ he thought, ‘I am going to keep walking, and press even further into the presence of the Lord.’

His eyes are big and wide, looking upwards into the sky, his heart is ebullient, as the Holy Spirit helps him to seek God.

He notices an eagle flying about, gliding through the sky as if this magnificent bird has taken possession of it.

This impressive creature begins to distract the man as he makes some circles above.

The man’s thoughts begin to go back and forth, from his fellowship with God to the eagle flying overhead; back and forth his mind wanders.

‘What is going on,’ he wonders, ‘is this bird watching me?’

He now, has lost his prayer time as his focal point, to focusing solely on the activity of the eagle.

The man’s pace begins to slow, and comes close to a stop, when he sees the eagle making a nose-dive to something on the ground just ahead.

The eagle then shoots upward, and the man could see what looked like a small animal make a quick leap.

He figures that it is a rabbit, as the animal picks up speed like a high-speed dragster in a drag racing competition.

He clues in quickly what is happening now, as his mind starts to think of ways to stop what he thinks is the assassination of a little bunny rabbit.

The man starts to run toward the area where the supposed assassination attempt was made, and sees the eagle coming in for a second try.

‘Oh God,’ he yells, ‘I cannot let this happen!’

The eagle is diving again, with his long talons grazing the back of the rabbit’s furry coat, when the man falls on his face onto a muddy spot of ground.

As he is down, with his face in the mud, he sees a big stick a couple of inches in front of him, laying perfectly balanced on an old fishing pail that someone had carelessly left there; or so was his immediate thought.

He picks himself up, from this embarrassing position, and grabs the big stick on the way.

Meanwhile, the eagle is stumbling forward, walking toward a pile of tree branches that someone had obviously cut off of some nearby trees, and piled them there for future removal.

The man runs as hard as he can toward the eagle, swinging the big stick back and forth yelling, ‘Get away from him you vulture!’

The eagle, being afraid, jets back up into the sky, and the man grabs the little rabbit out from under the pile of branches and begins to comfort him.

Holding him in his arms like a mother would caress a newborn baby the man hears something loud like a trumpet blowing, and a voice having authority shouting, ‘Come up here, and see all things from here on out.’

From this point on, he is puzzled, as he immediately vanished into a different world.

His body is not the same, and he senses it, as he has just been clothed with new flesh.

‘Where is the rabbit,’ he thinks, ‘where am I?’

He looks at his hands, and sees that they are his hands but they look and feel different.

He touches his face and the top of his head, then pats down his torso and legs, and he realizes that his body is no longer human flesh.

For some reason he understands that his body is now a glorious spiritual structure, he has been transformed into a heavenly being.

He is immortal, and is now dressed in a garment made of pure white.

He cannot get that trumpet blast out of his head, and especially the voice of the one that gave the loud command to, ‘come up.’

He did not see it before, but now he realizes that he is not alone, as he can see a multitude of people that look like him.

They all have heavenly bodies, and are all clothed in white just like he is.

Everyone, like him, look perplexed, but nobody says a word out loud.

The man feels different inside, it is like he has an explosive energy deep within but he knows he can contain it; he has control of this power.

He has a powerful sense of peace that fills his mind, he is not nervous, he is not afraid, because he has God’s presence all over him.

In his mind, he hears someone instructing him, and the voice he hears is that same commanding voice that called him up while he held the rabbit in his arms.

The man realizes that he and everyone else has been caught up to Heaven, as the Scriptures declare—The rapture of the Church has taken place.

He, and everyone around him, were instructed to look at the One sitting on the beautiful throne, and encircling the throne was what looked like a rainbow made of precious emerald.

Everyone was amazed, as the One on the throne was as bright as gemstones, looking like jasper and carnelian.

Going outward from this throne were beams of bright lightning, and what could be described as loud thunder.

What the man saw would be impossible, if he and the others were not supernaturally clothed in these new heavenly bodies.

The throne was situated, and all around it, was a sea of crystal glass, which reflected the powerful glory of him that sits on the throne.

Seven powerful lamps were sitting before the throne all ablaze, which represent the presence of the Holy Spirit, the One that ministered to the Body of Christ when they were still on the earth, before they were raptured.

What may be a little hard to understand, is that, even though the presence of the Holy Spirit appeared before the throne, he was also still down on the earth protecting Israel from the one that was trying to destroy her, and convincing others to repent, and turn to God.

The One, who sits on this glorious and powerful throne has company, as there are four living creatures, covered with eyes, that live around the throne too.

They are angelic in their appearance having six wings each, different types of faces though, and they continually praise and worship the One on the throne—they never stop.

Around this glorious throne are twenty-four other thrones, with twenty-four elders each possessing a throne, clothed with the same heavenly body as the man that saved the rabbit on the earth.

They too, are dressed in white garments, and each have crowns made of gold on top of their heads.  

The man, stands with all the others like him, gazing with amazement at what they are witnessing, and with everything that he beholds his heart still prompted him to think of the little rabbit that he saved from the eagle, and if the little bunny made it home safe.

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

Saturday, October 21, 2017

The Eagle and the Rabbit

One morning, a golden eagle flying across the sky had his sight downward observing movement on the ground hoping he may spot some unsuspecting prey.

He had started out early because he knew that is the best time to hunt, as was his nature he knew that the early bird catches the worm—wake up early and put in the effort usually leads to a good catch.

The sun was coming up out of the East as it always does, so his flight was West that morning by habit, knowing that his prey would be facing Westward also, so as not to be blinded by the brightness of the morning sunlight.

He could come up from behind them making his catch much easier, without having to put up with his morning prey putting up much resistance.

This plan seemed to work for him, as he learned this strategy from his mother before he left the nest to go out on his own. 

She always reminded him, ‘Prey cannot stop you if they cannot see you coming.’

He has been doing this almost every day for close to ten years, and had established this territory as his own about five years ago.

Sometimes he would go a week without hunting, and then go out and capture some prey and gorge on it all at once, until his belly felt like it would explode.

His eyes, were dark brown and like glass, so as he would glide through the air they would reflect a picture of the ground below, as they captured a perfect image of the earth with its beautiful divinely designed landscape.

He could see the top of every tree as they rose up through the ground looking like huge green colored portabella mushrooms.

He watched as the waters flowed heavy that day, down through the countryside in the knee-high creek.

Every hill and valley tested the strength of his vision, as his eyes worked like laser beams scanning for anything he could snatch up.

His wings spread out like a US, F-15 Eagle, Fighter Jet, its feathers looking similar to fingers on a large pair of hands, as God made them enormous and strong so he can glide through the air with ease.

The wind proceeded effortlessly over top of these finger like feathers making a soft and almost quiet like whistling sound.

Hanging below the belly of this majestic bird were two strong legs and feet, with four long talons on each foot with each one looking like a farmer’s scythe.

He could hear his empty belly growl, as if his last meal was demanding retribution for being sliced apart by his sharp beak, like a carving knife chopping away at raw chicken.

He had not fed for a couple of days, as the last meal seemed a little sour and left a bad taste in his mouth.

He has been having bad dreams for some time, where his prey was continually defeating him in the hunt, and they would turn on him and pick away at him instead. 

Gliding in the sky for hours the eagle kept having images of these nightmares, he wanted them to stop but they would just not go away.

When he thought he may have to give up hunting on this day he all at once sees something familiar, he spots a pair of furry ears pointing up through the shrubbery along the creek.

A reddish-brown cottontail rabbit was down there, and had zeroed in on the sound of the wind moving ever so quietly over the eagle’s wings.

The cottontail was out on personal business himself, working through the long grass and shrubs to find a good area to settle down for a while to nibble on some fresh vegetation.

His satellite-dish like ears picked up on the eagle gliding overtop, so his best move at this point was to make no movement at all.

The cottontail had some issues of his own, as he was just a young rabbit, about one year old.

He did not like taking instructions from the mother rabbit when she raised him, on how to be safe out by the creek, how to stay hidden from predators, because he thought he knew it all.

Many times, his lack of awareness got him in trouble, but he believed that his good fortune would never run out.

The mother rabbit always told him, ‘Either you wake up or you will be sorry.’

So now, the cottontail begins to think, “Maybe the eagle has not spotted me.”

Possibly he can outsmart this bird, he better not let a muscle flinch, perhaps the eagle will just fly away?

The rabbit’s heart starts to beat faster, as the eagle makes a circle over him.

Should he make a move, should he try to hop quickly and find a place of cover?

The eagle is patient, even though his hunger pains are growing stronger.

If he makes a move and the rabbit out maneuvers him he will be left with nothing for his talons to latch onto, and carry away home for breakfast.

The eagle descends closer to the ground, he tries to surprise the cottontail with a dive and scoop attack, but the rabbit is too quick, he hops lateral and the bird has to make another try.

The cottontail picks up speed in his getaway attempt, his eyes notice an area of cover in the distance; he is hopping fast and hopes he can make it.

Meanwhile, the eagle has made a circle and comes flying in right behind the speeding rabbit with his talons out stretched.

The rabbit can feel the farmer like scythes as they touch the fur on his back, his heart beating so fast he thinks it is going to explode out of his chest.

If he can only make it to the place of safety before the eagle grabs him and carries him upward.

“Faster!” he says to himself, “Come on, move it, you are almost there,” as his mind races faster than his legs.

All of a sudden, the eagle quickly pulls his wings inward which cuts his speed and brings him to a stop, while still at top speed the cottontail makes some good distance between them.

The eagle lands on the ground, with his feet kicking up some loose earth as he skids to a stop.

The cottontail’s speed gets him closer to the place he spotted as a safe place, then he makes a spectacular dive into this place of cover, like a baseball player diving head first into second base.

His heartbeat begins to slow, as he feels like he got away from yet another attacker, he checks to see if he is still in one piece and realizes that he is; he escaped death unscathed once again.

The cottontail turns around to see the eagle walking toward his hiding place like a drunken sailor, the eagle tries to walk up straight and not fall over, as his leg muscles take a few seconds to find the strength to hold up and balance his massive wings.

As the eagle gets closer to the hiding place where the cottontail is taking refuge he feels the sound of heavy footsteps coming at him, he turns and sees a man running hard toward him with a big stick and yelling, “Get away from him you vulture!”

Of course, the eagle was offended at being called a vulture, but he knew that if he did not get out of there quickly he may end up with a massive headache, after receiving that big stick on the top of his head.

He did not leave his nest that morning to end up coming home with some lumps on the noggin, and with no food.

Therefore, he opens up his wings and ascends into the sky away from the threat against him.

The man kneels down and grabs the cottontail by his long ears, and pulls him out from under his place of cover, and cuddles him up in his arms.

The man pets the cottontail on the head ever so gently, back and forth, trying to show him comfort.

All of a sudden, the cottontail falls to the ground like a brick from the sky, hitting the ground with a heavy thump.

The fall hurt a bit, but most of all the warmth of the man’s cuddle is gone, and so is the man.

Where did he go? He has disappeared!

The cottontail is in disbelieve, as one second the man is there and the next second he is gone.

Let me tell you a mystery, the Lord wills that you not be in ignorant bliss, for what you do not know can hurt you.

In a flash the Body will be changed, in the twinkling of an eye.

A trumpet will sound, and they that are living, and those that have departed in Christ, will be raised immortal.

The Lord will descend from out of Heaven shouting a command, and an archangel will be heard.

The command sounds like, ‘Come up here, and see all things from here on out.’

Those passed away, along with the living, will meet the Lord in the spiritual realm, and then be with him forevermore.

Comfort each other with this promise.

Pictures: CC0 Creative Commons

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Everyone Wants Peace

As I was taking a walk in my neighborhood a lady driving a van cuts in front of me to go into what I assume was her driveway.

As I passed behind her vehicle, I looked at her bumper as it had a number of bumper stickers on it, and one sticker in particular caught my eye.

It was a rectangular bumper sticker that had all kinds of religious symbols on it, one was the Islamic symbol, a star inside of a crescent moon, another was the Wiccan peace pentacle, yet another was the Yin Yang Taoism, there was a Judaism, star of David symbol, a Christian cross, and at the end there was a new age peace symbol, like the one that came out in the 1960’s that everyone thought was ‘so cool.’

There could have been more symbols in this bumper sticker but these were the only ones that I noticed.

There are many different types of these coexist stickers on the back end of people’s cars and trucks, and whenever I see one I wonder what type of person this could be that would stick one of these on their bumper.

We see many other types and brands of bumper stickers likewise, for example the fish that is supposed to represent Christianity, therefore it is not hard to guess what type of person tags this symbol on the bumper of their vehicle.

Than you have the guy that sticks on the back of his car the fish with little feet hanging below it, with Darwin’s name in the center of the fish, whereas this symbol is meant to mock the Christian symbol of a fish, and supposedly to call the attention of the person driving behind him that the driver of his car is an atheist—great point to make especially if he is in a serious car accident.

When people post a sticker on the back of their vehicle, no matter what that sticker represents, they are in fact declaring what they believe.

With the Christian bumper sticker, the driver is declaring the he is a Christian, and the driver with the atheist bumper sticker is saying that he does not believe God exists.

The people that post the coexist bumper sticker on their car is making a statement too, which I presume is, that if all religions would just get along then there would be peace on earth.

The dream of the coexistence of all religions, and that the result of this union will bring about peace on earth is actually a scheme of Lucifer, and within his plan there will be only one religion allowed on earth that will ultimately be forced to worship him.

Very soon, all the Western World will be forced to adhere to the teachings of the Islamic religion, while the Eastern World will just continue with their current belief system, which is they worship the State—communism.

The West, and the East, are bitter foes in the Tribulation Period, as they even are today.

Already, the West, is making the shift in the direction of a one world religion, as they are waiting to establish their one world government—prophecy unfolding before our eyes.

When all their obstacles are out of the way it will happen, because the Holy Bible says it will.

When the seven-year Tribulation Period begins the West will be forced to abandon all religions in favor of just one religion, and that one religion will be the Islamic religion.

There will be no more true Christianity, as everyone that is truly born-again will be raptured into Heaven before the seven years of hell on earth begins.

There will be no more, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, no more Jehovah Witnesses, or Watch Tower Society, only the enforcement of Islam.

The only other belief system that will be permitted, and only for just a short time, for the first 3 ½ years of the Tribulation Period, will be the Judaic faith as the Temple sacrifices will resume after more than 1947 years at this date.

This reinstitution of the former animal sacrifice will be included in the peace covenant, but will be broken and stopped by the man that assumes responsibility over this peace treaty.

Any adult in today’s society would have to be unconscious to not see that the Western political establishment at every level of government is working hard to make Islam the dominate religious system—they call it the religion of peace.

In most European communities Muslims are being put first over non-Muslims.

The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, has said that the Muslim migrants have reshaped the composition of Germany, and that the German population must accept that there are now more mosques than churches.

In many European streets, like in France and Italy, Muslims are blocking traffic as they kneel down to pray to Allah, and the police are instructed not to interrupt them from their worship time even though this is causing mayhem and chaos.

Muslim migrants in Europe are being given priority in housing and social benefits, even though many are not officially legal citizens.

In some cases, German citizens must give up a second house or cottage they own to accommodate Muslim migrants, by order of the Merkel government.

Many Muslims in Europe do not even have to prove that they have ever been gainfully employed, yet they are given healthy social benefits, while true generational European citizens are moved to the back of the line in receiving assistance.

In the United Kingdom, the politicians are enabling the Islamic community to preach hate toward their host country and its British citizens, which has just emboldened them to declare that the UK now belongs to Islam.

The state church in England, which is the Church of England, has locked arms with Islam in most parts of the country. They believe that the God of the Holy Bible and the god of the Quran are the same entity.

In the United States, and Canada, the school system at every level has all but abolished the God of the Holy Bible from their institutions, making way for Allah and the Quran.

In Metro Toronto, Canada, the school boards endorse Islamic prayer in their cafeteria’s and auditoriums and has done so for years, while at the same time they forbid the Lord’s Prayer.

The Toronto District School Board, had planned to classify October, as Islamic Heritage Month, with the development of after their morning announcements, and the playing of O’ Canada, Canada’s national anthem, the Islamic greeting “As-salamu alaykum” (peace be upon you) to be recited over the intercom, and with invitations given out to students to visit a mosque.

But, it took a leading Jewish advocacy group to intervene and force a temporary hold on this indoctrination of Islam into the Toronto school system.

Not all Islamic indoctrination has been halted but at least this part of their agenda has been put on hold.

Also, in Canada, the Federal Government is forcing the enactment of a bill that will make Islam an untouchable belief system, whereby anything written in the Quran or their hadiths will not be allowed to be questioned.

They call it, anti-Islamophobia legislation, and when the bill passes federal charges will be brought forth to anyone that questions the teachings of the Quran or the hadiths, even if these teachings go against established Canadian law.

In the, Revelation of Jesus Christ, it is written that there will be a second beast that has a major role in the one world government during the seven-year Tribulation Period.

This second beast is described as the one world government religious leader, as the imagery of two horns like a lamb but he speaks like a dragon reveals that it will be so.

He will appear to be a righteous religious leader but will really be led along by demons.

The second beast will be devoted to the first beast, the one world leader, and he will exercise all his authority making the people of the West worship the first beast.

The first beast will be someone whom the Muslim’s have longed for, and he is to them the Islamic Mahdi, as they believe the Mahdi comes into power riding on a white horse, according to the hadiths, representing a character of honesty and trustworthiness.

The hadiths also record, that the Mahdi will be king for seven years, conquer Israel and slaughter the Jews.

The Revelation says, that this leader will come to power in the imagery of a white horse, he will be made a king, and his heart is set upon conquering the world.

The Holy Bible, reveals that the one that comes riding on the white horse is the one world leader, the Antichrist who will establish this one world religion, which we can clearly see will be Islam.

Islam does not coexist with any other religion right now, so do not expect it to coexist with any other religion during the Tribulation.

The one world leader comes into power promising peace, peace among people through a one world religion but there will be no peace.

The second beast, who is also known in the Revelation as the False Prophet, and Islam believes he is the Jesus of Islamic teaching, will force everyone to worship this Islamic Mahdi, and the image built in honor of him, which will bring about much chaos on the earth because some will refuse to worship him or his image, therefore they will be killed.

The method of killing those that refuse to worship the first beast is beheading, which is the Islamic method of killing the infidels and the Christians in the Middle East today for not converting to the Islamic faith.

Every person today that has the hope that there will be peace on the earth if only all religions will coexist are deceived by the prince of darkness, the god of this world, who is that old serpent, the Devil. The same old serpent that deceived Eve into eating of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The only way true peace is going to come to the earth is when Jesus Christ comes out of Heaven to destroy the one world government leader and the armies of the world.

This will not happen until the last day of the seven-year Tribulation Period, when the Lord Jesus Christ comes out of Heaven riding on his own white horse.

With many crowns on his head, and his eyes blazing like fire, he comes dressed in a white garment that is baptized in blood.

The first and second beasts, the Islamic Mahdi and the Islamic Jesus, will then be cast into the Lake of Fire.

After this victory, there will be 1,000 years of peace on the earth as Christ will be enthroned as king over all the earth.

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Darkness Emerges

Darkness looms over the earth, the catching away will happen soon.
In a moment we will be changed, at the last trumpet.

Until then, we wait.

Automatic weapon fire, over an unsuspecting crowd, nobody knows why.

Football players take to their knee, it reveals contempt for the flag and their nation, and exposes disdain for the men and women that give their lives to protect their freedom.

People parade the street, protesting the police by chanting, ‘pigs in a blanket, fry them up like bacon.’

Multiculturalism was supposed to enhance Western society, and with some cultures it does, but with others it has only created animosity toward white society, claims of white privilege has stirred up an evil potion of hate and enmity.

Liberal pundits try to justify the killing of a healthy fetus, demonizing anyone that fights to protect the sanctity of the unborn.

There used to be only two genders, male and female, now the West insists that there are more than fifty genders.

Mother and father, must make way for the gender-neutral guardian or parent, because the world is now an inclusive environment.

Week long festivals to parade sexual orientation, seems mandatory in every city, waving flags using God’s rainbow.

The school system has abolished God of the Holy Bible from the institute of education, in favor of Allah of the Quran.

There used to be some light, slowly it turned grey, henceforth the darkness quickly comes into sight.

A leader will be given a crown, he has been chosen by the Prince of Darkness.

His inauguration will be celebrated like Hollywood on awards night; the world will rejoice.

This is what they have longed for, one leader, one government, one religion to lead the people.

He rides a white horse, a symbol of righteousness, but his ways are far from the truth.

He carries a bow without arrows for show, however the illusion will be their downfall, he will lead them to their destruction.

The world is changing, it will be void of heavenly light before long, there is no right from wrong, every man will do what seems right to him.

They refuse to cease the worship of demons, as they bow down to the golden calf, their pompous hearts cannot save them.

They are unwilling to repent, as murders increase, entrenched in witchcraft, fixed on fornication and thefts as natural as the air they breathe.

The unrepentant will be made to work as slaves, their reward will be the bread they eat each day, but those that worship demons and the golden calf will enjoy oil and wine.

Israel will enter into a peace covenant with her neighbors, the covenant of death and hell, and then the temple of God will be rebuilt in Jerusalem; on mount Moriah.

The sacrifices will begin once again, only to have the world leader then change his mind and put an end to the sacrifice and offering.

He will defile the temple, and set up in it an abomination that causes desolation, just like his forerunner, Antiochus Epiphanes.

Some will resist this new era, and will be slain because they repent and turn to the one true God.

The souls of the slain will cry out to God, and ask for vengeance against those that spill their blood—the inhabitants of the earth.

The slain will stand before God wearing white robes, holding palm branches in their hands, praising God who is on the throne, and the Lamb that sits beside him.

God’s wrath is released, and the inhabitants of the earth will see death, as they begin to slay one another; they will have no peace.

Wild beasts, the sword, famine and plague, will destroy more than a fourth of the earth’s population.

Hail and fire, mixed with blood, will propel with great force to the earth, burning one-third of its surface.

Something that looks like a large mountain fully on fire will be cast into the sea, destroying one-third of the shipping vessels, and killing one-third of all the creatures that live in the sea.

As in the days of Moses and the Pharaoh of Egypt, one-third of the sea will be turned into blood.

A great star, fully on fire, will fall from the sky causing one-third of the rivers and springs to become bitter, killing many of the earth’s inhabitants; the star is named Wormwood.

One-third of the sun, one-third of the moon, and one-third of the stars will go dark, leaving one-third of the day and one-third of the night without light.

The Abyss will be opened by a fallen angel that is given the key to the shaft of the Abyss, the place where the demons cast out of the man from the Gadarenes did not want to go.

Angels that rebelled with Lucifer against God have been sent to the Abyss, held by chains until judgment, but will be released for a short time when the angel with the key opens the Abyss to free them—God will use them to carry out his wrath on the earth.

They have a king that rules them, his name is Apollyon.  

Men will worship the great dragon, Satan, that ancient serpent, who will be thrown out of the heavenly realm after he and his angels lose their place there.

The people will worship the dragon because he empowers the first beast, the one world leader, who is a conqueror, and he is good at it too.

All men, whose names are not in the book of life, will worship the first beast because they can see that nobody can defeat him, they will follow him because once he is assassinated he comes back to life again.

Once he comes back to life again the dragon gives him his satanic power to use, which will last for three and a half years, the last half of the seven-year period, so that he can defeat those who have repented and turned to God during this time period.

With this satanic authority the first beast will conquer the inhabitants of the earth, while at the same time blaspheme God, his dwelling place, and everyone that lives in Heaven.

The great dragon gives the first beast a mouth that can speak forth satanic power.

Those that repent in these terrible times are warned to pay attention, be patient and faithful, because those that are to be taken prisoner will be imprisoned, and those that are to be slain with the sword will be slaughtered with the sword.

A second beast will accompany the first beast, and he will be overwhelmingly satanic.

The second beast will have and exercise the same satanic power as the first beast, as he is the one world leader’s personal representative.

The second beast will make the inhabitants of the earth worship the first beast.

He will have such great satanic power that he will perform powerful miracles, like making fire come out of the heavens for the whole earth to see.

Because of his miraculous powers the people build an image of the first beast in honor of him, at the second beasts instructions.

The second beast will be able to make this image come alive, so that it can speak, and cause all that refuse to worship this image to be slaughtered.

He will force everyone in his kingdom to receive a mark on their right hand or forehead, which is the name of the first beast in numerals—666.

God will commission a specific angel to warn the inhabitants of the earth not to worship the beast and his image and receive his mark, to do so will result in God’s hot wrath against them.

There will be no peace ever for those that worship the beast and his image, and receive his name.

The command for those who repent is to remain faithful to Jesus Christ, for those that will be killed for God’s sake will be blessed.

It cannot be stopped, it has been seen already, therefore it has been written.

Out of the darkness there is one bright light written for 144,000 Jewish men.

A seal is impressed on the foreheads of God’s servants, marked are the twelve tribes of Israel, 144,000 in all.

They will learn a new song, only the 144,000, and sing it before the Holy One that sits on his holy throne, the One that has the appearance of jasper and carnelian.

A rainbow, that looks like an emerald, encircles the Holy One and his throne.

The 144,000, from the twelve tribes of Israel, sing before the four living creatures who live in the midst and all around the holy throne, they have eyes covering their entire being.

They sing, and they sing alone, this new song before the twenty-four elders, who surround the holy throne dressed in white; the elders have crowns made of gold upon their heads.

These 144,000, from the twelve tribes of Israel, are able to keep themselves pure, they never dishonor God with fornication or adultery.

No lie ever proceeds forth from their mouths, God judges them as irreproachable.

They will follow the Lamb of God wherever he goes.

Picture:CC0 Creative Commons

Monday, September 11, 2017

Time and Age

They say, the speed at which the Earth rotates at the equator is just over 1000 miles per hour.

As you get closer to both the North or South Poles the speed decreases to the point that at the Poles the speed is not as intense.

So, if you live near the equator, in Asia, Africa, or South America, your feet are always in a running motion—No, not really, you do not feel the earth spinning beneath your feet.

They say, the Earth is about 93 million miles from the Sun, and the Earth travels 600 million miles to orbit the Sun once a year, at a speed of approximately 67,000 miles per hour.

The power God uses to keep his creation on the ground is gravity, which he made much stronger than centripetal acceleration, the Earth’s spinning motion, therefore there is no danger in everything on the ground lifting off and making its exit into space.

Not too many people give the Earth’s activity much thought, unless you are interested in aerospace.

God is not going to stop the World and let us off, even though Merle Haggard wished it so.

I agree with him, the thought is nice, but it is not going to happen.

The World is just going to keep spinning around the Sun; round and round we go.

Have you ever thought that time is speeding up?

Everybody thinks it is, it sure feels like it is.

I think our internal chronometer has deceived us.

Time is measured by how fast the Earth rotates, and by how long it takes to orbit the Sun.

The speed of the Earth’s rotation, and its orbital speed have not increased, so I do not believe that time is speeding up.

I think, what has happened is that we have mistaken the end of the age with the speed of time.

The conscious mind may not perceive the end of the age, mistaking it for an acceleration of time, so what many people are experiencing is their spirit is discerning the end of the age, and it being near.

To make it simple; what people perceive as time speeding up is really the end of the age being near.

People see day after day passing by, faster and faster, the years are like months, hours are like minutes.

My hair went from thick, black and curly to thinning, white and straight overnight.

What do I mean by, the end of the age, and what do I mean by, that it is near?

I mean, the end of the age is a specific time period, and this specific time period is the end of the Church age, which is coming to an end very quickly; it is near.

Some think the Church age will last forever, even into the Tribulation Period, but these people mistake the Church with Israel, they have replaced Israel with the Church.

There will always be the Church, but the holy temple which is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ being the chief cornerstone, is almost complete; the building is almost finished.

The door into the Church, like in the days of Noah when the ark door was shut, is ready to be closed; the end of the Church age is near.

The Church age began with the Lord’s disciples, when he breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit.

Some argue that the Church age did not begin until the Day of Pentecost, but when Christ breathes on you and commands you to receive the Holy Spirit, you then receive the Holy Spirit—you become a new creation.

The Church age will end when the Lord gives the command for his followers to come up and be with him forever—at the rapture.

A lady coming from a Church service said to me that the bible does not teach about a rapture, that the Lord just comes back to set up his millennial kingdom and that is it, so I told her to study her bible.

Many people are beginning to perceive that all that is going on in the World is revealing something significant, they see it as a sign, and they are paying attention.

Someone on social media commented about Hurricanes, Irma and Harvey, saying that the old man upstairs must be trying to tell us something—she was serious with her assertion.

I prefer to call him, The Ancient of Days, rather than the old man on the second floor, but what was encouraging about the comment was someone is discerning the end of the age.

Time seems like it has put the pedal to the metal, but  time does not speed up or slow down, it is always constant.

What seems like time speeding up is what I distinguish as revelation in your spirit, in that the Church has little time left on the Earth, the end of the age is almost over, and is finished with the catching up of the believer.

People are experiencing this revelation within their inner being even though they may not understand it, and they think it is time speeding up; which is scientifically impossible.

The Earth continues to spin, speeding around the Sun, and time will seem to get faster and faster until the end of the age.

After the rapture, when the end of the age is over, time will then seem to slow down to people, because the Church age is completed, and life on Earth will be the most difficult time ever.

People will then wish that the end of the age would start all over again.

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons

Thursday, August 31, 2017

100 Million Dollars

Just pretend with me now, and envision somebody comes to you and offers you $100 million, and you can have it as long as you fulfill certain conditions.
Many people dream about winning the Powerball Lottery, especially when the jackpot gets as high $758 million.
Put this thought aside for a moment and take a look at the time we live in.
In the Christian community, some have been waiting for the rapture to occur, listening for the trumpet of God, and the Lord to shout from heaven to come up and be with him.

Even though the believer is still waiting, the body of believers will be caught up anytime now; according to the correct interpretation of Scripture.

So much has been going on in the world, Islamic terrorists killing and destroying in one place or another, each and every day.

It is getting difficult in Europe and Israel to even walk safely on the sidewalk, or shop in an open market, without the scare of a cube van or a car running over dozens of people.

You do not know if you will be attacked in broad daylight, as the boldness and fearlessness of crazy people make it their mission to cause harm.

These acts of violence touch the lives of people from all cultures, races, and religious beliefs.

The magnitude of violence and destruction continues to grow.

The world was not like this fifty, forty, even twenty years ago.

Earthquakes shaking somewhere on the earth every hour, along with hurricanes, floods, fires, sinkholes, you name it; it is going on—disaster after disaster.

Europe is in shambles and will never be the same, it will not recover, the United States is ready to implode similar to ancient Rome, and the United Kingdom, along with its lightly connected British Commonwealth nations, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, have become very weak with the conspiratorial destruction of their cultural identity.  

Society has changed while we were distracted, it used to be boy meets girl, they grow up, fall in love, get married, have children, and then grow old together.

Now you cannot say boy or girl anymore because the world has become gender inclusive, and by referring to people with gender-specific pronouns you could offend someone who is transgender.

It may surprise you how few heterosexual people there are, being straight is old-fashioned while being intersexual or swinging both ways seems to be normal for so many people.

I heard an older guy comment how his awareness has increased and he just now realizes that his country is quickly changing for the worse, he believes the world is rapidly becoming unrecognizable.

It is better to be late than to never arrive at all.

They say the earth is in danger because of so-called climate change.

Forty years ago, it was climate freeze, but there was no money in that scheme because Florida continued to be the warm place for snowbirds to go for the winter.

Than they changed their tactic and made claims the earth is going to burn up, because the earth’s climate is heating up. But archived forecasts reveal the temperature naturally fluctuates and remains constant.

So, they changed the wording and now have countries paying huge amounts of tax money to fight climate change.

We are getting fleeced by political leaders, and are told it is for our own good, get on board or go to jail.

The bible predicts that the coming of the Lord is in this time period, while some believe this, and stand strong in their conviction of this revelation, there are others who openly admit that they are not sure, and besides these there is a kindred group who just refuses to believe the rapture will happen in their lifetime.

Now imagine somebody comes along and hands you an amount of money similar to a Powerball jackpot, no lottery ticket needed, just your assurance that you will not talk about, speak to anyone, or even believe or desire that the rapture will happen in the next twenty years.

If you already believe and desire that the rapture will occur shortly than you must get that idea out of your head.

If you are not sure that the rapture is about to happen than you cannot even study the bible to get the revelation.

If you already refuse to believe the rapture will happen in your life time than you cannot change your mind, no matter how much evidence you receive to the contrary.

The only way you can be the recipient of this $100 million windfall is to completely disavow and repudiate any knowledge of the rapture for the next twenty years.

Would you, accept these terms to receive $100 million?

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons
Free for commercial use

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Blind Leading the Blind

Do you remember as a child when you sat around a table with paper and pen in hand and you bounced around different types of questions to your friends?

I remember one that queried, which one of the five senses you would give up if you had to give at least one of them away.

Not sure why that was even a playful question that children would ask each other, is it from some childlore, like the riddles we used to say.

Posing enigmas and conundrums back and forth seeing who could defeat who is silly word games?

Superstition is part of the irrational thinking of most children—unless the children are mine, many parents say—as they can come up with the craziest things to ponder on.

I still wonder; does this question come from our imagination, subconsciously derived from one or more of the fairy tales we were forced to absorb, that the adults classified as classical children’s literature in times past?

I remember as a child we would tell tall tales, endeavoring devilishly to scare the heck out of one another, seeing who would run home crying to their mother first.

As fairy tales comes to mind, I remember the story of Hansel and Gretel, a fantasy tale about a wicked stepmother that schemes to drop off the children of her husband into the woods because they eat too much of her food and because she was worried about starving to death, then eventually they run into an old witch that wants to cook and eat them.

There is more to the Hansel and Gretel allegory than this short interpretation, but you can read the book.

My point is, let this fairy tale dwell in a child’s mind for a while and no wonder the thought of giving up their physical senses just seems normal.

When Jesus was on the earth he faced many challenges especially with the leaders of the Jewish society of that day.

The Scribes and the Pharisees had misled their people into following the traditions of men rather than the written Torah; the actual word of God.

If anyone should have known that Jesus was the Christ it should have been the teachers of the Law, but instead, as Jesus ministered for three and a half years the leaders just led the people farther away from the God of their father, Abraham.  

They insisted on teaching primarily the Oral Torah, the collection of oral laws compiled while being exiled in Babylon for seventy years, instead of the Written Torah, which is the writings of Moses.

The teachers of the Law made it their chief concern to teach what the Jew should eat and what not to eat, they were adamant that washing hands made you clean instead of washing the heart, they were insistent on the tithing of herbs and the giving of money to the priests, instead of supporting their own father and mother first.

The teachers of the Law taught that if the oral traditions were followed correctly than it made the Jew all right before God.

Jesus likened this type of spiritual leadership to the blind leading the blind, and he stated that both will eventually fall into a pit, and ultimately to their destruction.

The leaders of Israel were full of darkness leading their people into that same darkness.

I postulate now, and may I presume, that the Scribes and the Pharisees gave the people an ostensible spiritual requirement.

An essential requirement to make their followers duteous to their leadership.

Remember this is just a hypothesis, this is just conjecture on my part, as I let my imagination peak; I envisage of the past leadership of Israel initiating a rule for their followers to give up one of their five senses to their instruction.

I can picture Israel in one accord giving the teachers of the Law their spiritual sight, they followed them blindly instead of putting their faith in God.

Blind faith seems to have been a requisite for the faithful follower of Israel’s leaders.

Theoretically speaking this is what they did, they gave their spiritual discernment, their ability to see the truth, to the teachers of the Law—this made them spiritually blind.

The teachers of the Law, who were spiritually blind themselves, took advantage of their trust and led them in the wrong direction, down a long and wide dark path.

The blind leading the blind—blind leaders leading blind followers.

The Scribes and the Pharisees led their blind followers to crucify Jesus.

When Pilate gave them the option of crucifying the Christ or setting him free, Israel instead yelled, ‘crucify him’.  

The people were so blind they insisted that Christ’s death be upon them and their own children; not realizing what was horribly ahead for their children.

Israel’s leaders led them into one of the most horrific times they faced at that point, the destructions of the 2cd Temple and the plunder and destruction of Jerusalem, in AD 70.

Jesus prophesied this would happen in the Gospel of Luke, chapter nineteen, but because the people were blind they could not believe who he was or what he was saying.

Blind leaders leading blind followers.

Josephus, the Jewish Historian, records that during the siege of Jerusalem, AD 70, the people were so hungry that they even ate leather shoes and belts, and even human excrement.

He writes of a certain woman that was so hungry that she roasted her baby boy and ate him.

Many of the bad things that happened to the Jewish nation was because the people gave their spiritual discernment over to be possessed by their blind leaders.

In this twenty-first century, the blind is still leading the blind, but it is a little different than in the first century.

Now the politicians and the mainstream media is characteristic of the Scribes and the Pharisees, and they with leftwing propensity are like they that rejected the Christ during his first century ministry.

If you can see it, you will ascertain that the leftwing zealots have given up their spiritual insight over to a group of elitists.

These globalists are leading their blind followers into the darkest period of mankind, a time period that the bible says will be the most terrifying ever—the Tribulation Period.

The blind guides of the leftwing movement are leading the people of the West, and both will eventually fall into a pit, and ultimately to their destruction.

Since the 2011, Arab Spring, the surreptitious one world government has plunged the West into a place of weakness and total submission to their agenda.

Some call it the Arab Revolution, but this Middle East uprising was not initiated by the everyday Arab but by the Illumined Ones, using the CIA to start and fuel the chaos we witnessed on the internet.

The infiltration and influence by CIA operatives stirred the Arabs up, leading them to bring down the leaders of these Middle Eastern nations, so that the Illuminati could gain full control of these regions without the interference of their once long-standing dictators.

Over in the West, most people cheered because they thought that the poor Arabs will now be able to steer ahead to forge their own future, but instead many Islamic groups took over and went headlong killing Christians in every one of the countries that were so-called liberated.

The leaders of the West did nothing to stop the genocide of the Coptic Christians in Egypt, once the Muslim Brotherhood was granted power over the Egyptian Parliament, by the Obama administration.

While the Muslim Brotherhood had the power of government in Egypt, for approximately two years, they allowed Coptic Christians to be burned on stakes in front of the Presidential Palace every day, and the Western governments and the mainstream media kept this hidden from the people in the West.

Western governments have done nothing over the last six years to stop the genocide of the Assyrian Christians in Iraq and Syria, and in Libya it is no different as Islam makes this nation a very dangerous place to be a Christian also. 

The reason why the Obama administration, and certain leaders in Europe, was behind the removal of every leader that fell in the 2011 uprising was so that chaos would ensue bringing a flood of Muslim migrants into Europe and North America.

Why are Europe, the United States, Australia, and Canada letting primarily, and in some cases only, Muslim asylum seekers into these Western nations, and not giving Christian’s asylum?

It is the Christian’s in the Middle East that are suffering rape, violence and genocide, at the very hands of they that follow Islam.

The Arab leaders that were taken out during the Arab Spring at least made sure that Islamic movements did not massacre the Christian’s while they were in power.

Thank God, that the current POTUS is trying to change this Obama policy, but his plans seem to be finding roadblocks by the Democrats, and even by some Republican’s in the House of Congress.

The plan of the West, which is really a covert one world government, is to flood the West with Muslim men that are strong and able to fight for the cause of Islam when the time comes.

The plan is to use Islam to get their mainly white, Christian and secular, freedom loving and freethinking people under the control of a one world autocratic leader.

The force that they will use to control the populace will be under the guise of a one world religion.

The leftwing movement is calling the current POTUS, Donald Trump, an autocrat in the media and social networks, because they are truly blind to what is really ready to be revealed.

This time to come, to release the Trojan horse, is once the one world leader is announced and his government is established.

These young, strong, and soldier aged men will be the apparatus used by the False Prophet, of the Revelation, to make Western society submit to the one world religion, which will be Islam.

If you have not been paying attention, then let me warn you that the West is already submitting to Islam.

Do not be fooled by the politicians across the Western Hemisphere that say the West must be compassionate to the difficulty of the Muslims in these Middle Eastern countries, while leaving behind the Assyrian Christians and Yezidis in Syria, and the Iraqi and Libyan Christians also, to be slaughtered daily by ISIS, and every other Sharia loving Muslim.

In Canada, the current Prime Minister has made the Islamic community priority in receiving refugee status.

While Obama was the, POTUS, his administration followed the same policy, as is the policy in Germany, Sweden, France, Italy, et cetera.

Adheres to the leftwing philosophy see nothing wrong with this policy, and cannot see the real agenda behind it—the blind leading the blind.

Groups like Antifa, and other groups that supposedly oppose fascism are really themselves fascists, and are nothing more than paid puppets of the one world government.

They blindly follow their blind masters going straight into the worst time of violence, chaos and destruction this world will ever witness.

Sharia law is covertly being implemented across the West as the blind leads the blind.

Most politicians are blind to the fact that the one world government that they are working hard to establish will in the end destroy them.

They are being promised great things, like wealth, prosperity and power, but as the bible predicts they will be betrayed by the Antichrist, the whom they put their confidence in.

Leftwing millennials are the blindest of all, as they cannot see right from wrong.

Their video games, smart phones, climate change, the environment, and their sexual orientation are their biggest priorities.

They are blind and unaware of what is really ahead, not realizing that once their so-called utopia arrives that the bible says peace will be taken away, and they will start slaying each other.

Until then, the blind continues to lead the blind.

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