Tuesday, October 1, 2019

He Will Give Them What They Want

God usually gives people what they long for, normally he does not stop a person from working towards something that they desire, he sometimes will contribute to a person’s goal even if that person’s ambition is good or bad, his contribution may only be that in the end he will not stop a person from getting what they want.

In 2016, Hillary Rodham Clinton, was supposed to win the presidential election, it was all set up for her to win, from the rigging of the democratic primaries by the DNC to the presidential election on November 8, 2016, which was also rigged by the globalists, it was rigged not only by social media in that Facebook admits to posting only on the newsfeed of those that lean leftwing to go vote,[1] but search engine manipulation by Google has been proven that favored the Hillary Clinton campaign over her rival.[2] There was also a high number of illegals that voted for Clinton in the election that the mainstream media has kept a tight lid on, they estimate about three million people that were ineligible to vote in the 2016 election voted for Hillary Clinton.[3]

But instead, for reasons that cannot be explained in the natural, Donald J. Trump became the 45th President, of the United States of America, instead of Hillary Clinton who was the projected favorite, since then the Deep State has been relentlessly trying with all their might to overthrow this President’s government ever since.

Why would certain American citizens want to bring down the government of this President, was he not duly elected, why have the Democrats been working alongside some of the top FBI officials and a small number of people in the CIA in trying to convict President Trump with treason; is he guilty of the death penalty?

If you listen to only the mainstream media, who are working hand in hand with the globalists, and if you believe the words of the Democrats, you would be convinced that the President is guilty of working with Russia as a double agent, they claim he is Putin’s puppet, and they now claim he is working with Ukraine to eliminate his potential 2020 election opponent, Joe Biden. The mainstream media and the Democrats are claiming that it is because of Russia that Trump is President and that he is now pressuring Ukraine to investigate Biden of specific crimes so that he can win in 2020— there is evidence that Joe Biden is guilty of quid pro quo crimes he committed while being the Vice-President in the Obama administration and this evidence will be eventually released by The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) in the near future.

After the Mueller Report came out, and Robert Mueller himself testified before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees, the conclusion was that there was no collusion, there was no evidence that Trump colluded with the Russians. After Mueller’s report and especially after his testimony to clarify his report the right thing for the Democrats to do would be to eat crow, and humbly admit that they were wrong in bringing forth their allegations of corruption and confess to the American public that the evidence proves the President was innocent of  colluding with the Russians all this time, but instead, they have now shrewdly manufactured a new reason to go ahead and try to impeach the President with the now-famous Ukraine phone call. The release of the phone transcript proves the President did nothing wrong, but the Democrats still claim there was a quid pro quo hid in code in the President's conversation with the Ukrainian President.  

Why are the Democrats and the mainstream media hell-bent on impeaching the President, especially when the facts repeat themselves and the findings have been that Donald Trump is innocent of all their allegations?

Why is the West fixated on a so-called climate crises when really there is no real evidence of such a thing, again there is only  false inference and manufactured evidence of a climate crisis, it is all fear-mongering,  why is their current prophet of climate change a sixteen-year-old girl from Sweden, will serious adults really allow themselves to be led by children? Why are leftwing politicians along with the public school system and colleges and universities instilling fear in Generation Z (people born between 1995-2012) about an issue they claim is a climate crisis, why are they trying so desperately to convince young people that the world is going to end in the next twelve years if  world leaders do not act immediately and ban the use of fossil fuels, why do they preach that the combustion engine must be eliminated, why do they demand society stop eating red meat?

Why have  American educators been so successful in convincing Generation Z, and before that Generation Y, more commonly known as the Millennials (people born between 1977-1994), that there are more than two genders, that there are a vast number of non-binary gender (non-binary gender is also known as genderqueer), why is this generation so convinced that gender identity is not binary and that it has nothing to do with the male or female parts they were born with but rather gender identity is determined by how a person feels? Educators teach that if a male at some point feels like he is a female then he can identify himself as such, and if a female at a particular time in her life feels like she is a male then she can also identify as such, and if anyone in this generation is not sure about what gender they identify with than they have a multitude of genders to choose from; the BBC teaches children that there are 100 genders to choose from.[4]

Why can a certain world leader in Canada, who has known nothing else but the world of elitism, be convicted of two ethics violations[5] (something that no other Prime Minister has been found guilty of), be known to have groped at least one woman,[6] dressed up in blackface not once but on at least three separate occasions,[7] and even on one of these occasions, he stuffed a banana down the front of his pants to make his crouch look like a bulging piece of male masculinity, and still, be able to run for his political party in their upcoming federal election to become the Prime Minister of his country, and this even for the second time?

Why has Europe opened up their borders to a culture that openly refuses to assimilate into the European culture, even to the point where this culture has now taken over Europe and literally demands that their culture and religion have dominance over the European population, why has Canada, Australia, and the UK done the same thing, even demeaning  and denouncing Christianity to appease Islam, and why are the Democrats in the United States so determined to flood America with illegal immigrants even willing to put them all on Medicare, social assistance, and even give them voting rights, why do they call it 'hate' if you disagree with this leftwing policy?

The world is on course for a one world government, meaning that the West will form its own distinct global government completely eliminating nation-states, and all that we are witnessing in the news and in society today is the lead up to it. It will be an autocratic government with a despot as its ruler, the politicians and the mainstream media have this information but they are keeping much of it secret, but what parts they do decide to report they make it sound like utopia.

The globalists hate President Trump intensely because he stands in the way of allowing this to happen in the United States, as I said above, they had it all planned to be full steam ahead once Hillary Clinton became President but Trump tripped them up. The last piece of the global government is the USA, and for that piece to fit Trump’s government has to be overthrown, and their actions prove they can’t wait until the 2020 election to see if they can beat him fair-and-square with the support of voters.

The drastic change we have experienced in North America over the last ten years is because of this one world government agenda, the globalists have confused  the younger generation about their gender identity so that they can have tighter control over them, non-binary people depend on the government more than what they realize, governments under a globalist ideology promise non-binary people the world while at the same time the globalists vilify binary individuals. The open border agenda is to flood the West with third-world people to drive down wages and crush the middle-class, and at the same time the globalists demand the illegal immigrants depend on them as well. The so-called climate crisis is just a scheme to empty people’s pockets and make them dependent on the government for assistance, and is just a devious way to redistribute wealth.

As I watch and learn how the globalists are working to crush the last holdout nation, the United States of America, it makes me sad. The globalists are weakening it to the point where it will be forced to merge with the rest of the West to form a global government with a one-world agenda. I know that it will happen because the word of God says it will happen,[8] years ago I thought that maybe it would not happen in my lifetime, but everything points to it happening very soon. The American republic cannot stand much longer with all that is taking place, America is on the cusp of becoming completely out of control so that the global government can take control; God is going to give the globalist what they want.

Some Christians think that things are going to get better in the world, they listen to false prophets and false teachers that tell them this lie, but like the sixteen-year-old girl from Sweden who tells the world there is a climate crisis the false prophets and false teachers in the Church are deceivers too, speaking lies and not the word of God, they speak lies to make themselves popular instead of speaking what is truth—the world will not get better until after the seven-year Tribulation Period has run it's course.  

The Christian's primary hope right now is for the rapture to occur because God has promised that he will catch away his people off the earth before the one world leader takes control.[9] If the evidence reveals that the despot ruler is ready to take control than how soon will it be before we hear the Lord call us up into eternity?  

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