Wednesday, June 12, 2019

What Day Is It?

On occasion I notice  myself asking what day of the week it is. It is not that I am developing senile dementia or something like that because I can assure you that my mind is still significantly strong, and although the power  of my memory is nowhere as quick as the RAM on your computer my brain is still pretty acute. I am sure that many of you can sympathize as this forgetfulness I am told is common.

Without getting into the science of  human behavior, forgetting what day of the week it is can be as simple as it is really just not that important to some of us. Our daily routine does not require us  to register  something as  minor as if today is Wednesday, or whatever day of the week it is for that matter. The day of the week is itty-bitty to some people like retirees, or people that don’t have anywhere specific to be day-after-day, therefore the day of the week is likely not the most important thought that many of us burden.

Some of the clergy don’t know what day it is, neither do many of the believer’s that they shepherd. I am not now referring to whether today is Wednesday or Thursday either. I am not referring to what day it is on the Gregorian calendar but now I am referring to what day it is on God’s calendar.

Many that  believe in Christ don’t know what day it is on God’s calendar because they depend on the clergy to feed them the right spiritual material thereby giving them the right prophetic background of what day it is on God’s prophetic calendar. Some believers lack the ability to gain knowledge of the Scriptures on their own because they are deficient in the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, their knowledge of God’s will and his divine plan for this day is sorely lacking.

The clergy that doesn’t know what day it is on God’s calendar are similar to the believer’s under their care, they are fragmental in the Spirit of wisdom and revelation also. This Spirit is something that the Apostle Paul sensed the need for when he prayed for the Ephesian Church so that they could know the Father better.[1] Some of these clergy forbid feeding their flock the right heavenly substance because they are ignorant of the end-times, and sadly others purposely forbid teaching the right prophetic material for this day and hour because of their personal aspirations. They have visions of ministerial grandeur that causes them to actually lack the knowledge of what day it is on God’s prophetic calendar. Their  so-called spiritual magnificence whether consciously or not is preeminent over God’s agenda. So in short,  the prophetic word of God is of no importance as far as many of those that are in ministry are concerned.

I sometimes hear a few ministers say that the days we live in are evil. At least these ministers have some discernment and acknowledge what is taking place on the earth, not like those that are completely asleep and only know how to whistle Dixie. The days we live in are not yet as horrible as the world will experience in the Tribulation Period, but we are pretty close  from how we have seen evil increase just within the last few years. It is not difficult to see that God’s calendar is ready to close out the day we live in now and turn the page over to the next day. The day in which I speak and we are warned about  is; “the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.”[2]

One brother that I talk a lot with about the day we live in confesses that he never ever thought even just ten years ago that the world would have become this evil this side of the Tribulation period. I concur with his thoughts, as I never dreamed that here in North America it would be a crime to tell your son that he cannot become a girl, or that you cannot tell your little girl that she can become a boy.  In Canada, a parent can have their child taken away from them if they discourage and inhibit their children from changing their gender, and they can even be federally prosecuted if they do. Apparently, there are about sixty-three genders in the world. Facebook offers seventy-one gender options to their users at the time of this writing; and as we all know whatever this social media titan exploits then society favorably expresses wholehearted agreement.

The Vatican has for some time now embraced Islam, many protestant churches believe that they and Muslims worship the same God. The one world religion in the Tribulation Period will have Islam as its base in my observations, and Rome will be acquiescent to Sharia; this is after Rome confesses that the extraterrestrials are real and that the aliens from outer-space only want to help mankind evolve.

I never thought I would see the day when people would think that it is okay to abort a baby even after it has been born. Hollywood is actually threatening states that want to protect the unborn, they say they will not produce their craft in these pro-life states anymore unless these states abort babies even up to birth. Abortion is more than just terminating an unwanted pregnancy as it is actually child sacrifice. The fallen angels have always demanded that man sacrifice children’s blood to them, the earliest of the world’s cultures did it to receive health and wealth from the Watchers; even the evil kings of Israel sacrificed their children to Baal. Today's child sacrifice is disguised as something  good and if you oppose it then you are labeled as hateful.

Believer’s that don’t know what day it is believe that if they just pray hard and long enough that God will stop the evil that has filled the earth, they  think  that by their prayers and diligent works they can turn this generation around and  everyone will get saved. They that admit there will be a Tribulation Period think they can slow it down and even stop it from coming while they live out a long and happy life on the earth. But I am sorry, I hate to burst the bubble of those that have been hoodwinked, because they can’t stop the rapture or the Tribulation Period from coming at their appointed times no matter how hard and long they beseech  God; when they pray and hope like this they are actually praying against what is written.

God will bring an end to the evil that has filled the earth but it will not happen until Christ comes out of heaven with the armies of heaven,[3] this is at the end of the Tribulation Period, this is at least seven years after the Body of Christ is raptured. Prior to this time the evil in the world will continue to increase. Even while the Church is still on the earth there is no way that we can stop it as you may have noticed by now. You may think that we can slow it down but why would we want to slow God’s prophetic calendar down.

This is what God’s prophetic calendar indicates: Wars and rumors of wars will increase, every culture on earth will continually be at odds with one another and the accusations of racism will increase  as cultures work to eliminate one another, peoples hatred will only get worse.[4] People that once confessed Christ will  renounce the faith and be seduced by demons.[5] People’s love for self will control them as they loathe anyone that stands for righteousness. We cannot change these perilous times even though it is hard to bear and even though it pains us that most people cannot comprehend the truth. These things have been prophesied and they are happening today, trying to change God’s calendar is like trying to put air in a hammerlock.[6]

The way we should be praying should be something like this: All who are appointed to eternal life should stop resisting the truth and put their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord today,[7] and we pray that God will shine his light in their hearts “to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”[8]

The Church is not going to convert the whole world to Christ[9] as more and more churches are now falsely believing, because the gospel is completely dark to those that will perish; the chief fallen angel has blinded them. He is the god of this world we live in, and he has blinded the lost because they refuse to believe.[10]

God’s prophetic calendar reveals that Israel’s salvation is about to happen,[11] and the significant sign was revealed in 1948 when Israel received her national sovereignty one more time.[12] The modern nation of Israel was born in a day,[13] so now is the  time for the church to wake up and pay attention to what day it is.

“Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed” (Romans 13:11, ESV).

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[1] Ephesians 1:17; Colossians 1:9-11; 2:2-3
[2] Revelation 3:10 (ASV)
[3] Revelation 20:11-21
[4] Matthew 24:6-12
[5] 1 Timothy 4:1; 2 Thessalonians 2:3
[6] 2 Timothy 3:1-7
[7] Acts 13:48
[8] 2 Corinthians 4:6b (ASV)
[9] John 10:26-27
[10] 2 Corinthians 4:3-4
[11] Daniel 9:24-27
[12] Matthew 24:32-34; Mark 13:28-30; Luke 21:29-32
[13] Isaiah 66:8-10