Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A Year Has Passed


As you know: A year ago, on October 7, 2023, Israel was attacked by Hamas, along with some small Palestinian militant groups—some non-militant members of the Palestinian people also partook in the massacre. The attack was initiated from the Gaza Strip into the Gaza Envelope (Hebrew: עוטף עזה – Otef Aza) which is in the Southern District of Israel—Western Negev. Over 1,200 Israelis, young and old, were brutally killed. There were approximately 46 Americans who died in the attack. These brutal savages raped and tortured the Israeli people that day, young and old, taking more than 250 hostages. They took them and hid them in Gazan homes and terrorist tunnels. There were 12 Jewish Americans included in the number taken hostage. On the day I wrote this article, there were still over 100 of the hostages still being held by the terrorists. And even now, after a year has passed, anti-Jewish/Israeli mobs still rally in many major cities across the West proclaiming the massacre was a victory. Pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah supporters have been harassing Jews in their neighborhoods ever since the massacre happened. They have vandalized Jewish homes and businesses and ripped down posters that have pictures of Jewish hostages on them. And for the most part, the police have stood down while Jews suffer harassment—not much is being done to stop it by all levels of government.

Seeing videos of the anti-Jewish/Israeli rallies I cannot help but notice how the pro-terrorist mobs have taken control of the streets they demonstrate on. Their demonstrations are generally a mix of young Arabs and white and black leftwing males and females. They shout: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free;” “Free, free Palestine;” “Death to Israel and America.”[1] In Canada and Australia, they are chanting: “Death to Canada” and “Death to Australia.” As the world gets very close to the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation Period, and the revealing of the man who is the Antichrist, I also cannot help but ponder about the fate of these anti-Semites. Whether or not they understand what they are doing, or the words they speak, they are headed towards disaster. To put it bluntly, there is a curse on them. This is what I mean: When Balak (king of Moab) hired Balaam to curse Israel God said to Balaam that he should not curse them because they are blessed (Num. 22:1-12). When Balaam sent word to Balak that he refused to curse Israel Balak only persisted (Num. 22:13-17).  But then Balaam thought he could bargain with Balak to receive riches (Num. 22:18). So, God came to Balaam to test him (Num. 22:20). Balaam went with the princes of Moab but God was angry with Balaam because he went with the princes of Moab (Nu, 22:21-22a). After Balaam’s encounter with the angel of the Lord who opposed him, he was instructed to go with the princes of Balak (Num. 22:22b-35). When Balaam met Balak they both offered a sacrifice (Num. 23:1-2). Then God met Balaam and put a word in his mouth (Num. 23:4-5). When Balaam went to Balak again, he spoke blessing over Israel instead of cursing them (Num. 23:6-12). Then Balak convinced Balaam to go with him to the top of Pisgah in the field of Zophim to try and curse the children of Israel again (Num. 23:13-14). Balaam again inquired of the Lord and God put another word in Balaam’s mouth (Num. 23:15-16). Balaam went to Balak and informed him that God does not lie or change his mind, God has blessed Israel and Balaam cannot revoke it (Num. 23:17-20). He added, that God is with Israel and no one can curse them (Num. 23:21-24). Then Balak said: “Do not curse them at all, and do not bless them at all” (Num. 23:25, ESV). Balaam resisted Balak’s request (Num. 23:26). Then Balak asked Balaam to curse Israel a third time, and he then built another altar and offered a ram and a bull on it (Num. 23:27-30). But again, Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, so he stopped trying to use sorcery to curse Israel (Num. 24:1). He then began to bless Israel once the Spirit of the Lord came upon him (Num. 24:2-9a). Balaam declared over Israel: “Blessed are those who bless you, and cursed are those who curse you” (Num. 24:9b, ESV). Balaam declared the promise of God upon Abram/Abraham, and Isaac's promise upon his son, Jacob/Israel (Gen. 12:3; 27:29). Therefore, there is a curse upon every Gentile who is protesting out in the streets of Western cities in favor of the extermination of the Jewish people and the state of Israel. The anti-Jewish/Israeli rallies are themselves cursed by God. These protesters do not realize that persecuting the Jewish people is like touching the apple (pupil) of God’s eye (Deut. 32:9-10; Zech. 2:8c; Ps. 17:8). What this statement means, is that the nation of Israel is dear to Yahweh, they are important to him.[2]  

Because these people are cursed, they will end up cast into the place where there will be weeping and the gnashing of teeth, which is the Tribulation Period—I have stated in previous articles that I believe the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth mentioned by Jesus is the 70th week of Israel/7-year Tribulation Period. Now, we hope these people will receive the grace of God and believe in Jesus Christ so they can be saved before the rapture of the body of Christ occurs. This is their only hope of escaping the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. Scripture reveals that the nation of Israel as a whole will enter the Tribulation Period, but this is the will of God for them, because it is predetermined that they must go through their 70th week to be saved (Dan. 9:24-27). Of course, there are countless Jews who have already been moved by the Spirit of the Lord and have put their faith in Jesus as Savior in this age of grace; the church age. Therefore, they have become part of the new creation (Rom. 10:9-13; 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15). By putting their faith in Jesus this side of the rapture they will not have to enter into the Tribulation Period. But, as a nation, because they refuse to put their faith in Jesus, they will have to enter their 70th week period (Rom. 9:30-33). Israel seeks to be righteous before God on their terms, not on God’s terms (Rom. 10:1-4). The reason for their refusal to put their faith in Jesus is because of a partial hardening of their hearts until the full number of Gentiles who have been appointed to eternal life have put their faith in Jesus (Rom. 11:25). This hardening is because they rejected Jesus during his first appearance (Ps. 22:6-8; Isa. 53:2-3; Matt. 23:37-39; 27:17-23; Lk. 19:41-42) and were then scattered throughout the world after the 2nd temple and Jerusalem were destroyed by Rome (Lk. 19:43-44).

What will the anti-Jewish/Israeli protesters who are persecuting the Jews on the streets of Western cities experience once Israel’s 70th week begins? What will the Tribulation Period be like for them? Their horror will begin by witnessing the rapture of the body of Christ out of this world (1 Thess. 4:16-17). As many of you know, the rapture will occur before the Antichrist is revealed (2 Thess. 2:1-3, 6-8a). As I said, we hope these people will be saved before the rapture occurs so they can be caught up to be with the Lord and escape the Tribulation Period. Some may put their faith in Jesus before the rapture. And that would be a good thing. They will witness the man who is appointed as the Antichrist force a peace deal between Israel and its Arab neighbors (Dan. 9:26b-27a). When this happens, they will not be happy, because the Antichrist initially will not attempt to destroy the Jews or even cast them out of the land of Israel. But instead, he will let them erect a 3rd temple and resume animal sacrifices (Rev. 11:1-2; Dan. 9:27b; 12:11). Their discouragement will last only a few years—if they survive that long. Because in the middle of Israel’s 70th week, the Antichrist government will begin to persecute and kill the Jewish people (Dan. 9:27c; Matt. 24:15-22; Rev. 12:13). Some of the anti-Jewish/Israeli protestors may live to see the Antichrist persecute the Jews, others will die once Seal 1-4 are opened by the Lamb of God (Rev. 6:1-8).

Once the Antichrist is inaugurated as the Western leader, he will begin to conquer those who oppose him (Rev. 6:2). People will slaughter one another because of the great division that will be sown by the Antichrist and his followers (Rev. 6:4). This operation is one way the global government will depopulate the earth, by turning people against each other. If there are any of the protesters of the anti-Jewish/Israeli rallies still alive after the 2nd Seal is open, they will experience food shortages like never seen before; what food there is will cost a fortune—this is the 3rd Seal being opened (Rev. 6:5-6b). But the elites will have plenty of food and drink—they will live in luxury as the rest of the West suffers greatly (Rev. 6:6c). The carnage does not end with the 2nd Seal, because when the 4th Seal is opened the anti-Jewish/Israeli protesters will experience the spirits of θάνατος καὶ ὁ ᾅδης (thánatos kaí o ádis) “death and Hades” begin to overpower a fourth of the earth’s population by war, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts (Rev. 6:7-8). When Revelation 6:8b/c is translated into English from the Morphological Greek New Testament (mGNT) without parsing the text (analyzing each word critically), it reads: “He who sat on it was called Death, and the Devil followed with him.” So, you can see that the English word “Hades” is translated as “Devil” without the text being parsed. When the same Scripture is translated into English from the Textus Receptus (TR) without parsing the test, it reads: “He who sat on him was called Death, and the beast followed with him.” So, in this unparsed text, you can see that the English word “Hades” reads, “the beast.” I assume the phrase, “the beast” refers to the “Devil.”   

Once the anti-Jewish/Israeli protestors enter into the Tribulation/70th week of Israel they will not be able to escape the first four Seals. There could be some of them that are seen under the altar of God in heaven because they were killed because of Jesus (Rev. 6:9). That means their hearts turned to Jesus Christ once they were in the Tribulation and repented of their sins—they will also repent of persecuting Israel. They will cry out to Jesus under the altar and ask him when he will judge the Antichrist government for killing them (Rev. 6:10). They will each then be given a στολὴ λευκή (stolí lefkí) “white uniform” or garment (Rev. 6:11a). They will be told to rest a while until the rest of σύνδουλοι αὐτῶν καὶ οἱ ἀδελφοὶ αὐτῶν (sýndouloi aftón kaí oi adelfoí aftón) “their companions and their brothers” be killed as they were (Rev. 6:11b/c/d). If the anti-Jewish/Israeli protestors refuse to repent of their sins they will then face the opening of the 6th and 7th Seal (Rev. 6:12-17; 8:1-2). After this, there are 7-Trumpet Judgments to be completed, followed by the 7-Bowl Judgments.  

In my personal opinion: The anti-Jewish/Israeli protestors should stop their persecution of the Jewish people, repent, and receive the grace of God and be saved today. This very day!

Picture: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators.

Richard Lautens / Toronto Star.