Monday, May 23, 2022

One Day Closer


Have you every wondered if there are people like you? Sometimes I feel this way. And then along comes that time when I get talking to that certain someone and the conversation leads to the realization that, YES, there are people like me. I am not the kind of person that thinks I am anyone special because I am not. I am just one of the more than 7.7 billion people on this planet who are all different in one way or another. Our many differences have to do with the way we think, what we believe, what we accept as true or false. What we believe is usually what we are influenced by. Do we feed our mind on things that are true or things that are not? Some people say truth is relative or subjective. They believe what is true for me may not be truth to them. Some contend that truth is subjective based on how a person feels or what opinions they may have. To me truth is not based on how I feel but it is a governing set of principles that are based on fact. The word of God, the Holy Scriptures, are truth. They are divine reality that deal in facts. Every word that God speaks is fact as it eventually proves to be true. Everything the God of the Holy Scriptures speaks will inevitably happen just as he said it would. To be certain, God is truth. People that think like me live each day as they come to us, but we also look ahead to the future. Biblical prophecy is important to us. We focus on Biblical prophecy because we can be sure it will certainly happen just as God said it would. We look ahead to the promises prophesied in the Holy Scriptures, and in particular they that have to do with our salvation.

When a person gets saved by the grace of God their spirit gets changed. Prior to this the believer was dead in their sins and transgressions. They followed the ways of this world and they were subject to the gods of this world, the fallen angels, especially the chief fallen angel called Satan (Eph. 2:1-2; Job 1:6-7). The fallen angels and the spirits of their offspring are at work in every person that is disobedient to the God of creation, Yahweh. There is no neutral territory. A person is either being influenced by a fallen angel, a Nephilim spirit (demon), or by the Spirit of God. But once a person is saved by the grace of God salvation then goes to work in the believer as they enable it so. The believer is urged to offer their body up to God as a living sacrifice, they must be holy so they can please their Savior. This is how the believer worships God in the spiritual aspect of their salvation (Rom. 12:1). They must break off the ways of this world from their lifestyle so that their soul or mind can be transformed. This is how they can know what God’s will is for their life. God’s will, is good and it is perfect. When a believer walks in the will of God it is pleasing to him (Rom. 12:2).

The Bible prophesies that one day the salvation process will be completed in the body of Christ (1 Cor. 15:50-53). Right now, our spirit is redeemed, our soul is being renewed, and our body will be redeemed when the rapture of the body of Christ occurs (1 Thess. 4:13-18). As we walk in the ways of God, he will sanctify us so that we can be completely holy. The goal is that our entire spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the hour the rapture happens (1 Thess. 5:23). It is a long process for some, depending on how long you have been waiting for the coming of the Lord. Rest assured, we are one day closer to that day than we were yesterday. We are one hour closer to that moment than we were an hour ago.

The world is deteriorating really fast. Have you noticed how progressively worse it has got since the first pandemic lockdown? Many people complied to the government mandates with the hope the world would go back to freedom and prosperity once the suppositious health crisis was over. Though there has been some sense of normalcy for about a half a year now, don’t get fooled because it is only a ruse. There are leaders from approximately 191 countries right now meeting in Davos Switzerland scheming a way to take back the little bit of freedom that we thought we got back. Their objective is to crush freedom even more than what the West experienced in 2020-2021. And if that is not enough their ultimate goal is to take all the wealth in the West for themselves. The elite believe the world’s wealth is theirs anyways. They let society use it for a while and now they are going to take it all back. You have heard of the phrase: “You will own nothing and be happy about it.” Well, this is what is happening in Davos this week at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting (May 22-26, 2022). They are making plans to take society’s freedom and wealth away, eventually forcing western humanity to be their personal bondservants. Of course, they have already brainstormed in the ways they will reduce the population. So don’t be surprised as the world’s population soon begins to decrease substantially.

In America today, there is little to none baby formula on supermarket shelves for infants. Although, there are numerous pallets and a substantial amount of baby formula at the southern border ready to be used by the mothers with infants crossing into the States illegally. But there is only a limited supply on the shelves of supermarkets for American babies. I heard today (Sunday) a cargo plane brought in a shipment of baby formula from Europe, but that shipment is not going to fill the shelves at stores. Rather it is being sent to physician’s offices. Why? It makes you wonder. I am suspicious. This is only a minute part of the damage President, Joe Biden, is doing to the United States of America. Deutsche Bank, is warning that a major recession is going to hit the United States.[1] In April, they said it may be a mild one, but since then the economy is worsening by the day. America is on the edge of a cliff, and since Biden became President, it is being pushed over daily to its destruction. The Biden administration could get things back on track by allowing fracking and oil drilling, but they won’t. They could enforce the border laws at the southern border, but they resist. They continue to print trillions of dollars to pay for their agenda, not caring that it is causing a great increase in inflation. The Biden administration and every globalist that supports it are intent on destroying America, one piece at a time. Their goal is a one-world government.  

President, Joe Biden, wants to censor the flow of information in America. In April, they set up a Disinformation Department under the watch of the USA’s Department of Homeland Security. It has been put on pause for the moment because of the backlash it has caused, but you can be sure it will come back. The Canadian government is doing something similar. The neighboring governments, both which are far-Left, fascist style regimes, want to censor any information on the internet that reveals their corrupt operations. They want to hide their nefarious scheme to implement the global government prophesied in the Bible.

I was talking to a woman in the church foyer after the service yesterday. Our conversation got onto the Antichrist government that is soon to be a reality. This global government is the last world empire mentioned in the book of Daniel (Dan. 2:40-43; 7:19-25). I mentioned to her how the seven-year Tribulation Period will be realized very soon, and she agreed. She indicated that she also sees the global government emerging, even having heard of one of the top players. You have heard of him too, Klaus Schwab. He was born in Ravensburg, Germany, in 1938, and he is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum. I shared with her that the rapture of the church will happen first and then the Tribulation Period will follow. She responded again by agreeing likewise, saying that she believes we won’t be here to see the Tribulation Period begin. I was surprised at her response because many Christians today either don’t believe the church will be raptured before the Tribulation Period, believing the church is destined to go into it and be raptured sometime during that horrible seven years, or they just refuse to believe the church will be raptured at all. The latter somehow believe the church will defeat the Antichrist government, save the whole world, and then welcome Jesus back to the earth to set up his millennial kingdom. If there ever was a group that is being led astray by deceiving spirits it is that one. Have they not read and studied the Revelation of Jesus Christ? What do they think Revelation 19:11-21 is saying anyways? And then, sadly there is the group that believes the rapture or the Tribulation Period won’t happen at all in this generation. This group just doesn’t want to be raptured, because they enjoy the temptations of this world too much. Nonetheless, this Christian sister does not realize the joy that filled my heart once I realized the knowledge that the Lord has given to her concerning the time, we live in. It tells me that her heart is open to receiving knowledge of endtimes Bible prophecy.

Endtimes prophecy is not a subject most Christians seem to focus on. I am discouraged that most don’t seek this knowledge. I don’t know what day the rapture of the body of Christ will happen, nor does anyone else. But the Lord has given us the knowledge of the generation in which this event will occur, and this is that generation. The generation that witnessed Israel become a sovereign nation again (May 14, 1948) is the generation that will witness first the rapture of the church, then the seven-year Tribulation Period (Israel’s seventieth week), and then the second appearance of Jesus (Matt. 24:32-34) as he comes out of the eternal realm riding on a white horse. His eyes will be ablaze like fire, and he will be dressed in a robe dipped in blood. His second advent will occur on the last day of Israel’s seventieth week; day 2,520 (Dan. 9:24-27). Some people alive today will see these three events happen one by one if they are not raptured with the body of Christ, and they make it through the whole seven years of God’s wrath to the end. In fact, Jews that witnessed the rebirth of their homeland in 1948 will be among the number of people that will make it though to the end of Israel’s seventieth week period. They will be among the number that will receive Jesus as their King once they witness him strike down the nations by the words he will speak at that time (Rev. 19:15).

I thank God for the knowledge that he has revealed to us, that this is the generation that will experience the coming of the Lord Jesus to snatch his church out of this world. With all that we have went through in the last two years, and knowing that the elites will not stop until their global government is implemented, does this knowledge not give you hope? It sure does me! As each day goes by, we get one day closer to it actually happening. I urge the body of Christ to seek the things that are above, where the Messiah is seated at the right hand of his Father. Set your mind on that place, and get it off of the things of this world. Once the rapture occurs, we will be with the Lord in glory.

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