Sunday, May 27, 2018

Pray, Christian, Pray

This past Friday, an independent reporter from the UK was arrested and sentenced to thirteen months in jail all on the same day, all within a few hours.

The reporter was arrested for, what the West Yorkshire Police call, breaching the peace, but all he was doing was a live-stream Facebook video on the trial outside of Leeds Crown Court on an alleged child rape gang.

Child rape gangs are a growing concern in the United Kingdom and the European Union, especially since Western Europe has opened up its borders to migrants from Africa and the Middle East.

There was a court order of silence on this case, but it had already been reported in some UK newspapers, and the news had already been made public; the reporters of these established UK newspapers who had already made this case public were never arrested or harassed by the police, but this independent reporter was.

The reporter who was arrested, was reporting the case to his Facebook followers when he got the opportunity to record a couple of the alleged child grooming gang defendants as they entered the courthouse, and then the West Yorkshire Police demanded he stop recording, according to one news report from the UK.

He had been reporting live on Facebook for about an hour when the police then approached him again and arrested him, then he was whisked away, off to stand before a judge who then immediately gave him a thirteen-month sentence.

A couple of years ago, another man in the UK, was arrested and sentenced to twelve months in jail for allegedly placing a bacon sandwich in front of a mosque, this man was killed in prison before his prison sentenced was completed.

The prison sentences of these two men seem a little extreme to me, one for exercising free speech, reporting on a case that has already been made public, and the other for doing a stupid and juvenile prank by placing a sandwich with bacon in it on the steps of a place of Islamic worship.

Can anyone explain to me how any of these charges ended up with prison time?

But, this is the way the United Kingdom and other European Union countries have been moving towards in the last few years, all in the name of appeasing one certain religion; what the West is witnessing is Sharia law being established right before its very eyes.

People in the UK are being arrested if they post so-called anti-Muslim tweets or Facebook posts, even if their post is only to question the Islamic faith, as the British are experiencing visits by the police and having their flats raided by the authorities, usually throughout the night while people are in bed.

This act of totalitarianism is frightfully familiar to former Soviet citizens, as they too experienced government authorities charging into homes while people were in their beds sleeping, the police claiming they were enemies of the state.

Journalists, Christians, Jews and anyone that the state deemed as a dissident was then carried off to prison to be interrogated, and then a judge would send them off with long prison sentences or even death.

Is this the new United Kingdom, where the police will arrest anyone for what they consider anti-Islamic behavior, where the authorities are now acting on behalf of Islam and enforcing Sharia law amongst its citizenry?

In Sweden, the streets have been taken over by countless gangs of migrants from Africa and the Middle East, who are responsible for an extreme rise in crime and violence with rapes that are out of control, and yet the Swedish politicians are turning a blind eye to this disastrous situation that has turned Sweden into a hellhole.  

Police officers in Sweden are being threatened with violence if they make any attempt to bring these gangs under control as officers are being attacked openly.

The vice chair of the Swedish Police Union, refers to the violent change in Swedish society as a “parallel society,” as the no-go zones in Sweden are everywhere and completely out of hand; if you are not Muslim you will pay a violent price for going in the areas of Sweden that they have confiscated and turned into their own Islamic states.

Swedish politicians and the leftwing pundits deny that there is a problem, they censor most of what can be reported on this issue and like the UK arrest anyone that speaks out against Islam and the migrant issue.

Germany and France, are not the nations they once were of even just thirty or forty years ago, as they have opened their borders to Muslim migration, and instead of the people of the Muslim faith thanking these nations and being grateful for being offered a better and different life, from what they experienced from where they have come from, they have taken over the streets and demand that Sharia law be the law of the land in these once proud European nations.

Again, the politicians and anyone connected to the leftwing agenda, refuse to admit there is a conflict of differing cultures within their borders, and will arrest and harass anyone that questions Islam or their open border agendas.

There are Muslims that are thankful and grateful for the better life they have received from their host nations, as many of them abide by the laws and respect the differing cultures in the countries that have welcomed them, and they too are also being overwhelmed by the recent migrants that have come in illegally over the last few years in the so-called false cause of asylum seeking.

Community after community are bewildered, as many of the recent migrant men are raping and pillaging Germany and France, as the leftwing politicians just sit back and watch the destruction of both the German and French societies. 

We have all seen the video footage of these asylum seekers, a high percentage of them are men in their late teens and up into their late twenties and early thirties, these men are all able bodied military aged men, who should be staying in their home countries and fighting to make them better for their women and children, but instead the EU is allowing them in by the hundreds of thousands, even millions, giving them social assistance and providing them everything that the German and French people have worked for, and what do these men do but rape the European women and feed off the social assist programs.  

Italy has also become chaotic as its country is at the breaking point and cannot handle anymore of these migrants, as Italian streets are filled with migrant squatters, who harass people on the streets for money and food, disrespecting the Italian seniors, and even assaulting them.

On-line you will see video after video of the migrants laying down in the middle of busy streets and highways until they get Nike running shoes and smartphones from the government.

The Left in Italy brand anyone that is concerned about the chaos the migrants are causing as being anti-immigrant, which this is not the case, as Italian citizens are rightfully concerned about the violence these so-called refugee and asylum seekers are perpetrating.

Italy is even making people move out of their rentals so the government can then house the migrants.

Up in Canada, the federal government there is allowing so-called asylum seekers to illegally cross the border into Canada from the United States, even instructing their Royal Canadian Mounted Police to assist these illegals as they cross the border, and from there, these illegals are granted full social assistance on the Canadian taxpayer dime. 

The Canadian government has on their agenda to make it illegal for any Canadian to speak out against the Islamic faith, even if Canadian citizens are concerned that Sharia law will be implemented into Canadian law, and the government is attempting to flood the nation with migrants from Islamic countries to fundamentally change the cultural structure that has existed in Canadian society since its confederation in 1867.

The citizens of Canada, Germany, France, Italy and Sweden, are not against Muslims or against helping migrants that desire a better and safer life in Europe or North America, but when most of these migrants of the Muslim faith come to these continents their agenda is simple, overcome and conquer these societies to establish their own law, which is Sharia; it is this scheme that the people should be aware of and have every right to be concerned.

People that know bible prophecy; know that there will be a one world government, with a one world leader, and a one world religion, and prophecy students know that the governments of the West have already implemented the transition from nationalism into globalism, they know that the new world order exists with a one world government takeover ready to happen with the next big crisis—the next big crisis is how close we are to the one world government coming out from the shadows into the open.

The mass migration of people from Africa and the Middle East is all part of this transition, the mass migration of people that are all of the Islamic faith is no coincident, as Islam has already taken over the West as the preferred and so-called sacred religion according to the politicians and the leftwing media.

It already dominates European society, and with what is taking place in the shadows of Canada, in the bowels of their government, the establishment, and the leftwing media, the wheels are turning for a foreign takeover of society.

Some non-religious people can see what is happening across the West, they can see on the door step of Western society the not-so-secret plan to over throw Western nations and their free societies, which will soon be overpowered by a one world dictator and a brutal one world religion.

The Christians in the West, a good number of them anyhow, seem to be unaware of the events taking place that will eventually crush anything that resembles their faith, as once the one world religion is established every Christian place of worship will be destroyed, because Christianity will be against Sharia law—ask the Christians still living in Africa and the Middle East if I what I am saying is true.

Any believer that thinks the Tribulation Period is way off in the future is unaware of prophecy that reveals the coming of the Lord and refers to Daniel’s seventieth week prediction.

There are some Christians that believe they will go into part of, or even through the whole Tribulation Period, so they can be lights for Jesus, so that they can be witnesses during that time, converting all of humanity and then usher Jesus back to the earth.  

I would have to disagree with this idea, they read the Revelation different than me, but I wonder, if they desire to go into the most terrible time period that man will ever experience if God will grant them their desire.

The best weapon the Church has is their faith in Christ, but if the believer thinks that God is about to stop the violence and mayhem taking place in the world, and make everything all happy and peaceful, then they are blind to bible prophecy, the Scriptures reveal the opposite, and reveal that things are only going to get worse, some Christians just do not understand that we are living in a world that resembles the days of Noah and Lot.

The direction of the world will not change for the better, our prayers and intercession will not change the fact that the world is headed for a one world dictatorship government; it has been prophesied and written.

The world is bad and getting worse, and there will be no world-wide Christian conversion as some believers believe, only the diminishing of many people’s faith in Christ, as the bible has predicted, that in this generation, the generation that will witness Christ come back to the earth, which is at the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period, wickedness will increase and love will be hard-pressed to recognize, people are departing from the faith as the rapture of the Church draws near.  

The world is not interested in Christ anymore, as people are listening and following seducing spirits rather than the Spirit of Christ, this sounds pretty hopeless, but this is bible prophecy.

We are living in terrible times, men are lovers of themselves and of money like never before, we live in the time when people are abandoning the faith and following deceiving spirits, demonic teaching is leading many astray.

If your church is not feeding you doctrine that inform you about the end-times, and about bible prophecy that point to the days we live in, then your congregation is being led astray, you may have biblical teaching but Christ demands that end-time teaching be the main focus in these final days of the Church age, these days that resemble the days of Noah.

Every person called into the ministry offices, the people put in charge of ministering to the Church, those that are instructed to feed the household of God the right food at the right time, must do as he instructed or it will not end up well with them when the rapture occurs; he warns that they will be assigned a place with the unbelievers.

If you have no idea what it means that we are living in the days of Noah than you have no idea how to keep watch and be ready, and you will not be ready when the bridegroom comes for his bride at the rapture, your lamp is dry and you will miss the hour of his return—replenish your lamp before it is too late.

Even though the world is bad and getting worse, as every day goes by, and you have the understanding that the whole world will not be saved, this does not excuse the believer or should cause him to stop praying for the salvation of souls, or stop him from sharing his  faith, or deter him from working hard to convince people to believe, but more than ever before, pray, Christian, pray that as many as possible will believe and get saved, but do not expect the whole world to get saved or even a large portion of it, because it will not happen according to the Scriptures.

After the rapture, many will repent and turn to God during the seven-year Tribulation Period, but even though this number be a great multitude that is too hard to count it is small in comparison to those that refuse to repent, for the road to damnation is wide and most choose to go through that gate, and those that do repent, they that are referred to as the Tribulation Saints, will be tortured and killed for this decision, and before the rapture the number of conversions keep dwindling, for the gate into eternal life is narrow and only a small number find it, not because people are not praying, but because people are rejecting the Christ to follow seducing spirits—men are too in love with themselves rather than realize their need of God.

Compared to the size of the earth’s population, the number of Christian conversions is really low, even in the Eastern portions of the world, for many the Lord calls, yet only a small number are chosen, but every person saved is because of your prayers and your intercession before God.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world because of many factors; in spite of the hard work and effort of the Church to proselytize the Muslim world Islam just keeps growing and multiplying quickly, and now that Western governments have secretly mandated that Islam be adhered to and Christianity be demonized still some will believe, but the number of conversions are measly compared to the rise of Islam.

Many believer’s want a healthy, prosperous, long life on this earth, and are not really concerned or give much thought to the estimated 100,000 believers that are martyred in the Islamic nations each year.

There are more Christians being killed in the world today than ever before, and yet many in the Western Church just want to live happy and joyful lives, instead of calling on God to rapture the Church, which is something he commands us to do anyways.

Nothing wrong with being happy and blessed but understanding the times we live in is knowledge that God wants us to have, it is important for the believer to realize that this present time is similar to the days of Noah and point to the rapture of the Church.

The rapture of the Church will bring an end to the Church age, the believers salvation will be completed, be clothed with glorified bodies, and then the Lord can focus on redeeming the nation of Israel for the final seven years of their decreed 490-year period spoken of in Daniel.

Pray, Christian, pray that God will strengthen you until the day and hour of the rapture, keeping you unaware of this day is the scheme of the Deceiver, not being ready for the rapture means your hope is not in the coming of the Lord, for it is written that hope in the rapture purifies the believer, just as the Christ is pure.

This is not the time for you to be expecting the world to get better, that evil will cease and it will be like the good old days, but now is the time to watch and pray, because you do not know what hour your Lord will sound the trumpet and then catch you up.

If you cannot see how close the hour is from all that is taking place in the world than you need to arise out of your sleep and let the truth of God’s word illuminate your heart and mind.

Picture: CC0 Creative Commons