Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Another Language Emerged

On Sunday, May 20, 2018, was Pentecost Sunday, which is approximately 1,986 years after the early believers were first filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages foreign to their mother tongue.

This is 1,986 solar years, if you believe the Lord ascended back into the eternal realm in the year AD 32, forty days after he was raised from the dead.

We celebrated this event on Sunday morning in our church service, with the Senior Pastor preaching a message about the Holy Spirit descending upon the believers that were waiting in the Upper Room, tarrying for this gift that was promised by the Father, that they would be baptized with the Holy Spirit.

Being baptized in the Holy Spirit is different than being baptized in water, which is also fundamental for every believer, for being baptized in water is the immersion of the body in water to declare your dedication to Christ, while being baptized in the Holy Spirit is being immersed outwardly and also receiving an internal diffusion of the power of the Spirit, hence the terminology being filled with the Holy Spirit, even though the Spirit dwells within the believer already.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is the same terminology as being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

A believer receives the Holy Spirit upon believing on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Spirit then immediately dwells with the spirit of the believer, which then seals the believer to Christ as a guarantee of our inheritance—the Holy Spirit seals the believer for the day when our redemption is completed, and that day being the rapture of the Church.

But, it is essential that the believer also seeks after and receives the baptism of the Spirit so that the power of God can then reside with the believer, for even though the Spirit dwells within every believer they still need to function in the Spirits power, like operating in his gifts and having the power to overcome the schemes of the evil one.

Am I saying that the Spirit that dwells within is not efficient enough? No, I am not.

What I am saying, is that the process of the Father is to not only have the Spirit dwell with our spirit, but in addition, we need the infusion of his power both within and outwardly to function as a heavenly being in a physical body; for if you are born-again you are a new creation, spiritually you are a heavenly being, different than the angels, but the nonetheless a spiritual being in a physical body, which one day will be changed into a spiritual body when it is glorified, at the completion of salvation.

If the man Jesus, who while in his physical body was equal with God the Father, needed to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, or rather, be filled with the Spirit, while in his human body, than do you not think it is also important that every believer be filled with the Holy Spirit?

Being baptized with the Holy Spirit is a gift the Father promised to those that believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Christ commanded his disciples to receive this gift.

I remember when I was first baptized in the Holy Spirit back in 1985, which was only about two weeks after receiving Jesus Christ as my Savior and being born-again.

I had not even found or decided which church to go to yet, and I knew practically nothing about the Holy Spirit and even less about the Father for that matter.

I did not know anything about the Father until I asked Jesus who the Father was, all I knew was Jesus as the Lord, and after asking the Lord to reveal him to me he then gave me the knowledge of who my Eternal Father is.

Receiving the revelation into whom the Father was came just days before the Lord baptized me with his Spirit, and back then, when I would pray, my words were getting all jumbled up, as if I was losing control of my tongue, it was like I was tongue tied.

I asked a friend at my workplace, who was instrumental in me wanting to follow Jesus Christ, if he had any idea why my tongue was acting this way while I prayed; I wondered if he had ever experienced or heard of such a thing.

He asked me if I knew what the baptism in the Holy Spirit was, and of course I had to confess that I did not know.

He told me to ask Jesus to baptize me in the Holy Spirit, so after this I did what my friend suggested.

After I asked Jesus to baptize me in his Holy Spirit, like my friend recommended, my tongue still acted up on me every time I prayed, until a few days later while I was out on the job, and praising the Lord in song, another language emerged from my mouth like water gushing out of a fireman’s hose, it was like Jesus had said, it was like rivers of living water were coming forth from deep within me, but this river came forth with a language I did not know.

I was actually singing like an opera singer on stage to God, in a language not my own, for about five minutes straight.

I was not worried if anybody saw or heard me, I was not conscious about anyone or anything around me but the Lord Jesus Christ.

Once I saw my friend at work later on that day, I told him what I had experienced, and he was filled with joy and explained to me that Jesus had baptized me in the Holy Spirit, like God had baptized the disciples with the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room, and that the unknown language was the evidence that I had received this gift, just as it was with the people in the Upper Room.

Since that day, the heavenly languages that the Holy Spirit gave to me have matured and become a considerable and expansive spiritual dialect.

The languages that the Holy Spirit uses to pray to the Father through me are; Hebrew, Arabic, the Italian dialect, and most times a language that is unfamiliar to me.

How do I know that the tongues I speak have matured into a vast vocabulary, or that even Hebrew, Arabic and Italian are the languages the Spirit of God often uses to communicate to the Father through me?

I know because we live in a multicultural world, and these languages and more are spoken it seems wherever a person goes, they are spoken in malls, grocery stores and the workplace, often heard on radio and TV, so it is not hard for a person to distinguish which language they hear being spoken.

I have heard other people pray in tongues, and the Holy Spirit uses the Mandarin dialect through some of them, I have heard the Spirit use the Spanish language, German, Russian, and other languages, and with so many people I have no clue what language the Spirit is using to speak to the Father.

To further add, how do I know that the tongues I speak is considerable, this knowledge comes because I can hear the words I speak when I pray in the Spirit, many people pray in the Spirit with a vast vocabulary, some pray in the Spirit using just one or two phrases repeatedly, it does not matter as long as the believer prays in the Holy Spirit and prays in the Spirit using other tongues often.

Has the Holy Spirit ever revealed to you what he is praying while you pray in tongues? How will you know if he does? He may reveal to you what he is praying sometimes if you let your spirit be in union with him.

When I first received this spiritual power, to pray in another language, I was tempted many times to record myself when I prayed, because I was curious what he was praying, but every time this idea came into my thoughts the Spirit would suggest to me not to do this, so now I do not even consider it.

I remember when I was just a little boy, I could not have been any more than seven or eight years old, and a little girl that I have known all my life was about two years older than me, we were at a Sunday night service on a hot summer evening.

I walked into one of the classrooms at the back of the church and there she was, on her knees with her hands stretched out to God and praying profusely in a language that was not her own, her tears continuously flowed down her cheeks which drenched the front of her dress.

The Pastor’s wife, and another lady whom I recognized as a Sunday School teacher, was by her side trying to figure out what language this little girl was praying in, to which they had then concluded she was praying to God in Latin.

This little girl spoke to God in this unknown language for about a half an hour, at least this is what I remember from an incident that occurred about fifty years ago.

Praying in the Spirit can also be just praying in our mother tongue, being led by the Holy Spirit when praying, but praying in the Spirit letting the Spirit speak another language can only come if a person is baptized in the Holy Spirit like the disciple’s experienced in the Upper Room.

Some believers disagree in what being baptized in the Holy Spirit is, some believe it is just receiving the Holy Spirit at salvation, but like me and others we believe it is an experience that comes after receiving the Holy Spirit at salvation, where now the Holy Spirit clothes the believer with spiritual power from the eternal realm, and the evidence of this power is being able to then speak and pray in a language, or languages other than your mother tongue.

It is like learning a foreign language without having to study or take a language class, but instead it is the power of the Holy Spirit enabling the believer to speak other languages as he empowers them to do so.

I can remember one time at a prayer meeting, when the Lord said to pray for a certain man there to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I asked him if I could and he agreed, I prayed for him but nothing happened, but the next morning at church he and his wife came to me in a state of ecstasy, and told me that at the exact same time I prayed for him to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit she received the baptism and began to speak in a foreign language, while sitting at her kitchen table talking to a friend and drinking coffee.

I have witnessed many people receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in foreign tongues, and contrariwise I have seen people ask to be filled with the Spirit and not receive this power for whatever the reason.

The body of Christ should all seek to be filled with the Spirit’s power, never give up, no matter how long and how hard you have to believe for it.

Speaking in a foreign tongue is the evidence that you have received and are filled with the Holy Spirit’s power, and if Jesus instructed the Apostles to wait for this gift that his Father promised than every believer must be baptized with the Holy Spirit without exception.

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