Thursday, January 19, 2017

Paris Fizzles Out

Apparently the peace summit held in Paris France this past Sunday, January 15, 2017, was a complete washout; so they are telling us.
The conference, which was a one day event accomplished very little in establishing a two-state solution.
Israel and the Palestinians were absent from the final peace conference hosted by the French President, François Hollande.
Hollande’s peace initiative that began in Paris last year, June 03, 2016, worked hard in resolving the Mid-East conflict.
The French Prime Minister invited 70 countries to participate in this summit hoping that their efforts would bring both the Israelis and Palestinians back to the table and accept the establishment of an independent Palestinian State next to the State of Israel.
The United Nations, along with the demand of the Palestinians, have plans to divide the Israeli capital of Jerusalem, giving East Jerusalem to the Palestinians as their state capital.
Their one day effort was not what they hoped for.
After all, I assumed that the conference would last two or three days.
Why did it last only one day?
I thought the 70 countries would reach a consensus and be unanimous in demanding Netanyahu and Abbas be forced into signing an agreement that would impose a two-state solution that would bring supposed peace to the Middle East.
Of course the signing date would be a few months in the future.
I was expecting the UN to enforce a signing date this Nissan; in time for Passover.
Instead the 70 nations and their representatives concluded there is nothing they can do at this time and all went their separate ways.
It does not sound like they put much effort into their objective.
What happened?
They gave their reasons for not proceeding with their goal but did 70 nations all have to fly to Paris to decide their outcome.
Do these aristocrats not have cell phones?
I guess they are not too concerned about greenhouse gas emissions from their government jets.
Did they not learn anything about global warming at the Paris climate treaty?  
Was the January 15th meeting just a last minute threat to scare Israel into giving up East Jerusalem before Trump is inaugurated this Friday?
Why did this Paris peace summit end up being just another opportunity to experience superb French pastries and a glass of Château Rayas rather than producing a date set for the establishment of a Palestinian State alongside the Israeli State?
The enforcement of a two-state solution is what many thought would happen.
Many assumed with this being the last week of Barack Obama’s administration that this conference would have made history by enforcing the Mid-East peace deal.
Now, Secretary of State John Kerry, indicates that their will be no more discussions resulting from the Paris summit.
I cannot help but be suspicious.
So does this mean that Obama and his administration will not get a peace deal done, and he will not be directly responsible for supposed peace between Israel and the Palestinians?
At least while he is the President of the United States he will not be able to.
Maybe Obama will end up with a position in the UN where he will work directly with Israel and the Palestinians to resolve their differences, and still end up being the one who enforces the peace covenant.
The next little while will reveal the story.
President-elect, Donald J. Trump, will be inaugurated as America’s 45th president January 20, 2017, as long as something drastic does not happen to him as CNN reported on a possible scenario.
If you did not know CNN reported on a possible scenario if Trump and Pence were assassinated just prior to the inauguration.
They can say they were just making a storyline.
Do they know something that is in the works, or are these liberal cry babies just hopeful?
Treasonous thinking with suggestive overtones; I would argue.
Trump has said that his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, will broker an Israeli/Palestinian peace deal.
Kushner has a position in the Trump administration as a senior advisor.
The 45th POTUS plans on giving Kushner the assignment of negotiating this peace deal whereas John Kerry before him failed.
Trump believes that with Kushner’s history of the region and the people he most likely can get a deal done.
I personally hope that Kushner cannot get a deal done.
Am I not in favour of the Trump administration doing what so many administrations before him have not been able to do, and that getting a peace deal done between Israel and the Palestinians?
No! I am not in favour of Donald Trump getting a peace deal done thereby bringing a two-state solution to pass.
I am not in favour of him dividing Jerusalem because God says that those nations that do he will destroy; as is written in the prophetical writings of the Prophet Joel.
Furthermore, I do not want Donald Trump to be the man responsible for the peace treaty.
If he is the man responsible then he is the Antichrist.
Someone asked me just last year, when Trump was running for the Republican nomination, if he was the Antichrist.
The book of Daniel says that the ruler who will enforce the Mid-East peace treaty, a seven year covenant of peace, is the same man who will desecrate the Third Temple in the middle of the seven year covenant.
This man is the one world leader of a one world government, infamously known as the man of sin; the Antichrist.
I am not sure that Trump realizes this.
I think he has a few Christian leaders advising him?
So I am confused.
My advice to Trump would be to keep this peace deal at the bottom of a long list of things to do.
Let someone else, besides your son-in-law, or anybody else in your administration, get a peace deal done.
There are many men who will sell their soul to be that man.
There is a long list of men that want to be the man who brings peace to the Middle East.
What a great leader the world would deem him to be.
What a legacy he will leave, as the man that resolved the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
Why do you think Obama pushed so hard to get it done?
He promised he would have a peace deal completed before he left office.
I am going to use a famous phrase used by Barack Obama and seems to have caught on in American politics.
Here it goes.
“Let me be clear!”
There will be a world leader that will enforce a peace covenant between Israel and the Palestinians; I just do not want it to be Trump.
For the sake of his eternal soul.
YouTube Video: Middle East Peace Conference In Paris Has Neither Palestinian Nor Israeli Representatives Attending!
YouTube Video: Who is 'designated survivor' at inauguration?