Saturday, June 13, 2020

The Tribulation Generation


The title of this article is one that you have likely only heard if you have read my articles that I post on my blog-site. I can’t recall ever hearing this term from any other writer or commentator, and I don’t know if anyone else uses this phrase, but a few years ago this term came to me as I witnessed the subtle shift taking place in society. The world has always been a place submitted to the god of this world but just after my retirement I began to notice how the world was becoming more like what society would be like in the initial stages of the seven-year Tribulation Period. Before this revelatory insight I always wondered how the people would be once the West became a global government ruled by a dictator. How would they act, how would they think, how would they conduct themselves once the church-age is over and the influence of the Body of Christ is removed from the earth? I could read from the Scriptures what the world would be like as the Tribulation Period started to progress into totalitarianism, but up until a little while ago I couldn’t picture how people would react in a world having been recently removed from a culture where respective freedom was available to a society plunged into an oppressive civilization under the thumb of a dictator. People from communist countries have first-hand knowledge of what dictatorial rule is like, but me, being from the West, can only form an opinion from educational material. But one thing I know for sure, the Tribulation Period government will make all other dictatorial governments look tame in comparison according to the Scriptures.   

I first started to notice how people were becoming more selfish and self-centered than what was normal, by the aggressive way they drive their cars, how truculent they have become even in the grocery stores or in the malls as they will push and shove their way around making sure they are in front. There has always been aggressive drivers and rude behavior in the community but over the last few years it is like self-control has been chained, recklessness and conceit abound, people have become more abusive and ungrateful. Have you noticed how a good number of Millennial's (people born between 1980-1994) think they are superior to the Baby Boomers (people born between 1944-1964)? There used to be a time when younger adults showed respect and sought after the wisdom of the elderly; not so much now. Have you noticed how most of those in Generation Z (people born between 1995-2015) seem to have disdain for Generation X (people born between 1965-1979)? At one time, the kids used to admire the generation before them hoping that one day they could be like them because they held them in high esteem. Now, many of the kids believe that anyone senior is to blame for their failures, and that they should fork over their wealth to them because they are obligated to. I suppose in a way from the Baby Boomers to Generation Z, each generation has no one to blame but the preceding generation. Since World War II, each generation has been a colossal failure to the one following it, as from Generation Z back to the Baby Boomers each has been left with terrible examples. People have become lovers of themselves more in these final days of the church-age than ever before, and that selfishness has increased exponentially as the rapture of the church gets closer.

The Tribulation Generation really seemed to come to light once Donald Trump became the 45th President, of the United States, of America, in 2016. The signs that the Tribulation Period was not too far off really manifested itself in the media and in left-wing politics. The hatred they have for this president is disturbing, 24/7 they attack him, not a day goes by where they do not ridicule him on network news or the Democrats are not threatening to impeach him. The news media and most politicians are all part of the global scheme to transition the West into a one-world government, that will end up with unelected people that will lead them. They believed that the time had come for their occult prophecies to come to pass in 2016 when their so-called savior of the world was supposed to shortly emerge once Hillary Clinton became President. But, as you know, she didn’t win the election, Donald Trump did, and his presidential victory has put the transition on hold. They didn’t expect this to happen so this is why they have been using all their worldly power to bring him down. If you wonder why Hollywood entertainers despise Trump so much it is because they have sold their soul to the Illuminati; the Luciferians behind this push for a global government.

What has really brought to light the unveiling of the Tribulation Generation is the people’s adherence to the government’s reaction to covid-19, the stay-at-home decree and the social distancing orders would have never been obeyed even just a few years ago by North American citizens. Only in communist countries do the people adhere to government decrees so easily without resistance especially when it comes to constitutional freedoms. And then, the governments introduced a report on your neighbor scheme, all in the name of keeping everyone safe—they set up snitch hotlines. So many people at the beginning of the coronavirus became like the German people under Nazism, calls to police stations and bylaw offices increased exponentially as American’s and Canadian’s began to report anybody, anyone they thought was not following covid-19 health recommendations. These recommendations were and still are being issued by unelected heath officials, and stiff penalties are being administered by local, and state government officials to anyone not obeying their decrees. After three months many places are still forced to some kind of lockdown, many businesses are still not allowed to reopen. Churches are now government-run as government officials are telling churches how many people they can accommodate and forcing them to follow strict covid guidelines. Some governors and mayors may implement an attendance register that everyone must sign before they enter a church service (how close to a communist government is that). Many local, state, and federal governments across the West have become dictatorial, and the scary thing is so many people are okay with it. On social media there are so many people displaying their displeasure that the governments have begun to allow some businesses and churches to reopen. Most of these people have been deceived, and believe there will be a second-wave and that millions of people will die, because they believe the lies of the globalists. Some of these people are just left-wing ideologues and believe they can use this fear to control people. I don’t care how educated a person is, if they believe whatever the globalists propagate then they most likely are not Bible believing people; they are part of the Tribulation Generation.

For three months the government and media narrative has been that social distancing is essential. They preach it is better to stay home to stay safe. And then huge protests began on May 26, 2020, over a black man being killed during a police arrest. The streets in every big city began to be filled with huge crowds of people, shoulder-to-shoulder protesting this death, but all of a sudden it was now okay for people to gather en masse according to the media and politicians. The media and left-wing politicians are now fine with people not social distancing to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, and they even criticize people for pointing out this double-standard, this hypocrisy. Oh, you still have to stay home unless it is essential, you still have to abide by social distancing rules if you are not participating in protests against the police and their so-called excessive force and their so-called racism. They say it is okay to be out in large crowds protesting the police but just make sure you wear a mask, also, don’t breathe too hard either. I would suggest that masks make good face-gear to conceal the identity of the rioters, looters, and all those committing terrible acts of violence.  Do you notice how quickly the protests were taken over by Marxists, by the anarchists, by looters and some very violent individuals? If anyone thinks that these protests were not organized beforehand then just go smoke another joint. These groups are being funded by left-wing organizations and elite globalists. Their goal is to destroy enough US infrastructure and cause enough havoc in order to get President Trump out of office; one way or another.[1] They know they cannot allow him to thwart their one-world government transition again this election year, so they will burn down and destroy America if they have to.

What we have been witnessing with this overreaching government control for the last three months is what the world will be like once the church is raptured out of the world. Even now their control is more than what I thought they would have while the church is still on the earth. I mean, the West is supposed to be free, we fought against Communism and lost many lives doing it.  This is yet another of so many of the signs pointing to how close the Tribulation Period really is. Today’s society is giving birth to the Tribulation Generation and most seem to be okay with it. What most don’t realize is that that the real masterminds behind the government lock-downs and now the violence and destruction and the unstoppable anarchy is the global government. Its leaders that will rule the earth during the seven-year Tribulation Period are in some shape or form in charge already, and they are behind the chaos that we are witnessing. Most of the church doesn’t know this. Many church leaders are in denial, because they believe they still have some spiritual destiny to perform on the earth and the rapture of the church will only get in the way of their spiritual fame.  

To some people it may sound like I have a cynical attitude towards these people I refer to as the Tribulation Generation, like I don’t care for them, like I am predetermining their future on my own without authority, some may think I am fatalistic. Think of me as you will, but my so-called pessimism is based on what the Bible talks about concerning the end-times. The Scriptures indicate that God already knows every person that will be birthed into the Body of Christ, everyone that will receive Jesus as Lord.[2] He appoints eternal life to every person he knows will believe and who will honor his word, he knows in advance every person that will put their faith in and who will remain in Jesus Christ.[3] Eternal life means that you get a glorified body and become a spiritual man on the day God completes the salvation process within the church of God,[4] this occurs at the day of the rapture of the church.[5]

Receiving eternal life is not the same as living forever in an earthly body, they are distinctly different. A person that receives eternal life will forever be made a spiritual being, just like the man Christ Jesus (however he is God and we are not), but a person that will live forever in a human body will be granted that power after he is resurrected from the dead after having been killed by the one world government during the seven-year Tribulation Period. This will happen at the first resurrection, which happens after the Tribulation Period is over, and after Israel has anointed Jesus as their Messiah.[6] The rapture of the Body of Christ occurs before the seven-year Tribulation Period begins, and the first resurrection of the Tribulation saints happens after the seven-year Tribulation Period is over. There will be people that make it through the Tribulation Period without being killed, like the Jews that God finds a hiding place for during the reign of the Antichrist so that he can spare them because they are remnant Israel.[7]

Now don’t be confused, there will be certain Jewish people that will be raptured in the Tribulation Period. There will be 144,000 Jewish men, sealed by God from all the tribes of Israel, that will be redeemed from the earth. These men will not defile themselves with women, they will keep themselves pure, no lie will fall from their lips, the Scripture calls them blameless. They will be offered to Yahweh and Jesus Christ during the Tribulation Period as first-fruits, meaning they will be the raptured out of the earth and receive eternal life during this time period.[8] Then there will be the two Tribulation Period Prophets, they will prophecy and minister for forty-two months during the Tribulation Period. These two witnesses will perform mighty miracles in Jerusalem which will drive the world leaders mad, so when their ministry is over the globalists will be permitted to kill them. Their bodies will lie in the streets of Jerusalem for three and a half days and then God brings them back to life again, something like Lazarus from the village of Bethany. Once he brings them back from the dead it terrifies the people in the near vicinity, and then God raptures them up out of the earth like he did the Body of Christ a few years earlier. He does this while their enemies were standing watching.[9]

Just as there are people appointed to eternal life there are also people appointed to death, meaning God knows that they will never turn to him no matter how many times they hear the truth of Scripture. These people he gives over to their own desires which in them they will perish.[10] These people will never receive the truth because they desire wickedness instead, they will perish because they refuse to love the truth and be saved.[11] Because there are appointments to eternal life and appointments to death, this does not mean we don’t preach the gospel message to every person. We do not know who is appointed to what, only God knows. God even gives to those he knows are appointed to death the same opportunity to receive the truth and receive Jesus like those that are appointed to eternal life.

The people we see doing all the rioting, looting, burning and destroying businesses, burning and destroying police cars, defacing and pulling down statues, calling for the defunding and dismantling of police forces, are without a doubt the Tribulation Generation. The people that preach the globalist agenda in the media, and the globalist politicians that are working to destroy national sovereignty are no doubt the Tribulation Generation also. When the Tribulation Generation is being revealed right before our eyes this shows us how close the world is to entering into what the Bible says will be intense tribulation unlike any other time in history.[12] The rioters, looters, and those causing all the mayhem in the streets of America right now, and everywhere else the protests are taking place against the police around the world, are being used by the global powers to tear down American society so that it can more easily transition into an arm of the one world government. America, in its present structure, must be torn down in order for the elites to control American society. According to the occultists, Washington DC is the place where Osiris/Apollo/the global leader (the Antichrist), will be resurrected. The so-called protesters think they are fighting back against police racism and police injustice because this is what their handlers are telling them, they don’t even realize the true agenda behind this revolutionary movement. They have been taught in school by their Marxists professors that socialism is good, and that it is up to them to bring about a socialist revolution, destroy American capitalism so that a new socialist order can emerge. But in reality, these people are being used as little globalist pawns to usher in the one world government. The leaders of Antifa, and the upper management of the Black Lives Matter movement know exactly what the endgame is here (they know where the money is coming from), but the sheeple think they are just being part of a movement to create a utopian country where they will be taken care of by the wealth of others.    

The Tribulation Period is very close to its beginning and these people are on the wrong road. Are there people taking part in this anarchy that are appointed to eternal life? Certainly, there could be, and if so, they will heed the word of God that has been preached to them. They can escape the Tribulation Period by obeying the word of life they have heard, but they must do it quickly because time is running out. You can be certain that these people have heard the word of truth over and over again since they reside in the United States of America, since they live in the Western World. The truth is preached day and night in North America and the rest of the West, in churches, on television, on radio, on the internet. If any of these people that I refer to as the Tribulation Generation do go into the Tribulation Period than it is not because they have not heard the gospel message, or had the opportunity to do so, but rather it is because they desire their evil ways more than being made righteous. It will be because they hate the truth, the only way to be saved.


Andrew Harnik / AP

[1] RefuseFa uses ANTIFA-like tactics, Organizer Claims they Secured Money from Soros, Met with Steyer

[2] Romans 8:29,30,33; John 15:16,19; Ephesians 1:4-5,11; Colossians 3:12; 2 John 1:1,13; 1 Peter 1:20

[3] Acts 13:48; 1 John 5:11,13

[4] 1 Corinthians 15:49-53; Philippians 3:21; Colossians 3:4; 1 John 3:2

[5] 1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

[6] Daniel 9:24; Revelation 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 20:4-6

[7] Romans 11:1-6,11,25-29; Revelation 12:13-17

[8] Revelation 7:2-8; 14:1-5

[9] Revelation 11:3-12

[10] Romans 1:18-32;

[11] 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12

[12] Daniel 12:1; Matthew 24:21