The UN resolution passed on December 23, 2016 that demands Israel stop building settlements in the West Bank is troubling to say the least.
The adoption of Resolution 2334 is a huge hindrance in
attaining the proper way of negotiating peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
The US
chose to abstain from this vote which is something Obama has yet to do during
his administration, in allowing a resolution to pass at the Security Council
that is critical of Israeli policy.
Since the 1970’s almost every US
administration has allowed a resolution that is critical of Israel ; even
when it came to the construction of settlements.
But this time the United States abstained from voting
on Security Council Resolution 2334, which allowed it to pass 14-0.
This has left Israeli settlement activity in a precarious
position; but as said they will defy the UN resolution and have plans to build
up to 5,600 units in East Jerusalem .
Israeli sources say that the Obama administration, with John
Kerry playing a leading role, is behind the UN Security Council resolution in
saying the Israeli settlements are illegal.
The US State Department denies that the Obama administration
had anything to do with this.
I would like to see Israel produce the evidence before
Obama leaves office, but they say they will hand it over to the Trump
That is if President-elect Donald Trump is inaugurated, for
there is suspicion that George Soros, Michael Moore and some others will do
what they can to not let this happen.
The resolution claims Israeli settlements have no legal
They claim Israel
is building in Palestinian territory that they have occupied since 1967, the Six-Day
War, including East Jerusalem, West Bank and the Golan
Heights .
If you win territory against someone who attacks you, how is
that then occupying their property; it never belonged to the Palestinians in
the first place.
There has never been a Palestinian state.
The West Bank temporarily belonged to Jordan and the Golan temporarily belonged to Syria before the Six-Day War; which they lost
after attacking Israel .
I say that this disputed property temporarily belonged to Jordan and Syria
because that land has rightly belonged to Israel ever since God gave it to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
How is that for being deluded?
The resolution claims Israel is violating international
law and that the settlements are in the way of a two state solution to peace.
They call this supposed violation of international law as
flagrant, meaning that the building of settlements is obviously offensive.
The only thing obviously offensive here is that the United
Nations is opposed to the Jewish State and is secretly working to destroy it.
Secretary of State, John Kerry, believes that the only way
for there to be peace in the Middle East is if Israel discontinues their
settlement activity; because it will then allow for the two-state solution to
be executed.
The problem is that the Palestinians are in opposition to a
Jewish state anywhere.
How can Israel
work with this open hatred?
On January 15, 2017 Paris
will be hosting the Middle East peace
conference, an action brought forth by François Hollande; the French President.
The conference will focus on forcing Israel to give back the land they took from
Jordon in the Six-Day War so the Palestinians can then make East
Jerusalem their capital.
This is the West’s so-called two state solution; dividing Jerusalem .
Seventy countries are supposed to be in attendance.
Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is not in favour and has
clearly rejected Hollande’s international summit, saying he will only meet with
President Hollande and Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian Authority President, to
discuss peace.
The seventy countries that will be in attendance will surely
be in favour of dividing Jerusalem .
Why is France
bound and bent to hold this conference at this time when the US is going
through a Presidential transition at the end of this week; January 20, 2017?
Could it be that maybe this conference is meant to enforce
the Oslo
agreement, a peace treaty, before Trump officially takes the presidents office?
Bible prophecy tells us that the man who implements the
peace treaty will be the Antichrist (Dan.9:26b-27).
If a Middle East peace treaty comes out of this peace summit
it will not be voluntary, but will be forced upon Israel and the Palestinians.
A forced peace treaty it will be, either as a result of this
Paris peace
conference or not, then the seven year
tribulation period will begin the day it is inked on paper.
The timing is bad for Israel
especially because the UN voted that Israel cannot build more
Many cannot see why the French are being so quick to hold
this conference right now, and even at all.
But I think many of us know.
Will Obama take center stage at this conference since he is
the one behind the outcome of Security Council Resolution 2334?
My nose tells me that something smells like a pail of rotten
fish here, and the French President is trying to broil it up before anyone
YouTube Video: Israeli Ambassador full speech on UN settlement vote (UNSC Resolution
Assaf Chriqui
YouTube Video: Netanyahu slams Obama for 'gang up' UN vote
YouTube Video: Kerry ‘Violence, settlements, demolitions’ imperiling the vital two
state solution
Times of Israel
YouTube Video: The
Truth on Israel Palestine Conflict
Palestinian Arabs do not want peace
the false muslim world