Have you ever wondered what the
world would be like the day after the rapture of the Church occurs? Well I have.
Sometimes I talk to Christians about the day after, sometimes I talk to non-Christians
about it too, and usually we all come to the same conclusion which is it will
be a terrible time to live in.
When a person is curious about
what it will be like the day after the rapture takes place you can do one of
two things. You can only speculate, arrive at theories that are just in your
head, or you can go to the Scriptures to get a clearer understanding of what
has been prophesied. I suggest you go to the Scriptures first to get a
foundation and then some theories based on Scripture is okay to get some idea
of what it will be like the day after the Body of Christ is snatched out of the
Let me tell you why the Body of
Christ is promised to be raptured, and when it will happen. Followers of Jesus
Christ become believers once they put their faith in him and believe on his
thereby they are saved or receive salvation. Salvation in this context means
that when a person receives God’s salvation they are delivered from sin and its
consequences, the opportunity to go to Heaven and be with him forever now has
its beginning. From that point on the believer goes through the process of
salvation,[2] first
their spirit is made alive to God,[3] then
their soul goes through the process of being transformed into God’s image which
we have a part to be dutiful to, we have that responsibility,[4]
and then finally the believer’s body is redeemed,[5]
meaning it is finally transformed into spiritual body like the one Jesus Christ
The final process of God’s
salvation in the follower of Christ is their body will then be made into a
glorified spiritual body,[7]
but this does not happen until the moment that Jesus Christ raptures the Body
of Christ out of the earthly realm.[8]
Anyone that claims to be a born-again follower of Christ should want this part
of the process of salvation as quickly as possible, and for the life of me I cannot
understand a believer that resists this truth. This is a promise from God, that
on the day of the rapture of the Church the believer’s salvation is completed,
their spirit, soul, and body will be transformed, in the twinkling of an eye.[9]
The promise of when the rapture
of the Body of Christ is to happen is before the seven-year Tribulation Period
It will happen before the Antichrist, who is the future globalist dictator,
will be announced and receive his power to be the leader of the one-world
The globalist leader has already been chosen by the Luciferians that rule this
world, so don’t deceive yourself into believing they have not anointed their
occult leader already, this is how close the world is to having this man tell
the people what they can and cannot do. The only reason he has not been revealed
and given the power to rule the West so far is because the Church has not been
raptured yet according to the Apostle Paul.[12] But
prophecy and world events reveal that the rapture of the Church is very soon, some
of the Jews that witnessed the rebirth of the Israeli state will still be alive
to witness both the rapture and the return of Christ to the earth to redeem
Now, let me tell you what the
world will be like the day after the rapture of the Church takes place. First, the
federal and state governments all over the world will institute martial law from likely and hour after the rapture, everyone will be made to
stay in their homes to try to flatten out the curve on the violence and chaos that will immediately take place once the world realizes millions are gone missing.
Homes, stores, and businesses will suffer an explosion of looting everywhere.
People will be mugged, robbed at gun and knife point, there will be rapes and
murders on a large scale like the world has never seen because evil will have
total reign once the Church is gone; from the very minute the ministry of the
Holy Spirit to the Church is ended.
Next, the one-world leader will
be announced to the world as the man that will get the world through this chaos
because of the disappearance of so many people, he will be introduced as a man
of peace.[14] The
world will not even know who these people are that all of a sudden vanished
like out of some science fiction movie until this man reveals who we are; we
are the Body of Christ but he will refer to us in the negative. His report will
make most of the inhabitants of the earth glad we are gone.
Next, he will most certainly
explain the disappearance of so many people as an alien purge of the Christian
community,[15] we
will be referred to as the people that have been hindering globalists policy
and international laws, he will convince the world that this operation was coordinated
by him with the help of extraterrestrial beings (fallen angels). The governments
of the world have been receiving advice and technology from fallen angels for
years, and they do not even hide it anymore that they regularly consult with aliens.[16]
Hillary Clinton even says that she will surely disclose what she knows about extraterrestrials,
and you can be sure that she knows all about consultation with fallen angels
that the governments tell us are aliens from other galaxies.[17] Her motive is not to be malicious and get back
at anyone political, or even any one government leader, but rather she believes
that now is the time to reveal the fallen angels to the everyday person because
her plan is also to rule with strength and superiority. I think that when she
reveals what she knows it will strengthen her political position as the most
famous female politician ever. Look for her to have some role in the 2020 presidential
election—the fallen angels are not afraid to be revealed to the world, as a
matter of fact, they are waiting for the day they are out in the open. Prior to
this generation the world would not be able to handle the revelation of the
fallen angels, the world would rebel against them and try to destroy them, even
though they can’t, but this generation will accept them with open arms believing
them to be the saviors of the world.
Next, as said, the world will be
on a lock-down until the people willing hand over every bit of freedom they have
ever known to government officials that the Antichrist puts in place. The
Democrats and every left-wing extremist have been pushing for open borders but the
day after the rapture occurs there will be roadblocks everywhere, the freedom
to move freely will be removed completely once believers are snatched out of
the earth.
Next, any peace that freedom
loving people enjoy and cherish will be completely gone forever, once the
one-world government is officially established its law enforcement will begin
killing people all over the Western world to do a so-called purge of the dissidents.
Everyone that opposes the measures that one-world government officials impose
will be killed.[18] It
will be like a re-emergence of the former Soviet Union but far worse. Anyone
that is not on-board with federal and state politicians and their globalist
agenda before the rapture will be rounded up and killed after the rapture.
Next, there will be the collapse
of the world economy, because people are forced to stay in their homes there is
no way to stimulate the economy, the globalist officials will confiscate everyone’s
bank account, all real-estate and properties will then be owned by the global
government. Even millionaires will have all their money and property expropriated
and the rich will be left with nothing. The one-world government will instead
have a guaranteed income scheme that will only provide enough money for people
to eat meager portions of food. Food and medicines will be scarce for the world’s
population the days following the rapture but this is how the leaders gain
control over them. The only people that will have proper food to eat and medicines
for their health will be the globalist politicians that we see before the
rapture, likely the media will get their crumbs as they are now and will be effective in
helping get the masses under the globalist's control—do not destroy the oil and wine.[19]
Next, after the rapture there
will be horrible plagues, the coronavirus that has the world close to lock-down
today will be nothing compared to the biological weapons that the one-world
government and its enemies, China and Russia, will release against each other
in the Tribulation Period. People that are not killed by the sword will suffer
famine, and be killed by wild beasts, which some believe will actually be Nephilim,
the progeny of fallen angels, and hybrid beasts (half human half animal beings)
made in laboratories in America and Europe.[20]
One fourth of the earth’s population will perish because of these plagues,
famine, sword, and Nephilim.
I think that you are getting a picture
of what the world will be like the day after the rapture of the Church occurs; I
really don’t need to reveal any more of the world’s condition after we are
gone. What has been taking place in the world before the rapture happens is all
in keeping with what has been prophesied about a one-world government system and
its anointed leader. For years the globalist politicians, the media, officers
of multinational corporations, the United Nations and all their departments,
like the World Health Organization, have been working to establish a globalist
government. They have been creating international laws and policies to establish
the one-world government prophesied in the Scriptures while everyone has been concerned
with work, family, and entertainment.
How come in 2009, when President
Obama was leading America and the world, there was no world-wide lock-down when
the Swine flu inflicted about 700 million to 1.5 billion people? The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 151,700-575,400 people died
of the Swine flu worldwide during that pandemic,[21]
but there was no state of emergency to make people stay at home to stop the
spread. There were no businesses forced to shut down, or churches told they
could not hold services, there was no social distancing at that time. I will
tell you why we did not see in 2009 the mandatory precautions and panic that we
are witnessing now in 2020 with covid-19.
The reason is that in 2009 the
globalist’s, the occult leaders of this world, still had seven years before
their occult prophesy to usher in their pagan leader was to come to pass. If
you read my article, ‘The Lefts Destruction of America,’ I wrote in a couple of
paragraphs there that the occult world expected their Messiah, the Bible’s
Antichrist, to emerge in the year 2016. On the Great Seal of the United States
their prophecy is there in plain sight, every American one-dollar bill has this
prophecy in code on the opposite side of George Washington’s image. Decoding
the Great Seal reveals the year 2016 as the year the occult messiah would emerge
and then assume power of a one-world government.[22] The
occult world expected Hillary Clinton to win the 2016 presidential election,
they did everything they could to make it happen, because as another occult
prophecy from the late 1940’s reveals she was to then usher in this occult messiah.
But as everyone knows this did not happen due to unseen circumstances for them;
Donald Trump miraculously won the election. Occult prophecies are never 100%
accurate, so many times the occult world must manipulated world events to make
their prophecies come to pass. The occult world still believes that in 2016 it
was the year for the above to happen, where America would be transitioned over
to the one-world government and then their messiah would assume power. As we
have witnessed for more than three years, they have done everything to depose Trump
and then get Clinton in there some how some way, but nothing has worked.
Before the rapture we are
witnessing federal and state recommendations for people to stay home to prevent
the spread of covid-19. They are saying that the order may move to make staying
at home mandatory. During this pandemic we as witnessing a scheme by the
globalists in either making an obvious power-play to establish the one-world
government at this time, or it is just a dry-run to see how easy they can
control the masses so they can establish their government once Donald Trump is
removed from office. I am sure that if you put two-and-two together you will
see that the globalists are making an attempt to control the masses for when
they establish their government, or possible they are attempting to establish
their global government now using this
current pandemic as a tool to do it. One way or the other it is not good for
the world, good for the Church, but not good for everyone left on the earth the
day after the rapture.
We are learning that the
globalists are taking advantage of this crisis to increase their power, like in
Canada, the Prime Minster there tried to make a play by sneaking in a law this
week in their parliament that would bypass regular parliamentary procedures to
give him complete control over Canada’s financial matters. This law would have
given him unlimited powers to increase Canadian taxes anytime and as much as he
wanted to, he would have had the power to spend as much of the Canadian tax
dollars as he wanted to, giving tax dollars to whomever he wanted without going
through the parliament first.[23]
This was an attempt by the Liberal Prime Minister to become a dictator like Xi
Jinping, the President, of the People's Republic of China. Or like Fidel Castro,
the former Prime Minister of Cuba, someone that the Prime Minister of Canada admittedly
admires. He finally backed away from this sneaky scheme after the opposition
parties and the outrage on social media forced him to back off.
We are also learning in Canada
that the Liberal government may be
implementing a scheme to use cell phone locations to keep an eye on Canadians
when they are under quarantine, and to make sure they are abiding by the social
distancing recommendations during the coronavirus pandemic.[24] In
the United States, House Representative, James Clyburn, the current House
Majority Whip, insists his party should take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic
to further their globalist agenda, as President Trump was trying to get an aid
package of $2 trillion passed in Congress.[25] As
the schemes are being exposed does it not look like to you as the prophesied one-world
government is desperately attempting a coup d'etat in order to establish their
globalist government? Using a global pandemic is the global governments modus operandi.
They believe they should “never letting a crisis go to waste.”
The horrors that will happen the
day after the rapture of the Church are already happening in a lesser measure as
a preliminary run before the day and hour of the rapture. The world has been
convinced that they need to do as the World Health Organization tells them or
they will die. I am not saying that people are not dying and that this pandemic
is not serious, but the measures the globalists are implementing are the same
measures that will be executed in the world the day after the Church is gone.
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[1] Acts 16:31; Romans 10:9-10,13
[2] 1 Thessalonians 5:23
[3] Ephesians 2:1-5; Romans 8:2
[4] Romans 12:1-2; Philippians 2:12
[5] Romans 8:23
[6] 1 John 3:2-3; Romans 8:29
[7] Philippians 3:20-21; Colossians 3:4
[8] 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
[9] 1 Corinthians 15:50-54
[10] Luke 3:7; Romans 2:5,8; 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10; 5:8-9;
Colossians 3:5-6; Revelation 3:10; 6:16-17
[11] 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8a
[12] 2 Thessalonians 2:3,6-8a
[13] Matthew 24:32-34
[14] Revelation 6:2
[15] The Rapture: According to New Age Channelers
How Will the Rapture Be
[16] Paul Hellyer 2013 UFO
[17] “ET Candidate” Hillary promises UFO disclosure if
[18] Revelation 6:3-4
[19] Revelation 6:5-6
[20] Revelation 6:7-8
[22] Apollyon Rising 2012; Zenith 2016. (Tom Horn)
[23] FUREY FACTOR: Trudeau asking for too much power to
fight coronavirus.