Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Fallen Angels Are An Evil Bunch

(Contents of this article were originally written for the Maranatha Faith Believers Website)

             As I carefully studied the contents of Matthew Chapter twenty four, verse thirty six, and the passage surrounding it, I concluded that its text  is referring to the catching away of the church of Jesus Christ (1Thess.4:16-17), rather than the second coming of Christ (Matt.24:29-31; Rev.19:11-21), which takes place at the end of Israel’s seventieth week period (Dan.9:24-27), or more commonly known as the seven year tribulation period (Matt.24:9, 21, 29; Mk.13:19, 24; Rev.7:14). The church will be caught up to meet the Lord in the air prior to the commencement of Israel’s seventieth week period because Scripture reveals that the man who enforces a seven year peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians, which begins the seventieth week (Dan.9:27a), will not come to power until the church is taken out of the way (2Thess.2:1-8), or rather they are taken off the earth. Revelation, chapter four through chapter six, verse two, reveals partial events once the church is taken out of the earth into the presence of God (heaven), then the man of sin (1Thess.2:3) comes to power as the one riding on a white horse holding only a bow (Rev.6:2), holding only the bow represents that he initiates peace, and he is given a crown thereafter becomes a conqueror, which has the connotation that he becomes a prominent world leader; a one world leader (Dan.7:8, 20-21, 24-25; 9:26b-27; 11:36-45; Rev.13:1-8).

            Scripture reveals the order of events, which is the church is taken off the earth first, then the man of sin comes to power as a one world leader and enforces a peace covenant upon the Israelis, Israel’s seventieth week period then begins and concludes with Israel witnessing the second coming of Christ that ends the four hundred ninety year period decreed upon her and to finish her transgression (Dan.9:24-27). Therefore, from verses thirty six through fifty one, of Matthew chapter twenty four, Jesus is solely referring to the church in these verses and not the people of Israel, even though at this point in his discourse the apostles had no idea there would even be an entity known as the church, and that they would be the foundation of this entity (Eph.2:19-20)—the church is an entity because it is not Israel, God created the church to have its own distinct existence from anything else either on earth or in heaven, although it does not stand on its own because Christ is the head of the church. He revealed the distresses that the people of Israel (Rev.11:3-12; 12:6, 13-17) and the tribulation saints (Rev.6:9-11; 7:9-17; 12:17; 13:7, 9-10; 14:9-13; 15:2-4; 16:15) would face during Israel’s seventieth week period, in verses nine through twenty nine.

            The expression in this phrase, “the coming of the Son of man” (Matt.24:37b, Webster's Bible), has reference to when “the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout” (1Thess.4:16a, HNV). It also has reference to the day when Jesus promised the apostles—and those built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets—that he would come back to receive them unto himself: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also” (Jn.14:3, KJV). The coming of the son of man will be like “as the days of Noah [were]” (Matt.24:37a, Webster's Bible); they will be similar. Jesus explains what things will be similar in verses thirty eight to thirty nine with a brief description of what Noah’s contemporaries were doing as he was building the ark, but he gives only a brief description of what the people were doing and not who they were, for the people whom Noah had to contend with were a very evil bunch. Sexual immorality and violence were common to them, this is how they conducted themselves continually (Gen.6:5, 11-13), so much so, that God was grieved that he even made man (Gen.6:6).

            The Scripture says that “the sons of God*(אֱלֹהִים) {'elohiym}” had sexual relationships with the daughters of men (Gen.6:2), and the result of these sexual relationships produced giants or nephilim, (נָפִיל) {nĕphiyl} (Gen.6:4), which angered the Lord to where he decided to limit the lifespan of man to one hundred twenty years—this was a judgment he passed onto man because of his wickedness (Gen.6:3), prior to this men lived to be hundreds and hundreds of years old (Gen.5). Why was God so angry at man for having sexual relationships with the sons of אֱלֹהִים {'elohiym}, to the point where he then limited mans lifespan and even decided to destroy all living creatures on the earth (Gen.6:7)? Why did the daughters of men produce giants, the nephilim, after having sexual relationships with these sons of God? Who were these sons of God?

            Some scholars would have you believe that the sons of God referenced in Genesis chapter six are the sons of Seth, the son of Adam (Gen.5:3-8), because they believe that Seth was a righteous man, and because he was a righteous man these sons of God referenced by Moses, the writer of Genesis, could be none other than Seth’s descendants. If these sons of God were Seth’s descendants than why did they produce giants instead of normal human beings? Why then was God so angry with the population if these so-called descendants of Seth were in fact real human beings themselves. The answer is that these sons of God were not descendants of Seth but were fallen angels (Jude 1:6; Matt.25:41; 2Pt.2:4; Rev.12:7, 9).

            These sons of God, though they were fallen angels, were created by God just like the chief angel, Satan, was created. The Lord did not create them to be fallen angels, but they chose to rebel against God and consequently became fallen (Isa.14:12-15; Ezek.28:13-17; Lk.10:18; Rev.12:7, 9). Can these fallen angels have sexual relationships with human beings? Some people say no because they say they see nowhere in the bible that affirms this, and to put their argument forward they even put words in Jesus’ mouth when he said that there is no marriage in heaven, just like the angels (Matt.22:30; Mk.12:25), therefore they say that this statement proves angels cannot have sexual relationships with humans. To refute these peoples argument the Christ was not saying that angels cannot have sexual relationships with human beings in these verses but that the angels in heaven are not married; there are no sexual relationships in heaven. There are no Scriptures in the bible that say angels cannot engage is sexual conduct, and Genesis chapter six seems to indicate that fallen angels can  have sexual intimacy with the daughters of men, and even produce offspring with them when they manifest themselves in the physical realm. 

            An argument can be made that angels have the capability to have sexual relations while in the physical realm is seen in Genesis chapter nineteen, where God sent two angels to the city of Sodom and changed their appearances to look like men, with the assignment to rescue Lot and his family. The men from Sodom wanted to have sexual relations with these two angels who looked like men, but the two angels resisted their evil behavior (Gen.19:5). Lot had to intervene with the evil men of Sodom to not entertain the idea of raping these two angels who looked like men, because the possibility for them to be raped existed (Gen.19:6-8). The sons of God in chapter six, the fallen angels, would have also changed their appearances to look like men, who then proceeded to seduce the daughters of men, who did not resist their evil behavior, thereby had sexual relationships with these fallen angels and produced the nephilim. When these fallen angels had sexual relationships with the daughters of men they produced a hybrid species, called the nephilim, because the flesh of angels is different than the flesh of man (1Cor.15:39-40).

            Is this generation as corrupt as when the daughters of men in Noah’s day were producing nephilim with the fallen angels? If you have not noticed this generation is as wicked as in the days of Noah. This generation is producing hybrid humans and animals with genetic hybrid engineering in laboratories all in the advancement of science*. Are there fallen angels who have the appearance of men in our world today as in the days of Noah**? Can they change their appearance and look like aliens from another world that people have been witnessing? This generation is “as the days of Noah [were].”
