Monday, July 20, 2015

The Revolving Door

                                      Warning: Video Graphic
The revolving door of events occurring in this world is incessant, it is at a constant pace, and it ceases to find any rest as the door just keeps spinning round and round.
Revolving on its bearings as it churns faster and faster.
Exiting out one end comes one event that shifts the world from a state of normalcy to something anomalous, like men not knowing that they are men but thinking there may have been some mistake at birth.
They assume Mother Nature made a boo-boo; they should have been born female.

As the door whirls around on its axial out comes another episode of egregious conscience as the US Supreme Court legalizes same-sex marriage, even though Americans are sharply divided on the issue
Decades ago most Americans would think this issue as unthinkable, but the revolving door of events has spewed out yet another ordination by the gods in the establishment of the new age.
The new world order is fast approaching, which we can rightly say is already here, although it is slightly veiled behind the cloak of secrecy until an extremely chaotic event will usher it to light.

Egressing out of this door is another occurrence in Ontario, Canada, where the Ontario government there is going full steam ahead in adopting in their health and physical education curriculum this fall a plethora of changes.
There has been continuous protest and much opposition from the provinces bamboozled parents.
One of these changes will be to teach children in grade school to question their sex.
They will be taught to question whether they are male or female, and will be taught that they must accept that there is a new family structure, or what I see as a new family order, that consists of two woman or two men.
This curriculum teaches that the new family order is just as normal as the traditional family structure of a man and a woman.
These changes are an all out effort to disassemble Gods idea for sexual relations written in his word, by a government who is out to change the minds of children to coincide with the new age, the new world order agenda, that is encompassing the western world as fast as the revolving door twirls.

This movement to change people’s ideas of traditional sexuality that started off in the 1960s with free love, open sexual orgies, and that gave strength in bringing out of the closet the lifestyle of homosexuality, should not surprise anyone who reads and understand the Holy Bible.
These new sexual alternatives, instead of traditional sex which is between a man and a woman, are really old alternatives.
They have been explored and practiced even since Cain killed his brother Able, but ever since the introduction of the sexual revolution there has been a definite upswing in this sexual lifestyle. 
In the days of Noah fallen angels came out of the spiritual world through spiritual gateways and had sexual relations with women that gave birth to giants (Gen.6:1-7).
In the days of  Lot there were two angels from Gods kingdom who came to rescue Lot from the pending destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. These two divine deliverers were challenged by the men of Sodom who became violent and were obsessed with raping them (Gen.19:1-9). 
But it seems that ever since the beginning of the new age, the sexual revolution, the spirit of sexual perversion has become so powerful that society cannot distinguish from what is pure and what is not, and what is safe and what is not.

You can go back over the history of just the last fifty years and see how obsessive society has become when it comes to the sexual component of the human consciousness.
Every year society comes out with something greater to debase the image that God intended for mankind.
This obsession drives the human race today and will continue to grow more powerful, even when the world will suffer horrendous days in the seven year tribulation period, they will refuse to give up and repent of their new age sexual revolution (Rev.9:21c).
YouTube Video: The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s
Ian Taylor
YouTube Video: U.S. Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage
YouTube Video: Sex Ed & Public Schools in Ontario
Public Education Advocates for Christian Equity

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