Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Nuclear Threats Again?

World governments are concerned today at the claims made by the North Korean government, who say that they have successfully tested a miniaturized version of a hydrogen bomb.
Experts quickly weighed in denouncing such claim, saying that they may have conducted an atomic test, something they have done three times over the last ten years, but that it is very doubtful that they have just tested a hydrogen bomb.
North Korea has been warned before, by the UN Security Council, to cease their atomic testing and now threatens to take stiffer measures against Pyongyang, the capital of North Korea.
Pyongyang leaders are standing strong that they have tested the H-bomb, stating that their success brings them up to the next level where their increased nuclear strength provides them with the ability to defend themselves against their foes; those enemies being the United States and others who make threats against them.
In all likelihood, the claims by the North Korean capital, of just recently testing the hydrogen bomb are highly exaggerated, unless the experts are mistaken with their analyst, or they are intentionally misleading the public; time will reveal the truth.
Even so, the world should be concerned that a rogue nation, like North Korea, has even the capability to test atomic weapons.
Do they actually have the technology, along with the capability, to produce atomic warheads?
If they do you can be sure that they will certainly use them.
Why do you think the level headed American is concerned about Tehran getting nuclear weapons?   

The world has been concerned about nuclear war ever since the Americans dropped the first atomic bombs, on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in 1945, to end the Second World War.
The world worried for the next forty four years—1947-1991—as the Western Bloc nations, led by the US, and the Eastern Bloc nations, led by the Soviet Union, butted heads with each other on who was the number one super power of the world.
Both the USA, and the USSR, armed themselves to the teeth with nuclear capability to show who held the biggest gun, but never used any of this nuclear weaponry as the men who held the purse strings back then did not allow them to.
The time to cause nuclear havoc on this planet was not  back in the Cold War period but is set for a future date. We see it happening in the Book of Revelation. 
Nevertheless, the world’s population did not know this during the time of the Cold War, so the inhabitants of the earth were always on edge wondering when the big one would come.
I can remember when many people were afraid that some lunatic, from either super power, would flip the switch that would send the world into nuclear annihilation.
Many people would live it up, drink and party, because they thought that maybe tomorrow we could be vaporized by nuclear explosions. They didn't really comprehend the reality of an afterlife.
The anti-nuke protesters, powered by money that came from sources unknown to them, or did they even care, would have sit-ins, and rallies, protesting the government and its nuclear arms build-up.
They did not realize that the two super powers were never going to send any atomic warheads into the air anyways. They had limited knowledge back then to the workings of a one world government and that the leaders of the superpowers were not really the people in charge. 

When the Cold War ended, or supposedly ended because it really never ended, many people breathed a sigh of relief, because they believed after 1991 that the world was now safe from nuclear war.
Today, under the Obama administration, the USA has let its guard down, only because the secret powers who pull all the strings have instructed them to do so, allowing Russia to get stronger.
Who would have thought this after seeing the so-called collapse of Communism?

As we are now in the middle of the second decade, of the twenty first century, people are experiencing terrorism all over the world, and nuclear threats come from rogue nations like North Korea, Iran, and terrorists like Al-Qaeda, and the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq.
So many people have gotten use to burying themselves into their own little world, loving nobody but themselves, coveting everything they lay their eyes on.
You can describe most people's character as deceptive; it is hard to find anyone you can trust.
The motto of society today is that good is bad and bad is good. Self-gratification is sought after more than God, for he is no more than just a fable to many; especially Millennials (2Tim.3:1-5).
Meanwhile, the men who pull the strings in the West have a globalist agenda and are ushering in a one world totalitarian system.
This one world government will be headed up by a powerful and charismatic man (Dan.2:41-42; 7:16-24; Rev.13:1-8), that will implement a one world currency (Rev.13:16-17), and institute a one world religion (Rev.17:1-18).
Many people today reject Jesus Christ as God, and reject his authority, so they will fit in well as the followers of this new world order.
If the world thinks the new world order will keep them safe from nuclear annihilation they better think again.
The bible does prophecy that once the world has an official one world government, led by the one world leader who will command the nations, there will indeed be nuclear confrontations.
During the seven year tribulation period (Dan.9:26b-27a), known as the hour of trial (Rev.3:10), and the time of God’s wrath (Rev.6:17), which happens after the believers of Christ are caught away into heaven (1Thess.4:16-17), the world will experience great catastrophe with a third part of the earths trees and grass being burnt up (Rev.8:7).
It will not be caused by global warming either, it will be caused by fire and brimstone (Ps.11:6); which is symbolic for atomic warfare.

Because of the nuclear confrontations a third of the sea will turn to blood causing a third of the sea creatures to perish; along with a third of the shipping vessels (Rev.8:8-9).
The Prophet Zechariah predicted that the skin of those who come against Jerusalem will consume or melt away as they stand on their feet, their eyes will vaporize in their sockets and likewise their tongues in their mouth (Zech.14:12).
Zechariah's prediction looks quite similar to the devastation caused by hydrogen and atomic weaponry, which was the same reason for the immediate destruction of the poor people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in the Second World War.
YouTube Video: World leaders condemn North Korea's hydrogen bomb test
YouTube Video: Experts doubt North Korea h-bomb claim
YouTube Video: North Korea H-bomb test was to 'help keep the peace' says official
euronews (in English)
YouTube Video: How Many People Can't Walk Without Their Smartphone?


1 comment:

  1. So important to get people informed! The secret powers that be are nothing to worry about as long as you have Jesus in your heart. The time is near! Great article!
