Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Islam: The Religion of Choice

It is becoming clearer now that the left-leaning community is choosing a religion.
It appears their religion of choice is Islam.
Every since the attack on the World Trade Center, back in September 11, 2001, the religion of Islam has become popular in the West.
Particularly with people that adhere to leftwing politics.
Over the last fifteen years more and more liberal and progressive politicians are either promoting or being sympathetic to the Muslim religion and its followers, and at the same time they ridicule and distance themselves from Christianity.
They endorse Islam and advocate its claim as a peaceful religion, and yet a segment of Islam is responsible for pretty much every terrorist attack in the West and the Middle East.
Leftist politicians assert that the madmen who commit these terrorists’ attacks are not Muslim.
They imagine the Islamist has hijacked the Muslim faith.
Moderate Muslims claim that these terrorists have distorted the Quran, because they themselves do not interpret the Quran correctly; they read only what they want to read.
I want to believe that the moderate Muslim is truly peaceful.
There are over 100 verses in the Quran that commands the Muslim to do battle with the unbeliever and the infidel to overcome them.
This refers to the Jewish and Christian communities.
Islam instructs the Muslim to establish a worldwide Islamic Caliphate, an Islamic kingdom; even by violence.
ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, true followers of the Quran, have declared they will conquer Europe and America; they claim they will fly the ISIS flag over the White House.
The ISIS flag is called the Black Standard or the Black Banner.
If Christ was not scheduled to return to the earth to set up his own righteous kingdom very soon, according to Scripture, Islam would conquer the West just through childbirth.
But Christ will return before this happens.
Although there is the obvious probability that Islam will be introduced as the one world religion once the one world government is established.
I hope you can see that possibility just by observing world events.
Have you noticed that more and more liberals and progressive politicians are converting or cozying up to Islam in the West?
I have never known Western politicians to fawn over one particular religion as they do Islam.
There is the possibility that Congressman Keith Ellison, the U.S. Representative for Minnesota's 5th congressional district, will be the next Democratic National Committee chairman.
Congressman Ellison, a Muslim, has links to the Muslim Brotherhood, which would suggest to me that he has hard core Islamic believes.
Is the Democratic Party shifting to be the first Islamic party in the US?
The mainstream media seems to be seduced by the religion of Islam to the point of even supporting and defending it against the Islamic believes of ISIS, al-Qaida, and Boko Haram.
I find it amazing how some people are accepting the religion of peace even if they are not yet ready to convert to it. I have had people tell me that they are not religious but if they were they would become a Muslim.
Even certain women groups are starting to wear the hijab, the Muslim woman’s headscarf, to express their solidarity with Islam.
The recent world-wide Woman’s March, January 21, 2017, witnessed a group of lesbian feminists singing "Allahu Akbar" in front of the crowds.
Does the LGBTQ community not realize they will be executed in most Muslim countries?
Now because of President Trump’s immigration pause some well known Jewish women like, Madeleine Albright, former United States Secretary of State, in the Bill Clinton administration, and American actress Mayim Bialik, threaten that they will register as Muslim because they disagree with Trump’s policies.
Why do these Jewish women finding Islam so appealing when Judaism and Islam do not mix?
Do you wonder why like I do?
You can believe all the liberal deniability you want but Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim; he even admits to it.
Why do you think he promoted Islam while he was in the Presidents office?
He claimed to be a Christian to the American people but meanwhile he would smear the Christian faith.
In Canada, Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is a convert to Islam.
He seems to favour Muslims over people of the Christian faith.
He would not allow anyone that is anti-abortion to run as a liberal candidate in the 2015 federal election.
This policy does not run counter to his Muslim faith since Muslims believe that abortion is okay up to the first four months of pregnancy; many Muslim scholars permit abortion.
The Trudeau government resettled over 25,000 Syrian refugees in 2016 according to their government website, and plan on taking in 100s of thousands more.
How many of these refugees do you suppose will be Muslim and how many do you figure will be of the Christian faith?
European politicians like Germany’s Angela Merkel have caused a crisis in her country by bringing in millions of Muslim migrants.
The Islamic culture is polar opposite to European culture.
Europe’s Muslim population is exploding, and the Muslims are slowly taking over.
Why this extraordinary fascination with Islam in the West?
Why have politicians worked so hard populating their countries with those of the Muslim faith, catering to their every need, pandering to them even trying to pass laws to make it a crime to say anything bad about their faith?
Canada’s Trudeau is pushing hard for this.
This is how Sharia law begins.
Will Canada adopt Sharia law?
The Ontario government secretly tried to implement Sharia law about a decade ago, until some Jewish and Christian groups were able to get it stopped.
Now the country’s Prime Minister is secretly trying to do the same thing.
Hmmm; this makes me wonder.
The West is adamant about turning their countries into Muslim states, which will then become under the law of Sharia.
The bible reveals that there will be a one world religion in the seven year tribulation period.
The Antichrist will implement one faith for the people to follow under the direction of the False Prophet.
For years many thought this one world religion would be the ecumenical church and that the Pope will be the false prophet.
Pope Francis has met with the top Islamic leader in 2016 and clearly endorses Islam.
Islam is being accepted as the religion of peace all over the West, even though it really is not a peaceful religion.
But people are deceived and believe that it is peaceful.
At the same time these people claim that Christianity is hateful.
Many believe that the Quran is true and that the Bible is irrelevant.
Search and see how many weak segments of Christianity now believe that the Muslim and Christian God is the same.
They are not the same God!
In the Tribulation many will be beheaded for not conforming to the one world system.
What religion has daily been using beheadings to kill their definition of the infidel?
I see with the West’s acceptance of Islam and total disdain of true Christianity that the one world religion prophesied in Scripture will be the so-called peaceful religion of Islam.
Of course it will not be the extremely violent form of Islam that ISIS follows at the beginning, but as the seven year tribulation period progresses and people will not line up with the edicts of the Antichrist and False Prophet heads will begin to roll.
Picture: CC0 Public Domain
YouTube Video: Barack Hussein Obama Admits He Is A Muslim.
Lancelot Camelot
YouTube Video: Obama's War on Christianity

1 comment:

  1. I like the ending of your article. "...heads will begin to roll." Sharia Law is a terrifying prospect. So glad we'll be raptured before that! Had no idea that Canada's prime minister was a Muslim! This world desperately needs our Savior's return!
