The chaos that occurred at UC
Berkley and NYU the last couple of nights reveals the condition of this generation.
These mobs were not what the
participants were calling it, a protest, but instead it was outright pandemonium;
it was utter mayhem.
Wednesday evening, February the
1st, at the University of California , in Berkeley ,
many students were outraged because Milo Yiannopoulos, a Breitbart News editor
was scheduled to give a speech to about 200 students.
The mob was violent toward the
police and anyone who supported Donald Trump.
UC Berkeley blames the violence
on a small group of masked protesters, but it was more than masked scarecrows
causing all that havoc.
Banks were vandalised as was a
Starbucks store window.
Thursday evening, February the
2cd, mobs stopped another event from occurring at New York University ,
where conservative commentator and speaker Gavin McInnes was to speak.
McInnes was sprayed with
pepper-spray in the face.
There was a lot of pushing and
shoving, with some people arrested by the NYPD.
The mobs were calling anyone who
wanted to hear McInnes speak a Fascist, a Nazi, and a White Supremacist.
At both events the mayhem
occurred because the liberal mob did not want the conservative speakers to
speak at their campus.
Just watching some of this on
YouTube made me sick.
Not that there were students
voicing their displeasure that an opposing voice was invited to the campuses of
NYU and Berkeley, but the way the crowds were reacting to speakers they
determined had no right to speak.
The hostility, the malevolent
behaviour, the lawlessness; it was an uprising against someone else’s point of
You can argue if this rebellion against
free speech is justified, but can you condone the mayhem used to make their
What happened over the course of
these two nights, at what is considered places of higher learning, were not
protests but they were riots.
These rioters have it in their
mind that nobody can have a different point of view than what they have.
They believe that no one can
disagree with their philosophy of life or they will shut you down.
They do it with violence and name
calling, and pepper-spray.
It was just like the day when
Trump was inaugurated and the same type of people took to the streets.
It is like the two year old child
that throws a temper tantrum because he cannot get his own way.
Now the two year old has grown
into a young adult and he still uses the tantrum to get his way.
You can see it as plan as day.
The Peter Pan and Homeland Generations
seem to use the tactic of public hissy fits to stop anyone else from speaking
something they disagree with.
It works for them because the
authorities allow them to play it out.
Like when they were in their
terrible two’s with the Dr. Spock theory of rearing children.
Let them express themselves, give
them what they want.
I wonder how they will express
themselves once the one world government is established.
The Peter Pan’s and the
Homeland’s will not riot then like they did on Wednesday and Thursday.
They will not even be allowed to
protest like they did when the new POTUS was sworn into office last January.
There will be no tantrums and
marches of rebellion the day after they have a new one world leader because martial
law will be the first order of business.
They think Donald Trump is a
dictator, wait until they experience the new guy that is coming.
YouTube Video: Milo Under Siege By Anarchists And Seditious Millennials
The Alex Jones Channel
YouTube Video: RIOT: Violent Protest Erupts at UC Berkeley Over 'Alt-right' Breibart Speaker Milo Yiannopoulos
YouTube Video: Protests erupt at NYU echoing Berkley riots
RT America
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