Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Disdain of The Tribulation Generation

You have heard me use the expression Tribulation Generation before, either when you have read my articles that I post online or when I have sat and fellowshiped with you in person. The phrase, Tribulation Generation, is the title that I have given to the people that will enter into the seven-year Tribulation Period, but not necessarily do I consider the people that will repent and turn to God during the Tribulation Period as the Tribulation Generation but only certain people, those that are looking forward to a world that is governed by a global government that is controlled by only a handful of leaders and who will have as their chief an autocrat—these are the people that I have coined as, The Tribulation Generation.

The Tribulation Generation exists even now in this day and age, they are everywhere, especially in government and the media, but the Tribulation Generation is not an exclusive club limited to only the elite. This group of people is made up mainly of the everyday person, the people you work with, the people you see in the malls, the people you pass by on the street,  they are people in families of all races and cultures, the Tribulation Generation are the majority of the population all over the world. The leaders of the Tribulation Generation are the elites, the people with high standing in the world today, but the everyday person that is included in the Tribulation Generation are only followers. When the seven-year Tribulation Period begins most of these lowly followers will then be forced to be serfs, they will be required to be like slaves to the leaders in the Tribulation Period. The one-world government will take possession of all property and allow the low-born Tribulation Generation to live on land and maybe in houses that once belonged to them as they will be forced to sing the praises of and pay homage to the one-world leader and his administration.

Without being unkind, because my intentions truly imbue with concern, or not to be critical, because it pains me at the thought of anyone entering into the seven-year Tribulation Period because as the Scriptures warn it will be the worst time in history, but there is one thing I cannot help notice. I cannot help but notice that people that have left-wing political views seem to be joyfully presenting and even encouraging the establishment of the global government the most, it is scary because they believe that a one-world community will be beneficial to mankind. I notice that people with left-wing political views are noticeably the most intolerant in society, if you do not agree with their points of view in any subject especially politics then they demonize you, the Left would like nothing better than to imprison anyone that does not think like them. I postulate that anyone with an ardent left-wing point of view typically rejects Jesus Christ as Lord, or if they do confess Christ it usually is a reputed Christ with a liberal philosophy and not the one that sits at the right-hand of God, so therefore left-wing adherents are generally members of the Tribulation Generation.

As the world already knows by now because it has been major breaking news everywhere, the Commander in Chief of the United States of America, President, Donald J. Trump, has eliminated Iran’s major general of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Qasem Soleimani, in Baghdad, Iraq, on Thursday, January 2, 2020, by an airstrike; he was the commander of Iran’s elite Quds force. While the mainstream media heaps accolades on Soleimani praising him for being some great military genius, he was nothing more than a ruthless murderer who was a vicious bloodthirsty human being.  This expression of praise for a terrorist is not surprising as the mainstream media is primarily left-wing, they are left-wing elites who disdain the current United States President. Even though some admit that Soleimani should have been eliminated they still refuse to stand alongside President Trump and hold him up, to give him moral support after this incident because he is their president, like America did when a former president  eliminated Osama bin Laden, but rather the Tribulation Generation news network spokesperson’s choose to esteem a terrorist rather than their own president.

The President and his military forces removed one of the worlds most feared terrorists and the Left relentlessly criticizes him for it, even some left-wing Hollywood types are going to Twitter to express their disdain for Donald Trump. If this would have been the globalist, Barrack Obama, that had put Soleimani in the grave the media and Hollywood would already be having victory parades in the streets in honor of this accomplishment, but because it was the anti-globalist president the Left is finding fault with Trump in every news segment and every left-wing Twitter feed.

Why is the Left criticizing Donald Trump because he eliminated this terrorist, especially since the intelligence community has already confirmed Soleimani was in the midst of planning and attacking the American military and citizens abroad, in the Middle East region? Forget that Soleimani is already responsible for killing more than 600 American soldiers and maiming thousands more. It is also confirmed that the commander of Iran’s elite Quds force was responsible for the attack on the American embassy in Iraq just days before his unfortunate demise, his termination should have been something that both the Left and the Right could concur on, but the Left has used this incident as but yet another way to undermine the Trump administration and diminish the Presidents character.  

The Left hates this POTUS because he stands in their way of going forward as far as they are concerned. I don’t mean forward in making America prosper and assuring that it will be a strong nation because Trump is already doing this, but going forward into what the Left deems as a progressive leap into the next evolutionary step of man, into what they believe will be an era of one-community being of one heart and one mind, but of course I inference it will be a left-wing heart and mind; this idea is illusory because in my opinion the Left is delusional. The one-world government is the utopia that the Left has desired for some time, the leaders of the left-wing movement have deceived their people into believing that a global government with a global leader will solve all the world’s problems, this deception has been spoon-fed to those who reject Jesus Christ by the fallen angels.

The Tribulation Generation think like this already, they are looking for their utopia in the form of a global government, they disdain anyone that opposes the one-world government agenda. The mainstream media are the loudest advocates of the left-wing agenda, this is why they trash Trump 24-hours a day on their networks, the Democrats in Congress and their supporters are doing everything they can to get rid of Trump short of assassination—God forbid. I pray God will keep the President safe from the Left’s devious plan.  

Until Donald Trump is no longer the President of the United States the Left cannot transition America into their long-awaited utopia, they know it and this is why the Tribulation Generation has so much contempt for him. Trump would have to do a complete about-face for America to be taken over by the globalists and for the United States to become a major entity in the United World, but chances of the President reversing his course of action is doubtful. Frankly, I suggest to you that the one-world government cannot annex America until Donald Trump is either eliminated by opposition forces or he is raptured out of this world with the Body of Christ. But I can assure you, there is defiantly no doubt about, in whatever way Donald Trump’s time as the President of the United States comes to an end then and only then will the annex of America by the global government take place. Trump is the reason why it has not happened already; he stands in the way of the Luciferian agenda at this point in time. The disdain of the Tribulation Generation is vehemently pointed toward the current President and this is why we are witnessing venomous behavior from left-wing ideologues.  

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