Saturday, September 6, 2014

Do Not Insult Gods Messengers

            Sometimes the need arises when you just have to set the record straight, you cannot let an insult pervert the mind of the susceptible, those who are unaware that their thoughts are being taken advantage of, they are vulnerable and easily open to deception; they are easy prey for the deceiver and will believe whatever he communicates to them. What am I saying? Whose mind is being perverted with deception, is the truth being distorted?

            There is an unspecified group of people out there who are distorting the image of certain individuals whom God created, not referring to those who were created in his image for that is another subject for another time, the certain individuals that I am referring to are not human but angelic. These particular angelic beings that are being taken aim at, who are the recipients of an affront on their personal existence, were created to perform the will of God, just as all angelic creatures were created, each one being given important tasks that they wilfully carry out without either grievance or regret, they are grateful to have been created and they exist to serve their Creator throughout all eternity. So you understand, in no uncertain terms, is this article meant to exalt these heavenly creatures or is it written to worship them, nonetheless, we should all give them our respect because of the service they perform for God.

            The identifying heavenly creatures being insulted are both the angels Gabriel and Michael, whose images are being smeared by the propagation of a particular form of medium, whose product of imagination insults the character and existence of these two high ranking servants of Almighty God. Does Gabriel and Michael need defending, surely not, but they belong to God and are undoubtedly important creatures to him; so I give them a relative small defence to counteract the offensive production being propagated.   

            Gabriel is mentioned both in the Old and New Testaments; in both places he is mentioned with the task of being a messenger to those who were selected for an important assignment in the plan of God. What we first know about him is that he came with the power of revelation to make Daniel the prophet understand the vision that was given to him concerning the time of the end (Dan.8:15-17). The vision was specific referring to the time of wrath which is the seventieth week of Israel (Dan.8:19; 9:24-27), the time of wrath is commonly referred to as the seven year tribulation period (Rev.7:14) and the hour of testing (Rev.3:10). Gabriel revealed some antichrist types who dominated the eras in which they lived (Dan.8:20-21), then proceeds to give Daniel understanding to the greatest of all antichrists who is the one world leader that will arrive on a peace platform (Rev.6:2: Dan.9:27a), but is later revealed as the first beast whom the world will worship (Rev.13:1-8). It is revealed to Daniel that this beast has a stern look about him, is clandestine in his affairs, he is powerful through darkness, comes against those who believe God, is completely deceptive and will even come against the Lord (Dan.8:23-26). Gabriel came to Daniel a second time, while Daniel was in prayer (Dan.9:20-21), to give him even more understanding and insight into the plan of God (Dan.9:22), concerning Israel’s seventy week period and the final week of this period —the seventy week period is prophetic language for the four hundred ninety years decreed upon Israel to finish her transgression, be rid of sin, and so on; but the most important part of this time period is that at the final day of this length of time the nation of Israel will anoint Jesus as their Messiah and King (Dan.9:24-27).

            Angel Gabriel was also sent to a priest named Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, the husband of Elizabeth, to convey to him that his wife would have a son and he was to name him John. His son will turn many Israeli children to God as he walks in the spirit and power of Elijah—you can read the rest of the record (Lk.1:5-23, 57-80). At the same time Gabriel was sent to Mary, the betrothed of Joseph, who was a virgin, and conveyed to her that she would be the mother of the Messiah even though she had never slept with a man, she believed him and then he disappeared from her sight (Lk.1:26-38).

            The angel Michael is mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments just like Gabriel, he is a guardian angel with the task of protecting the people of Israel (Dan.10:21; 12:1), he indeed is one of the primary angels that does battle against the demons in the spiritual realm (Dan.10:13), he is the archangel who contended with the devil over the body of Moses (Jd.1:9). In the seven year tribulation period war will break out in the heavenly realms where Michael, and the angels under his command, will do battle against the dragon, who is Satan, and his angels, who are the fallen angels. The result of this battle will be that Satan and the fallen angels will be cast out of the spiritual realm into the physical realm meaning the earth (Rev.12:7-10, 12-13), Jesus prophesied the result of this battle during one of his discussions with his disciples (Lk.10:18)—Satan and his angels were cast out of the presence of the Father long before this battle will take place, his banishment could have been before God created Adam although it may have even been just a brief time after God formed man from the dust of the earth, nevertheless Satan and his angels were relegated to the lower heavens, a place out of the reach of the higher heavens where God the Father resides. The battle between Michael and Satan takes place in the lower regions of the heavenly realms because that is where the battle ground is (Eph.6:12), it is impossible for any kind of battle to take place in the higher heavens where God resides because his immediate vicinity is controlled by a Spirit of peace. A description of the banishment is registered in Ezekiel’s writings recorded in metaphoric language (Ez.28:13-17), Satan still has access to the Father after his banishment as recorded in the book of Job, chapters one and two, but his access is only limited meaning he can only come so far and no further. Once Satan is defeated by Michael in the tribulation period he will no longer be able to access the spiritual realm anymore, his domain will be only the earth and its atmosphere until he is dealt with after the seven year tribulation is completed (Rev.20:1-3). Michael may very well be the chief angel who accompanies the Lord when he comes to catch away his church from the earth, before the final week of Israel’s seventieth week period begins, this archangel will make a verbal expression that will clear the lower regions of the heavenly realms making an unhindered pathway for both the Lord and his church during this glorious event (1Thess.4:16-17).

            To those who have distorted the character of these mighty creatures by comparing them to the fallen angels, who left their original dwelling place (Jd.1:6), who sinned against their Creator (2Pt.2:4), whether you dispense your ideology purposely or out of ignorance, you have insulted these holy creations who were created to do mighty and powerful things for their God. What comes to my mind because of your arrogant action is what Jesus said will happen at the end of the tribulation period: “So will it be in the end of the world. The angels will come forth, and separate the wicked from among the righteous”* (Matt.13:49). Don’t insult the messengers of God, the consequences have eternal ramifications.

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