Sunday, September 14, 2014

On The Horizon

            The United Sates of America, and the United Kingdom, are faced with a huge dilemma. What do they do to save face over the beheadings of their citizens, the two American journalists and the British aid worker? These three men were citizens of their respective nations, doing what their consciences directed them to do, far from the comfort of their own homes and family, having their lives extinguished by men and an organization who want to set up their own rule of law and rule the world. So what does America and the United Kingdom do? What a quandary they face.

            What we have been seeing through news reports these past couple of weeks, what has been witnessed on the videos that ISIS is releasing to the world, is not unlike the atrocious acts that will occur during the tribulation period, when the inhabitants of the earth will witness the beheadings of hundreds of thousands, even millions of people, which will even be televised as a deterrent, because of their refusal to not bow down and worship the soon to be announced one world leader, and follow his political and religious system, in which he will demand compliance.

            With all that we are witnessing in the world today one cannot truly deny that something is on the horizon, a one world leader is what people can see, and with the coming of a one world leader comes the final seven years of Israel’s decreed, four hundred, ninety year period (Dan.9:24-27), which is the seven year tribulation period (Rev.7:14). This seven year tribulation period will be like what the world is witnessing today, in Iraq and Syria, with ISIS, but on a much larger scale, it will be like no other period in the history of civilization (Mk.13:19), it will be seven years of hell on earth. The bible refers to it as the hour of πειρασμός (peirasmos), which is a period of testing or proving, the hearts of men will be tested to prove what really lies deep within their very being (Rev.3:10).

            The testing during this period does not look good for many of earths inhabitants, for their hearts will prove to despise God and his Son, Jesus Christ, rather they will choose to worship a one world leader (Rev.6:2), who is on the horizon of world power, whom the bible refers to as the beast (Rev.13:1-8)—this one world leader will make ISIS look pretty tame compared to what he will demand. Those who resist the one world leader will be the focus of his attention, for he is given power to conquer these individuals (Rev.13:7), his accomplice, another beast (Rev.13:11-12), will force earths inhabitants to worship an image that he erects of the first beast (Rev.13:14), and force everyone to receive a mark that will acknowledge their allegiance to the first beast and his system (Rev.13:16-17).

            Many will refuse to worship the image of the first beast that will result in their demise (Rev.13:15), the death they will suffer will be the same kind of death that the two American journalists and the British aid worker suffered; they will viciously have their heads removed. They will have their heads removed because they refuse to bow down and worship the one world leader, the first beast, and his image, they will rather choose to worship Jesus Christ and his word (Rev.20:4). The Scripture reveals that those who will be killed by the one world leader and his government will ask the Lord to avenge them for their gruesome departure (Rev.6:9-10), the Lord says he will avenge them but they will have to wait until an appointed time (Rev.6:11), this time will be when the Lord comes to redeem Israel at the end of the final seven years of their decreed period of time; the seven year tribulation period (Rev.19:11-14). The Lord will avenge those who will be beheaded indeed, the kings of the earth, and their mighty men, will be destroyed (Rev.19:17-18, 21), the first and second beast will be captured and cast alive into the lake of fire (Rev.19:20-21).

            It would be remiss of me to not include some good news, in that you do not have to experience the coming of this one world leader, followed by the seven year tribulation period. Jesus Christ says: “Therefore be watchful all the time, asking that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will happen, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Lk.21:36, HNV). If you abide in Christ you will escape this coming horror, because God has promised to remove his followers just before the events described above occur (Rev.3:10), through the catching away of his followers (1Thess.4:16-17).      

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