Saturday, August 30, 2014

What is Brotherly Love?

            In a restaurant the other day I sat near a table of men who were talking like they were men of the Christian faith, they discussed several topics during the course of their meal concerning different doctrines in the holy bible; this is why I formed the opinion that they were men of faith. One of the gentlemen brought up the fact that he and his wife were celebrating their anniversary, he said they had been married a certain number of years, which indeed happened to be a great number of years—something that does not happen too much anymore in our society today. The other men at this table commented on this abnormally long stretch of years for a marriage to last and gave their congratulations to the happy man who has lived a lifetime of marital bliss, then another man at the table was asked how many years he had been married and he too announced that he has been married for a great number of years just like the other man.

            Sitting there was another guy who added his part to the conversation saying that his marriage only lasted a few years, then he was separated and divorce from the woman he had married, his face revealed kind of a shameful confession, and regret was evident in the tone of his voice. Another man at this breakfast gathering made what sounded like a sarcastic remark as to why this guys marriage did not last so the divorcé explained that his wife left him because of his devotion to Christ, it seemed like he was suffering a brief moment of sadness as he went on to explain further another fact about his marriage breakdown. As I looked I began to notice that the other men at the table  started to turn their attention away from this man who was opening up about the sadness he still felt over this unfortunate incident in his life, the look on their faces revealed that they wanted to get as far away from this conversation as they possibly could, they started to get fidgety, one looking down into his lap, one gave his attention to a woman who entered the restaurant, while another stared at the wall in the opposite direction of the man who dared share his experience of martial breakdown.

            The atmosphere at this Christian fellowship table started to get quite eerie. I was not the only one who noticed the change in the atmosphere because the man who was reminiscing a time of sadness noticed it too, he noticed that his breakfast buddies were not in the least interested about the unfortunate experience he once endured, he noticed that they were acting as if they were down right uncomfortable, so he quickly began to hold back the thoughts he was sharing and changed the subject.

            I thought, how sad it is that these men who are of the Christian faith were not at all interested in the way this man was feeling at this moment, did they not even have enough respect for him to give him a brief moment of their undivided attention as he was expressing a hurtful time in his past. Is the Christian faith not to be an expression of love one to another, even if a brother happens to share something that may be a little bit uncomfortable to his hearers? It was blatantly obvious to my on looking eyes, and I am sure to the eyes looking down from above, that these men were not at all interested in the sad moment that their brother was reminiscent about. All I could think about after this was whether or not this group truly cared for this guy, whether or not they had any love for him.

            God is different from the scene that I witnessed at that table on that day, for there is no love lacking in his character or in his actions. He revealed his love for man, even every guy who was seated at that table, by sending his Son into this world to give his life as a sacrifice for all the sins of men (Jn.3:16), Jesus even taught that love is paramount for anyone who would follow him (Matt.5:43-46); his rule is that you cannot only love the Lord God but you must also love anyone who is your neighbour, the same way that you love yourself (Matt.22:37-40). Before he left his disciples to go to the cross Jesus gave them this important edict to follow: “A new mitzvah I give to you, that you love one another, just like I have loved you; that you also love one another” (Jn.13:34, HNV). He then followed up with the fact that if anyone who claims to be his follower than love would be the determining factor in the judgement of men to whether you truly do belong to him (Jn.13:35).

            The Apostle Paul was a great man of God who was used to spread the message of God to the Gentile world, he made sure that he preached loved to his converts because love is essential to the Christian faith, if you do not love you cannot be a follower of this Jesus, whom he preached: “Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor that which is evil. Cling to that which is good. In love of the brothers be tenderly affectionate one to another; in honor preferring one another” (Rom.12:9-10, HNV). The apostle also preached that you could be the most spiritually gifted person in the church, but if you come up short in love than your gifts are of no value (1Cor.13:1-2). Surely the same, you may be the biggest giver in your congregation, you can even sacrifice your body to the enemies of the cross, but if love is not an expression of your actions than all you do does not gain you one ounce of reward; Paul taught that all you do must be done in a spirit of love (1Cor.16:14).

            The Apostle John was a very straight forward person, he did not care to tickle the ears of men, even when writing on the subject of Christian love, writing that we can determine who the children of God are and who the children of the evil one are, the determining factor between the two families are that the one who is a child of God will undoubtedly love his brother, while the child of the evil one will not (1Jn.3:10); this is the message that has been preached from the beginning of the church that the family of God should love one another (1Jn.3:11). If you have ever had doubts whether you are a child of God or not, whether you have received eternal life or not, for some struggle with this issue, then survey your attitude toward those who are called the brothers, do your actions express love to the brethren, even the lowliest of the brethren, because if you do not love your brother in Christ than you still abide in darkness (1Jn.3:14). Do you want to love your brother, then lay your life down for him, Christ gave you the example (1Jn.3:16); don’t ignore your brother when he is pouring his heart out to you.

            My thought returns to Paul again, he analyzed what love truly is and preached it to his converts, writing it down for you and me in these final days of the church age, saying that love is always patient and kind, it is never envious of another human individual, neither does it show itself off or puff itself up. Love is not rude or selfish, it is not easily provoked or made uncomfortable at someone else’s expression of sadness (1Cor.13:4-5c). Love is even more than all these things but you can further your study on love and look the rest up for yourself (1Cor.13:5d-13), if you truly want to be a person that is a walking expression of love.

            As each day goes by in this fast paced world the time is flying by like a train speeding down the track to make its next destination on time, the time is short, the trumpet is about to sound, the church is going to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air. Paul prayed for the Thessalonians that God would make their love for each other increase, even that it would overflow, not just for one another but even for those outside of their own congregation (1Thess.3:12). He also prayed that God would strengthen their hearts, which implies make them strong in love, so that they would be free from fault, be pure in heart, in the presence of the Father when the Lord comes to rapture his church (1Thess.3:13). Does this mean we Christians should be more tolerant, patient, and kind, when a brother expresses a moment of grief? I think maybe it does if we want to express brotherly love.  

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