Saturday, October 2, 2010

Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!

Another week has past and we are officially through the summer of 2010. Do you notice the leaves beginning to change their color and starting to fall like little paratroopers from their homes high above? The sweaters are starting to come out from the back closet and surprise, surprise; many are beginning to complain of the chill in the night air. Watch how quickly the next three months go by, as they do every year; and as the year comes to an abrupt end so we will hear these same words, where did the year go, it went by so fast.

As we naturally look ahead this time of year for Christmas to pounce on us (I know some who are already preparing for it), why not take a moment to ponder on what you did with the last two weeks? Have you taken the time over this past week or two, to begin to cultivate a heart that is able to produce a greater abundance of understanding into God’s word? I bet you thought I was asking you to recall how many year end barbeques you attended, or how many times you took the kids to the summer end fair in your area? Nope; this is not ‘the community journal’ but ‘the logos revealer.’ Maybe you took the time and prayed your heavenly Father would give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation, so you can begin to get to know him more than what you do now? We must take care of our relationship with him you know, or we will be ineffective to minister to others. Besides, who does not want to know more and more about the one they claim to love?

Do you recall me saying that spending time with Jesus like Peter, John, James and the rest did, will produce a heart of understanding of the word of the Father? If you just said, we could not forget, you have said it over and over; then I know you are reading my posts (I feel like breaking out in a chorus or two of; hallelujah, Jesus is alive…). It is just as important that your heart function in wisdom and revelation, so you may have knowledge of the Father and his plan, not only for you personally but for the Body of Christ as a whole. This is one of the problems the church faces today, many do not know God’s plan, because they really do not know him as we have been given the potential, and there are reasons for this disrespect, not excuses. Yes, there are individuals in the Body who are gradually achieving knowledge of God and his plan for the church, but Christ’s desire is that we all do. His desire is that not even one of his sheep be lacking in knowledge of his Father. God deserves that we glorify him. Do you know what glorifying God means? It means to honor, magnify and lift him up. It means to esteem his person, holding him as having great worth or value to your life. This is more then just lip service when the emotion part of your soul is stirred up, but it is going after him with all your spirit, soul and body to gain as much knowledge of his person and his desires as you possibly can. And you do this only through his word, because that is how he reveals himself to us. That is why we must receive a spirit of wisdom and revelation. It is a spirit of ignorance when a person calls on God to come down and reveal himself to us, because all the revealing he is going to do, for now, is in the Old and New Testaments.

I sure hope you are fixing your eyes on Jesus and growing in knowledge, or the mysteries of God’s word and an understanding of his plan for the ages, will be a little difficult for you to comprehend. It is so important you spend time with Jesus, reading and meditating on his word so you can hear what he is saying, and so your heart can beat like his heart (I heard a young lady pray this latter part at pre-service prayer). Do you know that if you want to make your journey prosperous and have success in your life, you need to meditate in the word day and night, and have the word in your mouth always? (See Joshua 1:8) It is likewise important to be always praying, especially in the Spirit, as we get nearer to the end of the church age (See Ephesians 6:18). You see how fast this year is slipping by and the trees are already telling us to prepare for winter. When you begin to have a greater knowledge of the Father and what he is saying, you will then realize how much nearer the church is to being taken up by the Lord.

If any born-again believer does not see or believe that the coming of the Lord is sooner then we think it is one of two things. They either have not been taught it, which is the most likely reason, because many who are suppose to be feeding God’s house this information are not doing it. (On that point let me say quickly to the kingdom officers who have been appointed this very important responsibility: You my brothers will have no excuse for not doing as the Lord has instructed. I will show you his instructions, from Scripture, what you are suppose to be feeding the house of God in this generation, in later posts). Or, the reason some born-again believers cannot see or believe that the coming of the Lord is right at the door is because they refuse to believe it. This latter reason is a very sad position to be in. This position is like the woman who is betrothed to her bridegroom and she is not looking for him anytime soon, because she is trying to hold onto the single life as long as she can. Ladies, have you ever known a woman like this? A woman who is engaged to be married but she acts like she is not. I have, and they are very irresponsible femelle (females).

Wow, that last paragraph made my forehead sweat. What about yours? Okay now, are you ready to get radical, as the saying goes? I could have said, let’s get ready to rumble, but I think that term is used to get ready to wrestle. But when I think about it, it is a fight, the good fight of faith. So I will stay with my latter analogy. Okay now, are you ready to rumble? From now on you are going to have to crank up your spiritual eyes and ears, and kick into gear your spirit of wisdom and revelation, so you can have a clear window into the revelation of God that I am going to share.

Can you remember back to my very first blog, and what I said was the primary reason for my postings? The reason is to reveal how close we are to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to redeem Israel, and put an end to her sins, so the nation can live righteous before her God. Everyone who has been saved by the grace of God should want this passionately. Do you have a love for Israel? Israel, for the time being, is suffering a partial hardening for the Gentiles sake: “For I don't desire, brothers, to have you ignorant of this mystery, so that you won't be wise in your own conceits, that a partial hardening has happened to Yisra'el, until the fullness of the Goyim has come in” (Romans 11:25, HNV).

Yes there are many people from the tribe of Israel receiving Jesus as their Messiah from the day the church began (but not as many as I would like), that is why it is a partial hardening, or none from the tribe could be saved right now. But all Israel will be saved, as Paul preaches in verses twenty six and twenty seven of the previous text shown, but this will not happen until the second coming of Christ. This is when Israel will anoint Jesus as their Messiah King. The revelation of this is from a prophecy given to Daniel delivered by the angel Gabriel: “Seventy weeks are decreed on your people and on your holy city, to finish disobedience, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most holy” (Daniel 9:24, HNV). Can you see why it is important to pray for the will of the Lord to quickly come to pass: “He who testifies these things says, “Yes, I come quickly.” Amein! Yes, come, Lord Yeshua” (Revelation 22:20, HNV). The Apostle Paul’s desire for all Israel to be saved was so strong, but he knew that before this event could happen, the church would have to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air prior to Israel anointing Jesus. Paul made this statement in First Corinthians: “If anyone does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. O Lord, come!” (1 Corinthians 16:22, NKJ).

These postings will reveal through the word of God, how soon the Body of Christ is to being lifted out of this physical realm likewise the second coming. This is known as the Catching Away (rapture) of those who are abiding in Christ Jesus: “But we don't want you to be ignorant, brothers, concerning those who have fallen asleep, so that you don't grieve like the rest, who have no hope. For if we believe that Yeshua died and rose again, even so those who have fallen asleep in Yeshua will God bring with him. For this we tell you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left to the coming of the Lord, will in no way precede those who have fallen asleep. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the chief angel, and with God's shofar. The dead in Messiah will rise first, then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. So we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore comfort one another with these words” (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18, HNV).

I know this end time doctrine is not a very popular teaching in most places of worship these days. The reason for its unpopularity can be attributed to many things, but I believe the primary reason may be is the church has stumbled along in this generation with their spiritual eyes and ears turned off, plus it has not functioned with a spirit of wisdom and revelation. When these spiritual elements are not at work the Christian has very little comprehension of the mysteries of God. They have no idea what his will is for Israel or the church of Jesus Christ. The signs Christ gave that would precede his coming to redeem Israel are sticking out like a sore thumb in this world today, but most believers cannot see them or just plain refuse to acknowledge them. This is likely one of the major reasons why so many are falling away from faith in Jesus Christ, because they are ignorant to the mysteries, therefore they have little interest in God’s plan for his new creation and his chosen Yisra'el.

It is no coincident that in this generation more are falling away from their salvation in Christ than possibly ever before. Paul wrote this to his associate in the ministry, Timothy: “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron” (1 Timothy 4:1-2, KJV). The Greek word Paul used that most English Bibles translate ‘some’ is a pronoun indicating a number that was not precisely determined through revelation. In other words, Paul had no idea at the time of his letter to Timothy, how any would fall away from Christ in the latter times, because the Holy Spirit did not reveal a number to him. But we know that ever since Israel became a nation once again, there have been numerous fellowships, denominations and even many individuals that once served the Lord with boldness, have fallen out of the kingdom, even denying that Jesus is the only way to the Father. The phrase ‘latter times’ means the last portion of the church age, which we have been in since Israel’s rebirth.

Paul also wrote to the Thessalonians that before the coming of the Lord to gather his people to himself, there would be the same falling away: “Let no one deceive you in any way. For it will not be, unless the departure comes first” (2 Thessalonians 2:3a, HNV).

My point is, that prior to the Lord coming to receive us unto himself out of this third dimension by a literal physical grabbing action, there has to be a reason why so many would depart from him. So as I said; my assumptions are that because of a lack of knowledge of the Father and his plans for the church and a simple lack of comprehension into the word of God, people hearts are just not into the Lord. The Pastor, who shepherds the Lords sheep at the place of worship where I attend, said one time a man told him that the Christian life is boring. This mans heart is surely not into the Lord (although I hope this man has repented by now) for him to make that judgment. People who fall away from the faith, is a result of a lack of dedication to the Lord. They do not bear fruit because they do not abide in him or his word (See John 15:1-8).

Beginning next week, if the Lord wills, I will start to reveal why this is the generation that Jesus will come and completely fulfill the Daniel 9:24-27 prophecy (because part of it has come to pass already), and prior to that receive his bride unto himself. This generation by the way, includes those who witnessed Israel’s rebirth way back in 1948. By generation I am not referring to a specific number of years, like twenty or forty years, that constitutes a generation. No this is not what I am referring to. But what I am referring to is a group of people who live contemporaneously, or who are living at the same point in time. And this group, or generation of people who I am referring to, are the people who witnessed the rebirth of Israel in May 1948.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

Now that we have looked at what it takes to get good ground, meaning a spirit that is able to produce fruit, which is this context, is understanding into the word of God, we will now look at what it means to have a spirit of wisdom and revelation.

To reiterate briefly: To be able to activate our spiritual eyes and ears, so we can see and hear what the Spirit of God is saying, we need to spend time with Jesus like the disciples did. Jesus said to the disciples, “But blessed [are] your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear” (Matthew 13:16, KJV). What he meant by this is that they were able to understand the parables that he taught whereas the people outside of the apostolic group could not. Let us still remember that although the disciples were blessed with spiritual eyes and ears (because of their relationship with Jesus) they still had to have the secret things taught to them. In their case Jesus taught them personally. He taught them via the spoken word. In our case the Holy Spirit will teach us what God is saying through the written word, and usually the Spirit teaches us through anointed teachers. This is not saying that the Spirit uses anointed men and women exclusively, but generally this is the procedure. This is why God gave the kingdom officers to the Church (see Ephesians 4:11). I know some might be thinking, but did Jesus not give these officers to the Church to perfect the saints for works of ministry? (See Ephesians 4:12). Yes he did, but without having knowledge of the word of God, the Christian cannot know who God is, and without knowing who God is how can we do as he commands. The primary duty of these kingdom officers is to teach the word of God to the house of God, and to help build up their relationship with God (See Ephesians 4:12-13).

As I said before, if anyone makes the attempt to know God other than the inspired Canon of Scriptures, it will lead them into all kinds of deception. This might hit hard but it must be said: There are many performing works of service, and because they have no real understanding of the word of God, they do not really have a true understanding of who the God of the New Covenant is. Do I dare include the following verses with my statement? Yes, I think I will, but these verses are to the extreme I should inform you: “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out demons and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:22-23, Webster’s). This is why we need a spirit that is likened to good soil, so our spiritual eyes and ears can be turned on, so we can comprehend what God is saying through the Holy Scriptures. Spending time with Jesus, if sincere, will produce a bountiful harvest of understanding into what God is really saying through his word.

This brings us now to the second vital element that we need to activate in our lives so we can understand God’s word even deeper, which is, as I began to say at the beginning, is a spirit of wisdom and revelation. Some may say, are not spiritual eyes and ears the same as a spirit of wisdom and revelation. Do they both not bring us into the same place of greater understanding of God’s word? Yes they both bring us into a greater understanding of God’s word, but each one functions at different levels. Spiritual eyes and ears give us the ability to hear what the Spirit is saying as we hear the word being taught. A spirit of wisdom and revelation gives us a better understanding of the Father, in whom the word originates, and his plan for our life.

Working spiritual eyes and ears is the primary element that we need operating in our life, or we will not be able to function in a spirit of wisdom and revelation, no matter how hard we try. And by trying, I mean, no matter how much we think we have it. As said, spiritual eyes and ears open us up to what the Father is saying in his word, this comes by spending time with Jesus. Spending time with Jesus is primarily studying what God is saying through his word and consecrated prayer. This will open up to us the mysteries of God’s word (the things that are hidden to those outside of the kingdom). A spirit of wisdom and revelation will open up to us, and give us knowledge of, who it is doing the saying, who is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Father reveals himself through his word, just like he reveals what he is saying, through his word. Do you remember that I said that the word of God is actually the word of the Father? Jesus said that he only spoke what he heard his Father speak, and what the Father told him to say: “I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him” (John 8:26, KJV). Jesus said the Holy Spirit only speaks what he hears the Father speak also: “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come” (John 16:13, KJV).

Some may have the thought, that my view on spiritual eyes and ears verses a spirit of wisdom and revelation are just a matter of semantics. No, because both are different in their cause. A spirit of wisdom and revelation takes us another level higher into the comprehension of God’s word. Some might say, who cares, why do we not just get out there and do ministry. Who needs to know more of God’s word, do we not have enough knowledge to just go and win the lost, or feed and take care of the helpless? As I touched on in previous posts, this is where the problem lies. For one thing, why did the Father, through the Holy Spirit, give us the covenant that he made with us (through the Lord Jesus), if we do not need it? And by covenant I mean the writings of Paul, Barnabas (Hebrews, although you may think it is Paul), James, Peter and John. Why do you think we have so many different denominations and fellowships? We have so many different denominations and fellowships because each one has their own version of ideas of what God’s word is saying. The heads of these different denominations and fellowships may, or may not, have spiritual eyes and ears operating to some extent, but do they have a spirit of wisdom and revelation functioning? If they did, we would all be on the same page in our knowledge of the Father and his plan for us. There would not be the competition that exists between some denominations, or some ministries. You might say to me, well how do you know you have proper knowledge of the Father and his plan for the Body of Christ? I will be the first to confess that I do not, but with a spirit of wisdom and revelation functioning within me the process is getting richer. It will begin to function in you too once you know it and desire it. Many in the body of Christ are already growing in a spirit of wisdom and revelation, but the head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ, desires that we all do (this is why Paul prayed for it to be released). So I am not saying that I am unique, just someone who is bringing this information to the attention of those who have no knowledge of it yet.

Let us take a look at what we know about a spirit of wisdom and revelation, which Paul outlines in Ephesians Chapter one, when he prayed this prayer for the saints at Ephesus: “[I, Paul] don't cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Ephesians 1:16-17, HNV). Now do not be confused if the version of the Scriptures you use records ‘the spirit’ instead of ‘a spirit.’ Some may not agree, but this is an error in translation beginning with the earliest English translations. The confusion lies within what spirit Paul is referring to in this prayer. Was he referring to the Holy Spirit or our human spirit? The translations that use ‘the spirit’ think Paul is referring to the Holy Spirit. The translations that record ‘a spirit’ believe he is referring to the human spirit. Let me test you on this to see what spirit you think Paul is referring to: If Paul is writing to, and praying for, people who already have the Holy Spirit (because he is writing to Christians here), then why would he need to pray to the Father to give them the Holy Spirit again (if the Spirit is wisdom and revelation)? Did you come up with your answer? My answer is that Paul is referring to the human spirit, rather than the Holy Spirit. The implication of Paul’s prayer is that the Ephesians born-again spirit would function in wisdom and revelation (which are attributes of the Spirit).

So now, Paul prays for a people who are the establishment of God’s kingdom, with spirits possessing the Holy Spirit. So why did Paul have to pray that God might give to them (and us by extension) a spirit of wisdom and revelation if these qualities, which I would rather refer to as powers, are inherent characteristics of the Holy Spirit? Did the Ephesians’ not already possess these two powers if the Spirit dwells in them? Yes these powers do abide in the spirit of every born-again believer, just as the fruit of the Spirit does, and also the gifts of the Spirit. But these powers of wisdom and revelation must be activated as do our spiritual eyes and ears. As do the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit also.

How does wisdom and revelation function within our spirit? First we need to pray and ask our Father for a spirit of wisdom and revelation (or rather a spirit that functions in these powers) just as Paul prayed for the Ephesians. You might say, but this is too easy, Robin! Well, what did the apostle James say for us to do if we lack wisdom? He said to pray for it: “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach; and it will be given to him” (James 1:5, HNV). Why would we need to ask God for wisdom if the Holy Spirit who dwells in us is inherent wisdom? Again, we need to pray that wisdom be active within us, otherwise wisdom will just be one of the treasures of the kingdom that just lies in the treasure chest inactive. In other words, we have to put wisdom to work.

Now concerning a spirit of wisdom, as I said, its special task is to release knowledge of the Father to us, so that we may have a deeper understanding of him and his plans for our life. After Israel was delivered from Egypt, and the Lord was preparing Aaron and his sons for priestly duty, the Lord had given the gifted tailors a spirit of wisdom so that they could make Aaron priestly garments as was the Lords plan (See Exodus 28:1-5). These men were given a spirit of wisdom so that they could make the garments specific to the Lord’s agenda. Wisdom was released within their spirit so they could have the understanding to follow precisely what the Lord’s will was. Can you see why Paul prayed for the Ephesians for a spirit of wisdom? So they could have a deeper understanding of the Lord and his plan for them (See Ephesians 1:18-19).

We see also in Deuteronomy 34:9, where Joshua son of Nun, was also filled with a spirit of wisdom so he could have a deeper understanding of the Lord’s will, to lead the people of Israel according to the plan the Lord had established. Now again, we can get confused with our English translations because they record in these two Scriptures ‘the spirit’ rather than ‘a spirit.’ The question here is, were the Old Testament saints renewed spiritually like the new creation (by this I mean born-again)? No they were not, or Jesus would not have had to give his life for the sins of the world. Rather the Holy Spirit would come upon Israel but never became one with their spirit like he does with us. What the Lord did for these saints in these specific passages was, when the Spirit came upon them, he filled their spirit with wisdom (an inherent characteristic of the Spirit) so they could have an understanding of his plan to carry it out.

One Israelite whom God did not give a spirit of wisdom to was Samson, although the Spirit did come upon him with power. When the Holy Spirit came on him we do not see the Lord fill his spirit to function in wisdom, at least Scripture does not say the Lord filled him with the [a]spirit of wisdom (like our previous examples). That is why Samson seemed to lack wisdom, as his relationship with Delilah was a clear indication of it. Samson had spiritual power that enabled him to do mighty acts of power, but his spirit did not function in wisdom so he could carry out the plan of God that was revealed to him through his parents (See Exodus 13:4-5). So can you see why our Father’s desire is that we have a spirit that functions in wisdom? Although we have the Holy Spirit he does not want us to end up like Samson, who lacked the knowledge of God and his true plan for his life, which was to deliver Israel from the Philistines, but thus, was destroyed by them instead. A spirit of wisdom will help us from being overcome by the world, in which we have technically, in the spiritual sense overcome.

Revelation is the second power that we must have functioning in our spirit alongside the first power wisdom. Revelations job also is to reveal knowledge of the Father and his plan for us. But this power goes deeper than its partner power wisdom. Revelation power must function in our spirit so that we can know the plans of God before they happen. Wisdom allows us to see the plan of God in its progression, where revelation allows us to see God’s plan beyond what is seen in the physical realm, like the coming of the Lord for his Bride, and his coming for Israel. Seeing God’s plan in advance may come through a vision or dream inspired by the Lord, but primarily it comes directly from the written word of the Father, which we call prophecy.

The Father’s desire is that we know what is up ahead, and how close we are to it. When our spirit functions in revelation power we will never be caught off guard from anything that happens in this world. For example: Do you know that those who had revelation functioning within their spirit where not caught off guard when Israel was re-established in the year 1948. They saw it and were ready for it before it happened. They saw the foundation of this revelation in the word of God, and there are testimonies that some even saw it through divine visions and dreams (that the word confirmed). The revelation of Israel’s re-establishment has been in the word of God even when Jesus preached to Israel (in parables): ‘Her branch would become tender and she would put forth leaves’ (See Matthew 24:32). Matthew chapter twenty four verse thirty two, is a symbolic prophecy stating that Israel would be reborn as a sovereign nation once again, after almost twenty six hundred years. The year and month of her re-establishment, which was May 1948, is also revealed in the Old Testament, that only someone with a spirit functioning in the power of revelation can see (likewise the Christ’s parabolic prophecy). So it was no coincident that Israel became a nation again in that specific year and month. Anyone with a spirit of wisdom and revelation may see it in the Scriptures, because they have a deeper knowledge of the Father and his plans for the Church and the nation of Israel. As I continue to post my blogs I will write more about these things, because the primary reason for my postings has to do with the next major event that a spirit of revelation reveals, which is the catching up of those living and abiding in Christ Jesus.

Someone may think, this information pertaining to a spirit of wisdom and revelation sounds good, but how do we know that it pertains to a greater knowledge of the Father and his will? I am glad that some of you are thinking this, because it is revealed in the same passage of text. Ephesians chapter one verse seventeen implies that a human spirit that functions in wisdom and revelation has a greater understanding of God the Father than if it does not. Paul prays: “that the God of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Ephesians 1:17, HNV). Verses eighteen and nineteen also imply, that with a greater knowledge of the Father our human spirit will be enlightened to three specific areas of his will. These three specific areas are: A)The hope of his calling, B)What are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Body of Christ, C)And, the greatness of his power to them that believe (See Ephesians 1:18-19). Without a spirit of wisdom and revelation, these three areas will be unrealized to the Christian.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Getting Good Ground

Last week there was a couple of people who told me that my articles are too long, so this week I will try to watch how many words I use.
In a previous article, called Eyes and Ears, I said that I would write more about the seed the farmer plants in the ground.
I also added that I would write what action should to take place for fruit to produce.

I mentioned that many Christians have a difficult time understanding the hidden things in God’s word.

Some go to church week after week and listen to their pastor's teaching but as soon as they get to the parking lot they cannot remember what they just heard.

I am not referring to the guy that will use church as leisure time to catch up on a snooze because he is not interested in the pastor and his message anyhow. But I am referring to those who do have an interest in the bible only they walk away having heard nothing.

Sometimes it is the pastor's fault the congregation leave empty because his message has no life in it; it is not God breathed. But I am not referring to this case.

I am referring to the inability of the assembly to hear the word of God as they should.
Why are there those that hear the words but fail to understand what they hear, are they uneducated?

This is not the reason because generally the message is delivered so that even a primary grade student can understand. This is not saying the minister believes his church is lunkheaded but he preaches so even a child is not lost in his communication.

Many of you can still remember Dr. Billy Graham, the worldwide evangelist in the twentieth century. He preached his message so that even someone with a grade three level education could comprehend what he was saying.

He did not want anyone to get lost in his translation of the English language.

Most adults tend to read at a grade ten level, and communicate with other people with a vocabulary at the same pace, so the reason that some may not retain what their pastor preaches is not because they are inept.

There can be multiple reasons why some Christians have a hard time understanding the word of God but the main reason has to do with the spirit and not the brain.

This is why Jesus taught the parable about the farmer who sows seed.

If you are a believer that is serious about your faith, and is concerned that your ability to understand what the bible says is deficient, then you are in a good place.

The Christian who should be concerned is the person  that knows he cannot conceive the Word and they express no solicitude in the matter.
Did you know that God has purposely hidden the power of comprehending his word to some people?

Who are these people, and why would God hide his word to them?

These people are the group whom Jesus refers to when the disciples asked him why he speaks in parables (Matt.13:10), and he said to them that they are to know the mysteries of heaven but certain others are not (Matt.13:11).

This doesn't seem right.

Why is the Lord's word beyond comprehension to some people, why is the capacity to apprehend been kept from them?

The reason certain people cannot grasp the meaning of God's word is because their spirit is dull; it is slow and even stopped distinguishing the voice of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said that these people have hard hearts, they cannot hear with their ears, and they have purposely closed their eyes (Matt.13:15a).

God did not do these things to them but this is the choice they have made.

If they would have a different attitude and turn to God he would heal them  and give them the power to understand (Matt.13:15b).

The mysteries of  heaven are only for those who belong to God's kingdom.

Everyone who belongs to his kingdom are those that put their faith in the Christ and have become one new man either Jew or Gentile (Eph.2:11-22).

There are four spiritual reasons why a person can and cannot understand the mysteries of heaven.

These principles would not apply to the person who deliberately hardens their heart to the Lord Jesus Christ, because when a person intentionally hardens their heart to the Lord they are literally making the confession that they do not believe the bible is true.
The person who does believe the bible is true and still finds it arduous to understand should take heed to the principles Jesus taught (Matt.13:3-9).
He taught there are four things that can happen when seed is planted into the ground using the natural procedure of planting seed to teach spiritual truth which he then reveals (Matt.13:18-23). 

In verse four Jesus said when seed is not planted the right way, like when it slovenly falls outside its intended destination meaning the rich soil, birds can then come and eat it up.

In verses five and six, if seed falls on stony places it has the potential to grow up quickly, but because there is not much earth to give it root what grows can burn up by the hot sun.

In verse seven, he explains seed can be choked off if it is planted among thorns.

Quite the opposite happens if seed is planted in good soil, it will grow up and produce a fruitful harvest if it is taken proper care of; in verse eight.

Jesus used this natural procedure of planting seed to teach his parable to his disciples while the crowd was present, but the crowd had no idea what Jesus was really saying.

He did not reveal the interpretation to this parable to the crowd either but only to his disciples, and only after they asked him to explain it.

Jesus does so and begins the interpretation in verse nineteen by saying; when a person hears God's word and is devoid of understanding the devil then robs him of what was planted. It is like seed carelessly planted.

The seed that is planted represents the word of God.

Many times this parable is used to explain why the unbeliever does not receive the Lord which is because they do not receive God’s word.

The above interpretation can be justified but in the other two examples in verses twenty to twenty three it is a little more difficult; if you want to interpret what Jesus was saying properly.

In the first example the case can be made not only for the unbeliever who does not receive God’s word for salvation but it can also be used for the believer who hears the deeper things of the Lord yet  he does not have the proper soil for comprehension.

They have a renewed spirit but yet their spirit is not being cultivated properly—we have the responsibility to do that.

How is our spirit cultivated properly?

The way we cultivate our spirit is by spending time with Jesus like his disciples did, that is why they had the spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear, their spirit was good soil because of their fellowship with the Lord.

Verse nineteen explains why some Christians can go to church week after week and leave learning nothing; leaving empty. 

The believer hears the word of God and does not have the capacity to apprehend it so the devil takes what the Christian hears out of his heart. It is like a crow picking away the seed along the path.

Whose responsibility is it to learn what the bible says?

It is our responsibility, but some will blame the pastor or teacher because they did not understand.

As he continues Jesus says some people will hear the word and receive it quickly with joy, they will hold onto it for awhile but when trouble comes they stumble because the word does not take root; this is like the seed planted on the rocky places (Matt.13:20-21).

The person's heart is too hard for the word to make sufficient root, it does not hold, so they only stick around for a short time.

Why would their heart be too hard for the word to take proper root?

Their heart is too hard because they have not taken the time to cultivate it fully.

Sticking around for only a short time is giving up too quickly and fleeing from the faith.

They stay for only a short time because of oppression and persecution.

Jesus said that they immediately stumble, which means more than just a little trip up.

The Greek word that the writer utilizes and we translate ‘stumble or offended’ is the word ‘skandalizō,’ which makes reference to being lured into sin again; also can suggest departing from the faith.

The people in the rocky place are believers who receive the word and acquire it with joy.
Their understanding has been made aware to salvation.
The seed however is not able to go deep and root, because they do not take the time to cultivate their spirit which makes it easy for them to be seduced back into sin; some even fall away from the faith.
Understand what Jesus is suggesting.
The word is planted into their heart but they only stay in the faith for a short time.
They do not keep the word in their heart so the seed cannot produce fruit.
This is not referring to the word being planted in the mind. Jesus makes it clear that the word is being planted in the person's heart; meaning the spirit part of their being.

The third type is the person that receives the word of God but because of the cares of this world and the stress it brings, coupled with the love of money, causes the word not to grow in their heart.
This person’s heart is like a thorn bush (Matt.13:22).  
Why does this group continue with a thorn bush type spirit?
They let the cares of this world rule their heart instead of the seed that is planted.
The thorny bush can be like a Judas Iscariot who although was called into the group of twelve and had received Christ’s words but he was also consumed with the cares of this world. 
The deceitfulness of riches continually drove him so his spirit was not able to produce fruit.
The thorn bush is similar to the rocky place;  they both are in danger of being coaxed back into the old life and turn away from the faith. 
The word cannot grow in these people primarily because they are unable to understand the word beyond the stages of infancy, like the group who had the word snatched out of their heart by the enemy (Jn.15:1-8; 2 Pt. 2:20-22).

The fourth group receives the word into their heart because their spirit is like good soil, it is fertile and rich, and gives the word potential to grow and produce fruit (Matt.13:23).
The word of God will bear much fruit in good soil, which has the effect of understanding the mysteries of the kingdom; they increase in spiritual insight and discernment.
Those with spiritual insight and discernment are able to hear (Matt.13:9). They learn to grasp what the bible says.
Picture: CC0 Public Domain
YouTube Video: The Farmer and The Seeds I Stories of God I Animated Children´s Bible Stories
The Holy Tales: Bible

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Eyes and Ears

Do you know what it is like, or have you ever experienced, going to God in prayer and expressing to him something that is deeply affecting you personally, that is beginning to effect your outlook, that if not checked has the potential to drastically change the way you think, and not necessarily for the better, and then the very next day he reveals to you that you have been slightly off in your assumptions? You were not totally wrong in what was starting to form a spirit of belief within your mind, but you were not completely right in your convictions either. Has this ever happened to you? Well it happened to me just last weekend. Oh it has happened to me before, but this is the latest transformation of thought. This thought had been with me for a while, building itself up, growing larger with little bits of ‘thought debris’ being dumped into my mind to make the ‘thought heap’ wider and higher. This ‘thought pile’ was beginning to have an effect on my perception of belief, and like I said, it was not for my good either. The margin of error forming within my mind was enough to bring my thinking, about this certain issue, into an area of false thinking. I am not talking about my belief in God’s Word (although you thought I was), but about life, and life personal. But I went to our God with a heavy heart, and shared this perception of belief with him, and he listened as I cast the weight of it over onto him. I must also add, that this thought system that was being shaped within my mind, was being built by what I am experiencing in this physical realm, something that is directly affecting my person (on the exterior it is still there), but God revealed to me that what I was believing with my physical eyes is not the same reality in the spiritual realm. Why did our Father not reveal this truth to me before the ‘thought heap’ grew so large that it became too heavy for me to carry anymore? I have my ideas on that, but his revelation did show me, that what I am experiencing in the physical realm is not true in the spiritual dimension where he abides.

Last week (I am back into the teaching now) I named the two basic elements that, the sons and daughters need to have, so we can receive understanding into the word of God. The first one is to have the spiritual eyes and ears so we can see and hear, what the Spirit is saying in the written word of the Father. The other is to have a spirit (meaning a human spirit) of wisdom and revelation, so we can have greater knowledge of the Father, who is the source or all revelation. These components are essential, even after having received the Holy Spirit. Remember last week, I said that the Holy Spirit is our number one schoolmaster, who will guide and direct us into all truth (everything our Father has said), but even he needs for his students to have the right building blocks to receive what he has to teach us. Without these building blocks, what the Spirit tries to teach will only be misinterpreted.

Why do we Christians believe that the Bible is God’s word and not just the word of men? We believe it because the Bible says it over and over. For example:

“For this cause we also thank God without ceasing, that, when you received from us the word of the message of God, you accepted it not as the word of men, but, as it is in truth, the word of God, which also works in you who believe” (1 Thessalonians 2:13, HNV)

“Every scripture [is] divinely inspired, and profitable for teaching, for conviction, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16, Darby’s)

For those of you who do not believe, or have some doubt that the Bible is the word of God, then you are in a hopeless place. God himself says that what is written, in the Old and New Testaments, is the word of God. No other religious book (as far as I know) makes this claim. And if they do make this claim (which again, I do not know of one that does) then someone’s document is lying. I am not sorry for being so straight forward with you, but maybe by me being frank, you might open your heart to the truth. I cannot see where tickling your ears, to make you feel good, will benefit you in anyway. Especially when you are now experiencing something that is drawing you to read the Old and New Testaments (even though you are not sure about its authenticity), and something is telling you that your answer to life is only found in Jesus Christ (even though you are not even sure about him either). You also know that something is about to happen on this big old dust bowl, called planet earth, but you do not know what, and you feel you might find the answer in the Holy Bible. If you are part of my scenario then go for it, because that what is drawing you is from God (and is in fact, his Holy Spirit), and he wants you to believe in him, and every word that he speaks.

We need help to believe, do we not? I cannot remember how many times, over the last twenty five years, I have asked God to help me to believe what he says. I have often prayed this because, many times what I see in my physical reality, does not line up, with what our Father says in his word. Well, I do know for sure whom it is I should believe, and it is not what I see or hear in the physical; but what the Bible says. So hence, I pray, help me to believe what you say Lord, and not what I see and hear.

This takes us back to having the tools, which God has already provided for us, so that we can have a much deeper understanding to what it is he is actually saying in his word. I am not saying that there are not some surface level writings that cannot be discerned with the natural mind, because there is. But did you know that our Father has spoken to us, who have his Spirit, not only what is written on the surface level, but beneath what we read on the surface level as well? Some, but I am hoping many, do know this; but there are those who do not know it. Those who do understand that God speaks beneath the ground surface of his word, can see below the surface, because they use their spiritual eyes and ears that they have been blessed with. They also realize that to have greater revelation into the Word, they must have a spirit that functions with wisdom and revelation, to receive a deeper understanding of the Father and what he says. There is no other way, because this is the will of the Lord (See again: Ephesians 1:17).

I thought that this week we will look first into what Jesus meant by “But blessed [are] your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear” (Matthew 13:16, KJV). In what context did Jesus make this statement? Well, it had to do with the disciple’s ability to comprehend the teachings of Jesus. As I said before, Jesus spoke to the people in parables. These parables were difficult for the people to understand, unless Jesus made it easy for them. But most times he did not make it easy for them, because it was the Messiah’s intention that the people did not understand.

What about you? When you read the Gospels can you fully understand what Jesus is saying, especially what he taught with parables? What about when you read the covenant that the Father has made with his new creation? When you read the letter to the Romans, or Ephesians, or how about the Hebrews document, do you get a little confused? If you do, you are not alone. Many think the ‘Law and the Prophets’ are difficult enough to understand (and they are unless we are taught by the Spirit, through anointed teachers) but the teachings of Jesus, and the New Testament, are a whole new ball game (or hockey game, whatever you prefer. Go Leafs!). Why are some of these passages, especially the teaching parables, so difficult to comprehend? They seem difficult to comprehend because, they take spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear, what the Spirit of God is saying, that's why.

To get a better understanding of what I am saying, we are going to look at Matthew 13:1-23 (today and next week). The parallel passages can be found in Mark chapter four, and Luke chapter eight. These passages are so important, and they will help to give us understanding to why the word of God sometimes seems so difficult to understand, especially when it comes to end time doctrine, like the Catching Away. It also helps to explain why so many Christian groups, and fellowships, may have different interpretations of some areas of Scripture (like healing, or the gifts of the Spirit).

There is no reason, you know, for the different interpretations of some passages. There is no reason why some may teach totally different perspectives on some Bible doctrine. We should not have the idea that, well it is just a matter of interpretation, so it does not matter. No! Is God trying to confuse us, or do we just confuse ourselves? Some have the idea that, walking in the Spirit, is where it is all at. I should inform those who believe that they are okay with this philosophy, that walking in the Spirit, is first and foremost lining ourselves up with the written word of God.

Some of the, walking in the Spirit group (and I do not mean anything negative with this phrase), say and do things, which do not fit with what the written word says (some do, but some others do not). How can those, who do not, account for this, especially when Jesus himself said that he only spoke what he was commanded, and did what his Father did?

“For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak” (John 12:49, KJV).

“Yeshua therefore answered them, “Most assuredly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father doing. For whatever things he does, these the Son also does likewise” (John 5:19, HNV).

So, if Jesus, who walked in the Spirit twenty four hours of the day, only spoke what his Father said, and only did what he saw his Father do, then why do we not do the same? Some Holy Spirit inspired believers may be thinking right now, but I say what God speaks in my heart, and then I share it. That is good, as long as what you sense in your spirit does not go against what God has already spoken, by the Holy Spirit, in his written word. Remember, Jesus only said and did what he heard the Father say, and what the Father has said is recorded for us by those whom the Holy Spirit inspired to write what we call the Scriptures.

Every dream, vision and prophecy must never contradict what is written, or it is not from heaven. When a person releases a gift of prophecy, where do you think this word is suppose to come from, the Holy Spirit right? When the Spirit speaks does he contradict the word of the Father? No! Then why do we hear so many words of prophecy that do not line up with the word of God? We cannot use first Corinthians as an excuse either: “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part” (1 Corinthians 13:9, KJV), because we sometimes will use this verse if we do not get prophecy right. But, this verse is referring to what we already know now (in the written word), which is, the only part God has revealed to us about his kingdom. In other words, what we know about God’s kingdom are the parts that he has already revealed. Therefore, we know in part (only what he has revealed), so we prophesy in part (what we already know). God has not revealed everything to us yet, but he will in the very near future.

We do not know everything about Christ yet, but only what is revealed to us already in God’s word: “Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2, KJV). We do not know everything about Christ and his kingdom yet, only in part, so our prophecy is limited to what we know, and that what we know, is already written (so we cannot prophecy something that contradicts the written word of God).

When we receive our glorified spiritual bodies, on the day of the Catching Away, “we shall be like him (Christ); for we shall see him as he is” (see above), we will be made completely perfect (the imperfect vanishes) and then we will know more than what we do now (read 1 Corinthians 13:10 and 12). Verses ten and twelve refers to the day of the harpazō (being caught up) when we meet the Lord in the atmosphere. The problem with many so-called prophesies is that they are a mixture of God’s word and man’s word.

Now, I do realize that we can look at Scripture from different angles, but each angle must still come out with the truth. When we go wrong, it is because we come out making Scripture say something completely contradictory to the intent of the initial statement. You know what I mean. One group will say a passage means something completely opposite, to what another group may say. Usually it is up to the kingdom officers (Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers) who are suppose to get it right, so they can feed the house of God the truth. But when spiritual eyes and ears are not turned on, or wisdom and revelation is not activated in ones spirit, then we end up with distortion of truth.

Christ’s teaching about a farmer who sows seed, reveals to us a whole lot of information about why many Christians are so confused about understanding the word of God. And the reason they are confused is because, as I have been saying, we need spiritual eyes and ears to hear what the Spirit is really saying through God’s word. Today we will not go into explaining the conditions the seed (word) requires to produce fruit in the hearer, as Jesus explains four ways why fruit is produced, and why it is not. But we will look at the core reason why many are not able to see past their nose on their face, when it comes to understanding what the word is really saying. The reason for that is because the deeper understanding of the word of God is kept secret, and is only available to those who are of the kingdom. But you may say I am a child of God, so I am part of the kingdom. After I am able to straighten back my hair, because of the gale force wind that just blew it out of place, I will say, hold on and let me explain.

In Matthew chapter thirteen, the disciples asked Jesus after he had just taught the people another parable, this question: “And the disciples came and said to Him, “Why do You speak to them in parables?” (Matthew 13:10, NKJV). Jesus’ response was: “He answered and said to them, “Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given” (Matthew 13:11, NKJV). What did Jesus mean by this? What did he mean by, the kingdom of God has mysteries, and they are exclusive? It is simple: The kingdom of God has mysteries, or hidden things, and they are not for those who are outside of God’s kingdom, meaning those who have not been made new creations through faith in Christ Jesus. The mysteries are only for those who are born-again, by the Spirit of God.

The mysteries that Jesus was referring to, is the deeper understanding of God’s word (like the fundamentals of healing and the coming of the Lord, to name just two). Contained in God’s word are all the answers to truth and life. Knowledge of him is contained in his word, which God reveals only to his people. That is why Jesus usually taught in public, using parabolic language, so people other than the disciples, could not figure out what he was saying (If you notice in Matthew 13:18 and 36, Jesus had to then teach to his disciples the hidden things, even though they had been blessed with eyes to see and ears to hear). This is why most of the New Testament is written in a way, where it usually takes spiritual insight, to really comprehend what the Spirit is saying through the writers. Like I said before; sure a person may pick up on the outer surface of what Paul, Peter, and the Apostle John are saying, but unless a person has spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear, the complete truth is hidden. The Holy Spirit cannot reveal the mysteries to us, unless our spiritual eyes and ears are tuned in.

God reveals enough of his word so the person who seeks after him can receive the measure of faith to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and receive salvation. Then as a person moves forward in his salvation, little bits and pieces are revealed (which is likened unto milk) so that they can begin to have a greater understanding of the word, which reveals more of the Father. Those who are outside of God’s kingdom cannot understand the mysteries, because they are spiritually discerned. It says this, about the natural man, in First Corinthians: “But [the] natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him; and he cannot know [them] because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14, Darby’s).

Spiritual eyes and ears are likened to the good ground that Jesus was speaking about in the parable of the farmer who sows seed (See Matthew 13:8 and 23). We will (God willing) touch on these kinds of soil next week, but for now, I hope that you are able to see that without our spirit being good ground, the mysteries will remain hidden to us. We have the Holy Spirit in us, to teach us, but we must also make sure that our spirit and soul be good ground, so our primary teacher (the Spirit) can reveal to us the hidden things of the kingdom. The good ground that produces the eyes and ears that are essential for understanding God’s word comes by a particular action, which I will reveal next week. I have already mentioned it in today’s blog, but I will further discuss it next time. The hidden things are there on the pages of our Bible, but we must first put on our spiritual eyes and ears, to hear what the Holy Spirit is communicating what he has already heard from the Father.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Do You 'Comprende'?

I hope that you do not think that I am being too hard on you, because I suggested that you may not be where you should be, in your knowledge of the Word of God. Some may take what I am blogging, and think that I am judging them (judging is the word we sometimes use when we want people to mind their own business). If you think that I am pointing you out (or judging you) alone, you are wrong. If anyone has a lot of growing to do in the Word of God, it is me, for sure. And yes, I am judging myself, because it is good practice: “For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged” (1 Corinthians 11:31, KJV). So, I am being as hard on myself, as you think I am being on you. But I praise our God, because he will get us there, as we let him.

We will steadily grow, if we truly submit ourselves to the Word of God, right up until the day we receive our glorified spiritual bodies. Remember, we must have knowledge of the Word of God, so we can put our faith in it. How can we believe something we do not know? Let me also ask you this next question. How do you think it is that God expects us to put our faith in him (what is his method)? He expects us to put our faith in him, by believing his written Word, in what he has already said in it. Any other way, is just some magical mystical fairytale concoction. Some might say; I can put my faith in him because of things he has done for me. What he has done for us can be quickly forgotten, but his Word will live forever. If we cannot put our faith in him because of what he says in his Word, then the things he has done for us, can slip our minds memory as quickly as they came. Thus faith slips away with the dwindling memory.

When God speaks into your spirit, does it fit with what he has already said in his Word? Is there any contradiction between what you heard and the Word? Many do not know, because God’s written Word is not in their heart. Some fly off giving words of prophecy, and the word they give does not line up with what is written. Oh, we can use the excuse that we see only in part, but does the Holy Spirit in you not know the Word of the Father. If we say we are speaking by the Holy Spirit, it better then not go against what the Father has said. What do you think the devil does when he uses God’s Word? He mixes it with his own word, taking God's Word, out of context (See how he tempted Jesus). Why is it that you believe you are saved? Is it because you feel it, or maybe because of what you experienced that day? No, your sure anchor is because the Word says you are saved, if you meet the conditions of faith in his Word. I did not say that we need to have it all figured out, from A to Z, but the Word is our foundation, and the Holy Spirit, will guide us from there.

I remember years ago, there was a song (I think it was first performed in the early eighties, before I was a Christian), which mocked the Christian for digging in and learning as much of the Word of God as they could. Now this song did not come right out and say we should not study our Bible, but some of the lyrics within this song insinuated that the Christian was over-fed, with Bible teaching. If I am not mistaken this song actually called Christians fat, with the teaching from God’s Word. I am not sure of the intention the writer had in writing this song (or the performer who sang it), but my Bible tells me to let the Word of God abide in us (See John 15:7), and that comes by replenishment (and much of it).

In my opinion, most Christians do not feed enough on the Word of God, to maintain spiritual health. Do you know that there are many Christians who give the Bible very little consideration? To some, just reading a couple of verses a day is plenty. And to go to a Bible study, is way too fanatical. Let me shoot straight from the hip with this observation: Many Christians are even embarrassed to carry their Bibles out in public because someone might see it. And I am not talking about being religious (being religious is the word some like to fling around if they are too frightened to let anyone know they are born-again). I think it is funny that, the Jehovah Witnesses, and the Mormons, are not shy at all carrying their translations of the Bible and conversion literature out in public.

Previously I said that our experiences can masquerade as a lie. To clarify myself: Not all experiences are a lie in hiding, but they are, if the experience does not line up with the Word of God. And how do we know our experience lines up with the Word of God, unless we check it out, to see if it does? You maybe suffering from sickness or some kind of infirmity, and I tell you, only believe the Word of God (with emphasis on the adverb: only; and the verb: believe). Some cry out and say, but I do believe that Jesus is going to heal me. If you said this, you still have not received the revelation that you are already healed. Do you not remember that Jesus already took our sickness and disease, and carried our pain? (Read my former blogs to get the Word of God, straight forward). So believe it, regardless of what your body tells you. I tell you, that we need faith to receive the healing power of God, or anything else from him for that matter (even salvation), and faith only comes by trusting in every word that God says. Once you start believing it then start saying it. Say it with your mouth, that the Lord Jesus Christ took your sickness and carried your pain. Say it, say it loud! The Bible tells us to confess what we believe: “But having the same spirit of faith, according to that which is written, “I believed, and therefore I spoke.” We also believe, and therefore also we speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13, HNV: Also see Psalms 116:10). I only get aggressive when I see you, and me, not getting what our Father has promised to us: “For all the promises of God in him [are] yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us” (2 Corinthians 1:20, KJV).
(I know that the major portion of this paragraph does not seem to run in line with the main topic of today’s blog; but it does.)

I finished off last Saturdays blog by saying that I would show the most likely reason why some have no discernment, or insight, when it has to do with the Lord coming for the Bride (remember I said, the harpazō, is Christ coming to get his Bride). A lack of discernment, or insight, is very common by God’s people in many areas of the Bible; from prophecies to Christ’s parables, to many of the promises that our Father has made to us in the New Covenant. There are a number of reasons why some have no insight into the catching up of the Church, but usually there is the number one reason, which is just plain unbelief. They do not want to know anything about this day because it does not fit in with their agenda. Many have their sights set on living to a ripe old age (enjoying their retirement years), and then hopefully passing on in not too much pain; not even considering that the Lord may have a plan for them, that they be snatched up to meet him, while they are still in their physical body. I mean, it is no coincidence that we were born in the same generation that the, State of Israel, was reborn. (Who do I think I am anyways, saying these people have unbelief?). Peter was even harsher than me, because he called people with this kind of an attitude a scoffer (See 2 Peter 3:3-4). I only want you to see that this kind of a mindset is a dangerous one. We can not fit into the will of God, in this generation, when we have no desire to see the Lord come.

Do you know why there are so many different theories to when the Church will be caught up? Some think we will be snatched away after the Tribulation period (some even think we are in the Tribulation period now: To which I say, Oh… my… goodness). Some think we are caught up during the Tribulation period. Then, there are those who believe we will experience the Rapture (oops, there is that word), I mean the Catching Away, before the Tribulation period. Which one do you espouse to? One of them has to be right, making the other two inaccurate. The Bible makes it clear to which one is right. Did I hear someone say, well how do we know which one is right because the Bible is so difficult to understand? It is hard to understand if your spirit is not open to hear what the Holy Spirit has actually said. But we, who are new creations, have the ability to hear what the Spirit is saying. The sons and daughters of God, are supposed to have revelation knowledge of the Word of God, because it comes with being blessed with every spiritual blessing: “Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3, Darby’s).

The starting ground, to having greater comprehension into the Word of God, begins with having the eyes to see, and the ears to hear (meaning spiritual eyes and ears). And according to the Word of God, once we became born again, we all received the spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear. Some will say to me, well where do you find that, Robin? If we are the house of God (and I assume you are, if not, then leave a comment and I will get back to you) then we are: “being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the corner-stone” (Ephesians 2:20, Darby’s). Because the Church is being built on the foundation of the Apostles, we then have the spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear, because of what Jesus said to the disciples: “But blessed [are] your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear” (Matthew 13:16, KJV). I hope everyone understands that, anything that Christ Jesus gave to the disciples, he gave to us also.

In the context of the Messiahs statement, to the disciples, Jesus was referring to the disciples understanding of all his parabolic teachings; for this was the method Jesus used to teach the people (See Matthew 13:34-35). But, those outside of the Apostolic band could not see and hear, because their hearts had become calloused (See Matthew 13:15). So in other words, the disciples were able understand the spoken Word of God (which Jesus mainly spoke in parabolic form), because their spiritual eyes and ears were blessed. But, if you read Matthew chapter thirteen, you will see plainly that the disciples still had to be taught the Word of God to them (See Matthew 13:18, 36). It is like you and me. We have the ability to understand the written Word of God, in all its fullness (and not just anyone’s interpretation of it), but we must still have it taught to us (This is why Jesus gave teachers to the Church).

If you are someone who believes that there is no way a person can fully understand the Word of God today, then you have just put yourself in the same category as those whom were not able to understand the Messiah’s teachings back in the first century. What was that reason? This is what Jesus said: “For this people's heart has grown callous, Their ears are dull of hearing, They have closed their eyes; Or else perhaps they might perceive with their eyes, Hear with their ears, Understand with their heart, And should turn again; And I would heal them” (Matthew 13:15, HNV).

The Holy Spirit is given to us, as our primary teacher of the Word of God: “However when he, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak from himself; but whatever he hears, he will speak. He will declare to you things that are coming” (John 16:13, HNV). The Spirit of God, in us, will make known to us (namely the Word) what belongs to the Father and the Son: “He will glorify me, for he
will take from what is mine, and will declare it to you. All things whatever the Father has are mine; therefore I said that he takes of mine, and will declare it to you” (John 16:14-15, HNV). So, the Holy Spirit will teach us the written Word of God, just as Jesus taught the disciples the spoken Word of God. And because we have been blessed with spiritual eyes and ears, we have the capability of comprehension.

When the Holy Spirit teaches us the Word of God, he does not give us three different interpretations to what area of the Tribulation period the Catching Away will take place. There is only one right answer, and the Word of God makes it clear to which area it is, as one is able to follow what the Spirit teaches. It is like all other subjects, and topics, found in the Word (like healing for the Believer as an example). The Holy Spirit will guide us into what is truth, and declare it to us, if we are able to hear him. The teachers, whom the Lord has appointed to teach the Church, are expected to hear from the Spirit as he or she studies (and communes with the Lord), and then teaches (or feeds) it to the Church. But this in no way exempts the Believer from personal study also; and communion with the Lord, being taught by the Spirit.

Let us take Peter as an example: Jesus asked his disciples “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” (Matthew 16:13b, KJV) and Peter said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16, HNV). Who revealed this knowledge to Peter? Did he just make a lucky guess? No; the process of revelation was at work here. It started with Peter observing Jesus, and his actions over a period of time, coupled with his hearing the spoken Word of God, from the person of Jesus Christ. Having the mixture of these evidences, the Father, through the Holy Spirit, was able to reveal to Peter, who Jesus the Christ, really was (See verse seventeen).

You and I do not have Jesus in person, so we cannot observe him and his actions, nor can we listen to him as he taught the spoken Word, to Peter, and the disciples. We do have though, the written Word of God, and the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us, to teach us what the Father is saying in his written Word. Every word that Jesus spoke in person to the disciples was the Word of the Father. Every word that, the Holy Spirit, inspired the writers of each book and letter to record is still the Word of the Father. The Holy Spirit spoke to these men only what he heard from the Father, as I quote from John sixteen again: “He will not speak from himself; but whatever he hears, he will speak” (John 16:13b, HNV). Just like Jesus did not speak of himself, but only what the Father had said: “What therefore I speak, as the Father has said to me, so I speak” (John 12:50b, Darby’s). So since the Word of God, actually reveals the Father, it is likely a good thing to study the Word of God to know who the Father is, because he is the source of all kingdom revelation.

There is another vital element to being able to understand what the Father is saying to us, through his Word. Yes, we need the spiritual eyes and ears as a foundation to understand, what the Spirit is teaching. But we need one more thing so we can have a greater understanding to what the Father is saying through his Spirit to us. We need a spirit of wisdom and revelation. The Apostle Paul knew this, this is why he prayed this for us: “ [I] don't cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Ephesians 1:16-17, HNV).

Our born-again spirit needs to have wisdom and revelation activated. Some will say, but we have the Holy Spirit, does he not possess wisdom and revelation? Yes he does, but our spirit has to be in complete union with the Spirit, for wisdom and revelation to function with peak performance within our spirit; hence we need a spirit of wisdom and revelation (meaning, our spirit needs to be active in wisdom and revelation), to receive revelation knowledge of the Father. Some may say again, but our spirit is made complete, because we are one with Christ. I will not disagree, but we still need wisdom and revelation activated within our spirit, so we can have a greater knowledge of the Father, so we can fully understand what he is actually saying in his Word. Wisdom and revelation will enlighten our spirit, or give understanding to our spirit, so we can know what the Father is really saying through his written Word.

The three things that Paul said an enlightened spirit will produce are: A) The knowledge of what is the hope of the Father’s calling; B) The riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints; C) The exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe (See Ephesians 1:18-19).

The knowledge of these three subjects is found in the Word of God. But the Believer has to have a spirit of wisdom and revelation, so their spirit can be enlightened to this knowledge. These three subjects encompass the kind of knowledge, which the New Creation needs to have, to be more effect in their relationship with the Father, and his Son (especially in these last days of the Church age).

This last element is very important because it helps the Believer to see through false doctrine. It helps the Believer to see through everything that does not matter, as the Church age is being fulfilled. A spirit of wisdom and revelation helps the Christian to have greater knowledge of the Father, and what he is actually saying to us, through his Word, as he brings in the final portion of those whom make up the Bride of Christ. It will cut through all the interpretations, which are often so confusing. Do you think our Father wants us to be confused at what he is saying? Many are, because they have not received a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they can know the Father, and his Word, in a greater measure.

Wisdom and revelation is just lying dormant, within so many of the sons and daughters, of the Kingdom. It needs to be activated, which is as simple as praying for it, just as Paul prayed, and believing that you receive it. Wisdom and revelation does not then just burst full force within us (we would not be able to handle it). We grow in it, as we submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Then we will be able to have a greater understanding into the mysteries of the Kingdom. And the coming of the Lord is one of those mysteries of the Kingdom, because we need spiritual eyes and ears, and a spirit of wisdom and revelation for enlightenment.

Are you able to understand why you, or maybe someone you know, have a hard time comprehending eschatology (the study of end times), or maybe are just plainly not interested in it? Did you know that some Christians see the coming of the Lord, for his people, as some death sentence? Do you think maybe they are listening to the wrong spirit? It is because they need a greater comprehension into God’s Word. I also want to reiterate what I have mentioned previously; that the devil does everything he can to keep us from knowing anything about the times we are living in. So resist him brothers and sisters. The coming of the Lord, for his Bride is so near, that many of the betrothed are not ready. I hope that through these teachings I can have a part in helping you to understand that we must be ready. And being ready means more then just having received salvation.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

He Will, Catch You Up!

Now that I have shared with you over the last couple of Saturdays, the very basic of the benefits we have because we have received Christ’s salvation, now I believe it is time to continue with the ‘times’ that we live in today. But before I do, I must add that, the healing power of Christ that lives in both you and I, is one of the basic yet one of the most important benefits alongside all of our sins being forgiven through the blood of the Lamb (See Psalms 103:3). The reason I say that the healing power of God is important, just like our sins are forgiven, is because Jesus Christ took all sickness and disease from us and carried all our pain, by the act of shedding his own blood just like he did for all our sin (See Isaiah 53:3-5). Jesus suffered brutal violence to take these things from us, which was not an easy thing for him (See Mark 14:32-39). So to me, it is a very important benefit.

Just as the healing power of God (specifically the truth that we are already healed) is a very dangerous topic of discussion in the Church, so is discussing the times that we live in can be even more of a conversation stopper. I mean if you really want most Christians to consider you an outcast from the Body of Christ, just mention that the Lord is coming very soon (like in this generation). All of a sudden the table goes quite and the eyes begin to roll, and the talk goes to something like politics or sports, or anything to get off of this forbidden topic. There is the usual rebuttal that is ingrained in most Christian psyche, which is, but no one knows the day or the hour, you know. Do you know that this statement is taken out of context, when used in that pretext? I suggest to the brother or sister who has received revelation into the Lords coming that unless you have the facts from the Word of God, just present what you know for sure, and then leave it with your hearers without getting into an argument. I have learned that the doubter can come up with all kinds of Scripture, which they distort, to try to keep you quite. I am not talking about the true seeker of the truth, but those who really are not looking forward to the coming of the Lord. Their reasons number in the hundreds. To some of you who are reading this blog, what is your reason to keep Jesus away from coming to get his Bride? I told you previously, I might tick you off. But again, do not hate me because I am honest.

Okay, I will try to leave my feelings out of this one, although I am sure that you know what it is like when you have revelation into the Word of God, and those whom you try to share it with are adamant in unbelief. And that is what it is you know; unbelief. Some will say to me, but you are so judgmental to say people have unbelief. Alright, but consider this: There are approximately fifty six passages from Paul’s letter to the Romans, to the end of the Revelation that was given to John, that directly refer to the catching up of the Body of Christ, where we end up meeting Jesus in the air (See 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). You noticed that I used the term ‘catching up’ instead of the more common word rapture. I think it is better to do this, so the die hard rapture deniers might give the Scriptures a second look. Maybe just by changing the wording will click the light bulb on in some of your imaginations. Besides, the phrase ‘catching up or catching away’ is the English term we use to translate the Greek word harpazō. Christians often use the word rapture because in the Latin Vulgate the word ‘rapio’ is used to describe the phrase ‘caught up’. Thus, rapture is the English translation of the word rapio.

Now, I hope you noticed that I said in the previous paragraph, that there are fifty six passages (which are multiplied by their verses) that directly refer to the day of the Catching Away. With this many passages, and numerous more verses, I think they deserve at least some attention. Especially when the day the Lord comes for his Bride (and this is what it is all about) is actually the most important day this side of each of us receiving salvation; and we supernaturally became ‘New Creations’. There are a number of passages that prove this point, which I will share throughout my blogosphere. Oh… I cannot help myself; I have to give you at least something: “He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice. This, my joy, therefore is made full” (John 3:29, HNV). Now when you conjoin this verse, with Matthew chapter twenty two, the truth begins to unfold: “The kingdom of heaven is like to a certain king, who made a marriage for his son, And sent his servants to call them that were invited to the wedding: and they would not come” (Matthew 22:2-3, Webster’s). Then, if you consider John chapter fourteen, and read into the context correctly, we begin to see what the Catching Away is all about: “In my Father's house there are many abodes; were it not so, I had told you: for I go to prepare you a place; and if I go and shall prepare you a place, I am coming again and shall receive you to myself, that where I am ye also may be” (John 14:2-3, Darby Translation). This is describing an ancient Middle Eastern betrothal. Do you see that macho man? You are actually being prepared to be a bride.

I intend, in as many blogs as it takes, to reveal to the brothers and sisters in the Lord, what I can through Scripture (and not my own speculation) how soon we are to meeting the Lord in the air. And in this attempt, the objective is to help you to get ready to meet the Bridegroom. Most of the Church does not even know that they are supposed to be ready when Jesus comes for them. Why do they not have this knowledge? I wonder if it is because they have likely never been taught it. As I said in a previous blog, the prevailing idea is; what does it matter, when the Lord comes he will come, who can know the day? To those who have been called to feed the house of God, do you know that the Lord expects you to feed his house the proper food in the right season? I will prove this statement, from Scripture, throughout my blogosphere. I surely hope that you are into this, because it happens to be the Fathers plan for His Church, in this generation, and nothing is going to stop it. Not even those who do not believe it.

The devil, especially since Israel became a nation once again (because this is the crucial time), has been doing all he can to keep the Church from having any knowledge about this glorious day, so he may keep us from having any faith to believe it is going to happen in this generation. Furthermore, the devil has been doing all he can to steal any desire whatsoever, out of the hearts of the Church about this day, so that he can keep individual Christians from realizing their full potential in the sanctification process. It says this in the Apostle Johns first letter: “Beloved, now we are children of God, and it is not yet revealed what we will be. But we know that, when he is revealed, we will be like him; for we will see him just as he is. Everyone who has this hope set on him purifies himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3:2-3, HNV). There is a whole lot of information in this passage that the Christian should have knowledge of (remember I said that without knowledge, of the Word, faith cannot be produced), but I would like you to zero in on verse three, which reveals that those whose hope is in the coming of the Lord “purifies himself.” This is referring to purifying the soul (mind, will and emotions) which will help keep the spirit pure.

Now I know that many (especially the extreme ‘grace teachers’) say that the spirit always remains pure after becoming a new creation, but if this is true then why did Paul say this in Corinthians?: “Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Corinthians 7:1, HNV). The key word in this statement is ‘spirit’ or ‘pneuma’ which is referring to our born-again spirit. Paul also commanded us to: “Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's” (1 Corinthians 6:20, HNV). Yes, our spirit became pure (because all our sin was removed, supernaturally) when we received Christ and became one with him, but now we have the responsibility to keep it that way by doing what we just read in 2 Corinthians 7:1 above. Paul said, “Beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit.” Are you Christ’s Beloved? Then you (and I) need to practice cleansing ourselves.

I also know that this rocks the boat of the die hard eternal security and extreme grace believers, but we need to study carefully the new covenant we have with our Father (which we are not going to do right now) to see that God gives us the grace to live for him, if we choose to abide in his free gift of grace (we have to continue in it to the end of our lives, and he will help us if we let him). Proof of those who do not keep God’s free gift of grace can be found in many places, but here is one to make my point: “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1, KJV). These whom “depart from the faith” had to be part of the faith, to depart from it. They departed from the faith because they let themselves be seduced by evil spirits, and their evil doctrines (it is through a series of choices they make). Do you not think this action will have an effect on their born-again spirit? These latter times which Paul speaks of here, refers to times down through the Church age, but is more prevalent in this last generation of the Church.

I hope to show you why many Christians are not able to comprehend the truth, which is, the Lord is coming for his Church sooner then you think. Those who are not interested in the Catching Away will never likely be convinced, even when it is proven to them through the Word of God. The Bible has a word for these people (which is not pretty) because as said, the Lord specifically commands the house of God to be watching, and to be ready for the coming of Jesus for the Church (See Matthew 24:42, 44; 25:13). Are you the house of God, my brother and sister? Does the Holy Spirit dwell in you? Now I am not referring to the Second Coming because by then the Church will have already been taken up.

We must remember that the Spirit of God, whom inspired the writers of the Bible, is more interested in truth than he is with people’s politically correct feelings. Oh my, we live in a time of non-offensiveness. I am not saying that being offensive is a good thing, but I think political correctness has taken it too far. What did Jesus continually call the religious leaders, in his day, who opposed the work of the Father through him? He called them “Hypocrites.” What did the Apostle Peter, who was inspired by the Holy Spirit, write concerning those who have no interest in seeing the Lord come for his Bride? He called them scoffers: “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation” (2 Peter 3:3-4, KJV).

If you are a Christian (and it is Christians to whom Peter was referring to) and your desire is not to see the Lord come in your lifetime, well then you have some serious purifying to do. If I am not speaking the truth to you (and it is in love, or I would not care about you) then the Holy Spirit, through the Apostle John, was not telling us the truth either. Once again, John wrote: “Beloved, now we are children of God, and it is not yet revealed what we will be. But we know that, when he is revealed, we will be like him; for we will see him just as he is. Everyone who has this hope set on him purifies himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3:2-3, HNV). You cannot be pure “even as he is pure” (meaning our Lord) if you do not purify yourself (here we are back on this topic again). Some are sure to say, but I thought we were pure because we have been washed in Christ’s blood? To those who may say this, I remind you again what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 7:1 (See above). Again, our spirit was purified of all sin when we became born-again. Our soul (mind, will and emotions) was left undone, because in God’s plan of salvation, we have a part in the transformation process (See Romans 12:1-2). I am not referring to works here because: “by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8, HNV). Renewing our mind is still a work of grace, but we have to be in God’s plan to have his grace work for us. We cannot make up our own plan, and think God’s grace will help us. We have to submit to God’s plan of salvation. If we do not take part in the transformation process, by renewing our mind, then it has an effect on our born again spirit. If it does not, then why does Paul say to “let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God?” What do you think it means to grieve the Holy Spirit? (Read Ephesians 4:1-32) What do you think it means to insult the Spirit of grace (Read Hebrews 10:26-31).

James, the half-brother, of the Lord Jesus Christ, wrote to the Christians who became adulterers and adulteresses, because they were friends with the world (See James 4:4-5). He wrote this: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (James 4:8, HNV). He told them to purify their hearts (which refers to their born-again spirit), and calls them sinners, because they were beginning to revert back to their former way of life. We all need from time to time; both you and I, to wash our hands and purify our hearts, because the world can draw us back in before we know it.

I want all those who have received God’s free gift of salvation to desire all that God has for them. The coming of the Lord for his people (in this generation) is the next step in God’s eternal plan for us. Next week I will show you why you may not have discerned any knowledge about the harpazō, which is the snatching away of the Church, to meet the Lord in the air.