Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation

Now that we have looked at what it takes to get good ground, meaning a spirit that is able to produce fruit, which is this context, is understanding into the word of God, we will now look at what it means to have a spirit of wisdom and revelation.

To reiterate briefly: To be able to activate our spiritual eyes and ears, so we can see and hear what the Spirit of God is saying, we need to spend time with Jesus like the disciples did. Jesus said to the disciples, “But blessed [are] your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear” (Matthew 13:16, KJV). What he meant by this is that they were able to understand the parables that he taught whereas the people outside of the apostolic group could not. Let us still remember that although the disciples were blessed with spiritual eyes and ears (because of their relationship with Jesus) they still had to have the secret things taught to them. In their case Jesus taught them personally. He taught them via the spoken word. In our case the Holy Spirit will teach us what God is saying through the written word, and usually the Spirit teaches us through anointed teachers. This is not saying that the Spirit uses anointed men and women exclusively, but generally this is the procedure. This is why God gave the kingdom officers to the Church (see Ephesians 4:11). I know some might be thinking, but did Jesus not give these officers to the Church to perfect the saints for works of ministry? (See Ephesians 4:12). Yes he did, but without having knowledge of the word of God, the Christian cannot know who God is, and without knowing who God is how can we do as he commands. The primary duty of these kingdom officers is to teach the word of God to the house of God, and to help build up their relationship with God (See Ephesians 4:12-13).

As I said before, if anyone makes the attempt to know God other than the inspired Canon of Scriptures, it will lead them into all kinds of deception. This might hit hard but it must be said: There are many performing works of service, and because they have no real understanding of the word of God, they do not really have a true understanding of who the God of the New Covenant is. Do I dare include the following verses with my statement? Yes, I think I will, but these verses are to the extreme I should inform you: “Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out demons and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess to them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity” (Matthew 7:22-23, Webster’s). This is why we need a spirit that is likened to good soil, so our spiritual eyes and ears can be turned on, so we can comprehend what God is saying through the Holy Scriptures. Spending time with Jesus, if sincere, will produce a bountiful harvest of understanding into what God is really saying through his word.

This brings us now to the second vital element that we need to activate in our lives so we can understand God’s word even deeper, which is, as I began to say at the beginning, is a spirit of wisdom and revelation. Some may say, are not spiritual eyes and ears the same as a spirit of wisdom and revelation. Do they both not bring us into the same place of greater understanding of God’s word? Yes they both bring us into a greater understanding of God’s word, but each one functions at different levels. Spiritual eyes and ears give us the ability to hear what the Spirit is saying as we hear the word being taught. A spirit of wisdom and revelation gives us a better understanding of the Father, in whom the word originates, and his plan for our life.

Working spiritual eyes and ears is the primary element that we need operating in our life, or we will not be able to function in a spirit of wisdom and revelation, no matter how hard we try. And by trying, I mean, no matter how much we think we have it. As said, spiritual eyes and ears open us up to what the Father is saying in his word, this comes by spending time with Jesus. Spending time with Jesus is primarily studying what God is saying through his word and consecrated prayer. This will open up to us the mysteries of God’s word (the things that are hidden to those outside of the kingdom). A spirit of wisdom and revelation will open up to us, and give us knowledge of, who it is doing the saying, who is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Father reveals himself through his word, just like he reveals what he is saying, through his word. Do you remember that I said that the word of God is actually the word of the Father? Jesus said that he only spoke what he heard his Father speak, and what the Father told him to say: “I have many things to say and to judge of you: but he that sent me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I have heard of him” (John 8:26, KJV). Jesus said the Holy Spirit only speaks what he hears the Father speak also: “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come” (John 16:13, KJV).

Some may have the thought, that my view on spiritual eyes and ears verses a spirit of wisdom and revelation are just a matter of semantics. No, because both are different in their cause. A spirit of wisdom and revelation takes us another level higher into the comprehension of God’s word. Some might say, who cares, why do we not just get out there and do ministry. Who needs to know more of God’s word, do we not have enough knowledge to just go and win the lost, or feed and take care of the helpless? As I touched on in previous posts, this is where the problem lies. For one thing, why did the Father, through the Holy Spirit, give us the covenant that he made with us (through the Lord Jesus), if we do not need it? And by covenant I mean the writings of Paul, Barnabas (Hebrews, although you may think it is Paul), James, Peter and John. Why do you think we have so many different denominations and fellowships? We have so many different denominations and fellowships because each one has their own version of ideas of what God’s word is saying. The heads of these different denominations and fellowships may, or may not, have spiritual eyes and ears operating to some extent, but do they have a spirit of wisdom and revelation functioning? If they did, we would all be on the same page in our knowledge of the Father and his plan for us. There would not be the competition that exists between some denominations, or some ministries. You might say to me, well how do you know you have proper knowledge of the Father and his plan for the Body of Christ? I will be the first to confess that I do not, but with a spirit of wisdom and revelation functioning within me the process is getting richer. It will begin to function in you too once you know it and desire it. Many in the body of Christ are already growing in a spirit of wisdom and revelation, but the head of the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ, desires that we all do (this is why Paul prayed for it to be released). So I am not saying that I am unique, just someone who is bringing this information to the attention of those who have no knowledge of it yet.

Let us take a look at what we know about a spirit of wisdom and revelation, which Paul outlines in Ephesians Chapter one, when he prayed this prayer for the saints at Ephesus: “[I, Paul] don't cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Ephesians 1:16-17, HNV). Now do not be confused if the version of the Scriptures you use records ‘the spirit’ instead of ‘a spirit.’ Some may not agree, but this is an error in translation beginning with the earliest English translations. The confusion lies within what spirit Paul is referring to in this prayer. Was he referring to the Holy Spirit or our human spirit? The translations that use ‘the spirit’ think Paul is referring to the Holy Spirit. The translations that record ‘a spirit’ believe he is referring to the human spirit. Let me test you on this to see what spirit you think Paul is referring to: If Paul is writing to, and praying for, people who already have the Holy Spirit (because he is writing to Christians here), then why would he need to pray to the Father to give them the Holy Spirit again (if the Spirit is wisdom and revelation)? Did you come up with your answer? My answer is that Paul is referring to the human spirit, rather than the Holy Spirit. The implication of Paul’s prayer is that the Ephesians born-again spirit would function in wisdom and revelation (which are attributes of the Spirit).

So now, Paul prays for a people who are the establishment of God’s kingdom, with spirits possessing the Holy Spirit. So why did Paul have to pray that God might give to them (and us by extension) a spirit of wisdom and revelation if these qualities, which I would rather refer to as powers, are inherent characteristics of the Holy Spirit? Did the Ephesians’ not already possess these two powers if the Spirit dwells in them? Yes these powers do abide in the spirit of every born-again believer, just as the fruit of the Spirit does, and also the gifts of the Spirit. But these powers of wisdom and revelation must be activated as do our spiritual eyes and ears. As do the gifts and the fruit of the Spirit also.

How does wisdom and revelation function within our spirit? First we need to pray and ask our Father for a spirit of wisdom and revelation (or rather a spirit that functions in these powers) just as Paul prayed for the Ephesians. You might say, but this is too easy, Robin! Well, what did the apostle James say for us to do if we lack wisdom? He said to pray for it: “But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach; and it will be given to him” (James 1:5, HNV). Why would we need to ask God for wisdom if the Holy Spirit who dwells in us is inherent wisdom? Again, we need to pray that wisdom be active within us, otherwise wisdom will just be one of the treasures of the kingdom that just lies in the treasure chest inactive. In other words, we have to put wisdom to work.

Now concerning a spirit of wisdom, as I said, its special task is to release knowledge of the Father to us, so that we may have a deeper understanding of him and his plans for our life. After Israel was delivered from Egypt, and the Lord was preparing Aaron and his sons for priestly duty, the Lord had given the gifted tailors a spirit of wisdom so that they could make Aaron priestly garments as was the Lords plan (See Exodus 28:1-5). These men were given a spirit of wisdom so that they could make the garments specific to the Lord’s agenda. Wisdom was released within their spirit so they could have the understanding to follow precisely what the Lord’s will was. Can you see why Paul prayed for the Ephesians for a spirit of wisdom? So they could have a deeper understanding of the Lord and his plan for them (See Ephesians 1:18-19).

We see also in Deuteronomy 34:9, where Joshua son of Nun, was also filled with a spirit of wisdom so he could have a deeper understanding of the Lord’s will, to lead the people of Israel according to the plan the Lord had established. Now again, we can get confused with our English translations because they record in these two Scriptures ‘the spirit’ rather than ‘a spirit.’ The question here is, were the Old Testament saints renewed spiritually like the new creation (by this I mean born-again)? No they were not, or Jesus would not have had to give his life for the sins of the world. Rather the Holy Spirit would come upon Israel but never became one with their spirit like he does with us. What the Lord did for these saints in these specific passages was, when the Spirit came upon them, he filled their spirit with wisdom (an inherent characteristic of the Spirit) so they could have an understanding of his plan to carry it out.

One Israelite whom God did not give a spirit of wisdom to was Samson, although the Spirit did come upon him with power. When the Holy Spirit came on him we do not see the Lord fill his spirit to function in wisdom, at least Scripture does not say the Lord filled him with the [a]spirit of wisdom (like our previous examples). That is why Samson seemed to lack wisdom, as his relationship with Delilah was a clear indication of it. Samson had spiritual power that enabled him to do mighty acts of power, but his spirit did not function in wisdom so he could carry out the plan of God that was revealed to him through his parents (See Exodus 13:4-5). So can you see why our Father’s desire is that we have a spirit that functions in wisdom? Although we have the Holy Spirit he does not want us to end up like Samson, who lacked the knowledge of God and his true plan for his life, which was to deliver Israel from the Philistines, but thus, was destroyed by them instead. A spirit of wisdom will help us from being overcome by the world, in which we have technically, in the spiritual sense overcome.

Revelation is the second power that we must have functioning in our spirit alongside the first power wisdom. Revelations job also is to reveal knowledge of the Father and his plan for us. But this power goes deeper than its partner power wisdom. Revelation power must function in our spirit so that we can know the plans of God before they happen. Wisdom allows us to see the plan of God in its progression, where revelation allows us to see God’s plan beyond what is seen in the physical realm, like the coming of the Lord for his Bride, and his coming for Israel. Seeing God’s plan in advance may come through a vision or dream inspired by the Lord, but primarily it comes directly from the written word of the Father, which we call prophecy.

The Father’s desire is that we know what is up ahead, and how close we are to it. When our spirit functions in revelation power we will never be caught off guard from anything that happens in this world. For example: Do you know that those who had revelation functioning within their spirit where not caught off guard when Israel was re-established in the year 1948. They saw it and were ready for it before it happened. They saw the foundation of this revelation in the word of God, and there are testimonies that some even saw it through divine visions and dreams (that the word confirmed). The revelation of Israel’s re-establishment has been in the word of God even when Jesus preached to Israel (in parables): ‘Her branch would become tender and she would put forth leaves’ (See Matthew 24:32). Matthew chapter twenty four verse thirty two, is a symbolic prophecy stating that Israel would be reborn as a sovereign nation once again, after almost twenty six hundred years. The year and month of her re-establishment, which was May 1948, is also revealed in the Old Testament, that only someone with a spirit functioning in the power of revelation can see (likewise the Christ’s parabolic prophecy). So it was no coincident that Israel became a nation again in that specific year and month. Anyone with a spirit of wisdom and revelation may see it in the Scriptures, because they have a deeper knowledge of the Father and his plans for the Church and the nation of Israel. As I continue to post my blogs I will write more about these things, because the primary reason for my postings has to do with the next major event that a spirit of revelation reveals, which is the catching up of those living and abiding in Christ Jesus.

Someone may think, this information pertaining to a spirit of wisdom and revelation sounds good, but how do we know that it pertains to a greater knowledge of the Father and his will? I am glad that some of you are thinking this, because it is revealed in the same passage of text. Ephesians chapter one verse seventeen implies that a human spirit that functions in wisdom and revelation has a greater understanding of God the Father than if it does not. Paul prays: “that the God of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Ephesians 1:17, HNV). Verses eighteen and nineteen also imply, that with a greater knowledge of the Father our human spirit will be enlightened to three specific areas of his will. These three specific areas are: A)The hope of his calling, B)What are the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Body of Christ, C)And, the greatness of his power to them that believe (See Ephesians 1:18-19). Without a spirit of wisdom and revelation, these three areas will be unrealized to the Christian.

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