Now that I have shared with you over the last couple of Saturdays, the very basic of the benefits we have because we have received Christ’s salvation, now I believe it is time to continue with the ‘times’ that we live in today. But before I do, I must add that, the healing power of Christ that lives in both you and I, is one of the basic yet one of the most important benefits alongside all of our sins being forgiven through the blood of the Lamb (See Psalms 103:3). The reason I say that the healing power of God is important, just like our sins are forgiven, is because Jesus Christ took all sickness and disease from us and carried all our pain, by the act of shedding his own blood just like he did for all our sin (See Isaiah 53:3-5). Jesus suffered brutal violence to take these things from us, which was not an easy thing for him (See Mark 14:32-39). So to me, it is a very important benefit.
Just as the healing power of God (specifically the truth that we are already healed) is a very dangerous topic of discussion in the Church, so is discussing the times that we live in can be even more of a conversation stopper. I mean if you really want most Christians to consider you an outcast from the Body of Christ, just mention that the Lord is coming very soon (like in this generation). All of a sudden the table goes quite and the eyes begin to roll, and the talk goes to something like politics or sports, or anything to get off of this forbidden topic. There is the usual rebuttal that is ingrained in most Christian psyche, which is, but no one knows the day or the hour, you know. Do you know that this statement is taken out of context, when used in that pretext? I suggest to the brother or sister who has received revelation into the Lords coming that unless you have the facts from the Word of God, just present what you know for sure, and then leave it with your hearers without getting into an argument. I have learned that the doubter can come up with all kinds of Scripture, which they distort, to try to keep you quite. I am not talking about the true seeker of the truth, but those who really are not looking forward to the coming of the Lord. Their reasons number in the hundreds. To some of you who are reading this blog, what is your reason to keep Jesus away from coming to get his Bride? I told you previously, I might tick you off. But again, do not hate me because I am honest.
Okay, I will try to leave my feelings out of this one, although I am sure that you know what it is like when you have revelation into the Word of God, and those whom you try to share it with are adamant in unbelief. And that is what it is you know; unbelief. Some will say to me, but you are so judgmental to say people have unbelief. Alright, but consider this: There are approximately fifty six passages from Paul’s letter to the Romans, to the end of the Revelation that was given to John, that directly refer to the catching up of the Body of Christ, where we end up meeting Jesus in the air (See 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18). You noticed that I used the term ‘catching up’ instead of the more common word rapture. I think it is better to do this, so the die hard rapture deniers might give the Scriptures a second look. Maybe just by changing the wording will click the light bulb on in some of your imaginations. Besides, the phrase ‘catching up or catching away’ is the English term we use to translate the Greek word harpazō. Christians often use the word rapture because in the Latin Vulgate the word ‘rapio’ is used to describe the phrase ‘caught up’. Thus, rapture is the English translation of the word rapio.
Now, I hope you noticed that I said in the previous paragraph, that there are fifty six passages (which are multiplied by their verses) that directly refer to the day of the Catching Away. With this many passages, and numerous more verses, I think they deserve at least some attention. Especially when the day the Lord comes for his Bride (and this is what it is all about) is actually the most important day this side of each of us receiving salvation; and we supernaturally became ‘New Creations’. There are a number of passages that prove this point, which I will share throughout my blogosphere. Oh… I cannot help myself; I have to give you at least something: “He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices greatly because of the bridegroom's voice. This, my joy, therefore is made full” (John 3:29, HNV). Now when you conjoin this verse, with Matthew chapter twenty two, the truth begins to unfold: “The kingdom of heaven is like to a certain king, who made a marriage for his son, And sent his servants to call them that were invited to the wedding: and they would not come” (Matthew 22:2-3, Webster’s). Then, if you consider John chapter fourteen, and read into the context correctly, we begin to see what the Catching Away is all about: “In my Father's house there are many abodes; were it not so, I had told you: for I go to prepare you a place; and if I go and shall prepare you a place, I am coming again and shall receive you to myself, that where I am ye also may be” (John 14:2-3, Darby Translation). This is describing an ancient Middle Eastern betrothal. Do you see that macho man? You are actually being prepared to be a bride.
I intend, in as many blogs as it takes, to reveal to the brothers and sisters in the Lord, what I can through Scripture (and not my own speculation) how soon we are to meeting the Lord in the air. And in this attempt, the objective is to help you to get ready to meet the Bridegroom. Most of the Church does not even know that they are supposed to be ready when Jesus comes for them. Why do they not have this knowledge? I wonder if it is because they have likely never been taught it. As I said in a previous blog, the prevailing idea is; what does it matter, when the Lord comes he will come, who can know the day? To those who have been called to feed the house of God, do you know that the Lord expects you to feed his house the proper food in the right season? I will prove this statement, from Scripture, throughout my blogosphere. I surely hope that you are into this, because it happens to be the Fathers plan for His Church, in this generation, and nothing is going to stop it. Not even those who do not believe it.
The devil, especially since Israel became a nation once again (because this is the crucial time), has been doing all he can to keep the Church from having any knowledge about this glorious day, so he may keep us from having any faith to believe it is going to happen in this generation. Furthermore, the devil has been doing all he can to steal any desire whatsoever, out of the hearts of the Church about this day, so that he can keep individual Christians from realizing their full potential in the sanctification process. It says this in the Apostle Johns first letter: “Beloved, now we are children of God, and it is not yet revealed what we will be. But we know that, when he is revealed, we will be like him; for we will see him just as he is. Everyone who has this hope set on him purifies himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3:2-3, HNV). There is a whole lot of information in this passage that the Christian should have knowledge of (remember I said that without knowledge, of the Word, faith cannot be produced), but I would like you to zero in on verse three, which reveals that those whose hope is in the coming of the Lord “purifies himself.” This is referring to purifying the soul (mind, will and emotions) which will help keep the spirit pure.
Now I know that many (especially the extreme ‘grace teachers’) say that the spirit always remains pure after becoming a new creation, but if this is true then why did Paul say this in Corinthians?: “Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Corinthians 7:1, HNV). The key word in this statement is ‘spirit’ or ‘pneuma’ which is referring to our born-again spirit. Paul also commanded us to: “Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's” (1 Corinthians 6:20, HNV). Yes, our spirit became pure (because all our sin was removed, supernaturally) when we received Christ and became one with him, but now we have the responsibility to keep it that way by doing what we just read in 2 Corinthians 7:1 above. Paul said, “Beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit.” Are you Christ’s Beloved? Then you (and I) need to practice cleansing ourselves.
I also know that this rocks the boat of the die hard eternal security and extreme grace believers, but we need to study carefully the new covenant we have with our Father (which we are not going to do right now) to see that God gives us the grace to live for him, if we choose to abide in his free gift of grace (we have to continue in it to the end of our lives, and he will help us if we let him). Proof of those who do not keep God’s free gift of grace can be found in many places, but here is one to make my point: “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1, KJV). These whom “depart from the faith” had to be part of the faith, to depart from it. They departed from the faith because they let themselves be seduced by evil spirits, and their evil doctrines (it is through a series of choices they make). Do you not think this action will have an effect on their born-again spirit? These latter times which Paul speaks of here, refers to times down through the Church age, but is more prevalent in this last generation of the Church.
I hope to show you why many Christians are not able to comprehend the truth, which is, the Lord is coming for his Church sooner then you think. Those who are not interested in the Catching Away will never likely be convinced, even when it is proven to them through the Word of God. The Bible has a word for these people (which is not pretty) because as said, the Lord specifically commands the house of God to be watching, and to be ready for the coming of Jesus for the Church (See Matthew 24:42, 44; 25:13). Are you the house of God, my brother and sister? Does the Holy Spirit dwell in you? Now I am not referring to the Second Coming because by then the Church will have already been taken up.
We must remember that the Spirit of God, whom inspired the writers of the Bible, is more interested in truth than he is with people’s politically correct feelings. Oh my, we live in a time of non-offensiveness. I am not saying that being offensive is a good thing, but I think political correctness has taken it too far. What did Jesus continually call the religious leaders, in his day, who opposed the work of the Father through him? He called them “Hypocrites.” What did the Apostle Peter, who was inspired by the Holy Spirit, write concerning those who have no interest in seeing the Lord come for his Bride? He called them scoffers: “Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as [they were] from the beginning of the creation” (2 Peter 3:3-4, KJV).
If you are a Christian (and it is Christians to whom Peter was referring to) and your desire is not to see the Lord come in your lifetime, well then you have some serious purifying to do. If I am not speaking the truth to you (and it is in love, or I would not care about you) then the Holy Spirit, through the Apostle John, was not telling us the truth either. Once again, John wrote: “Beloved, now we are children of God, and it is not yet revealed what we will be. But we know that, when he is revealed, we will be like him; for we will see him just as he is. Everyone who has this hope set on him purifies himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3:2-3, HNV). You cannot be pure “even as he is pure” (meaning our Lord) if you do not purify yourself (here we are back on this topic again). Some are sure to say, but I thought we were pure because we have been washed in Christ’s blood? To those who may say this, I remind you again what Paul said in 2 Corinthians 7:1 (See above). Again, our spirit was purified of all sin when we became born-again. Our soul (mind, will and emotions) was left undone, because in God’s plan of salvation, we have a part in the transformation process (See Romans 12:1-2). I am not referring to works here because: “by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8, HNV). Renewing our mind is still a work of grace, but we have to be in God’s plan to have his grace work for us. We cannot make up our own plan, and think God’s grace will help us. We have to submit to God’s plan of salvation. If we do not take part in the transformation process, by renewing our mind, then it has an effect on our born again spirit. If it does not, then why does Paul say to “let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God?” What do you think it means to grieve the Holy Spirit? (Read Ephesians 4:1-32) What do you think it means to insult the Spirit of grace (Read Hebrews 10:26-31).
James, the half-brother, of the Lord Jesus Christ, wrote to the Christians who became adulterers and adulteresses, because they were friends with the world (See James 4:4-5). He wrote this: “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded” (James 4:8, HNV). He told them to purify their hearts (which refers to their born-again spirit), and calls them sinners, because they were beginning to revert back to their former way of life. We all need from time to time; both you and I, to wash our hands and purify our hearts, because the world can draw us back in before we know it.
I want all those who have received God’s free gift of salvation to desire all that God has for them. The coming of the Lord for his people (in this generation) is the next step in God’s eternal plan for us. Next week I will show you why you may not have discerned any knowledge about the harpazō, which is the snatching away of the Church, to meet the Lord in the air.
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