I hope that you do not think that I am being too hard on you, because I suggested that you may not be where you should be, in your knowledge of the Word of God. Some may take what I am blogging, and think that I am judging them (judging is the word we sometimes use when we want people to mind their own business). If you think that I am pointing you out (or judging you) alone, you are wrong. If anyone has a lot of growing to do in the Word of God, it is me, for sure. And yes, I am judging myself, because it is good practice: “For if we would judge ourselves, we should not be judged” (1 Corinthians 11:31, KJV). So, I am being as hard on myself, as you think I am being on you. But I praise our God, because he will get us there, as we let him.
We will steadily grow, if we truly submit ourselves to the Word of God, right up until the day we receive our glorified spiritual bodies. Remember, we must have knowledge of the Word of God, so we can put our faith in it. How can we believe something we do not know? Let me also ask you this next question. How do you think it is that God expects us to put our faith in him (what is his method)? He expects us to put our faith in him, by believing his written Word, in what he has already said in it. Any other way, is just some magical mystical fairytale concoction. Some might say; I can put my faith in him because of things he has done for me. What he has done for us can be quickly forgotten, but his Word will live forever. If we cannot put our faith in him because of what he says in his Word, then the things he has done for us, can slip our minds memory as quickly as they came. Thus faith slips away with the dwindling memory.
When God speaks into your spirit, does it fit with what he has already said in his Word? Is there any contradiction between what you heard and the Word? Many do not know, because God’s written Word is not in their heart. Some fly off giving words of prophecy, and the word they give does not line up with what is written. Oh, we can use the excuse that we see only in part, but does the Holy Spirit in you not know the Word of the Father. If we say we are speaking by the Holy Spirit, it better then not go against what the Father has said. What do you think the devil does when he uses God’s Word? He mixes it with his own word, taking God's Word, out of context (See how he tempted Jesus). Why is it that you believe you are saved? Is it because you feel it, or maybe because of what you experienced that day? No, your sure anchor is because the Word says you are saved, if you meet the conditions of faith in his Word. I did not say that we need to have it all figured out, from A to Z, but the Word is our foundation, and the Holy Spirit, will guide us from there.
I remember years ago, there was a song (I think it was first performed in the early eighties, before I was a Christian), which mocked the Christian for digging in and learning as much of the Word of God as they could. Now this song did not come right out and say we should not study our Bible, but some of the lyrics within this song insinuated that the Christian was over-fed, with Bible teaching. If I am not mistaken this song actually called Christians fat, with the teaching from God’s Word. I am not sure of the intention the writer had in writing this song (or the performer who sang it), but my Bible tells me to let the Word of God abide in us (See John 15:7), and that comes by replenishment (and much of it).
In my opinion, most Christians do not feed enough on the Word of God, to maintain spiritual health. Do you know that there are many Christians who give the Bible very little consideration? To some, just reading a couple of verses a day is plenty. And to go to a Bible study, is way too fanatical. Let me shoot straight from the hip with this observation: Many Christians are even embarrassed to carry their Bibles out in public because someone might see it. And I am not talking about being religious (being religious is the word some like to fling around if they are too frightened to let anyone know they are born-again). I think it is funny that, the Jehovah Witnesses, and the Mormons, are not shy at all carrying their translations of the Bible and conversion literature out in public.
Previously I said that our experiences can masquerade as a lie. To clarify myself: Not all experiences are a lie in hiding, but they are, if the experience does not line up with the Word of God. And how do we know our experience lines up with the Word of God, unless we check it out, to see if it does? You maybe suffering from sickness or some kind of infirmity, and I tell you, only believe the Word of God (with emphasis on the adverb: only; and the verb: believe). Some cry out and say, but I do believe that Jesus is going to heal me. If you said this, you still have not received the revelation that you are already healed. Do you not remember that Jesus already took our sickness and disease, and carried our pain? (Read my former blogs to get the Word of God, straight forward). So believe it, regardless of what your body tells you. I tell you, that we need faith to receive the healing power of God, or anything else from him for that matter (even salvation), and faith only comes by trusting in every word that God says. Once you start believing it then start saying it. Say it with your mouth, that the Lord Jesus Christ took your sickness and carried your pain. Say it, say it loud! The Bible tells us to confess what we believe: “But having the same spirit of faith, according to that which is written, “I believed, and therefore I spoke.” We also believe, and therefore also we speak” (2 Corinthians 4:13, HNV: Also see Psalms 116:10). I only get aggressive when I see you, and me, not getting what our Father has promised to us: “For all the promises of God in him [are] yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us” (2 Corinthians 1:20, KJV).
(I know that the major portion of this paragraph does not seem to run in line with the main topic of today’s blog; but it does.)
I finished off last Saturdays blog by saying that I would show the most likely reason why some have no discernment, or insight, when it has to do with the Lord coming for the Bride (remember I said, the harpazō, is Christ coming to get his Bride). A lack of discernment, or insight, is very common by God’s people in many areas of the Bible; from prophecies to Christ’s parables, to many of the promises that our Father has made to us in the New Covenant. There are a number of reasons why some have no insight into the catching up of the Church, but usually there is the number one reason, which is just plain unbelief. They do not want to know anything about this day because it does not fit in with their agenda. Many have their sights set on living to a ripe old age (enjoying their retirement years), and then hopefully passing on in not too much pain; not even considering that the Lord may have a plan for them, that they be snatched up to meet him, while they are still in their physical body. I mean, it is no coincidence that we were born in the same generation that the, State of Israel, was reborn. (Who do I think I am anyways, saying these people have unbelief?). Peter was even harsher than me, because he called people with this kind of an attitude a scoffer (See 2 Peter 3:3-4). I only want you to see that this kind of a mindset is a dangerous one. We can not fit into the will of God, in this generation, when we have no desire to see the Lord come.
Do you know why there are so many different theories to when the Church will be caught up? Some think we will be snatched away after the Tribulation period (some even think we are in the Tribulation period now: To which I say, Oh… my… goodness). Some think we are caught up during the Tribulation period. Then, there are those who believe we will experience the Rapture (oops, there is that word), I mean the Catching Away, before the Tribulation period. Which one do you espouse to? One of them has to be right, making the other two inaccurate. The Bible makes it clear to which one is right. Did I hear someone say, well how do we know which one is right because the Bible is so difficult to understand? It is hard to understand if your spirit is not open to hear what the Holy Spirit has actually said. But we, who are new creations, have the ability to hear what the Spirit is saying. The sons and daughters of God, are supposed to have revelation knowledge of the Word of God, because it comes with being blessed with every spiritual blessing: “Blessed [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ” (Ephesians 1:3, Darby’s).
The starting ground, to having greater comprehension into the Word of God, begins with having the eyes to see, and the ears to hear (meaning spiritual eyes and ears). And according to the Word of God, once we became born again, we all received the spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear. Some will say to me, well where do you find that, Robin? If we are the house of God (and I assume you are, if not, then leave a comment and I will get back to you) then we are: “being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the corner-stone” (Ephesians 2:20, Darby’s). Because the Church is being built on the foundation of the Apostles, we then have the spiritual eyes to see and spiritual ears to hear, because of what Jesus said to the disciples: “But blessed [are] your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear” (Matthew 13:16, KJV). I hope everyone understands that, anything that Christ Jesus gave to the disciples, he gave to us also.
In the context of the Messiahs statement, to the disciples, Jesus was referring to the disciples understanding of all his parabolic teachings; for this was the method Jesus used to teach the people (See Matthew 13:34-35). But, those outside of the Apostolic band could not see and hear, because their hearts had become calloused (See Matthew 13:15). So in other words, the disciples were able understand the spoken Word of God (which Jesus mainly spoke in parabolic form), because their spiritual eyes and ears were blessed. But, if you read Matthew chapter thirteen, you will see plainly that the disciples still had to be taught the Word of God to them (See Matthew 13:18, 36). It is like you and me. We have the ability to understand the written Word of God, in all its fullness (and not just anyone’s interpretation of it), but we must still have it taught to us (This is why Jesus gave teachers to the Church).
If you are someone who believes that there is no way a person can fully understand the Word of God today, then you have just put yourself in the same category as those whom were not able to understand the Messiah’s teachings back in the first century. What was that reason? This is what Jesus said: “For this people's heart has grown callous, Their ears are dull of hearing, They have closed their eyes; Or else perhaps they might perceive with their eyes, Hear with their ears, Understand with their heart, And should turn again; And I would heal them” (Matthew 13:15, HNV).
The Holy Spirit is given to us, as our primary teacher of the Word of God: “However when he, the Spirit of truth, has come, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak from himself; but whatever he hears, he will speak. He will declare to you things that are coming” (John 16:13, HNV). The Spirit of God, in us, will make known to us (namely the Word) what belongs to the Father and the Son: “He will glorify me, for he
will take from what is mine, and will declare it to you. All things whatever the Father has are mine; therefore I said that he takes of mine, and will declare it to you” (John 16:14-15, HNV). So, the Holy Spirit will teach us the written Word of God, just as Jesus taught the disciples the spoken Word of God. And because we have been blessed with spiritual eyes and ears, we have the capability of comprehension.
When the Holy Spirit teaches us the Word of God, he does not give us three different interpretations to what area of the Tribulation period the Catching Away will take place. There is only one right answer, and the Word of God makes it clear to which area it is, as one is able to follow what the Spirit teaches. It is like all other subjects, and topics, found in the Word (like healing for the Believer as an example). The Holy Spirit will guide us into what is truth, and declare it to us, if we are able to hear him. The teachers, whom the Lord has appointed to teach the Church, are expected to hear from the Spirit as he or she studies (and communes with the Lord), and then teaches (or feeds) it to the Church. But this in no way exempts the Believer from personal study also; and communion with the Lord, being taught by the Spirit.
Let us take Peter as an example: Jesus asked his disciples “Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” (Matthew 16:13b, KJV) and Peter said, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16, HNV). Who revealed this knowledge to Peter? Did he just make a lucky guess? No; the process of revelation was at work here. It started with Peter observing Jesus, and his actions over a period of time, coupled with his hearing the spoken Word of God, from the person of Jesus Christ. Having the mixture of these evidences, the Father, through the Holy Spirit, was able to reveal to Peter, who Jesus the Christ, really was (See verse seventeen).
You and I do not have Jesus in person, so we cannot observe him and his actions, nor can we listen to him as he taught the spoken Word, to Peter, and the disciples. We do have though, the written Word of God, and the Spirit of Christ dwelling in us, to teach us what the Father is saying in his written Word. Every word that Jesus spoke in person to the disciples was the Word of the Father. Every word that, the Holy Spirit, inspired the writers of each book and letter to record is still the Word of the Father. The Holy Spirit spoke to these men only what he heard from the Father, as I quote from John sixteen again: “He will not speak from himself; but whatever he hears, he will speak” (John 16:13b, HNV). Just like Jesus did not speak of himself, but only what the Father had said: “What therefore I speak, as the Father has said to me, so I speak” (John 12:50b, Darby’s). So since the Word of God, actually reveals the Father, it is likely a good thing to study the Word of God to know who the Father is, because he is the source of all kingdom revelation.
There is another vital element to being able to understand what the Father is saying to us, through his Word. Yes, we need the spiritual eyes and ears as a foundation to understand, what the Spirit is teaching. But we need one more thing so we can have a greater understanding to what the Father is saying through his Spirit to us. We need a spirit of wisdom and revelation. The Apostle Paul knew this, this is why he prayed this for us: “ [I] don't cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, the Father of glory, may give to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him” (Ephesians 1:16-17, HNV).
Our born-again spirit needs to have wisdom and revelation activated. Some will say, but we have the Holy Spirit, does he not possess wisdom and revelation? Yes he does, but our spirit has to be in complete union with the Spirit, for wisdom and revelation to function with peak performance within our spirit; hence we need a spirit of wisdom and revelation (meaning, our spirit needs to be active in wisdom and revelation), to receive revelation knowledge of the Father. Some may say again, but our spirit is made complete, because we are one with Christ. I will not disagree, but we still need wisdom and revelation activated within our spirit, so we can have a greater knowledge of the Father, so we can fully understand what he is actually saying in his Word. Wisdom and revelation will enlighten our spirit, or give understanding to our spirit, so we can know what the Father is really saying through his written Word.
The three things that Paul said an enlightened spirit will produce are: A) The knowledge of what is the hope of the Father’s calling; B) The riches of the glory of his inheritance in the Saints; C) The exceeding greatness of his power toward us who believe (See Ephesians 1:18-19).
The knowledge of these three subjects is found in the Word of God. But the Believer has to have a spirit of wisdom and revelation, so their spirit can be enlightened to this knowledge. These three subjects encompass the kind of knowledge, which the New Creation needs to have, to be more effect in their relationship with the Father, and his Son (especially in these last days of the Church age).
This last element is very important because it helps the Believer to see through false doctrine. It helps the Believer to see through everything that does not matter, as the Church age is being fulfilled. A spirit of wisdom and revelation helps the Christian to have greater knowledge of the Father, and what he is actually saying to us, through his Word, as he brings in the final portion of those whom make up the Bride of Christ. It will cut through all the interpretations, which are often so confusing. Do you think our Father wants us to be confused at what he is saying? Many are, because they have not received a spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they can know the Father, and his Word, in a greater measure.
Wisdom and revelation is just lying dormant, within so many of the sons and daughters, of the Kingdom. It needs to be activated, which is as simple as praying for it, just as Paul prayed, and believing that you receive it. Wisdom and revelation does not then just burst full force within us (we would not be able to handle it). We grow in it, as we submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Then we will be able to have a greater understanding into the mysteries of the Kingdom. And the coming of the Lord is one of those mysteries of the Kingdom, because we need spiritual eyes and ears, and a spirit of wisdom and revelation for enlightenment.
Are you able to understand why you, or maybe someone you know, have a hard time comprehending eschatology (the study of end times), or maybe are just plainly not interested in it? Did you know that some Christians see the coming of the Lord, for his people, as some death sentence? Do you think maybe they are listening to the wrong spirit? It is because they need a greater comprehension into God’s Word. I also want to reiterate what I have mentioned previously; that the devil does everything he can to keep us from knowing anything about the times we are living in. So resist him brothers and sisters. The coming of the Lord, for his Bride is so near, that many of the betrothed are not ready. I hope that through these teachings I can have a part in helping you to understand that we must be ready. And being ready means more then just having received salvation.
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