Friday, July 12, 2024

Who Is Your Master


For many decades the world has been living in what Jesus prophesied would be similar to the days of Noah and Lot (Lk. 17:26-30). As you know, Noah and Lot’s time was before Jacob (Israel) had his twelve sons. It is written in Scripture that in both Noah’s and Lot’s time, the world was “eating and drinking.” This means that in both periods society was not only doing what they had to do to survive physically, but were also making life out to be one big party. The context is that they lived their lives in excess, they lived as lavishly as they could. People today call it living life to the fullest. The world in Noah’s day lived this way because man’s heart was evil and his every thought was constantly evil (Gen. 6:5). In Lot’s time man’s sin was a serious state of affairs (Gen. 18:20). The men of Sodom were very evil, greatly sinning against Yahweh (Gen. 13:13). Some people may say, that men have always been evil and society will never stop sinning against the Lord. This is partially true,[1] but during the lives of both these men, there was something unique about the wickedness of men that was taking place that will be evident in the generation that the rapture of the body of Christ will occur, followed by the Tribulation Period.

In most English translations, in both Luke and Matthew’s records, it says that in Noah’s time society was “marrying and giving in marriage.” But in the Morphological Greek New Testament (mGNT),[2] and the Textus Receptus (TR),[3] it says society was: γαμοῦντες καὶ γαμίζοντες (gamoúntes kaí gamízontes) “fornicating and fornicating.” The reason why these Greek texts record Scripture this way is because of the uniqueness of society’s wickedness in the days of Noah. Their wickedness was that the men exchanged their women for knowledge and technology with the fallen angels (Enoch 7:1c; 8:1, 3). In Noah’s day, the Nephilim (giants), who were the offspring of the sons of God (fallen angels), filled the earth on a huge scale (Gen. 6:4a)—the Nephilim have also been on the earth even after the Great Flood, but not on the scale as before the Great Flood (Num. 13:33; Deut. 2:20-21; 3:11; 1 Sam. 21:15; 2 Sam. 21:15-22). The offspring of fallen angels have been witnessed throughout the Middle East and even in the Americas at times throughout the last few hundred years, even into our modern day (I have written about this in some of my other articles). The fallen angels lusted after women because they saw they were beautiful (Gen. 6:2; Enoch 6:2-7; 7:1ab). The angels fornicated with the woman and produced Nephilim, who in Greco-Roman mythology were worshipped as demigods, like Hercules, Achilles, Perseus, and others (Gen. 6:4; Enoch 7:2). The fallen angels could appear like men whenever they wanted (Enoch 17:1). The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) refers to the Nephilim: “They were the powerful men of old, the famous men.” The English Standard Version (ESV) refers to them: “These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.” The fallen angel’s offspring were half-human and half-angelic (or divine).

People have always fornicated and committed adultery, but the fornication between angels and women was too much for Yahweh to bear. It is written that Yahweh said his [Holy]Spirit cannot endeavor – put forth a determined serious effort – with man forever because he is depraved, so he said he will give them only 120 years to repent (Gen. 6:3; Jasher 5:8, 11). The Ancient Book of Jasher says that Yahweh warned both Noah and his grandfather, Methuselah, that he was going to flood the earth in 120 years if the sons of men did not repent of their wickedness, so he ordained them to preach to the sons of men (not the Nephilim) this warning but the sons of men would not listen to them (Jasher 5:6-11). The sons of men had continually corrupted the earth since the fall of Adam. They rebelled and transgressed against the Lord serving other gods – fallen angels – making their gods into images of brass and iron, stone and wood so that they could bow down to them every day (Jasher 2:2-5). But as said, the sex between angels and women was just too much. Yahweh saw that man had become very wicked as they sold their wives away to the angels for what they thought were the better things in life, and this greed was continually in their hearts (Gen. 6:5). The Lord was grieved in his heart how corrupt man had become, he even regretted creating man (Gen. 6:6).  

In today’s world, especially since the renewed statehood of Israel in May 1948, the wickedness of man has become equal or even greater than the men in Noah’s time. Some say, that the purported alien abductions that have taken place since Israel’s renewed statehood are supposedly another way the fallen angels impregnate women.[4] Since there is no such thing as aliens from outer space the perpetrators of this wickedness, if true, would have to be angels impregnating women just like in the days of Noah. I tend to believe that the fallen angels do not need to masquerade as these distorted beings that people report they witnessed (but that does not mean they are not), but rather, they are doing exactly like they did in Noah’s time. The fallen angels are transmogrifying themselves into irresistible men and fornicating with certain women in this generation to produce progeny. These women could be from the world of the elites or not. They could be middle-class women or not.  Whatever the case Satan is establishing a race of powerful mighty men (Nephilim) in this generation. If this was not so Jesus would not have prophesied that in the endtimes the world would be like in the time of Noah. The book of Revelation alludes to Nephilim taking part in the army of the global government during the Tribulation period. When Jesus returns at his second appearance to strike down the nations and redeem the nation of Israel (Rev.19:11-15), the ἰσχυρός (ischyros) “mighty men” or “strong men,” are alongside the “kings and generals “who will be slain (Rev. 19:17-18). These ischyros are the same type of Nephilim seen in Genesis 6:4: the גִּבּוֹר (gibôr) “hero” or “mighty men.” 

In Lot’s time, the fornicating of concern that was taking place was the sin of sodomy which was focused in a particular area, Sodom and Gomorrah. Sodomy was practiced in other areas also, but Jesus’ prophesy emphasized Lot’s place of residence, Sodom, because of its uniqueness. What was unprecedented was that this sin was expressed out in the open and widely accepted in Sodom and Gomorrah. In other areas, this sin was not a boisterous act but rather was something done behind closed doors. Like in Noah’s time, the people in Lot’s time were “eating and drinking.” That society was living life to the fullest, living their lives in excess. It seems they were industrious, as Jesus said they were: “buying and selling, planting and building (Lk. 17:28c, ESV). But as Moses had written: οἱ δὲ ἄνθρωποι οἱ ἐν Σοδομοις πονηροὶ καὶ ἁμαρτωλοὶ ἐναντίον τοῦ θεοῦ σφόδρα (oi dé ánthropoi oi en Sodomois poniroí kaí amartoloí enantíon toú theoú sfódra) “But the people in Sodom are wicked and sinners against God” (Gen. 13:13, Septuagint). Sodomy was so widely accepted and practiced in Sodom that when the two angels of the Lord went to warn Lot to leave the city they were accosted by the men of Sodom while in Lot’s house by both young and old men from everywhere in Sodom, because they wanted to rape the angels (Gen. 19:4-5). The men of Sodom lusted and preferred the two angels even over Lot’s two daughters who were both virgins (Gen. 19: 8-9). It is my opinion that Lot knew what the men of Sodom would do to the two angels because he vehemently insisted that they not spend the night in the town square but rather come and be safe in his house (Gen. 20:1-3).

In this generation, the same generation that witnessed both the Holocaust and Israel’s rebirth, the perversion that was occurring while Lot was alive is just as prevalent. Especially in the Western world. For the last number of years almost every city and town celebrate the gay community for the whole month of June—some cities even celebrate this community in July as well. The gay pride flag is flown from schools, businesses, throughout city streets, and some homes. It used to be a week-long event at one time, but now federal and some state governments have dedicated a whole month or more to the celebration of same-sex unions. Many educational institutions and many large corporations have events for their employees so they can partake in the celebration of gay pride. On Elon Musk’s social website called X, there was video after video showing the June 2024 Pride Parade in Toronto, Canada, where both young and old fully naked men boisterously paraded themselves in the downtown area. Some people were calling for the arrest of these men for what could be indecent exposure, but the Toronto police decided to make no arrests.[6] In cities across the US, gay pride is celebrated, even in the White House. If you can remember back in 2015, Barack Obama and his administration lit up the White House with rainbow colors.[7] Tel Aviv, Israel, boasts about being one of the biggest supporters of gay pride events and is the frontrunner in being known as the gay capital of the world.[8] As I wrote above, Sodom’s sin was unique, in that homosexuality was expressed out in the open and widely accepted. Those who read my articles know that I persistently write that this is the generation that will witness both the rapture of the body of Christ followed by the seven-year Tribulation Period—the 2nd coming of Israel’s Messiah will then occur. This is why the sin of Sodom is expressed out in the open and widely accepted just like in the days of Abraham’s nephew, Lot. If a citizen, or a church group, expresses an opinion that disagrees with the gay community then they are immediately called bigots and accused of homophobia. In Canada and the US, it is a hate crime to express an opinion against the gay community. It is discriminatory in the European Union (EU) to express an opinion counter to the gay community as well.

A Christian that knows endtimes prophecy and has spiritual discernment has no problem knowing and discerning the times we live in because they recognize the signs Jesus and the apostles warned about. It is not hard for the discerning believer to perceive that the world is now in the Noah and Lot stage of endtimes prophecy. A pastor or a teacher of the word of God that lacks endtimes knowledge does not teach the brethren under their care the crucial time the world is in. They are blind ministers who lead blind congregations into error. Jesus scolded the Pharisees and Sadducees when they came to test him, asking for: “a sign from heaven” (Matt. 16:1b, CSB). He told them: “You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times” (Matt. 16:3b, ESV). When a believer can perceive the “signs of the times,” like the Noah and Lot phase of the endtimes, then how should the believer be living? Should the believer get serious about their new life in Christ, or just live like the rest of the world and continue to live in sin?

The apostle Paul warned God’s church to: λογίζεσθε ἑαυτοὺς εἶναι νεκροὺς μὲν τῇ ἁμαρτίᾳ ζῶντας δὲ τῷ θεῷ ἐν Χριστῷ Ἰησοῦ (logízesthe eaftoús eínai nekroús mén tí amartía zóntas dé tó theó en Christó Iisoú) “consider yourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Rom. 6:11b, mGNT). The believer is to forbid sin to possess them or let it dominate their body and mind because if it does it will be their master (Rom. 6:12). The apostle taught that because the church has been justified through faith (Rom. 5:1a) by the blood of Christ (Rom. 5:9a) that grace will reign in the believer’s life, through righteousness, to bring them eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Rom. 5:21b). These words give the Christian hope as the believer lives by them. But as Paul continued, he asked the church: τί οὖν ἐροῦμεν ἐπιμένωμεν τῇ ἁμαρτίᾳ ἵνα ἡ χάρις πλεονάσῃ (tí oún eroúmen epiménomen tí amartía ína i cháris pleonási) “Why then do we persist in sin so that grace may abound” (Rom. 6:1, mGNT)?  Looking back at Romans 5:21b, Paul was teaching that as the believer lives in the righteousness of God his grace will help get the believer to the end of their salvation which is eternal life. So, since the believer has died to sin, they should no longer continue in it (Rom. 6:2).

The church is not to live like the world, that does not know what the consequences of sin are. The believer’s life before they received God’s salvation (the old man) was crucified with Christ so that they no longer have to be a slave to sin; therefore, the sinful nature must continually be destroyed (Rom. 6:6). God gives the believer his grace so they can crucify the sinful nature with its passions and desires (Gal. 5:24). Because the modern church is living in the revived Noah and Lot moment, the believer must not live like the unbeliever, but rather: “Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness” (Rom. 6:13, ESV). As I wrote above: Do not let sin possess your body, because it will then be your master. The world cannot help being a slave to sin because sin is its master. But because of grace, by the blood of Jesus Christ, the Christian has the power to actively resist sin. So, the believer must not obey sin or they then become its slave again, and active sin leads to death, but rather they must be obedient to grace (Rom. 6:16). That is why teaching the word of God is important. Being taught how-to live-in righteousness, receiving it, and, then being committed to it, makes you a slave of righteousness (Rom. 6:16-17). The endtimes are a hard time to be in, just like the days of Noah and Lot. So now, more than ever before, the church must offer its μέλη (méli) “members” as slaves to righteousness because that leads to holiness (Rom. 6:19). What Paul means by the Greek term méli (members), and the context of his warning, is that the Christian is to offer every part of their body up as instruments of righteousness instead of instruments of unrighteousness (Rom. 6:13). 

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[1] There was no sin in man until Adam disobeyed God (Gen. 3:17a), and sin will be no more after death and Hades are cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:14).

[2] What is the morphological Greek New Testament (MGNT)?

[8] Is Tel Aviv the gay capital of the world?


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