Saturday, June 15, 2024

The Demonic Duo


The teaching below is taken from chapter eight of something I have been working on.


In this chapter, I will write briefly about the evil rulers the world will witness during the Tribulation Period, and the covenant one of them will enforce which will begin Israel’s seventieth-week period. This ruler is the one that the apostle John called the ἀντίχριστος (antichristos) “Antichrist” (1 Jn. 2:18). He is the first θηρίον (thiríon) “beast” recorded in the book of Revelation (Rev. 13:1), whose worldly kingdom will last during the seventieth-week of Israel. This man is an earthly representative of the δράκων (drákon) “dragon” who is called Satan, and also the devil (Rev. 12:3, 9a). Satan will give the Antichrist a position of great authority during his reign as the global leader (Rev. 13:2b).

The Antichrist is recorded as coming out of the θάλασσα (thálassa) “sea” (Rev. 13:1b). Thálassa in this context is allusive to the world of unbelieving nations that do not acknowledge the God who created heaven and earth. It is also symbolic of the dark underbelly of darkness within these nations. Although thálassa refers to bodies of water in most places of the New Testament like the Sea of Galilee, and the Mediterranean Sea, in the revelation of Jesus Christ it is sometimes used as a metaphor for nations that worship false gods. For example: In Revelation 12:12, thálassa (sea) is also allusive to unbelieving nations. The voice from heaven (Rev. 12:10) warns the nations that the devil is cast down on them. Both, the γῆ (gi) earth, and the sea (thálassa), in verse twelve, are emblematic terms indicating unbelieving nations. In Revelation 17:1, where it mentions the υδάτων πολλῶν (ydáton pollón) “many waters” where the πόρνη (pórni) “prostitute” sits, is likewise allusive to the unbelieving nations. Metaphorically it is referring to the world where society is under the influence and power of the fallen angels and the evil spirits of their offspring, the Nephilim (Rev. 17:15; 1 Jn. 5:19b; Rms. 1:28-32; 2 Cor. 4:4). Thálassa (sea) is also used to describe the area before the throne of the Lord God Almighty: ὡς θάλασσα ὑαλίνη ὁμοία κρυστάλλῳ (os thálassa yalíni omoía krystállo) “like a clear sea like crystal” (Rev. 4:6a, mGNT). Here it is not allusive to darkness but instead pure light. Therefore, when describing the Greek word thálassa (sea) when it is used as a metaphor you must use discernment and wisdom or you might miss what the Scripture is saying.   

The Antichrist has been groomed within the realm of left-wing politics. It is a world of paganism that admires the Greco-Roman gods – fallen angels who were given many names throughout history – and also pledges allegiance to drákon himself. Most people who vote Democrat or Liberal are not full-blown devil worshipers, but many of the people they put in power with their vote usually have a secret allegiance to the evil ones. The first beast has pledged allegiance to Satan since his initial adherence to the pagan gods—both he and his handlers know who he is and they have been patient waiting for his time to emerge as the primary agent for the Devil. As said, John called this man the Antichrist, but the apostle Paul called him the man of ἀνομία (anomia) “lawlessness” or “iniquity” (2 Thess. 2:3). The man of lawlessness is the one whom the angel Gabriel spoke to Daniel about who will enforce a treaty between the Israeli government and the Palestinians for seven years (Dan. 9:26b-27). He is also mentioned in other places in Daniel’s writings. But we should be careful not to mistake him for a couple of other devious rulers prophesied by the prophet. They are Alexander the Great, and Antiochus IV Epiphanes. Neither of these men is mentioned by name in Daniel, but the Scriptures no doubt refer to them.   


Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great was Alexander III, of Macedonia.[1] He lived during the years 356-323 BC. He was king of Macedonia from 336 BC until his death. You can see by the dates that Alexander lived a short life (ca. 33 years); he was king for less than thirteen years. King Nebuchadnezzar had seen Alexander’s empire in a dream he had that only Daniel, by the help of God could interpret (Dan. 2:1, 26-45). His empire was the third world empire in that dream, it was the one made of bronze – the belly and thighs of bronze – which was the ancient kingdom of Greece (Dan. 2:32c, 39b). The other three world empires were Babylon, Medo-Persia, and Ancient Rome (Dan. 2:32-33a, 36-40)—the feet that were made of iron and clay is the prophesied endtimes global government which will be an extension of the ancient Roman government (Dan. 2:33b, 41-43). This endtimes global government is the one that is being implemented in today’s Western World. And it will be defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ at his second appearance at the end of Israel’s seventieth-week period (Dan. 2:34-35, 44-45a; Rev. 19:11-21).                  

Alexander’s empire was also seen in a vision that Daniel had in the first year of Belshazzar, he saw four great beasts that arose out of the sea (Dan. 7:1-3). As the Greek word thálassa (sea) is used as an emblematic term indicating unbelieving nations in the Scripture verses I used previously (Rev. 12:12; 13:1b), the Hebrew word יָם (yām) “sea” is also a metaphor indicating that the four great beasts referenced in Daniel 7:1-3 are also men from unbelieving pagan nations. Again, not every time the Hebrew term yām (sea) is used does it mean pagan nation. In Daniel’s vision, Alexander’s kingdom is seen as a leopard (Dan. 7:6a). The Scripture says this leopard has four wings on its back (Dan. 7:6b). The leopard also had four heads (Dan. 7:6c).

Alexander’s empire was given authority to rule (Dan. 7:6d), meaning Greece became a world empire during his reign. I believe the four wings on the back of this beast, which looked like a bird’s wings, had something to do with the four heads attached to this leopard. I believe that the four heads are symbolic of the primary four generals who took over Alexander’s empire after he passed away—Ptolemy I Soter, Antigonus I Monophthalmus [Antigonos Monophthalmos], Cassander, and Seleucus I Nicator. Although some scholars suppose the four heads refer to the divisions of land that fell into the hands of Alexander's generals after he died, rather than the generals themselves. I believe that the four wings on the back of the beast were symbolic of the great heights Greece rose to on the world stage during the days of Alexander, especially between the years 334 and 330 BC (See endnote #1). As I said, I believe the four wings were also symbolic of the strength of the four heads attached to this beast, his four primary generals, who helped Alexander build the kingdom of Greece to become a world power in his day.

In chapter eleven of Daniel’s writings, his generals split his kingdom in four, two of them are mentioned as the king of the South and the king of the North (Dan. 11:2-32)—this could be why some believe that the four heads of the leopard refer to the divisions of Alexanders empire being put into the possession of the four primary generals. The Southern Kingdom was the Ptolemaic Kingdom (Egypt, Libya, Sinai, Nubia, Sudan, Southern Syria – including Judea, Gaza, et cetera),[2] and the Northern Kingdom was the Seleucid Empire (Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, Persia, Afghanistan, et cetera).[3] Important note: We must be careful not to make the mistake of associating the South and North mentioned in chapter eleven as being certain geopolitical entities within the seventieth week of Israel that will do battle (this mistake has been made)—these two kingdoms and their rulers were overpowered and annexed by ancient Rome before Jesus was born. The Seleucid Empire (Northern Kingdom), was overpowered by the Roman general, Pompey, circa 63 BC. The Ptolemaic Dynasty in Egypt (Southern Kingdom) was annexed circa 31-30 BC, by Imperator Caesar Divi Filius (Augustus), the first Roman Emperor. 

In chapter eight of Daniel’s writings, in the third year of Belshazzar’s reign, Daniel saw another vision (Dan. 8:1). Alexander’s kingdom is the male goat Daniel saw who had a horn between its eyes that was easily seen (Dan. 8:5)—the goat was symbolic of the kingdom of Greece. The horn between the goat’s eyes was an allusion to Alexander in his role as king of the ancient Greek kingdom (also seen in 8:21). Alexander conquered the Medo-Persian Empire (Dan. 8:5-7), which is symbolic of the two-horned ram (Dan. 8:3-4, 20; 11:2). Alexander died at the height of his reign—his death is allusive to the horn of the goat that had broken off (Dan. 8:8a). And then in his place, his four generals took over the kingdom—this event is symbolic of the four prominent horns that took the place of the horn that was broken off (Da. 8:8b). Alexander and his Macedonian kingdom are also referenced in Zechariah (but not by name, just like in the book of Daniel) as the instrument Yahweh used to destroy the land of Hadrach (a district in Syria), Hamath (a principal city in Syria), Tyre and Sidon (cities in Lebanon)—Zechariah 9:1-4. The City of Tyre seemed like it was impossible to conquer, but Alexander conquered it in about seven months in 332 BC. He also conquered the Philistine cities south of Tyre and Sidon; Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, and Gaza in 332-331 BC (Zech. 9:5-8).

Alexander’s army was on its way to conquer Egypt, but as he swept through Israel Yahweh protected his temple (Zech. 9:8). God did not allow Alexander to attack Jerusalem during this military campaign. Flavius Josephus (Roman Jewish historian, and military leader – ca. 37-100 AD), wrote in his book, The Antiquities of the Jews, that when Alexander went through Gaza he was about to go up to Jerusalem. But Jaddua, the High Priest, heard about Alexander’s intentions, which caused him to fear. So, he offered sacrifices to God with the people of Jerusalem hoping God would protect them. After the sacrifice God spoke to him in a dream that he should take courage and instruct the priests to dress in fine linen and direct the rest of the citizens of Jerusalem to dress in white. Also, Jaddua was instructed by Yahweh to meet Alexander at the gates of Jerusalem with the priests and people of the city when his troops arrived. Once Jaddua woke up from his dream he was ecstatic and told the priesthood what God had talked to him about. The priests and the citizens of Jerusalem dressed as they were told and then went to the city gates, and waited for Alexander’s army to arrive. As Alexander’s military approached Jerusalem the priests and citizens of Jerusalem were already at the city gates to meet him there as was their instruction. When Alexander saw the citizens in white garments and the priests in fine linen, and the high priest dressed in purple with his miter on his head (a high-priest headdress – maybe looked like a turban) which had a golden plate attached to it engraved with the name of Yahweh, he approached Jaddua himself and saluted him. When this happened the Jews, all said together, “Salute Alexander,” and encircled him. The kings of Syria and the others in Alexander’s command thought he was crazy. Then, Alexander’s second in command, Parmenio (Parmenion),[4] went up to Alexander and asked him why he adored the high priest of Israel. Alexander replied to his general: “I did not adore him, but that God who has honored him with that high-priesthood; for I saw this very person in a dream, in this very habit, when I was at Dios, in Macedonia, who, when I was considering with myself how I might obtain the dominion of Asia, exhorted me to make no delay, but boldly to pass over the sea thither, for that he would conduct my army, and would give me dominion over the Persians; whence it is, that having seen no other in that habit, and now seeing this person in it, and remembering my vision and the exhortation which, I had in my dream, I believe that I bring this army under divine conduct, and shall therewith conquer Darius, and destroy the power of the Persians and that all things will succeed according to what is in my mind.” After this, Alexander went into the city, and up to the temple, and offered a sacrifice to Yahweh at Jaddua’s direction. Alexander was then shown the writings of Daniel the prophet, where it was prophesied that the Greeks would destroy the Persian Empire, and he believed the prophecy was referring to him. This made Alexander glad, and he then granted Jaddua whatever he desired.[5]   

Antiochus IV Epiphanes

Daniel also writes about another horn that comes to power from the four prominent horns that took place after Alexander died: “From one of them a little horn emerged and grew extensively toward the south and the east and toward the beautiful land [Israel]” (Dan. 8:9, CSB). His name was Antiochus IV Epiphanes.[6] He was born about 215 BC and died in 164 BC. Antiochus IV was the son of Antiochus III the Great (born ca. 242 BC – died 187 BC).[7] Antiochus IV took the title, Epiphanes. It means God manifests, also glorious/illustrious one. Many of the Hellenistic rulers gave themselves the title, Epiphanes.[8] Although, Antiochus IV, because he ill-treated the Jewish people, he earned the title Epimanes; which means: mad one. Epimanes description in the medical lexicon dictionary is: “A name given to a maniac when in a paroxysm – 1846.”[9] Antiochus’ persecution of the Jews caused the Maccabean revolt (167-160 BC).[10]  

In the following verse it is written: וַתִּגְדַּל עַד־צְבָא הַשָּׁמָיִם וַתַּפֵּל אַרְצָה מִן־הַצָּבָא וּמִן־הַכּוֹכָבִים וַתִּרְמְסֵם “And it shall increase unto the host of heaven, and the earth shall be desolate of the host and of the stars, and shall be trampled” (Dan. 8:10, Masoretic Text[11])—this text is a continuation of the previous verse which alludes to Antiochus IV. In the Septuagint it is written: Μεγάλωσε τον εαυτό του στο πλήθος του ουρανού. και έπεσαν στη γη [μερικοί] από το στρατό του ουρανού και από τα αστέρια, και τα πάτησαν (Megálose ton eaftó tou sto plíthos tou ouranoú. kai épesan sti gi [merikoí] apó to strató tou ouranoú kai apó ta astéria, kai ta pátisan) “He magnified himself in the multitude of heaven. and there fell to the earth [some] of the host of heaven and of the stars, and trod them down” (Dan. 8:10, Septuagint[12]). Your English translation may word verse ten similar to the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint. Please note: There seems to be never-ending variations in the translation of Scripture texts, which in no way means the original Old and New Testament texts are not genuine and true. They are infallible. Even some translations of the Septuagint (the earliest – still existing – Greek text of the Old Testament translated from the Hebrew) may have variations in translation; but this does not mean the original Hebrew and Aramaic texts of the Old Testament are not genuine and true. Translators do their best to get as close as possible to what the writers of the Holy Scriptures were saying when they were first written. When you read and study Scripture you should always be moved by the Holy Spirit so that you do not misinterpret the context of the Scripture. When you read a credible translation of the Scriptures the Spirit of God will always help you to understand what the writer was saying—he will also reveal to you what translations of Scripture are questionable; if you are listening.    

Some commentators say that Daniel 8:10 refers to the Jewish people being the “host of heaven,” and that the priests and religious leaders refer to the “stars” (Chuck Smith).[13] Some other commentaries have written that the “host of heaven” also refers to the Jewish priesthood: The Benson Commentary.[14]   Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers writes that the “host of heaven” may mean the stars (celestial bodies), and symbolically mean the people of Israel.[15] Barnes' Notes writes something similar to the two previous commentaries mentioned. Barnes writes that the “host of heaven” may refer to the stars (celestial bodies) and that the “stars” may also refer to the people of Israel.[16]  

The four commentators above have their insight into the meanings of “the host of heaven” and the “stars,” but my insight differs considerably. Significantly enough the reader should give it some consideration. I believe the Scripture refers to the angels of heaven, rather than celestial bodies, the priesthood, or the people of Israel. In my opinion: The “host of heaven” refers to military-type angels (army of angels) and the “stars” refer, to possibly both low-ranking military and non-military-type angels (messenger angels, et cetera). The Hebrew word צָבָא (ṣāḇā'), translates in English as primarily: army or military. Infrequently it translates as armed forces or troops. Many English translations of the Bible translate ṣāḇā' as “host.” Therefore, what we read in most English Bibles as “the host of heaven,” in the Masoretic Text it reads צְבָא הַשָּׁמָיִם “the army of heaven.” The Greek word πλήθος (plíthos) is usually translated as multitude, crowd, or host. Plíthos is sometimes translated into English as army, battalion, or troops. Where many English Bibles say “host” in Daniel 8:10a, some translations of the Septuagint may sometimes say “multitude.” Some translations of the Septuagint have opted to translate plíthos as “host.” That being said, what we read in most English Bibles as “the host of heaven,” in some translations of the Septuagint[17] it may read: το πλήθος του ουρανού (to plíthos tou ouranoú) “the multitude of heaven.” The multitude of heaven refers to the angels of heaven. This means that the “host of heaven” in Daniel 8:10a, most likely refers to the army of heaven, or heavens military, who would be angelic beings and not human beings. The Christian Standard Bible (CSB), has translated צְבָא הַשָּׁמָיִם (šāmayim ṣāḇā') as the “army of heaven,” just as it is written in Hebrew. The Hebrew word כּוֹכָב (kôḵāḇ) is translated in many English Bibles as “stars,” which usually refers to celestial bodies. But it can also be an allusion to Israel’s Messiah: “A star shall come out of Jacob, and a scepter shall rise out of Israel” (Num. 24:17c, ESV). But in the context of Daniel 8:10, kôḵāḇ (star) is an allusion to the angels rather than to celestial bodies as some have translated (Jdg. 5:20; Isa. 14:13; Amos 5:26). Kôḵāḇ can metaphorically be a synonym to the English word prince, which can also refer to a principality (angel), either holy or fallen (Dan. 8:11; 10:13 20-21; 12:1; Matt. 9:34; 12:24; Eph. 2:2).  I believe the Christian Standard Bible has translated verse ten near to its actual meaning. They have not only translated šāmayim ṣāḇā' as, “the heavenly army,” but they have also in their footnotes translated kôḵāḇ (stars) as “army,” meaning the heavenly army: “It grew as high as the heavenly army, made some of the army and some of the stars [Or some of the army, that is, some of the stars] fall to the earth, and trampled them” (Dan. 8:10, CSB).

Okay, so if my interpretation of Daniel 8:10 is correct, then what did Daniel mean by this statement? I believe Daniel may have seen a battle in the heavenly realms between the angels of heaven and fallen angels when he saw the vision of Antiochus’ rise to power. It may have been, that when Antiochus made his way toward Israel, he may have summoned his Greek gods (fallen angels) to clear a pathway for him to give him victory—gods like Ares (the god of bloodshed); Athena (the god of war); Apollo (a top-ranking god); Poseidon (the god of horses and earthquakes); and Zeus (the god of weather).[18]   Antiochus IV surely had demonic power that gave him the power to be in union with the demonic realm—just like the Antichrist will have demonic power during his reign (Rev. 13:1-4). His aspiration could have been to defeat the army (angels) of God to make his victory attainable. Antiochus IV would have known that Israel was under the protection of heavenly principalities (like Michael), so if he should be victorious, he would have to disable their protection somehow. Notice, the last part of verse ten. Some heavenly angels fell to the earth and Antiochus trampled on them. This may mean that during the supposed battle between the fallen angels and the heavenly angels, some heavenly ones were overcome and Antiochus reveled in this spiritual battle. I am not saying that the fallen angels destroyed these heavenly military angels but rather God allowed them to be subdued temporarily for a reason. This move would be a proven military strategy—Yahweh invented the art and science of psychological warfare so that he could keep the fallen angels from storming his kingdom. If you notice in the following three verses (Dan. 8:11-13), Antiochus set himself up as victorious over the leader of the heavenly army: “It acted arrogantly even against the prince of the heavenly army” (Dan. 8:11a, CSB)—the prince of the heavenly army may have been Michael, the prince who protects Israel (Dan. 12:1a). The Scripture reads that the Lord allowed Antiochus to abolish the daily sacrifice and to prosper in being victorious because of Israel’s transgressions (Dan. 8:12). Before you dismiss my conjecture, consider that the archangel Michael had to battle the fallen angels that had dominion over the Persian kingdom for twenty-one days to get to Daniel in response to his prayers for understanding, and then when he left, he had to battle these principalities again (Dan. 10:12-14, 20). So, in this relation, my theory should make sense. Michael’s battle with the prince over the Persian kingdom happened while Daniel was still in Babylon.

As I wrote above: Antiochus IV abolished the daily sacrifice and desecrated the Lord’s temple (Dan. 8:11-12; 11:31). He did this because Gaius Popillius Laenas,[19] a Roman general/politician, had the courage and the backing of the Roman Republic to oppose Antiochus’ mission when he tried to invade the Ptolemaic Kingdom (Dan. 11:29-30). This happened about 168 BC. Antiochus’ ‘desecration of the temple’ was called: “The abomination of desolation” (Dan. 11:31c, CSB). The Septuagint records: βδέλυγμα ἠφανισμένον (vdélygma ifanisménon) “abomination manifested.” The Masoretic Text says that Antiochus’ military had gave the temple a “desolate appearance”: וְחִלְּלוּ הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הַמָּעוֹז וְהֵסִירוּ הַתָּמִיד וְנָתְנוּ הַשִּׁקּוּץ מְשׁוֹמֵם “And they desecrated the fortified temple and removed the altar and gave it a desolate appearance.” About a year earlier (ca. 169 BC), Antiochus plundered the temple in Jerusalem and killed at least forty thousand men, women, and children, subjecting tens of thousands more to slavery (Dan. 11:28; 2 Macc. 5:12-14).[20] Once he stopped the daily sacrifice, the abomination that desecrated the temple of the Lord was an altar erected to the pagan god, Zeus. It is possible that after Antiochus was made to turn around by Rome, and not conquer Alexandria, he removed the altar of Yahweh and set up an altar to sacrifice to Zeus in the Jewish temple so he could earn the favor of his gods. We can see in the Scriptures that two angels discussed the length of time that the daily sacrifice would not proceed because of Antiochus’ desolation of the temple which was an abomination (Dan. 8:13). They prophesied that there would be 2,300 evenings and morning sacrifices that would not be made because of Antiochus’ actions, which would be 1150 days, and then the sanctuary would be restored (Dan. 8:14). Both Gabriel the angel, and Jesus of Nazareth, said that the end-time global leader would desecrate the third Jewish temple also in a similar way, he will do it in the middle of Israel’s seventieth week (Daniel 9:27bc; 12:11; Matt. 24:15; Mk. 13:14).

In his day, Antiochus would have known that a Greek ruler would desecrate the Jewish temple, as, is mentioned several times in Daniels's writings. He would have studied the prophet’s manuscript being that he was an elite in the Hellenistic Greek culture. The elite Greeks studied other cultures and their important documents including the Jewish culture. Antiochus may have even studied Daniel’s writings from the earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew text, the Septuagint. When he saw the opportunity to cease the Jewish daily sacrifice and desecrate the temple, he may have believed that he was the ruler who was prophesied in Jewish Scriptures to do this abomination, just like Alexander believed that Daniel’s prophecy about the Greeks destruction of the Persian Empire was speaking about him (Dan. 8:5-7, 20-21 – see also endnote #5). It would not surprise me if the prophesied Antichrist sees himself in Scripture also, as the one who will end the daily sacrifice and desecrate the newly built third Jewish temple during the seventieth week of Israel.

The Antichrist

I believe the Antichrist will eventually be possessed by the same demonic spirit that Alexander the Great and Antiochus IV Epiphanes were. This demonic spirit drove them to conquer and kill. I believe this same spirit possessed Titus, Caligula, Nero, and Domitian, who were emperors of Rome. These emperors were narcissistic, perverted, and cruel. I believe this same spirit also possessed Adolph Hitler. Like Caligula and Nero, the Antichrist will seem to be a good man to many when he begins to rule the global government. People in the Tribulation Period will have known the Antichrist before his exaltation as the global leader because he is a well-known modern political leader. He is a charismatic figure, which is not only attractive to his contemporaries but will be appealing to the people once he begins to reign the one-world government. Today, his advice is sought out not only on political issues but also on how to be successful in the modern world. The people who adore him esteem him as a god even before he demands he be worshiped as God. Luciferians have already appointed him as the global leader, but his inauguration will not happen until after the body of Christ is raptured. Once his inauguration day occurs – after he forces the seven-year covenant recorded in Daniel – the people of the Western World will hail the Antichrist for instituting a new world order; a pagan utopia. Because the world does not believe that Jesus Christ is Lord, they will believe they have entered into nirvana.[21] During the opening days of the seven-year Tribulation, the Antichrist will seem sensitive to the doctrine of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), because this is a popular political ideology in our modern-day especially among the political Left. An ideology that he openly promotes. But as the world is plunged into darkness, he will dismantle this deceptive agenda—there will be no room for DEI in the Antichrist’s Stalinist agenda.

The Antichrist will exalt himself even over the Lord Jesus Christ because the dragon (Satan) will give him his position of power and authority—the apostle John refers to him as the beast (Rev. 13:1-2). Western society will marvel at the Antichrist because he will suffer a πληγὴ τοῦ θανάτου (pligí toú thanátou) “wound of death” – fatality – but will be healed (Rev. 13:3, 14b). People will worship Satan because he gives the Antichrist his power (Rev. 13:4a). The Antichrist will have a proud and blasphemous tongue as he exerts his authority for forty-two months (Rev. 13:5; Dan. 7:8, 11, 20b). This forty-two-month period is likely after he defiles the third Jewish temple (Dan. 9:27; 12:11; Matt. 24:15; Mk. 13:14). The Antichrist will be so arrogant that he will curse God in heaven, curse God’s dwelling, and curse the angels and saints who dwell in heaven (Rev. 13:6). The Antichrist will be given power to assault the ἁγίων (agíon) “saints” and be successful (Rev. 13:7a). These saints are both the Jewish people and the Tribulation saints. Tribulation saints are the Gentiles who repent of their sins and resist the global system during the seven-year Tribulation Period. Satan will give the Antichrist authority over the people of the Western World (Rev. 13:7b). The Western World will be his global territory—the leaders of the Eastern World will oppose him (Rev. 16:10-16). Anyone that does not have their name written in βιβλίῳ τῆς ζωῆς τοῦ ἀρνίου (vivlío tís zoís toú arníou) “the lamb's book of life” will worship the Antichrist (Rev. 13:8).

Nobody at the time of this writing knows the identity of the Antichrist. But after the body of Christ is raptured out of this world, he will receive the authority to establish the seven-year covenant between the nation of Israel and its Arab neighbors. He will have his identity revealed when he: δυναμώσει διαθήκην πολλοῖς, ἑβδομὰς μία (dynamósei diathíkin polloís, evdomás mía) “strengthen the covenant of many, seven one” (Dan. 9:27a – Septuagint).

The False Prophet

The false prophet (Rev. 16:13; 19:20; 20:10) is also the second beast referred to by the apostle John (Rev. 13:11a; 13:15)—the Antichrist is the first beast and the false prophet is the second beast who exercises all the authority of the Antichrist (Rev. 13:12a). This beast is not to be confused with the second of the four great beasts mentioned by Daniel (Dan. 7:5). That second beast referred to the leader of the Medo-Persian Empire. However, the false prophet is similar to the four great beasts mentioned by Daniel who were the leaders of four kingdoms that came up from the earth – it is recorded that the second beast (the false prophet) also comes up from the earth – which likely means they are all just mere men and not spiritual beings (Rev. 13:11b; Dan. 7:17).  The four great beasts would have had demonic influence and power but were nonetheless still just mere men—neither were they Nephilim.[22] The false prophet is just a mere man, who also has special access to the demonic realm utilizing the dragon’s power (Rev. 13:11c)—he also is not a Nephilim.

John said that the false prophet: εἶχεν κέρατα δύο ὅμοια ἀρνίῳ (eíchen kérata dýo ómoia arnío) “he had two horns like a lamb” (Rev. 13:11c, mGNT). This lamb with two horns may be similar in some way, to the ram with two horns in Daniel 8:3 (Medo-Persian Empire). The false prophet is not a kingdom on his own like the Medo-Persian Empire was, but he is similar in both he and they are both pagans who worship(ed) fallen angels. Both, the leader of the ancient Medo-Persian Empire, had, and the false prophet will have, allegiance to the fallen angels – mainly Lucifer – and evil spirits. The false prophet is similar to the Antichrist in that both have demonic authority—because he: ἐλάλει ὡς δράκων (elálei os drákon) “roars like a dragon” (Rev. 13:11d, mGNT). The false prophet will deceitfully persuade the citizens of the global government to worship the Antichrist and his global government (Rev. 13:12b). 

The false prophet will also be similar in demonic nature to Jannes and Jambres. These two men are mentioned by name by the apostle Paul who opposed Moses (2 Tim. 3:8a). It is believed that they may have been the unnamed sorcerers that turned their staffs into snakes at the command of Pharaoh, just like when Aaron threw down his staff and it became a snake (Ex. 7:10-12), likewise when he stretched his staff out over the Nile River and struck the waters which turned them into blood the sorcerers did the same by demonic power (Ex. 7:20-22), and when Aaron stretched his staff over the waters making frogs come up covering the land of Egypt the sorcerers again were able to do the same thing using their demonic power (Ex. 8:5-7).[23] During the Tribulation Period, the false prophet will be able to make fire come down out of the sky because of the demonic power he possesses on behalf of the Antichrist, his miracles will deceive the citizens of the global government (Rev. 13:13-14a) because of the seducing spirits that will play havoc with their minds once the church is raptured. 

The second beast will order the citizens of the global government to make an εἰκών (eikon) “image” of the first beast who suffers a fatality (Rev. 13:3a) but then he will come back to life: ὃς ἔχει τὴν πληγὴν τῆς μαχαίρης καὶ ἔζησεν (ós échei tín pligín tís machaíris kaí ézisen) “who has the wound of the knife and lived” (Rev. 13:14b, mGNT). When the apostle John saw this image of the Antichrist in his vision it may have reminded him of what is written in Daniel about the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had made and “set it up on the plain of Dura in the province of Babylon” (Dan. 3:1c, CSB) during the time of his forefather’s captivity. The sorcery of the second beast will be able to give the eikon of the Antichrist a πνεῦμα (pnevma or pneuma) “spirit” so that the eikon can speak like a man and make anyone that does not worship it die (Rev. 13:15). The reference to the Antichrist’s image being able to make anyone that does not worship it die, is also an allusion to Nebuchadnezzar’s image that whoever did not worship it was thrown into a fiery furnace (Dan. 3:6). In Nebuchadnezzar’s time, at the sound of the musical instruments everyone had to bow down to worship his image (Dan. 3:4-5), and if they did not, they would suffer the punishment of the furnace like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego did, in that, powerful soldiers bound them and cast them into the blazing furnace (Dan. 3:12-23). But during the time of the Antichrist, his image will not only be given the power to speak like a man but also have the power to kill anyone that does not bow down to worship it. This demonic miracle may not be so much a supernatural miracle but rather modern technology. The image of the first beast is likely an advanced form of artificial intelligence (AI)[24]—but only time will tell. If the image of the Antichrist is an advanced form of AI, then the spirit that allows it to speak will also be an advanced form of AI that will be more life-like than robotic. This technology will be able to kill people on its own rather than having the global police do it. It may have something to do with the χάραγμα ἐπὶ τῆς χειρὸς αὐτῶν τῆς δεξιᾶς ἢ ἐπὶ τὸ μέτωπον αὐτῶν (cháragma epí tís cheirós aftón tís dexiás í epí tó métopon aftón) “engraving on their right hand or on their forehead” (Rev. 13:16b, mGNT). This skin engraving (cháragma) will be mandated by the global government, at the instruction of the false prophet and everyone will be forced to receive this skin engraving (Rev. 13:16a). This cháragma will likely be controlled, by the technology within the image of the first beast. And when the call is issued to bow down and worship this image then those who resist will immediately have their vital organs shut down bringing them instant death. This skin engraving may or may not be invisible—UV (ultraviolet) tattoos, also called “blacklight tattoos” already exist.[25] Some people believe the mark of the beast is a computer chip inserted under the skin.

The false prophet will mandate the skin engraving not only to be a deterrent against not worshiping the image of the Antichrist but also to limit who will be able to partake in the command economy[26] of the one-world government—a command economy was how the market functioned in the former Soviet Union and the communist Eastern bloc.[27] People in the Tribulation Period will not be able to buy or sell unless they have the skin engraving mandated by the false prophet: καὶ ἵνα μή τις δύνηται ἀγοράσαι ἢ πωλῆσαι εἰ μὴ ὁ ἔχων τὸ χάραγμα τὸ ὄνομα τοῦ θηρίου ἢ τὸν ἀριθμὸν τοῦ ὀνόματος αὐτοῦ (kaí ína mí tis dýnitai agorásai í polísai ei mí o échon tó cháragma tó ónoma toú thiríou í tón arithmón toú onómatos aftoú) “And so that you cannot buy or sell them unless the one who has the engraving has the name of the beast or the number of his name” (Rev. 13:17, mGNT).

The Demonic Duo

During the Tribulation Period, both the Antichrist and the false prophet are possessed with evil spirits that are released into them by the dragon, Satan (Rev. 16:13-14). They will receive these evil spirits from Satan voluntarily after the body of Christ is raptured into eternity, but not before. I say not before because this level of demonic activity and power in the demonic duo will be more powerful than any human servant of Lucifer in history. Even more powerful than Jannes and Jambres whom I mentioned before. This level of demonic power is forbidden to be active in any man until after the body of Christ is fully in the eternal realm—the presence of the true church in this world keeps the demonic realm from releasing its full might and power, but once the church is raptured the door will be open for it to increase in power. The level of demonic power the demonic duo will have during the Tribulation Period will be seducing enough to attract the leaders of not only their government (the ten kings mentioned in the next section) but also the leaders of their opposition, the kings of the East (Rev. 16:12), to battle for possession of Jerusalem in a place north of the West Bank called Ἁρμαγεδών (Armagedón) Armageddon (Rev. 16:16)—the ancient city of Megiddo.[28] The Antichrist will be possessed by a powerful evil spirit that will come up out of the Abyss once it is opened during the Tribulation Period (Rev. 9:1-2; 11:7; 17:8). I mentioned before that I believe the Antichrist will be possessed by the same evil spirit that possessed Titus, Caligula, Nero, Domitian, and Adolph Hitler. If I am correct, then that would mean that this evil spirit was cast into the Abyss likely by Michael, the angelic prince of Israel (Dan. 10:21; 12:1; Jude 1:9; Rev. 12:7), after Hitler passed away.


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[5] Antiquities of the Jews – Book XI, 8:4-5

[11] Masoretic text (the traditional Hebrew text of the Old Testament)

[12] Septuagint (the earliest – still existing – Greek text of the Old Testament translated from the Hebrew)

[13] Chuck Smith


[15] Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers – Daniel 8:10

[16] Barnes' Notes on the Bible – Daniel 8:10

[17] After looking at different translations of the Septuagint, I found that they differ one from another.

[22] Nephilim: the offspring of fallen angels and human women.

1 comment:

  1. That is some scholarly Biblical scripture prophecy and insight. What a power pack article! I learned a lot about Daniel's prophecy and John's revelation through your article. An incredible history lesson and prophetic Bible teaching. Thank you!
