If you are one of the few people
that believe the Tribulation Period is almost here then let me assure you that
it just got closer.
It is as close to becoming
reality as the globalists are determined to overthrow the Trump presidency.
Both will happen in the very near
It sounds like I am making a
prediction from the Jeane Dixon newspaper astrology column, or that I have channelled
the ostensible seer Nostradamus.
I assure you that I have not, or
would I ever put stock in false prophets or supposed psychics.
The bible predicts that the
Tribulation Period is fast approaching, and that the one world government will
arise in the West to be the authoritarian power for the duration of this seven
year period.
This autocratic government will
set in place a leader that will take complete control of the western world, and
will demand that his subjugates are subservient and worship him and the image
set up to honour him.
For the past few years the West
has seen an increasing flow of migrants from the Middle
East .
The overwhelming majority of
these migrants so happen to be Muslims who are refusing to assimilate into
their nations of refuge, but are rather insisting that their new homes become
like the places they are reputedly escaping from.
The Western world for the last
two or three hundred years has had two dominate belief systems that has been
able to reasonably coexist with one another and these belief systems are
Christianity and Secularism.
Christianity has respected
Secularism to believe what they choose to believe, and to a lesser degree but
nonetheless Secularism has marginally tolerated the Christian faith.
The West now and has been for
sometime setting up for the rise of a one world system by slowly eliminating
sovereign states in exchange for a globalist state.
Politicians from both right-wing
and left-wing establishments have been buying into, or have quite literally
been enticed into, this idea of a globalist state and they are soon ready to
announce a leader that will guide and lead this new world order.
The bible predicts this will
happen and even prophesies that this political leader will come in as an
administrator of peace but will really be a person that thrives on conquest.
Most of Europe has been set up
for this globalist system for many decades, but then came Brexit, the British
exit, or the United Kingdoms ’
exit from the European Union in favour of a national UK .
Will Brexit stop the globalist
agenda in the EU?
No it will not.
France has a federal election in
2017, and a nationalist politician, Marine Le Pen, is stirring the pot in
favour of possibly pulling out of the EU; but not right away.
She would like to reinstate France ’s
national sovereignty, something that is contrary to the globalist agenda.
Will Marine Le Pen win the French
election and pull France
away from the globalist agenda?
Not likely, but then again
anything can happen.
But, even if she should win the
globalist agenda will not be stopped.
He has vowed to stop the one
world agenda in the USA .
This is why since he won the US election in
2016 that the globalist in every rank has tried to overthrow his victory and
his presidential power.
Canada has been moving quickly to
conform to the totalitarian one world system, choosing to flood their country
with migrants from the Middle East that choose to adhere to the Sharia Law
system, rather than the current federal and provincial laws of the Dominion of
The motion that passed, and what
will soon become law, is a law that will condemn Islamophobia; it will be a
hate crime and a criminal offense to even have a negative comment against Islam
or someone of the Muslim faith.
This is Sharia Law; Sharia Law is
the law of Islam.
There is already hate crimes on
the books in Canada that
cover hateful acts against every religion, but Canada
is positioning Islam to be the number one religion in Canada that you
dare not criticize or oppose.
The Ontario liberal government,
Ontario which is Canada’s second largest province but its most populated,
secretly passed a similar motion last Thursday, February 23rd, 81-0,
in favour of making Islamophobia in all its forms against the law.
This motion when passed into law
will be the beginning of Sharia Law in the province of Ontario .
This means if you have a
legitimate concern about the Islamic faith, like their honour killings, their
ill treatment of women, their hatred for Jews and Christians, you cannot and
dare not criticize it.
About a decade ago the Ontario government,
under the power of the same left-wing liberals, tried unsuccessfully to
introduce Sharia Law into the province, but they were stopped by certain
Christian groups and petitions when the Liberals devious scheme was brought out
into the light.
The leader at that time tried to
deny this plan, even saying that he was the one that eventually put a halt to
this agenda.
Now the Ontario Liberals will see
their scheme come to pass because of the Liberals federal government about to
introduce the same law into Canadian society.
The Jewish community is persecuted
far more than the Muslim community in Canada ,
even by the same Muslims that want Islamophobia banned, but Canada ’s
left-wing denies the true facts and are going headlong with their
anti-Islamophobia agenda.
This should not surprise anyone
who has some knowledge of bible prophecy, as the bible predicts that there will
be a one world religion introduced into western society by the one world leader
and his globalist government.
I can remember not too long ago
how the Church thought this one world religion would be the ecumenical church,
but if you look carefully at Revelation Scripture it points to a religion that
practices the beheading of those that oppose the one world religion.
What religion practices beheadings
to kill those that oppose their religion today?
In Germany ,
France , the UK , and other
places in the EU, there are many places called no-go-zones, where there is a
large concentration of Muslims that if you are not of the Islamic community you
dare not go.
Will Ontario
and other parts of Canada
end up the same way?
I predict they will.
I can safely predict this because
you have to be blind not to see the trend.
The large majority of migrants
being introduced into Canadian society are Muslim, and most Muslims refuse to
assimilate into Canadian society because that would violate the commands of the
The Quran forbids the Muslim from
befriending or assimilating with anybody that is not a Muslim.
In Sweden ,
and across Europe , you can see that most
Muslims stick with people of their own religion and actually look down on
everyone else.
The same attitude exists in Canada like it does
in the EU.
The globalists know what they are
doing by flooding the West with the Islamic culture for the past twenty to
thirty years; and even more the last couple of years.
The globalist agenda is to have
one government, one leader, one currency, and one religion.
The religion they have chosen is
the Islamic religion because they believe they can use this religion to keep
the West under their control easier.
When the one world leader is
introduced and granted power you will find that he also has Islamic roots, but
he will deny the faith of his fathers as the seven year tribulation period
Picture: CC0 Public Domain
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