Saturday, October 15, 2016

A Challenged Society

As you know the race for the most powerful political office in the world, the President of the United States, is really heating up.
The two presidential candidates are coming out against each other with so much down and dirty revelations that it makes a gang fight look like a little girls tea and milk party.
Who will come out in the end with the most cuts and bruises when all is said and done?
Who will be the one left licking their wounds and nursing their feelings of deep seated resentment after being handed to them the greatest defeat in their life?
Have you ever seen a presidential race like this one in America before?
It is exposing the dark underbelly of government that many career and established politicians have tried so desperately to hide.  

Our world is falling apart very quickly, and there is no sign of it getting any better.
In fact, I am very pessimistic about it because I have read the book—I believe the book—and the world and its better days are in our rear-view mirror.
This election season is proof of that.
I am sure that you have had it up to your eyeballs with all the vilification, the defamation, all the mudslinging being tossed about in this US presidential campaign.
I think that the news networks should put up a warning icon before each news report, so that their viewers are warned that their over eighteen adult rated smear reports are about to begin.  
The details that are coming out, the secrets coming to light that was once hidden and was purposely hidden, would make our grandparents generation lock themselves away in shame.  

Both sides are guilty of their individual indiscretions, and who hasn’t been guilty of being imprudent, but because these candidates are in the public eye their impropriety reveals a generation lost in its selfishness.
Egocentric behaviour reigns supreme.
Neither one is innocent because both have checkered histories, and some debate whether besmirchment has followed both of them into their present.
The American citizenry are very concerned that one or both candidates are tarnished, and may even be stained with corruption, and that their sullied reputations will follow them into the White House.

Never would I condone egocentricity, but I am afraid society is now challenged with an even greater problem and what is worrisome and causing a great deal of difficulty is the double standard blatantly being displayed in the once trusted media.
Not all media, but much of it, must think the American people are a bunch of bumpkins.
The mainstream media and their reporting of this US presidential election race would make a thief think he is doing you a favour by picking your pocket.
Sadly the American media is not the only one who has taken a side and has already chosen their candidate.
The Canadian media along with the French and Australians are trying to sway the public with their own version of the truth.
They are making it very hard for anyone to trust their news coverage anymore; it makes you believe that they have a secret agenda.
Are they all globalists that are initiating a one world government?

Have you ever witnessed an American election where the media has hunkered down with such great passion picking one candidate over the other, and furthermore clearly revealing that they are out to completely destroy their chosen ones opponent?
Somebody better check to see if Abraham Lincoln’s statue sitting at the National Mall is writhing.  

Has the mainstream media stooped so low into the gutter that it now chooses to feed the public party politics rather than unbiased nonpartisan news?
We used to get a simple version of the facts.
Now all mainstream media viewers get is a hyped-up dose of duplicity so a secret agenda can be slowly introduced.
It is like putting a frog into a pot of cold water then turning the heat on high. 
Many people gobble it up because their minds are unable to ascertain fact from fiction anymore, truth from fabrication, as the entertainment industry has been progressive in influencing the mental development of this generation.
Sadly nobody really cares as long as the bachelor gets his bachelorette.

A friend and I were discussing this election over lunch the other day.
We were wondering how long God will put up with this amoral society, and it is an unscrupulous generation if you think it is not.
Don’t read me wrong, we all have our faults and weaknesses, nobody is perfect, but I wonder what Noah and Lot would think of this generation if they were alive right now.
How would they compare it with the days that they lived in?
With what the world has been witnessing in this election race, with all the corrupt and secretive backdoor agreements that are slowly coming into the light, with a dishonest and deceitful media choosing to cover up much of it if not all of it, how much lower does society have to plunge before God decides it is enough.
Before God took action with the world in Noah’s day, and the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in Lot’s day, he warned these two faithful men of what he was going to do.
Can you hear God now?

This presidential race is symptomatic of the world we live in and it should reveal to you how the word of God is true.
The bible predicts that a man will be appointed as a one world leader that will be given power over a one world government and he will cause all people to worship him.
Most people will worship him.
This one world government will encompass the West, whereas Russia and their allies, and China and their allies, will be foes to this one leader and the government he will rule.
Just as the world is witnessing high levels of deception right now, clearly being displayed through this election period, the deception will only continue to grow greater.  

What is coming is not the glory days of the past, but what we are experiencing worldwide is only going to intensify.
Both of these presidential candidates are preaching hope for America.
I am sure they truly believe their own version of hope in their heart—at least one of them does anyways, the other I am not so sure—but when the bible predicts that this generation is only going to get worse, than  believe me you, things are only going to get worse.
Very doom and gloom predictions but would you rather me just tickle your ears or do you want the truth?
YouTube Video: Busted! Bill Clinton's Face When Trump Brings Up The Rape Allegations is Priceless.
The Alex Jones Channel


  1. You certainly cannot trust the media anymore, they're all run by evil corporations now. They don't have the People's best interests at heart! This elections is just another foolish mudslinging contest! Noah and Lot would prepare for another mass flooding of the world!
