Friday, July 1, 2016

Messed Up

The longer I live the more I witness the fantastic changes that are occurring in our world.
When I use the term ‘fantastic’ I do not mean in the sense of being good or great, but rather I refer to the strange and unusual, and I go as far as describing it extremely unbelievable.
The changes that are transpiring in our Western culture are without doubt incredibly unrestrained.

There was a time when you could actually have a measure of confidence in the people who were elected and given power over government positions, and it did not matter whether the offices held were at the town or city level, or the state or provincial level, even the highest office in the land, referring to the Presidents or the Prime Ministers office.
We were once able to  somewhat trust the men elected to positions of political power.
Over the last several decades, maybe more like a half century ago, the erosion of trust in these political offices has been on a constant and deliberate downfall, spiralling so quickly out of control that when the crash comes, and it will, the devastation will be so enormous that the idea of a single government with a single leader will look very appealing to many people.

National sovereignty will be nothing more than a byword for the way things used to be.

My summation of the world’s transformation is that Western civilization is totally messed up.

On Wednesday, of this week, June the 29th, the North American Leaders’ Summit was held in the city of Ottawa, in the great country of Canada.

Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, who is the eldest son of former Canadian Prime Minister, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, was the official host for the U.S. President, Barack Hussein Obama, and President, Enrique Pena Neito, of Mexico.

During their trilateral news conference, held in Ottawa’s National Gallery, all three leaders were given the opportunity to address those in attendance, in which cabinet ministers from all three nations were there, and most notably was the U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry.

Prime Minister Trudeau, spoke first revealing what certainly drives him, what motivates him, and what is his particular political objective. First keep in mind what just happed the day before, on the 28th, at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport, where three suicide bombers detonated their suicide vests killing as of Thursdays count forty four people—it is believed that ISIS is behind the attack.

With this horrible Islamic terrorist attack, in a member state of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), you would think that the Prime Minister of Canada would lead off his address at the North American Leaders’ Summit with condolences to the family and friends of those effected by this atrocity.

At least the PM should express to the Turkish government Canada’s commitment to assist them in anyway possible to apprehend the perpetrators responsible for the destruction and mass murder of so many people on Turkish soil.

But no!

Mr.Trudeau begins his speech in a direction that seems to drive and motivate him, which is his firm support for LGBTQ rights.
The Leader of Canada has every right to support the LGBTQ community if that is his conviction.

But at a time when a member state of NATO is suffering with yet another terrorists attack—there has been approximately fourteen terror attacks across Turkey this past year claiming close to 300 lives—I believe that he is responsible as the PM of Canada to at least lead off in this very important speech with his country’s concern for those killed and wounded at the Ataturk Airport.

He should have at the forefront of this trilateral news conference expressed sympathy and  support to Turkeys President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

Instead he chooses to lead with his personal political agenda.

I realize that an Islamic terrorist gunned down so many innocent people within the LGBTQ community in Orlando Florida, on June 12th,  as he mentions in his speech, and the authorities should do their best to never let this type of thing happen again, but just one day before this speech in Ottawa there was tragedy in Istanbul, so why not show concern.

But this is not all, for the Prime Minister lives and breathes on a higher plane.

What else was on the PM's agenda but another of his pet projects, which is climate change—Climate change/warming is not his political agenda exclusively as it is a favorite item of John Kerry.

He shared with his audience in this above video that he will have talks with the American President, and the third amigo, the President of Mexico, about climate and energy policies, which he did at the summit.

Many hardliners believe that climate change/warming is fact but there is no true evidence to back their claims up. 

The bible says that out of the heart the mouth speaks.

From the conference we see that the primary concern of the Three Amigos is LGBTQ rights and climate change.

A government official, in the Canadian Parliament, praised the Three Amigos for their climate change decisions going forward, even demanding the Trudeau government increase its target for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Please! Give me a break.

Do you see the underlying issue behind these governments and their so-called main concerns?

Why do you think that their concerns are primarily for LGBTQ rights and climate change before the ever pressing issues of Islamic terrorism, which is of vital concern if the immediate population of North America wants to continue to experience a safe and somewhat peaceful existence, without the worry of being blown up by a suicide bomber in a mall, a restaurant, or even the airport?

I will defend Barak Obama, something that is difficult for me to do, because he did express his concern to the people in Tuesdays attack when he was given the opportunity to speak.

The rights of the LGBTQ  community is of concern to us, they should not have a target on their back just because they are homosexual, but the safety of all North American citizens should be the major concern because Islamic terrorism threatens us all; whether you are straight or gay.

Yes the environment is an issue that cannot be overlooked but the climate change/warming charlatans are only concerned about making money on their debatable claims.

Do you really think they care about the earth and its climate?

I find it paradoxical that they are the ones using gas guzzling SUV’s and fuel burning jets while they spread their still unproven climate theories.

If they are really serious about climate change would they not lead by example?

The climate change agenda is an excellent way for the United Nations, along with the Three Amigos, to just reach deep into the pockets of their citizens for more revenue; it is nothing more than a cash cow.

Their cap and trade system only takes from the middle and lower classes leaving them less to live on.

The globalists are on top of the pyramid of a world who has suppressed the truth of God because of their wicked way of life; therefore the wrath of God will soon be released in full measure once God removes his church (Rms.1:18; 2:5-8; Col.3:5-6; 1Thess.1:8-10; 5:9).

There is no place for excuses, because God has made it easy to believe the truth.

The globalists and their followers have dark hearts, and have rejected the truth for their own version of truth, which is a distorted gospel of human rights and global warming.

They are fools.

What serious world leader leads off a summit with their governments’ commitment to gay rights and global warming, as the PM of Canada has done, when a devastating terrorists attack just took place one day before; resulting in the death and serious injury of so many people?

It is a leader who has exchanged the glory of the One who rose from the dead for their own vain image of a god that resembles mere mortals and all created things.

Do you know why our world leaders cannot get their priorities straight and why they lack common sense?

It is because the world has rejected the Creator and would rather worship creation, so God in his righteous and pure jealousy has given them over to do every wicked thing their little hearts desire.

When you reject the truth of God you have no option left but to receive a lie, and worshipping nature then becomes natural to you, which then leads to God giving you over to dark passions and unnatural relationships—mankind has set itself over and above God.

Furthermore, this messed up world hates anyone who will dare to challenge them on these issues.
YouTube Video:  1970 New York Busy Street Scenes, Traffic Cops, 1960s, 1970s, Manhattan, 35mm Archive Footage
YouTube Video: Trudeau: Leaders Discussed Diversity, LGBT Rights
YouTube Video: Justin Trudeau makes history at Pride
YouTube Video: Trudeau previews three amigos summit
National Observer  

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