somebody quickly slid into our conversation a carefully thought through
suggestion that maybe, just maybe mind you, that Donald Trump could be the Antichrist.
Everyone should know who Donald Trump is, because he is in the news everyday,
all over the world; especially at the time of this writing.
The Donald, as he
is commonly referred to by the media, is a successful businessman, an
accomplished author, and a television personality.
It should now be added to
his list of accomplishments that he is an American politician, and only time
will tell whether or not he is a successful statesman, as he is presently making
a strong run to capture the Republican nomination for the 2016, US presidential
If he wins the Republican nomination, and is successful at winning
this fifty eighth quadrennial presidential election, Mr. Trump will then be the
forty fifth president of the United States of America.
If he does become
the forty fifth president I would suggest that both the US, and the world, better
pull their heads up out of the sand, because The Donald is a very scrappy
individual—no disrespect intended—and if he carries through with the promises
that he has been making on the campaign trail then you will see what it is like
to poke at a bees nest.
But, do I think that Mr. Trump is the Antichrist, is he
the one whom the bible predicts is going to be the appointed diabolical leader
of the one world government? Is he the first beast who will be given the power and
great authority and the throne of the Dragon?
the last two millennium many men have been considered as the one whom the bible
refers to as the man of sin, the one whose final destination will end up captured
and cast into a place the bible refers to as the lake of fire (Rev.19:20).
I am
not sure that I would want to be this guy, of course not, because even though
he presently has an unquenchable thirst for power and the secret desire to
conquer, which he knows is given to him by the Dragon, his final destination
will end up with all the fallen angels and every demon; and with every human
whose name is not found written in the ‘book of life’ (Rev.20:15).
Adolf Hitler, who
was the leader of the notorious Nazi Party, and the Chancellor of Germany, from
1933-1945, was a good candidate but not the so-called appointed one to serve the Dragon
as the true Antichrist.
My personal opinion is that Hitler tried to appoint and
anoint himself as the first beast of the Revelation.
He may have mirrored the
image of the Antichrist, even displaying a strong antichrist spirit, but the 1930's and 40's was
not the appointed time for the rise of the one world leader; so the dark forces
that govern this world removed him from the world stage.
true Antichrist is appointed by the Dragon, who is the Devil, and who is
presently the god of this world (2Cor.4:4), and the appointment will be made by the Dragon's dedicated
surrogate's here on earth.
The Devil's faithful followers are not hidden anymore like they once
They once were highly secretive of their plans for world dominance,
setting an appointed time for the lowly inhabitants of the planet to be
subservient to their wishes, and appointing a leader whom they believe will
possess the same demonic spirit as Nimrod, of the Old Testament.
Of course the
followers of the Dragon do not believe they are evil or that the spirit of the
Antichrist is demonic, for they believe that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and
Jacob, the God who commanded Adam to not eat of 'the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil' is the evil one.
The followers of the Dragon believe that he is
actually the one who is good and that Abraham's God is evil.
These people are
the group that control major events on this planet and have done so for
centuries, with obvious natural and supernatural help from their god; the Dragon.
Most readers
of this article know that the god of this age has blinded everyone that does not
put their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and that he has done a devilish job in
the hearts and minds of those that have the money and the political power to
shape this world, which they have sculpted into their own image.
cannot know at this point who the Antichrist truly is, but only after the true
followers of Jesus Christ are supernaturally snatched out of this world will he
be revealed (1Thess.4:16-17; 2Thess.2:1-12), and then he will step into his
seat of power for a period of seven years.
Before the church is taken off
the earth we cannot help be curious of whom this man is, and being curious does
not diminish the devotion we carry in our hearts for the Lord.
In my own study,
and for my own personal interest so that I can gain better insight into
prophecy and how it relates to world events, I look for a world leader who has a
contemptuous heart toward the nation of Israel, and the same scornful spirit for Israel's national leader;
especially if Israel’s leader seems to have their nation's best interest as his primary
I also look to see if a present day world leader has an equally
disdainful attitude towards those who follow Jesus Christ.
Does he respect the
beliefs and the Godly culture of the Christian community, or does he trample all
over them to appease another group of people?
What are the political aspirations of the
world leader who will be appointed as the Antichrist?
Is he content with
governing his birth nation, the nation he claims to devote his life to, or does
he have ideas of ruling the world even from the position as the head of the
United Nations?
The United Nations seems to be the governing body that will eventually
be the head of the one world government. Has any leader over the last decade
been highly touted as being the leader of the one world government that you can
think of?
If there is a certain individual being highly touted to be the
potential candidate for the leader of the new world order—do a Google
search—than he could possibly be the Antichrist, being that it is the dark
forces of this world that follow the direction of the Dragon and they will
appoint their chosen vessel at the appointed time as their anointed world
The Antichrist will be a compulsive liar, because his spiritual father,
the Devil, is a liar and the father of all lies. So look for a world leader who
never seems to be able to be honest or speak the truth, for he is a potential
appointee to the seat of power of the Antichrist.
YouTube Video: Best of Donald Trump (funny)
YouTube Video: Adolf Hitler Best Speech İn Colour
SezeR Sergen
YouTube Video: Antichrist - Official Trailer
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