Saturday, December 14, 2024

The Chosen Nation


Recently some people have said to me that God has forsaken the Jews—that he is finished with them. One person who replied to a comment I made, said that God’s judgment came upon Israel in AD 70 which means he has forsaken the nation of Israel forever, and that Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 prove it. These verses say: “I know your affliction and poverty, but you are rich. I know the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 2:9, CSB); “Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee” (Rev. 3:9, KJV). Of course, you can see that these verses do not condemn the Jewish nation but rather certain Jews who were doing the work of Satan.

In the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia, they were being persecuted because of the lies certain Jews were spreading. This had turned the pagan communities they lived in against the church. In Smyrna, Jesus told the church that they were about to suffer even more at the hands of the city officials (deduced) who the devil was leading, some of them were going to be arrested and thrown in jail for ten days, and likely they would be killed or executed there because of their faith in Christ (Rev. 2:10). In Smyrna and Philadelphia, the synagogue leaders (deduced) were riling up the pagans saying that the cities would experience bad things because of the Christian church. At the time, the worshipers of the Roman emperor (Domitian), believed that if things were going bad then it must be someone or some group that is the cause of it. They thought the Greco-Roman gods would send disaster on those who were disobedient. They thought the gods would send bad weather, crop failure, sickness, and disease. The Jews were saying that the Christians were teaching a false doctrine about a man named Jesus whom the Romans crucified. The Jews were making the pagans angry because the Christians were calling him Lord. This is why the churches in Smyrna and Philadelphia were being persecuted.

The church was persecuted because they would not worship Caesar. The Jewish leaders appeased the Romans by burning incense to the emperor and his gods. The Jews would also call Caesar lord. This gave them favor with the city officials. But the Christians would not. This is why Jesus called them fake Jews. They were hypocrites as far as Jesus was concerned. Even though they may have had Jewish blood Jesus saw them as fake because they were doing Satan’s work and not the Lord’s. The reason why Jesus called the Jews a συναγωγὴ τοῦ Σατανᾶ (synagogí toú Sataná) “synagogue of Satan” is because they were doing the Devil's work; lying and conspiring against the Christians. These hateful Jewish leaders were of their father the devil, they were carrying out his desire to destroy the church of God (Jn. 8:44). The synagogue leaders saw the church as their enemy, as does Satan. This is also why Jesus said the Jewish people there who refer to themselves as Jews are not. Their synagogue is of Satan.

If a Jew today conspires against the Christian church, then they too are a synagogue of Satan. But the Jewish community in general is not conspiring against Christians. They believe that Jesus is not their Messiah, and do not want to hear his name. But one day the whole community of Jews will believe in Jesus. Just like Peter, John, and Paul did. And just like many Jewish people who have put their faith in Jesus, in the world. The nation of Israel belongs to God. Israel is his treasured possession (Ps. 135:4; Deut. 7:6; 14:2; 32:9; 1 Sam. 12:22). God still has plans for Israel. He plans on redeeming the remnant on the final day of their 70th week (Dan. 9:24; Rom. 11:26-27).  If any nation harms Israel they have touched the apple (pupil) of God’s eye (Zech. 2:8). Even though Israel has rebelled over and over against God, they are still important to him.

Someone else suggested that God had forsaken Israel because they crucified Jesus. This way of thinking promotes the idea that the Christian church has replaced Israel as God’s people. This, of course, is the doctrine of replacement theology.[1] The belief in this doctrine seems to be growing. Replacement theology teaches that God has forsaken Israel as his chosen people and replaced them with the Christian church. This doctrine is false. We see how prominent this idea has become ever since Hamas slaughtered over 1,100 Jews on October 7, 2023. When Israel declared war on Hamas and went into Gaza to rescue the captives, whatever festering hatred there was towards Israel was brought to light—it revealed that even some members of the church are Israel haters. The doctrine of replacement theology also teaches that the church is spiritual Israel. This sect believes, that the promises God made to Israel are now fulfilled in the church. But this idea is just not true. Israel is the chosen of God, and the church is a new creation also chosen by God. Two beings chosen and cherished by God with distinct missions and purposes. Because of the replacement doctrine you hear some TV ministries and local church pastors utilizing prophesies from the Old Testament that are meant solely for the nation of Israel and applying them to the church. Whether or not they realize the ramifications of misinterpreting Scripture is beside the point. Prophesying falsely is prohibited. One example is Ezekiel 37:1-14. Some say this prophecy is about a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the church that will begin a great revival. They prophesy that it is coming soon. They call this revival the “latter rain.” This message is taught by leaders who adhere to the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)[2] and are affiliated with the Latter Rain Movement.[3] This false message is gaining ground over the internet and some local churches. It was popular in the 1940s through the 1960s but then got quiet. It then started picking up steam again about 40 to 50 years ago. It is being taught to the body of Christ prophesying that the church will save the world and then Jesus can come back. But the Ezekiel 37:1-14 prophecy is really about the renewed state of Israel. God restored Israel’s statehood in a day (Isa. 66:8). That prophecy was fulfilled on May 14, 1948. It has nothing to do with the church. It would be nice if what they taught was true, everyone in the world putting faith in Jesus, but the apostle Paul taught that in the latter days of the church age, there would be an apostasy, a falling away from Jesus (2 Thess. 2:3; 1 Tim. 4:1; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; 4:3-4)—we are living in that time.

Some also teach that Jesus prophesied about a revival in the church. They use Luke 21:29-31 as their proof. But no, this prophecy is concerning Israel’s renewed statehood, and the people that were alive who witnessed this event. It has nothing to do with an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the church and a worldwide revival. The prophecy teaches that some of the people who witnessed the rebirth of the state of Israel will still be alive to witness the rapture of the church, the 7-year Tribulation, and the 2nd coming of Jesus (Matt. 24:32-34; Mk. 13:28-30; Lk. 21:29-32). Jesus used the natural process of a fig tree bearing fruit to prophesy the restoration of the state of Israel. Of course, he prophesied speaking in riddles. Unfaithful Israel is the fig tree, its branch-producing leaves are when Israel’s statehood is renewed—unfaithful Israel is sometimes referred to as a fig tree or the fig fruit, and faithful Israel is sometimes referred to as an olive tree. Knowing that summer is near refers to the process of said events. When the state of Israel was restored, then the process of their eternal salvation began. Israel will bear fruit once its redemption takes place (Dan. 9:24). The remnant of Israel will be forever saved (Rms. 11:25-27) at Christ’s 2nd appearance (Matt. 24:29-31; Mk. 13:24-27; Lk. 21:25-28; Rev. 19:11-21). When pastors or TV ministries mishandle these prophecies about Israel’s future and say it is a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church they are in error. They unknowingly are doing Satan’s work. They confuse the undiscerning. They are filling the church with false hope. They are teaching a lie.

The segment of the church that believes God has forsaken Israel and replaced it with the Christian church is unaware that God has blinded Israel to the fact that Jesus is their Messiah. They may forget that they too once walked in sin and darkness, obeying the promptings of evil spirits (Eph. 2:1-3). They may not understand that they have been saved by grace through faith and that their faith is a gift of God, they did not work for it, so they cannot boast about their faith in God (Eph. 2:8-9). Even though Jesus performed many signs before the people of Israel while he was on the earth, they did not put their faith in him (Jn. 12:37). Isaiah had prophesied: “Who has believed our message, and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed” (Isa. 53:1, HNV; Jn. 12:38)? Israel could not put their faith in Jesus because as Isaiah also prophesied God had blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts to the truth (Isa. 6:10; Jn. 12:40). Now, some had put their faith in Jesus, like the apostles. Some leaders of Israel did too, but they kept it a secret fearing the Pharisees, because if they openly confessed faith in Jesus they would be ejected from the synagogue (Jn. 12:42-43). Even today Israel is blinded when they read the Old Testament, a veil covers their minds and hearts, because it is only through Christ that the veil is removed (2 Cor. 3:14-15). But when a Jew turns to the Lord the veil is removed (2 Cor. 3:16).

When the disciples came and asked Jesus why he spoke to Israel in parables he said that the mysteries of heaven were not given to them (Matt. 13:10-11). He meant at that time because someday they will understand the mysteries when they are all saved. But in Jesus’ time, they could not see or could they hear (Matt. 13:13-15). And it was a good thing, because, it was their transgression that caused salvation to come to the Gentiles to make Israel jealous (Rms. 11:11). Gentiles were once disobedient to God also, but have now received mercy because of Israel’s disobedience (Rms. 11:30). And because of the mercy God has released to Gentiles he may also release the same mercy to Israel (Rms. 11:31). God has given everyone over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on everyone (Rms. 11:32). Israel’s rejection of their Messiah has allowed Gentiles to be reconciled to God (Rms. 11:15a). Gentiles have been grafted into the olive tree so that they can share in it nourishing root (Rms. 11:17).

If it was not for Israel’s rejection of Jesus then Gentiles could not be saved. Therefore, the segment of the church that believes they have replaced Israel should stop being so arrogant and repent. If God did not spare some of the natural branches of the olive tree, meaning some unbelieving Jews, so that he could graft in Gentiles who put their faith in Christ, then this should be a warning to the church to cast away their pride, and cast away replacement theology (Rms. 11:18-20). Because, “For if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will he spare you” (Rms. 11:21, ESV). God has not rejected Israel, for there is a remnant chosen by grace (Rms. 11:1-5). Yes, God has chosen the church to be his holy people too, a royal priesthood, calling us out of darkness so that we may belong to him (1 Pet. 2:9), but he chose Israel first (Ex. 19:5-6; Isa. 41:8; 44:1). Once all Israel is saved at the 2nd appearance of Christ Israel will be able to obey God and keep his covenants because they will be finished with their disobedience (Dan. 9:24).   

Picture: Jewish youth praying at Western Wall

[1] What is replacement theology / supersessionism / fulfillment theology?

Friday, December 6, 2024

The Days of Noah


Below is an except from a book I am working on:

Jesus said that his coming will be like it was in the days of Noah—ὥσπερ δὲ αἱ ἡμέραι τοῦ Νῶε οὕτως ἔσται καὶ ἡ παρουσία τοῦ υἱοῦ τοῦ ἀνθρώπου (ósper dé ai imérai toú Nóe oútos éstai kaí i parousía toú yioú toú anthrópou) “As the days of Noah were, so will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matt. 24:37, TR). Some people think Jesus was referring to his coming at the end of the 7-year Tribulation Period, Israel’s 70th week, which is his 2nd coming or 2nd appearance. I disagree with anyone who believes this. When Jesus refers to his coming in Matthew 24:36-44 (Mk. 13:32-37; Lk. 17:26-27; 21:26-30, 34-36), he is referring to the day and hour he comes for the body of Christ (1 Thess. 4:16-17). The time leading up to the day and hour of the rapture will be similar to the world that Noah lived in before the Great Flood (Matt. 24:37; Lk. 17:26).

Before the Great Flood, there was an increase in the earth’s population—הֵחֵל הָאָדָם לָרֹב (hechel ha'adam larov) “man began to multiply” (Gen. 6:1, MT). As the rapture of the church draws near the world has experienced a great increase in its population. In the decade of Israel’s rebirth, beginning in 1940, there were about 2.3 billion people on the earth—about 70-85 million people perished because of WWII.[1] In 2024, there are more than 8 billion people on the planet.[2] So, since the decade of the rebirth of the State of Israel, men have multiplied on planet Earth by almost 6 billion in just 84 years—estimated. According to the Worldometer website, from 1700 AD to 1900 AD the earth’s population grew by less than 1 billion—1700 AD (610,000,000) – 1900 AD (1,600,000,000). So, since the endtimes officially began with the renewed statehood of Israel in the year 2024, the earth’s population has grown by almost 6 times more than the 18th and 19th centuries combined.

Before the Flood, sexual immorality and perversion were also great (Gen. 6:2). The angels saw that women were טוֹב (tov) good or pleasant. In the sense, that they were pleasurable to look at. They were beautiful. Their beauty was appealing in the eyes of the angels. The angels took any woman they wanted, they lusted after them says Enoch (Enoch 6:1-2). The angels and their offspring and man were involved in much fornication in the days of Noah (Enoch 8:2). In the time leading up to the rapture, ever since the sexual revolution began, beginning with the “silent generation” in the 1940s and 1950s,[3] and then becoming even more popular in the 1960s and 1970s,[4] a liberal mindset towards open sex emerged. Open promiscuity has led to abortion being normalized, the acceptance of gay sex, and a pronounced increase in fornication and adultery. Sexual immorality, perversion, fornication, and lust, are considered normal today. If a person is not sexually immoral, they are considered weird.

Before the Great Flood, there was also transhumanism (Gen. 6:4). As said, the angels were producing transhuman beings that were נָפִיל (nafil) giant—Nephilim. The Nephilim were both angel and human— “They were the powerful men of old, the famous men” (CSB). They were not only producing Nephilim from angel and women relationships but were, producing chimera beings,[5] like the Centaur; part man and part horse being. We have become familiar with the Centaur from Greek mythology.[6] The Greeks have also familiarized us with the Satyr and Silenus—part man and part beast creatures.[7] The Greek god Pan was also a part beast and part man creature.[8] Some people say these creatures were not real but mythical; they were a product of the Greek’s imagination. But, in the book of Jasher, it says the fallen angels were not only taking the wives of men by force to have sex with them but they also took the animals and birds and mixed their DNA to provoke Yahweh (Jasher 4:18). They would have continued this sin even after the flood. How did they do this? Most likely they did it by having sex with the animals. This sin is known as bestiality which the Scriptures forbid (Ex. 22:19; Lev. 18:23; 20:15-16; Deut. 27:21). I figure this was the case, because of the man and animal-looking creatures that the ancient Greeks and other cultures attest to. But I believe these chimeras were an angel and animal mixture because man’s sperm cannot reproduce with an animal. The different DNA structures will not allow it— “human sperm do not bind to the zona of either horse or marmoset monkey oocytes.”[9] But, it would not be impossible for an angel to reproduce with an animal. Mixing their DNA with horses and goats they could have produced Centaurs, Satyrs, and Silenus’. I perceive that even the god, Pan, was the creation of an angel’s DNA being mixed with a goat or sheep. If you doubt this theory, ask yourself: Who would have ever thought an angel could reproduce offspring with a woman? Even though some people do not believe angels can reproduce with women Scripture and extra-biblical material records they can. 

While I briefly mention the existence of Centaurs, Satyr, Silenus, and the god Pan, we also have to consider what the prophet Ezekiel saw. He describes four living creatures (angels) who looked like men, but each had four faces (Ezek. 1:5-24): “Their faces looked something like the face of a human, and each of the four had the face of a lion on the right, the face of an ox on the left, and the face of an eagle” (Ezek. 1:10, CSB). Each angel had four wings (Ezek. 1:6b), and their feet looked like calf’s feet (Ezek. 1:7). The four living creatures that surround the throne of God Almighty look the same as what Ezekiel saw in visions while in Babylon (Rev. 4:6b-8). Everyone knows in this era, the generation that will witness the coming of the Son of Man, scientists are using technology to increase human capabilities. Transhumanist goals are to create a species that transcends man, calling it “posthuman.”[10] Bestiality is also common in today’s world. Today and the days of Noah have all these things in common.

Jesus also stated, and Matthew recorded it, that in the days of Noah people were τρώγοντες καὶ πίνοντες (trógontes kaí pínontes) “eating and drinking” (Matt. 24:38a, mGNT). But could this mean something more than they were only eating and drinking to sustain strength and health? When we read Luke’s record in most English translations of this statement it reads similar to Matthew’s record: “They did eat, they drank” (Lk. 17:27a, KJV). But in both the Morphological Greek New Testament (mGNT) and the Textus Receptus (TR), Luke records ἤσθιον ἔπινον (ísthion épinon) “host of wine.” When I Googled the meaning of “host of wine” they gave meanings like, someone bringing wine to a party and handing it to the host as a gift. But in the days before the Great Flood, and when Luke recorded the words of Jesus, the host of wine meant something contrary to today’s meaning. In ancient times hosting wine was to celebrate the gods by getting drunk; it was a religious act: “The altered consciousness produced by wine has been considered religious since its origin. The ancient Greeks worshiped Dionysus or Bacchus and the Ancient Romans carried on his cult.”[11] So, Luke likely recorded this phrase as he did, because of the negative connotation of using wine in ancient times to worship the gods. This phrase, ísthion épinon (host of wine), may have also been a negative phrase meaning, the consumption of a great quantity or an abundance of alcohol. It had to have been a negative connotation for Jesus to make this statement, considering the actual meaning of his next statement “marrying and giving in marriage,” which I will interpret below under the heading Nephilim. So, what was meant by trógontes kaí pínontes “eating and drinking,” was that before the Great Flood people were eating and drinking in excess, as much as they could. What is a popular pastime of people in the Western world in this generation? They eat and drink in excess. They party. They have fun as they live life to the full.

When we look deeper into Scripture and combine our study with extra-biblical literature, one cannot help but notice what else was happening before the Great Flood. Moses recorded that man was very wicked before the flood, and every creature pondered evil all the time: וַיַּרְא יְהוָה כִּי רַבָּה רָעַת הָאָדָם בָּאָרֶץ וְכָל־יֵצֶר מַחְשְׁבֹת לִבּוֹ רַק רַע כָּל־הַיּוֹם (wayyar yehiva khi rabea ra'at ha'adam beaaretz vechal-yitzer machshovot libo rak ra khal-hayom) “And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the land, and that every creature's heart thought only evil all day long” (Gen. 6:5, MT[12]). It seems, that Moses was referring to two different beings who were wicked and had hearts filled with evil. The first was man, and the second was every creature. English Bibles give the impression that Moses was only referring to man but, the Masoretic Text gives the impression that Moses was not only referring to man but creatures besides man. The Septuagint translation is similar to many English Bibles. The Septuagint translated from Greek to English reads: “But the Lord God saw that the wickedness of men had multiplied on the earth, and he pondered them all in his heart diligently for the wickedness of all days.” What were these creatures Moses was referring to? He was referring to the Nephilim. 

 Picture: Free for use under the Pixabay Content License


[9] Horse and marmoset monkey sperm bind to the zona pellucida of salt-stored human oocytes,horse%20or%20marmoset%20monkey%20oocytes.

[12] MT—Masoretic Text 

Friday, November 8, 2024

The Liberal Mind


The 2024 presidential election in the United States of America just saw Donald J. Trump become the 47th president-elect, and JD Vance, a junior senator from Ohio, become the 50th vice president-elect. Both shall be inaugurated on January 20, 2025, barring anything catastrophic from now until then. As you know, Trump was the 45th president of the United States (POTUS) from 2017 to 2021. The day after the 60th quadrennial presidential election the Left did not disappoint. The vile rhetoric that was on display from the left-wing legacy media leading up to the election continues. They spout off: “Trump is a dictator, he will lock all his political opponents up, he is racist, a misogynist, an antisemite.” Their bombast is the same old thing we have heard since he won his first presidential term. I do not think they will ever stop demeaning this man. I have written in past articles that both the Leftwing and Rightwing Establishment hate Trump contemptuously. They despise him because he stands in their way of the new world order, establishing a Western one-world government. The Establishment have plans to implement their 2030 agenda and they view Trump as a serious obstacle. Therefore, the vile rhetoric is on full display in the mainstream media and social media platforms.  

I have heard it said, that a Republican can think and act like a Democrat but a Democrat rarely thinks and acts like a Republican. It is the same in most parliamentary systems. A Conservative can think and act like a Liberal but a Liberal rarely thinks and acts like a Conservative. When you look at the policies of both the Left and the Right, they usually contrast. The juxtaposition in agendas between the two sides is sometimes remarkably different, depending on whether or not the Republican thinks like a Democrat, and the Conservative (government) thinks like a Liberal (government). Of all the things I have learned about Republicans/Conservatives and Democrats/Liberals over the last decade, one thing I have noticed without exception. I have noticed without exception the certain way both groups think and speak. I can know how a person thinks by the words they persistently speak (Lk. 6:45). Now granted some exceptions depend on the true character of the individual, but all-in-all there seems to be an undeniable fact about the way politicians and their party affiliates think and speak. A Republican/Conservative usually is civil and treats their opponents with respect. However, a Democrat/Liberal usually behaves towards his opponent or someone who does not have the same political ideology with disrespect. Their vulgarity can be likened to drinking apple cider vinegar straight from the bottle—it is difficult to swallow. Of course, the liberal thinker would deny my observation, but my eyes see and my ears hear. A Democrat can be cordial if they win, but if they lose the fangs and claws come out. My view will be apparent once the left-wing adherents go to the streets to protest the 2024 election. This could be in days or right after Trump and Vance are inaugurated in January. Do you remember the last time Donald Trump became president? Hollywood actors and famous recording artists were among many who protested the first Trump victory. Some even insinuated that Trump should be assassinated. Right now, some liberal women have cut their hair off and shaved their heads to make themselves ugly to men because they voted for Trump and helped push him to victory. This, and other reasons, is why I have come up with the expression: “The liberal mind is a chasm of evil.” I have recently changed the wording of this expression to say: “The liberal mind is an abyss filled with evil.”

The liberal mind is a chasm of evil is an expression I use to refer to the way a liberal mind works; how their mind thinks. Their mind is like a ravine having a fast river of water flowing through it. Their mind flows with evil thoughts and intentions. The chasm of evil flows with hateful and bitter words that can destroy a good man’s character. The chasm of evil flows with lies and deception. I recently changed this expression to the latter because I see the true liberal mind as a bottomless pit, an abyss filled with evil thoughts and deceptive speech. Of course, some Republicans/Conservatives are guilty too, of the words and deeds of those on the Left. That is because in their heart they are truly liberal. Their words and deeds prove it. It is believed that King Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes as he approached the end of his life. In it, he writes: “A wise man’s heart inclines him to the right, but a fool’s heart to the left” (Ecc. 10:2, ESV). It looks like Solomon is referring to a person’s political views. Both the Right and the Left can be adamant about their political views. Some treat their political belief as a god. 

There is another thing I have noticed, most on the Right are fine with those on the Left after the election is called and the Democrat wins. The Republican/Conservative can still see their fellow man who voted for the Democrat/Liberal side as worthy of respect. But not the Democrat/Liberal voter. Most trash and demean anyone who voted for the Republican/Conservative candidate that wins. Soon after Trump’s second presidential victory, the legacy media is in trash-talk mode. Just like they were after his first term as president. Democrats on social media are trash-talking anyone who voted for Trump. It is like they are possessed.

Democrats/Liberals view themselves as wise people. They believe voting for their candidate is one of intelligence. They view Republicans/Conservatives as being uninformed and stupid. I have seen numerous videos before the election where people who voted for Kamala Harris were destroying Trump signs on people’s private property. You likely saw the video on X where an unhinged Democrat went up to the door of a Trump supporter and berated the homeowner for having a Trump sign on her front lawn. The unhinged Democrat called the Trump supporter evil. In my opinion, that was the pot calling the kettle black. The person that thinks themself wise in this age, should become a fool so that they may truly become wise, if they do not, they are only deceiving themself (1 Cor. 3:18). The apostle Paul wrote: “For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their craftiness,” and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile” (1 Cor. 3:19-20, ESV).

Christians are supposed to be wise in this age. Wise because they have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16). The Christian has become a spiritual person who is to examine or judge all things (1 Cor. 2:15a). So why do some Christians vote for the Democrats/Liberals? Do they not know that anything immoral, unrighteous, or wicked stems from an evil heart and is liberal ideology? At the 2024 Democratic National Convention (DNC) in August, held in Chicago, Illinois, at the United Center, the leaders of the Democrats and the Harris campaign had an abortion caravan setup so any woman who wanted an abortion and any man who wanted a vasectomy could get one. Although the surgeries were performed by Planned Parenthood near the United Center (just blocks away) during the 1st couple of days of the convention, it was all part and parcel of the Democrat's political convention extravaganza.[1] I heard that a couple of dozen abortions and several vasectomies were performed in the caravan during that week, but I do not have a record of the actual number of abortions and vasectomies performed to give an accurate count. So, my estimates may be off.  Abortion, the LGBTQ and transgender agenda, gender confusion, euthanasia, and drag queen story time to children, are all part of the Democrats/Liberals platform.

Typically, the liberal thinker is anti-Christian. They reject God the Father and Jesus Christ as Lord. They generally worship another god or their political party. However, not all liberal thinkers are anti-Christian or reject God, but if they do believe their version of the Judeo-Christian God does not line up with how the Scriptures define him. Liberal Christianity usually adheres to a social gospel that does not line up with the word of God either. Because they are deceived, they twist the Scriptures to justify their acceptance of the behavior and beliefs of the Democrats/Liberals platform.  

Woe to anyone who calls themselves a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ, and votes for a Democrat/Liberal candidate. Whether they vote in the United States, Canada, Australia, or Europe. When you vote for the Democrats/Liberals, you vote for the Democrat/Liberal policies. The Left is the party of destruction. Every Republican who leans Left is just as guilty. The liberal mind is an abyss filled with evil. It is filled with every unrighteous and wicked thing.

Picture: AFP / Ahmad Gharabli

[1] Planned Parenthood offers free abortions, vasectomies at mobile clinic near DNC



Wednesday, October 30, 2024



In September, I posted an excerpt from a chapter in a book I am working on: A Warning to The Church, Israel, and The World. This post is another excerpt from that same chapter.

“For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short” (Mathew 24:21-22, ESV).


As said: Jesus prophesied specifically to the nation of Israel in Matthew 24:9-31, after giving them warning in Matthew 24:6-7 what it would be like leading up to the beginning of their 70th week period. Some of the tribulations Israel will face during their 70th week will be severe persecution by the Antichrist, the global leader. At the beginning the global leader will allow Israel to build a third temple (Rev. 11:1-2), and the Jews will be allowed to resume temple sacrifice (Dan. 9:27b; 12:11). The act of allowing the Jews to build their 3rd temple by the global leader will convince many Jews that he is their ally, even believing he is from God (Jn. 5:43). But in the middle of their 70th week the Antichrist will turn on the Jews after Satan and his angels are cast out of the heavenly realm to the earth (Rev. 12:9, 13). This is about the same time the Antichrist defiles the 3rd temple (Dan. 9:27c; Matt. 24:15; Mk. 13:14). It is recorded in the Gospels that Jesus warns the Jews to head to the mountains (Matt. 24:16; Mk. 13:14b; Lk. 21:21)—it is believed by some that Jesus was referring to the hills in Jordan. It is prophesied that God will have a place of refuge prepared for the Jews who heed his warning (Rev. 12:6, 14b)—this protection will last until the last day of the Tribulation Period; 1,260 days. It will be very stressful for the Jews during this time. When it is time for the remnant of Israel to escape the Antichrist’s government, they must go quickly. Jesus warns them not to try to salvage any of their belongings (Mat. 24:17-18; Mk. 13:15-16). The pregnant women and those who will be nursing their infants will be in misery during this exodus (Matt. 24:19). The tribulation the Jews will experience once the global leader turns on them will be greater than any hardship they have ever experienced (Matt. 24:21). Even Gentiles during those days will experience tribulation like never before. But for the sake of the remnant Jews, God will limit the time of this enormous tribulation (Matt. 24:22; Mk. 13:20; Rom. 11:26-31; Isa. 65:8-9; Zech. 13:8). 

Hatred for Jews is common. The reader knows what happened to the European Jews during World War II. Between the years 1941 to 1945 Hitler systematically killed about 6 million Jews.[1] More recently, since the October 7, 2023, Hamas massacre,[2] hatred for the Jews in the West has increased. But once the Antichrist forces the Arabs to sign a covenant with Israel the hatred for them will be even more. Because it is known that Israel is God’s chosen people, his treasured possession, the world (pagans) along with the people from a certain religion (Islam) will persecute the Jews and kill them (Matt. 24:9; Mk. 13:13a). Many Jews during the Tribulation Period will renounce their Judaism and turn their back on one another. They will betray each other because of the persecution they will experience during this time (Matt. 24:10). Their love for one another will be tested, many will fail (Matt. 24:12). But the remnant Jews will not turn their back on their brothers or God, and they will be saved when Jesus returns at the end of Israel’s 70th week (Matt. 24:13; 10:22; Mk. 13:13b; Rev. 19:11-14).

When Israel flees the persecution of the Antichrist after he defiles the 3rd temple, God will get them to the place of refuge by: αἱ δύο πτέρυγες τοῦ ἀετοῦ (ai dýo ptéryges toú aetoú) “the two wings of the eagle” (Rev. 12:14a, mGNT). Is this an allusion to military cargo planes? Or is it an indirect reference to a mighty miracle of God? How Israel will be delivered from the Antichrist and his government during this time, sounds similar to how Yahweh said he delivered their ancestors from Egypt; he carried them on eagles’ wings (Ex. 19:4). Maybe the Lord will send an army of angels to assemble the Jews and lead them to the place in the desert that he will have prepared for them. Similar to how Moses led them out of Egypt to the wilderness of Sinai. This could be why when Satan tries to stop the Jews from fleeing the global government's persecution they still get to their place of refuge (Rev. 12:15-16).

The Church

Before the 70th week of Israel/Tribulation Period begins, the body of Christ will be miraculously snatched out of the world and taken into eternity. However, Scripture does not reveal how much time there will be between these two events. However, Scripture does make it clear that the church is in heaven before the endtimes wrath of God begins (Lk. 21:34-36; Rom.2:5-8; 5:9; Eph.5:3-7; Col.3:3-6; 1Thess.1:10; 5:9; Rev.3:10)—the 70th week of Israel/Tribulation Period is referred to the wrath of God and of the Lamb (Matt. 3:7; Lk. 3:7; 1 Thess. 1:10; 5:9; Rev. 6:16-17; 12:12; 14:10). In the Prophets, the wrath of Yahweh sometimes is used to indicate Israel’s 70th week (Zep. 1:7-18; 2:2; 3:8; Joel 3:2; Jer. 30:4-24; Isa. 13:6-13; Dan. 12:1).

Revelation 4:1-2 is a symbolic reference to the rapture of the church. In these verses, the calling up of the apostle John into heaven is symbolic of when the church is called up to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4:16-17). John represents the body of Christ at the end of the church’s salvation process—the proceeding work of salvation in the body of Christ has an appointed day of completion, which is the day of the rapture (Phil. 1:6; 1 Thess. 5:23). Revelation chapters 4-5, is allusive to the church being in heaven right after being raptured. The Revelation indicates that the church is raptured before the Tribulation Period begins (Rev. 6 - 19).

Revelation 6:1-2 insinuates that with the opening of the first seal, the 70th week of Israel/ 7-year Tribulation Period begins. However, some teachers do not believe this. Some believe it begins, with the opening of the fourth seal (Rev. 6:7-8). I am convinced of the former rather than the latter. However, both views teach that the Antichrist’s forced covenant (Dan.9:26b -27a) begins Israel’s 70th week. Some that teach the latter view believe that Revelation 6:1-6 happens between the rapture and the beginning of the 70th week of Israel. I do not. Therefore, I contend that the 7 years of God’s wrath are revealed from, Revelation 6:1-19:21. And the body of Christ is in the eternal realm throughout this time; until the last day.

The church is mentioned approximately nineteen times in the Book of Revelation, all in the first three chapters—before chapter four shows the church in the eternal realm. Not once does Revelation mention the church in the chapters dedicated to the 7-year Tribulation; except the last day. The Revelation makes references to the saints (about 12 times). But these saints are both Jews and Gentiles who will repent of their sins and be martyred during the 7-year Tribulation (Rev. 6:9-11; 7:9-10, 13-17). The bride of the Lamb (the body of Christ), is mentioned allusively in heaven during the Tribulation period (Rev. 19:1-10). Revelation 19:14 implies, that on the last day of the Tribulation Period, the body of Christ comes out of the heavenly realms with Jesus and his Holy angels to defeat the Antichrist and his government—the body of Christ are those: ἵπποις λευκοῖς ἐνδεδυμένοι βύσσινον λευκὸν καθαρόν (íppois lefkoís endedyménoi výssinon lefkón katharón) “white men clothed in pure crimson white” (Rev. 19:14b, mGNT).

There is mention of another group of saints who will be attacked by Satan after his 1,000-year captivity is over (Rev. 20:7-9). These saints are the remnant Jews who will be redeemed at their Messiah’s 2nd appearance. They will live dedicated lives to God during the Millennial Reign of Christ. The saints who will be martyred during the Tribulation and then be resurrected after that period is over, after Satan is cast into the ἄβυσσος (ávyssos) “abyss” for 1,000 years (Rev. 20:1-3), will also reign with Jesus during his Millennial Reign (Rev. 20:4-6). They too will be among the Revelation 20:9 saints. There will also be many people born during the Millennial Reign who will be among the number of Revelation 20:9 saints.

As said: It could be days, or weeks before the Tribulation Period begins once the church is raptured. Some believe there could be as much as two years between the two events. But I am not convinced it will take that long. What we witnessed during the 2020 lockdowns reveals that the global government can take control of nations quickly. The establishment of the Antichrist government has progressed since 2020. They saw how easily much of Western society complied with its mandates. The globalist plan is to have complete control of the West by 2030.[3]

While the events of Matthew 24:4-8 have been occurring in the endtimes, the Spirit of the Lord is preparing the church of Jesus Christ to be raptured. The Spirit of God has been preparing the body of Christ throughout the age of grace to become a glorious church, having no spots or wrinkles or anything like that (Eph. 5:27b). However, since the year of Israel’s renewed statehood, he has been preparing the Father’s children who will experience the rapture while still living in earthly bodies to be caught up to meet Jesus in the air. The followers of Jesus Christ, before Israel’s renewed statehood, would not have been focused on the rapture as much as the endtimes church. Because, before Israel’s renewed sovereignty it was not the season for the rapture to occur. But then in 1948, Israel’s renewed statehood changed all that. This did not mean that the church prior was not to be ἁγία καὶ ἄμωμος (agía kaí ámomos) “holy and innocent” (Eph. 5: 27c, TR). But because it was not the season for the rapture before Israel’s renewed statehood, nor was it the season for the 7-year Tribulation and the 2nd coming of Christ, the Spirit of God would not have instructed the leaders of the church to teach these doctrines as urgently as he does at this time. Some leaders obey the instruction of the Holy Spirit, but many others do not. The latter teaches what they desire, the former teaches what the Holy Spirit desires. The reason why many leaders of the church refuse to preach and teach about endtimes prophecy varies. Some refuse because they cannot comprehend it—they have no interest in studying it therefore they cannot understand it. Some are afraid to teach eschatology because they think they will look like fools if they get it wrong—pride comes before a fall. Most leaders in today’s church willfully choose to ignore the Spirit of the Lord. Because they choose to ignore the Spirit of God their eyes cannot see and their ears cannot hear what the Spirit is saying. The Lord Jesus commanded: “Let anyone who has ears to hear listen to what the Spirit says to the churches” (Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13, 22, CSB).    

Are Those Asleep Concerned?

I wonder: Are those asleep in Christ concerned about what day the rapture will happen? Have you ever thought about that? The dead-in-Christ are in the ἐπουρανίοις (epouraníois) “heavenly” [places] where Jesus is (2 Cor. 5:6-8; Phil. 1:23). However, they are in the epouraníois [realm] only in spirit and soul, whereas Jesus is there in spirit, soul, and body. When he was resurrected, his spirit went back into his earthly body and he then spent 40 days with his apostles and more than 500 others (Lk. 24:39-43; Jn. 20:19-20; 1 Cor. 15:3-8). The church in heaven has an earthly body that is dead/decomposed somewhere in this world. Since their earthly body is not glorified yet they are naked. Not naked in the worldly sense, but naked in that they are not yet appareled with their heavenly body. The church in heaven will not receive its spiritual body until the day of the rapture.  

Some Christians who have passed away since Israel’s statehood was renewed (1948) had been directed by the Spirit of God to study endtimes prophecy. Because of their studies and increasing devotion to God, they could discern the times they lived. They could discern the shift in the spiritual realm that has affected life on Earth. From 1948 until the day they passed away, they saw how evil was increasing. They also increasingly sensed the coming of the Lord Jesus within their spirit which would have been confirmed by the Spirit of God whom they were sealed with—because they were listening. Day after day their spirits would have groaned inwardly waiting for the redemption of their bodies (Rom. 8:23). They knew that this was the generation he would come for his church because of their study in endtimes prophecy. Some prayed diligently for Jesus to come and rapture the church but they died before they experienced this glorious event—the redemption of their body. They did not know the day it would happen but knew it was the season.

Time is Different

The body of Christ in heaven is in a place where time is measured differently than it is on the earth. The apostle Peter said: “Dear friends, don’t overlook this one fact: With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day” (2 Pet. 3:8, CSB). Therefore, you can figure that as every 1,000 years go by on the earth only one day has gone by in heaven. That would mean the apostles have been in heaven for less than two days according to eternal time—less than 48 earth hours. That would also mean that any believer who has passed away since the year Israel’s state was renewed has only been in heaven for just minutes. Maybe just seconds. Maybe just milliseconds. My calculation may be far off, but you get my point. Since 1948, the dead-in-Christ would feel like they have been in heaven for only milliseconds to minutes while we who are alive have experienced up to 76 years of earth time.[4] So, since the apostles and the rest of the dead-in-Christ have had only milliseconds to two days of eternal time in heaven I wonder if they give any thought to the body of Christ still on the earth. Or have their eternal surroundings outshined us still here on earth?

On Earth, we usually focus on time in one way or another. I confess that I do. I always wonder what time it is. The time on my clock always has to be accurate. If it is not, I fix it. Did you know that God wants his church to focus on the rapture? He wants us to focus on the day of the rapture even though he does not reveal the day it will happen. He wants the church to pay attention to the signs so that we are always watching, awake, and alert (Matt. 24:42; 25:13). He wants the church to be ready for the rapture because Jesus is coming at an hour that we do not expect (Matt. 24:44; 25:10). He reveals the generation the rapture of the body of Christ will occur but not the day or hour. As you have read in my book, this is the generation the church will be raptured. Then Israel’s 70th week will follow, and then Christ’s 2nd appearance. Therefore, the rapture should be something those of us who are still on the earth eagerly focus on with great expectation (Rom. 8:23; Gal. 5:5; 2 Tim. 4:8; Heb. 9:28). The church is also expected to warn the people of the world that the rapture is near, to explain what will happen once the church is extracted out of the earth so they can have the opportunity to escape the Tribulation and the Antichrist rule. Since 2020, the world has been plunged into the Global government agenda like never before. No President, or Prime Minister, with the right intentions, can stop the elites and their Global agenda, because Satan and his angels are the puppet masters. What is written in the Book of Revelation will happen.


Jesus tells the church that it cannot know the actual day and hour when the rapture will happen. But he does reveal the season. God has wisely chosen a day when the process of salvation will be completed in the body of Christ and he prefers not to disclose it. Jesus said that only God his Father knows what day the rapture will occur—I will explain this more below. He also stated that the angels do not know what day it will be. This means that even the fallen angels do not know the exact day and hour. There is a good reason for making this knowledge a mystery. If Satan and his angels were allowed to know what the day the rapture will occur then their effort to obstruct the church and also the world would be more tactical. They would be able to strategize their deception differently. As it is, they only know the season the rapture will occur just like the Christians who study endtimes prophecy. Satan’s focus on the church is astute, but his strategy is limited because he does not know the exact day the church will be snatched out of this world. Therefore, the evil one’s sabotage endtimes doctrine. Sabotaging this truth is a major part of their agenda in this generation. Seducing spirits are released to confuse the church. Not only to turn Christians away from faith in Christ but also to doubt the rapture. Evil spirits also hide the significance of this extraction from many Christians. The reason for the rapture is the body of Christ has its salvation complete. Some Christians give the impression that they choose to live in their earthly body forever. Not me, brother! I want to be clothed in my heavenly body today.

If the seduced believe there is a rapture, they doubt it will happen in this generation. And as many of you know, Jesus prophesied it would (Matt. 24:32-25). Evil spirits have convinced many in the church that believers who talk about the rapture should be shunned. The seduced choose to distance themselves from the truth about endtimes prophecy and avoid and even reject the believers who share it. Seducing spirits lead many leaders astray, convincing them to teach doctrine that contradicts endtimes prophetic Scripture. The truth of endtimes prophecy is taught in some churches, but in most a false doctrine of the church defeating darkness is taught. This theology is that once the church has defeated darkness through revival, Jesus can come to the earth. This false teaching is leading many of its hearers into error. The seduced in the pews do not understand that they are hearing and accepting false doctrine because they are not serious about Scripture. They have adopted feel-good messages. If it feels good it must be true. Scripture does not play a role in what many in the church believe. The seduced that teach from the pulpit have personal agendas therefore the truth has been hidden from them.

Some translations of Matthew 24:36 say that the Son of God does not know the day or hour the rapture will happen. And some translations of this Scripture do not. Some have the footnote: “Some manuscripts omit nor the Son.” Many more translations of Mark 13:32 say that the Son of God does not know the day and hour than Matthew’s record. In all the translations of Mark that I looked at, I did not see the footnote that omits “nor the Son.”  I do not know the reason for that. Some Greek translations record that the son of God does not know the day and hour in both Matthew and Mark, therefore this could be why some English translations have followed suit. However, the Textus Receptus (TR)[5] does not record this statement in Matthew’s record. The Amplified Bible (AMP) reads: “Nor the Son [in His humanity],” which would be a more logical and correct way of understanding this statement.

The reader of this statement in Matthew and Mark’s records should use common sense and wisdom when interpreting what Jesus said and what he meant. When he said that like the angels, he does not know the day and hour the rapture will occur (if he did say that), would he not have meant that he did not know while he was still in his earthly body? I argue that once he ascended into the eternal realm and sat at his Father’s right hand, he at that time received all the wisdom and knowledge that he once possessed before he became a man—he sits at the right hand of his Father and all the fulness of God dwells in him again (Col. 1:15-19).

Luke recorded: Ἰησοῦς προέκοπτε σοφίᾳ καὶ ἡλικίᾳ καὶ χάριτι παρὰ θεῷ καὶ ἀνθρώποις (Iisoús proékopte sofía kaí ilikía kaí cháriti pará theó kaí anthrópois) “Jesus advanced in wisdom and age and grace before God and men” (Lk. 2:52, TR). This means, Jesus increased in sofía (wisdom) while he was in his earthly body. The knowledge and insight we see him function within the gospels had to start from scratch. He had to grow in intelligence like any other human being. But once he ascended back into his true domain his omniscience would once again be equal to that of his Father. Before Jesus became a man, he was an omniscient deity. He was God, a Supreme Being like his Father and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, his knowledge of what day and hour the rapture will occur is not a mystery to him now. I have heard some preachers in ignorance say that the Lord Jesus Christ does not know what day the rapture of the body of Christ will occur. I think they say this because they do not know how to interpret the Scriptures which gives them a reason not to teach endtimes prophecy. Another reason they make this statement could be to discredit believers who claim to know the season or generation, that the rapture will occur.  

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[3] Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

[4] 2024

[5] What is the Textus Receptus?


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

A Year Has Passed


As you know: A year ago, on October 7, 2023, Israel was attacked by Hamas, along with some small Palestinian militant groups—some non-militant members of the Palestinian people also partook in the massacre. The attack was initiated from the Gaza Strip into the Gaza Envelope (Hebrew: עוטף עזה – Otef Aza) which is in the Southern District of Israel—Western Negev. Over 1,200 Israelis, young and old, were brutally killed. There were approximately 46 Americans who died in the attack. These brutal savages raped and tortured the Israeli people that day, young and old, taking more than 250 hostages. They took them and hid them in Gazan homes and terrorist tunnels. There were 12 Jewish Americans included in the number taken hostage. On the day I wrote this article, there were still over 100 of the hostages still being held by the terrorists. And even now, after a year has passed, anti-Jewish/Israeli mobs still rally in many major cities across the West proclaiming the massacre was a victory. Pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah supporters have been harassing Jews in their neighborhoods ever since the massacre happened. They have vandalized Jewish homes and businesses and ripped down posters that have pictures of Jewish hostages on them. And for the most part, the police have stood down while Jews suffer harassment—not much is being done to stop it by all levels of government.

Seeing videos of the anti-Jewish/Israeli rallies I cannot help but notice how the pro-terrorist mobs have taken control of the streets they demonstrate on. Their demonstrations are generally a mix of young Arabs and white and black leftwing males and females. They shout: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free;” “Free, free Palestine;” “Death to Israel and America.”[1] In Canada and Australia, they are chanting: “Death to Canada” and “Death to Australia.” As the world gets very close to the beginning of the 7-year Tribulation Period, and the revealing of the man who is the Antichrist, I also cannot help but ponder about the fate of these anti-Semites. Whether or not they understand what they are doing, or the words they speak, they are headed towards disaster. To put it bluntly, there is a curse on them. This is what I mean: When Balak (king of Moab) hired Balaam to curse Israel God said to Balaam that he should not curse them because they are blessed (Num. 22:1-12). When Balaam sent word to Balak that he refused to curse Israel Balak only persisted (Num. 22:13-17).  But then Balaam thought he could bargain with Balak to receive riches (Num. 22:18). So, God came to Balaam to test him (Num. 22:20). Balaam went with the princes of Moab but God was angry with Balaam because he went with the princes of Moab (Nu, 22:21-22a). After Balaam’s encounter with the angel of the Lord who opposed him, he was instructed to go with the princes of Balak (Num. 22:22b-35). When Balaam met Balak they both offered a sacrifice (Num. 23:1-2). Then God met Balaam and put a word in his mouth (Num. 23:4-5). When Balaam went to Balak again, he spoke blessing over Israel instead of cursing them (Num. 23:6-12). Then Balak convinced Balaam to go with him to the top of Pisgah in the field of Zophim to try and curse the children of Israel again (Num. 23:13-14). Balaam again inquired of the Lord and God put another word in Balaam’s mouth (Num. 23:15-16). Balaam went to Balak and informed him that God does not lie or change his mind, God has blessed Israel and Balaam cannot revoke it (Num. 23:17-20). He added, that God is with Israel and no one can curse them (Num. 23:21-24). Then Balak said: “Do not curse them at all, and do not bless them at all” (Num. 23:25, ESV). Balaam resisted Balak’s request (Num. 23:26). Then Balak asked Balaam to curse Israel a third time, and he then built another altar and offered a ram and a bull on it (Num. 23:27-30). But again, Balaam saw that it pleased the Lord to bless Israel, so he stopped trying to use sorcery to curse Israel (Num. 24:1). He then began to bless Israel once the Spirit of the Lord came upon him (Num. 24:2-9a). Balaam declared over Israel: “Blessed are those who bless you, and cursed are those who curse you” (Num. 24:9b, ESV). Balaam declared the promise of God upon Abram/Abraham, and Isaac's promise upon his son, Jacob/Israel (Gen. 12:3; 27:29). Therefore, there is a curse upon every Gentile who is protesting out in the streets of Western cities in favor of the extermination of the Jewish people and the state of Israel. The anti-Jewish/Israeli rallies are themselves cursed by God. These protesters do not realize that persecuting the Jewish people is like touching the apple (pupil) of God’s eye (Deut. 32:9-10; Zech. 2:8c; Ps. 17:8). What this statement means, is that the nation of Israel is dear to Yahweh, they are important to him.[2]  

Because these people are cursed, they will end up cast into the place where there will be weeping and the gnashing of teeth, which is the Tribulation Period—I have stated in previous articles that I believe the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth mentioned by Jesus is the 70th week of Israel/7-year Tribulation Period. Now, we hope these people will receive the grace of God and believe in Jesus Christ so they can be saved before the rapture of the body of Christ occurs. This is their only hope of escaping the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. Scripture reveals that the nation of Israel as a whole will enter the Tribulation Period, but this is the will of God for them, because it is predetermined that they must go through their 70th week to be saved (Dan. 9:24-27). Of course, there are countless Jews who have already been moved by the Spirit of the Lord and have put their faith in Jesus as Savior in this age of grace; the church age. Therefore, they have become part of the new creation (Rom. 10:9-13; 2 Cor. 5:17; Gal. 6:15). By putting their faith in Jesus this side of the rapture they will not have to enter into the Tribulation Period. But, as a nation, because they refuse to put their faith in Jesus, they will have to enter their 70th week period (Rom. 9:30-33). Israel seeks to be righteous before God on their terms, not on God’s terms (Rom. 10:1-4). The reason for their refusal to put their faith in Jesus is because of a partial hardening of their hearts until the full number of Gentiles who have been appointed to eternal life have put their faith in Jesus (Rom. 11:25). This hardening is because they rejected Jesus during his first appearance (Ps. 22:6-8; Isa. 53:2-3; Matt. 23:37-39; 27:17-23; Lk. 19:41-42) and were then scattered throughout the world after the 2nd temple and Jerusalem were destroyed by Rome (Lk. 19:43-44).

What will the anti-Jewish/Israeli protesters who are persecuting the Jews on the streets of Western cities experience once Israel’s 70th week begins? What will the Tribulation Period be like for them? Their horror will begin by witnessing the rapture of the body of Christ out of this world (1 Thess. 4:16-17). As many of you know, the rapture will occur before the Antichrist is revealed (2 Thess. 2:1-3, 6-8a). As I said, we hope these people will be saved before the rapture occurs so they can be caught up to be with the Lord and escape the Tribulation Period. Some may put their faith in Jesus before the rapture. And that would be a good thing. They will witness the man who is appointed as the Antichrist force a peace deal between Israel and its Arab neighbors (Dan. 9:26b-27a). When this happens, they will not be happy, because the Antichrist initially will not attempt to destroy the Jews or even cast them out of the land of Israel. But instead, he will let them erect a 3rd temple and resume animal sacrifices (Rev. 11:1-2; Dan. 9:27b; 12:11). Their discouragement will last only a few years—if they survive that long. Because in the middle of Israel’s 70th week, the Antichrist government will begin to persecute and kill the Jewish people (Dan. 9:27c; Matt. 24:15-22; Rev. 12:13). Some of the anti-Jewish/Israeli protestors may live to see the Antichrist persecute the Jews, others will die once Seal 1-4 are opened by the Lamb of God (Rev. 6:1-8).

Once the Antichrist is inaugurated as the Western leader, he will begin to conquer those who oppose him (Rev. 6:2). People will slaughter one another because of the great division that will be sown by the Antichrist and his followers (Rev. 6:4). This operation is one way the global government will depopulate the earth, by turning people against each other. If there are any of the protesters of the anti-Jewish/Israeli rallies still alive after the 2nd Seal is open, they will experience food shortages like never seen before; what food there is will cost a fortune—this is the 3rd Seal being opened (Rev. 6:5-6b). But the elites will have plenty of food and drink—they will live in luxury as the rest of the West suffers greatly (Rev. 6:6c). The carnage does not end with the 2nd Seal, because when the 4th Seal is opened the anti-Jewish/Israeli protesters will experience the spirits of θάνατος καὶ ὁ ᾅδης (thánatos kaí o ádis) “death and Hades” begin to overpower a fourth of the earth’s population by war, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts (Rev. 6:7-8). When Revelation 6:8b/c is translated into English from the Morphological Greek New Testament (mGNT) without parsing the text (analyzing each word critically), it reads: “He who sat on it was called Death, and the Devil followed with him.” So, you can see that the English word “Hades” is translated as “Devil” without the text being parsed. When the same Scripture is translated into English from the Textus Receptus (TR) without parsing the test, it reads: “He who sat on him was called Death, and the beast followed with him.” So, in this unparsed text, you can see that the English word “Hades” reads, “the beast.” I assume the phrase, “the beast” refers to the “Devil.”   

Once the anti-Jewish/Israeli protestors enter into the Tribulation/70th week of Israel they will not be able to escape the first four Seals. There could be some of them that are seen under the altar of God in heaven because they were killed because of Jesus (Rev. 6:9). That means their hearts turned to Jesus Christ once they were in the Tribulation and repented of their sins—they will also repent of persecuting Israel. They will cry out to Jesus under the altar and ask him when he will judge the Antichrist government for killing them (Rev. 6:10). They will each then be given a στολὴ λευκή (stolí lefkí) “white uniform” or garment (Rev. 6:11a). They will be told to rest a while until the rest of σύνδουλοι αὐτῶν καὶ οἱ ἀδελφοὶ αὐτῶν (sýndouloi aftón kaí oi adelfoí aftón) “their companions and their brothers” be killed as they were (Rev. 6:11b/c/d). If the anti-Jewish/Israeli protestors refuse to repent of their sins they will then face the opening of the 6th and 7th Seal (Rev. 6:12-17; 8:1-2). After this, there are 7-Trumpet Judgments to be completed, followed by the 7-Bowl Judgments.  

In my personal opinion: The anti-Jewish/Israeli protestors should stop their persecution of the Jewish people, repent, and receive the grace of God and be saved today. This very day!

Picture: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators.

Richard Lautens / Toronto Star.