Monday, December 20, 2021

No One Knows


This is an excerpt from a project I am working on. I thought I would post it online for my readers.


Matthew 24:36-44

“But of that day and hour knoweth no one, not even the angels of heaven, neither the Son, but the Father only. And as were the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man. For as in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall be the coming of the Son of man. Then shall two men be in the field; one is taken, and one is left: two women shall be grinding at the mill; one is taken, and one is left. Watch therefore: for ye know not on what day your Lord cometh. But know this, that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken through. Therefore be ye also ready; for in an hour that ye think not the Son of man cometh” (ASV).  

(Parallel passages: Mark 13:32-37; Luke 12:39-40; 17:26-30, 34-36[i]; 21:34-36)


If you go back to chapter eleven, Noah and Lot, you can read again what I wrote there about why the day and hour of the rapture of the church is similar to the days of Noah and the days of Lot. What I wrote there is not the traditional perspective that the church usually hears but nonetheless the likenesses are similar. The generation of both Noah and Lot had strikingly similar social environments like the generation that witnesses the end of the church-age—this generation is the final generation of the church-age, because the generation that witnessed the rebirth of Israel on May 14, 1948 will also witness the Messiah’s second appearance on the very last day of the seven-year Tribulation Period (Matt.24:32-34; Mk.13:28-30; Lk.22:29-32).  

Noah’s escape from the Great Flood is usually thought of as an event symbolic to the rapture of the church. Noah a righteous man, compared to the people of his generation, was without blemish;[ii] he was a man that was in communication with Yahweh (Gen.6:9). His relationship with Yahweh is symbolic of the body of Christ. The church is sanctified in Christ and called to be holy (1 Cor.1:2), the church is to be without spot or wrinkle, holy and without blemish (Eph.5:25-27). Noah was warned that Yahweh was going to judge the earth because of its corruption by its inhabitants, the Lord said he would establish a covenant with him so that Noah and his family could escape this judgement by building an ark, and when finished they were to enter it (Gen.6:13-14, 18). Because God has established a covenant with the body of Christ, he promises a way of escape for the church by snatching us out of the world (1 Thess.1:10; 4:16-17) before he judges the world for its disobedience (Rom.2:5; 5:9; Eph.5:6; Col.3:6). The flood came once the ark was built that saved Noah and his family, they escaped the wrath of God that came upon the inhabitants of the earth at that time. The rapture is coming to snatch away the body of Christ before God releases his wrath upon the inhabitants of the earth during the seven-year Tribulation Period.

The rescue of Lot and his family out of the city of Sodom by the two angels before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah can also be compared to the rapture of the church.  The rapture of the church is meant to redeem the body of Christ out of the world before the wrath of God will be released upon the inhabitants of the earth (Gen.19.1-25; Rev.6-19). The apostle Peter said that Lot was a righteous man, who was sickened by the perversion of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah (2 Pet.2:7). He may have been the person that cried out to Yahweh about the lascivious behavior of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen.18:20-21). Lot is a picture of the body of Christ, Sodom and Gomorrah is a picture of the world in this generation; the last days of the church-age.

Both Noah and Lot were warned by Yahweh and his angels of the impending judgement that was to come upon the people of their respective generations (Gen.6:13; 19:12-13), and likewise the body of Christ living in the final days of the church-age have been warned through Scripture of the forthcoming judgement about to occur upon the inhabitants of the earth during Israel’s seventieth-week period. (Rom.2:5; 5:9; Eph.5:6; Col.3:6; Rev.6-19).  

As I pointed out in chapter eleven, this passage and the parallel passages above do not refer to Christ’s second appearance at the end of Israel’s seventieth-week period. Some people believe that and just cannot move off that error. To be fair to these people, Luke 17:22-24 & 31-33 do refer to the Tribulation Period, the time period after the church is raptured. There is a mixture of both Tribulation and pre-Tribulation information blended together in Luke chapter seventeen which could make it confusing to some people. It is the same in Matthew chapter twenty-four as I wrote in chapter thirteen, where there is a mixture of pre-Tribulation information (Matt.24:4-8, 32-51), and Tribulation information (Matt.24:9-31). In Luke chapter twenty-one there is also a mixture of pre-Tribulation information (Lk.21:9-10, 29-36), and Tribulation information (Lk.21:8,11-28).  In Mark’s gospel the mixture is as follows; pre-Tribulation information (Mk.13:7-8, 28-37), and Tribulation information (Mk.13:5-6, 9-27).

How do I know that Matthew 24:36-44 above, and the parallel passages that accompany them refer to the rapture of the church and not the Lord’s second appearance into the world to redeem Israel? I know because of what these passages clearly prophesy. These Scriptures say that when the day and hour of the Lord’s coming occurs no one will have precise knowledge of its timing, nobody will know the exact day and hour this event will occur (Matt.24:36,42,44; 25:13; Mk.13:32-33,35; Lk.12:39-40)[iii]. But at Christ’s second appearance the bible predicts the exact day that it will happen. It will happen on the final day of Israel’s seventieth-week period, on day 2,520. I mentioned in chapter nine how long Israel’s seventieth-week period will be to the day, and on the last day Israel’s Messiah will be anointed by the Jewish people that make it through alive to the end (Dan.9:24). I wrote in that chapter that on day 2,520 of the seventieth-week period, Jesus Christ will be seen dressed in a garment dipped in blood as he comes out of the eternal realm on a white horse ready to judge the fallen angels and their earthly followers (Rev.19:11-15). On this day he appears a second time to the nation of Israel to present himself as their king, this is why they then anoint him this time as is prophesied, unlike the first time he presented himself as their king and instead they rejected him (Lk.19:28-43, 44). 

In chapter seven I wrote that Jesus presented himself as their king right on the very day prophesied by the angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel (Dan.9:26a). On day 173,880 of Israel’s sixty-ninth week Israel’s religious leaders rejected their Messiah, they cut him off.[iv] That was Palm Sunday, the week he was crucified. Just as Israel’s Messiah’s first appearance was prophesied correctly to the day, so also is the day of his second appearance to Israel is prophesied correctly to the day. To have knowledge of the precise day of his second appearance one must understand that Israel’s seventieth-week begins the day the Antichrist forces Israel and the Palestinian government to sign a covenant (Dan.9:26b-27a). From the day Israel signs the covenant with the Palestinian government there is a total of 2,520 days until Judah then anoints the Most Holy, their Anointed One. But the day and hour of the rapture of the church is not prophesied to the day, only the season of this event is prophesied as I have already written. This is why the church was warned before it was even born to be alert, watch and pray, because it does not know the hour it will happen. The church is to keep watch and not be found sleeping (living a worldly lifestyle) when the rapture of the church occurs.             

Because the church does not know the day and hour of the rapture, we have to be careful not to be like the world, living a life of intoxication, being overpowered by the troubles of this life, in other words acting as the world does, because the rapture will happen all of a sudden without an immediate alert signal giving the church a five-minute warning to get ready to be snatched out of the world. There will be no emergency alert sound off on the Christian’s mobile phone to snap the sleepy Christian out of his worldly behavior just before the trumpet sounds. Therefore, we must be ready beforehand and work continually at being like our God, walking in righteousness and true holiness (Eph.4:24).  We must work at being imitators of God so that we can walk in love (Eph.5:1-2). The rapture will affect everyone that is alive at the time it occurs because the seven-year Tribulation Period is then approaching (Lk.21:35). The person that believes in Jesus Christ must pray that he will be ready when the rapture occurs so that he will escape the Tribulation Period. The Christian must watch for the rapture to happen and pray that he can stand when he meets the Lord in the air (Lk.21:36).

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[i] Some Greek manuscripts omit verse #36

[ii] Noah wasn’t considered righteous because he was a perfect man, but rather the image of God in him was not corrupted like the rest of the world by the fallen angels. I wrote this in chapter eleven: “During Noah’s day, the fallen angels had compromised the image of Yahweh in the whole earth except Noah and his three sons. Noah did not have the image of God impaired in him and this is why the Scripture says he was a righteous man. He was not righteous because he acted perfect, but because his soul and spirit were not destroyed by his mother sleeping with a fallen angel. Noah’s father was Lamech, who also would have not been compromised by his mother sleeping with a fallen angel. Lamech’s father was Methuselah, who also would have not had the image of God jeopardized in him by his mother being impregnated by a fallen angel. And then there was the father of Methuselah, his name was Enoch. He also would have not been an offspring of a fallen angel because the Scripture records that Yahweh raptured him.” (Gen.5:23) 

[iii] “But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that aught be written unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night” (1 Thess.5:1-2, ASV).

[iv] If you need to; go back and read chapter seven again to get understanding of the seventy weeks decreed upon the nation of Israel.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Pastors and Teachers

This generation is experiencing the lead up to the most horrific times that man will ever experience on Earth. I don’t think I have to explain to any of my readers what I mean. Below is a portion of one of the chapters in a book that I am writing:

The modern-church has been given a lot of responsibility to inform society of what will take place during the final stages of the church-age and thereafter. It is especially incumbent upon the church pastors and teachers to produce facts from Scripture and reveal information that will help enlighten their hearers of the end days of the church-age. It is the church that has been commissioned by Scripture to announce the unfolding events of the end of the church-age to the world. What do I mean by this statement? The present-day body of Christ has the responsibility of not only sharing the gospel message that Jesus is the only way to heaven, but they also have been instructed to teach and preach the rapture of the church and all endtimes prophecy associated with it (Matt.24:36-51; Mk.13:32-37; Lk.12:41-48; 17:26-27, 34-35; 21:34-36).

The endtimes-church must teach all Scripture that relates to the rapture of the church and prophecy that warns of what happens after the church is snatched out of this world. This would include prophecy pertaining to the Antichrist, his one-world government, the Tribulation Period, and prophecy pertaining to the nation of Israel and what happens to them after the church is raptured out of the world. These are but a portion of what must be taught in churches today. The body of Christ in this present-age is commanded to encourage one another with how the rapture will transpire (1 Thess.4:13-18), and at the same time be diligent in making sure they are ready for when the trumpet sounds. Every believer should share the message of God’s saving grace to the world and it is just as important to warn the world of the coming Antichrist and his government, the one-world government of the seven-year Tribulation Period.

The pastors and teachers of the church of God have been given a command to teach the church about the end of the church age so the body of Christ can be prepared for the rapture of the church. While there are some ministers that do obey Scripture and teach about the rapture and endtimes prophecy regularly there are too many that don’t. By not teaching what they have been commanded they are neglecting to prepare the church for the rapture. They are failing to take proper care of God’s people. They leave the church with the idea that the rapture is not important.

Even though the church does not know what day or hour the rapture will occur we are still commanded to watch and be ready for it. The Lord has put a great deal of this responsibility upon the pastors and teachers to be informing the body of Christ about what is happening in the world that concurs with endtimes prophecy—when prophecy coincides with current events it should be communicated to the body of Christ. Having this knowledge, the believer can then get the sense of how soon the rapture will occur. They are to teach and preach endtimes prophecy so that the church can recognize the time period that we are now living in.

The rapture is an imminent event, meaning it is near (Jms.5:8; Rev.22:20). There are no guidelines in the word of God of what day and hour the rapture of the church will occur only that it will happen before the seven-year Tribulation Period begins (2 Thess.2:3, 7-8a). Even in the apostle’s day some misinformed Thessalonian believers thought the rapture would occur in their day. Some pastors and teachers use that misunderstanding to not give the rapture of the church the attention it deserves. They use the fear experienced by some of the Thessalonian believers in the first century as an excuse to not teach the modern-church the rapture or endtimes prophecy. Teaching endtimes prophecy, and revealing how it relates to what is going on in today’s world, will reveal how soon the seven-year Tribulation Period is to beginning. This is when the Antichrist is revealed. Teaching the church that the rapture is near, by revealing how soon the man of sin is to being revealed, will help enforce the need of obeying the word of God. If a believer does not walk in the way of the Lord, will he be snatched away in the rapture?

We are commanded to put off the old nature and put on the new nature for a reason. The old nature is the old way of life before the believer got born-again. The old way of life is a corrupted nature filled with every kind of deceitful and evil desire. The new nature is a life empowered by the Holy Spirit, with instructions from the Holy Scriptures to be like God, to walk in righteousness and holiness (Eph.4:22-24). The believer is told to offer their bodies as living sacrifices and be holy so that we can please him. The Christian is to be transformed by changing the way they think (Rom.12:1-2). Living by the power of the Holy Spirit and not by the power of the sinful nature is how the believer gets prepared to meet Jesus before the rapture occurs. Teaching about the endtimes and the rapture of the church motivates the believer to walk in the ways of the Lord instead of the ways of this world. When the believer anticipates the rapture of the church it will purify him: “Beloved, now we are children of God, and it is not yet revealed what we will be. But we know that, when he is revealed, we will be like him; for we will see him just as he is. Everyone who has this hope set on him purifies himself, even as he is pure” (1 Jn.3:2-3, HNV).

When the present-day believer thinks the rapture will not happen in their lifetime, they tend to compromise with the world so they can enjoy what this world has to offer them. When the believer lives for this life and this world, they cannot be faithful to the Lord. The believer cannot live for God and love the world or anything in this world at the same time. If he does, then the love of the Father has no part in that believer (1 Jn.2:15-17). Too many believers don’t want the rapture to happen while they are enjoying this world and everything that is in it. Too many do not want to hear endtimes prophecy because it pricks their conscience, they refuse to hear information about the rapture because they enjoy this world too much. The sad part in all this, is that too many pastors and teachers oblige the wishes of worldly Christians because their mindset is the same. So, they do not teach the house of God the information that will motivate them to be prepared for when the rapture of the church will occur.

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Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Time to Get Ready


Over the last fifteen months things have become increasingly clear. The world is on the last step before it enters through the door of totalitarianism. When you hear the word, totalitarianism, you may think of communist counties like the former Soviet Union (USSR), or Albania when it was ruled by a Marxist-Leninist government.  Nazi Germany may come to mind, or maybe China, and defiantly North Korea. Totalitarianism will come to the West in this generation, as it was foreseen by the Lord God Almighty. His servants prophesied it in the Holy Scriptures. This generation is now witnessing it.

Under the pretense of “it being for our safety” governments have locked down much of society across the West making citizens submit to rules that have swindled us of most of our freedoms. Citizens initially were easily compliant because we were deceived into believing it was a safety measure, but as more and more people started to realize and finally saw through the ruse once the fifteen-days to flatten the curve extended month-after-month-after-month, and now after almost a year and a half of heavy restrictions, it is crystal clear that the West has now had its freedom flattened and totally wiped out by politicians thirsty for power. And now, we are faced with the dictate to submit to a vaccine.

Don’t continue to be misled, the anti-lockdown protests in the United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Australia, Canada, and other places are surely needed. Society should not let their freedoms be taken away from them especially by politicians, government bureaucrats, and healthcare appointees that are paid to serve them. Society has the right to fight for freedom. But the politicians just keep sending out the police and bylaw enforcement to ticket and arrest protesters. They want full submission to their unconstitutional rules, and if you don’t obey, they will make you pay.

Leaders of the biblical one-world government don’t want you to have freedom.  Their philosophy is that society are their serfs. That is one of the reasons for the Great Reset. This was the name given to the fiftieth annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF), back in 2020. In this meeting they discussed the Illuminati agenda to rebuild the world’s economy, and to rebuild society so that only high-ranking members of the one-world government will have all the world’s wealth and resources, and the rest of society will have nothing. All the property and whatever wealth you may have accumulated because of your hard work will all be taken from you either willingly or by force. You will not have a choice. Whatever wealth or property you may now possess will be confiscated once the Great Reset is introduced. Think of it being like the former Soviet Union, but worse than that. The leaders of the Great Reset will tell you that it is all for your own good, for the well-being of the planet, but don’t believe them. Millennials don’t know what communism was like in the former Soviet Union, nor do they know how the leader of North Korea dictates his people, Kim Jong-un. If they did, they might think twice about America adopting socialism. After socialism, comes communism, then comes tyranny.

The Illuminati has gained a lot of power over this generation. They have brainwashed society through music, movies, TV, and through the educational system. The main reason the Luciferians have gained so much control of this generation is because society has willingly shut out the God of the Bible from their lives. Years of using God given freedom to indulge the sinful nature and worship other gods, like entertainment, sexual immorality and greed, has now put freedom in our rearview mirror. The freedom that our forefathers fought and died for in Europe is quickly becoming something of the past. Our forefathers were strong enough to fight fascism and then communism, but over the last forty-fifty years a generation has been raised up to distort what fascism and communism really are. Now fascism and communism are on the cusp of being the rule of the land. The United States had the appearance of holding back the one-world government agenda when Donald Trump was in the White House, but anyone that knows Bible prophecy knew that would not last. There was no-way the people behind the globalist’s agenda would allow him to get a second-term. Because they are possessed with the establishment of their autocratic government and the demonic spirit that drives that way of thinking. That is because now is the time for it happen.

Since the departure of the Trump administration America seems to resemble freedom again after a year of so-called pandemic restrictions, the country is opening back up again after a long time of heavy restrictions in most states. Republican governors see that lockdowns and restrictions are doing more harm than good so they have ended pandemic restrictions. And since Joe Biden is now in the White House most Democrat States have released their citizens from bondage because former President Trump is not in charge anymore.  But, church of God, don’t be hoodwinked. What you are seeing is only a red herring to lull American citizens back to sleep again. As America falls back asleep the one-world government will ultimately crush the Constitution, and the Deep State along with the Democratic Party will take complete control over every American citizen. They are participants in the prophesied global government. It is clear. The one-world government already has control over the U.S. Military, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and they have control over every North American corporation in one way or another. They are all global entities. Everyone of these players will do whatever they are told to carry out the globalist agenda, whether or not it goes against the United States or Canadian Constitutions. They are minions of a dark demonic force.

Who do you think installed the Biden/Harris administration? You do realize that the 2020 presidential election wasn’t an honest election? The first thing people should have noticed was the mainstream media’s reaction to the mounting evidence to the argument of election fraud. The media is supposed to investigate and report the truth no matter where it takes them. But did you see how vehemently they defended the elections so-called legitimacy without even doing their due diligence and investigate the overwhelming evidence that there may have been corruption in the 2020 election? Instead, they called everyone that suggested election fraud as conspiracy theorists. The Biden/Harris administration was inaugurated not by a fair and honest election, but they were put into the highest power of the land nefariously by the same people and power that will establish the government of the Beast of the Book of Revelation; the Antichrist’s government.  

How come the American citizens did not put up a fight? Why did they allow a dishonest presidential election? A strong effort to reveal the corruption was tried, but the Deep State did not allow it to progress. A federal appeals court, even the Supreme Court, did not want to challenge the election results or even look at the evidence. They all know where their bread is buttered. If this was fifty-years ago, even twenty-years ago, the Circuit Courts and the Supreme Court would have looked at the evidence of election fraud, the media may have even investigated the election. But because the time to establish the global government is overdue, they are ignoring a fraudulent presidential election. The one-world government was supposed to have been effectuated already by a planned Clinton/Kaine administration. But because they angerly had to wait for the Trump/Pence administration to complete its first term they made no mistakes this time. The Luciferians know that they have to establish their Antichrist government now.

Dissent of the global government’s agenda is being quashed at every level. Big Tech censors all dissent of the globalist’s agenda. Politicians won’t stick up for truth, many won’t even pursue it. Truth is heavily suppressed while fallacy is lauded. Some purveyors of journalistic truth and constitutional freedom (there are not many) think they can stop the globalist government, but they are mistaken. If the Holy Scriptures did not prophesy that the one-world government would be established and be the final world power until the end of the seven-year Tribulation Period then I would think there was a chance to stop it too. But because the Scriptures say it will happen, and according to prophecy it must happen now, then I know even people’s best efforts will not succeed.  

Church pastors that adhere to the false dominion theology (dominionism),[1]  and the anti-globalists, like Alex Jones, are under the impression that the global government can only come if “good men do nothing” and if the church does nothing to stop it. Dominionists, believe we have to pray against the one-world government, and bind the globalist power by faith. Many with a dominion theology don’t even know that there is a one-world government because they know nothing about endtimes prophecy. They just are all in one accord that the church must take dominion over the earth so that Jesus can come back. But they fail to realize that God promised that Israel will be saved, meaning the Jewish remnant.[2] The global government and the Tribulation Period that is one step away from occurring will be used to rein in the fallen angels, judge the unbelieving world, and is the catalyst that will bring Israel into a relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ. What is coming has to happen for the Holy Scriptures to be fulfilled.

There are three groups of people that need to get ready for what is about to occur on Earth. The Jews, the Gentiles, and the church of God. The dictatorial powers that have been recently usurped by politicians and healthcare bureaucrats whose advice they follow should be an eye opener to all three groups of people. Since early 2020, North America has witnessed politicians yield more power than they constitutionally should possess. Their pandemic restrictions have crushed people’s freedoms and livelihoods, among other things. Europe has had its share of tyrants especially in the past, but not North America. As everyone is very aware, political leaders have been instructing the police and bylaw officers to ticket and even arrest people for practicing what is allowed under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Canada and Australia have become very repressive. The United States had its share of repressive jurisdictions until just recently. Some police officers and bylaw enforcement officials seem more than happy to be roughing up protesters and slapping them with heavy fines. They must get an adrenaline rush every time they issue a ticket or slap the handcuffs on someone without a mask. In Australia, video footage shows the police treating anti-lockdown protesters as if they are the opposing team in a rugby match. Young, old, male, female, they are all fair game when it comes to tackling protesters. These servants of the taxpayer will be right at home when the one-world government is officially implemented. Many say they are only following orders. But history tells us that Germany’s government officials in the 1930’s and 40’s used the same excuse as a defense when they were put on trial after WWII. They claimed that they were only following orders when they exterminated six-million Jews. 

Multiple pastors in Canada have been and continue to be arrested and put in jail for not adhering to the neo-healthcare regulations, even though there have been no reported infections or deaths in their services. The Lord is making sure he keeps his people healthy when they attend these so-called illegal church services, even if they don’t wear a mask or social distance. He has kept them healthy because they believe the power of Jesus Christ will keep them from infection. Meanwhile these courageous brothers are being maligned by some Christians who are afraid of the so-called pandemic. Many churches that have opened their doors to service once restrictions are slightly lifted, the government pretending to be generous and allowing only 15-30% capacity, are so fearful, whether they know it or not, of the Greco/Roman god Apollo, that they enforce masks and social distancing under the pretext that they are just obeying the rules. They say they want to obey the restrictions. Even though these restrictions are not about health but government control, but the fearful don’t know the difference.  Apollo was and is not only known as the god that can send healing but he can also send disease.[3] Before you say Apollo and the rest of the Greek Pantheon were only mythical, I should tell you that these mythical Greco/Roman gods were actually fallen angels and their offspring (Nephilim/Rephaim) who were worshipped by the ancient world. And still worshipped today by Luciferians I may add. Ancient Sumer/Mesopotamia (now southern Iraq) had their own names for the fallen angels and their offspring but once the Greek civilization began the Greeks gave their own names to these ancient gods and attributed their version of divine powers to these deities. The Romans carried on that religious tradition. The church of God has to be careful not to give into the powers of these gods (which are demonic), like being afraid of getting a disease, because he that is in us is greater than he that is in the world.[4]

Here is something to consider: The phrase, “social distance,” is an oxymoron. How can a person socialize if they are made to keep their distance? They also use the term, “physical distance.” But this term is the tyrant’s secret language for keeping society physically apart so they can’t socialize and assemble to form a resistance. The tyrants don’t want citizens to socialize or assemble because they may come to the conclusion that they are being repressed by their government.  We never would have imagined that much of the West would be ruled by tyrants masquerading as politicians and healthcare officials. Now that the political leaders know they can enact emergency powers over their nations, states, and provinces without no real opposition they will never give this power up. The lockdowns and heavy restrictions are an experiment initiated by the leaders of the global government to see how easy it would be for them when the time comes for them to execute their autocratic leadership. Most of the population have made it very easy for them.  

The title of this article is, “Time to Get Ready.” Get ready for what? Well, as I said above, people need to get ready for what is about to occur on Earth.

The Gentiles

The Gentiles, or the unbelieving world, needs to get ready for the Tribulation Period because it is about to begin. Although, the Holy Scripture declares, there is a way to escape this terrible time period. Every time a Gentile hears the truth about Jesus, they have an opportunity to put their faith in him and receive the Holy Spirit. Right now, is an important time to put faith in Jesus and become a new creation (believe on the name of Jesus) because the rapture of the church is the only way to escape going into this seven years of immense difficulty and affliction.

The Tribulation Period is not for someone that is a new creation, but rather it is an appointed hour for the unbelieving world when God will pour out his wrath and judge them, and an appointed time for the nation of Israel to be redeemed from disobedience. God’s wrath is revealed during the seven-year Tribulation Period and his wrath is not for the new creation; the born-again believer-in-Christ.[5] The rapture of the church will occur before the Tribulation Period begins according to a correct interpretation of the Scriptures. Don’t be deceived by anyone that says otherwise or when they say we cannot know.

As I have said above and in many other articles that I have posted, the one-world government already exists and its leaders are chomping at the bit to officially initiate it. The world is on the last step before it goes into the Tribulation Period. Read the Book of Revelation, chapters six through nineteen, to see what will occur during this seven years of great trouble. The pain and distress of the Tribulation Period will be too much for people to endure. 


The Jews

The seven-year Tribulation Period is the seventieth-week of Israel according to the Book of Daniel.[6] This time period is the last seven years of the prophesied 490-years for the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem to finish transgression and stop rebellion against Yahweh (seventy-weeks, or seventy-sevens, is seventy years times seven years which equals 490-years; each year is 360 days long, a biblical year). After the seventy-weeks, on the last day, Israel will anoint Jesus as their Messiah.

When, Jesus of Nazareth, was on the earth between the years, 3 B.C.-32 A.D. (3759-3793), the first sixty-nine weeks (483-years) of Israel’s seventy-week period (490-years) was completed the day Israel did not recognize the time their Messiah came to them.[7] This day was April 6, A.D. 32 (Nisan 6, 3793), the same week Jesus was crucified. That day ended the 483rd year of the prophesied 490-year period. So, according to the prophecy there is still seven biblical years to complete the 490-year period. This is where the seven-year Tribulation Period comes in. As said, this time period is Israel’s seventieth-week.

Israel’s seventieth-week will begin the day the one-world leader (Antichrist) is successful in getting Israel and the Palestinian leaders to agree and sign a seven-year covenant with one another. [8] On the very day the agreement is ratified the 484th year of the 490-years decreed will begin Israel’s seventieth-week period, which is the seven-year Tribulation Period. At the final day of the 490th year Jesus will come back to the earth to redeem the remnant Jews.[9] Israel will be saved on this day as their Messiah will turn godlessness away from them as he fulfills his covenant with Israel and redeems them from sin.[10] Israel needs to get ready because the seventieth-week, the seven-year Tribulation Period, is ready to begin.

The Church of God

Many hirelings, or false shepherds, have bewildered the church of God. They don’t feed the household of God the information from the Scriptures that a called servant is commanded in this generation. They only teach the church their personal aspirations pretending it aligns with the word and will of God. The believers are to study endtimes prophecy in this generation so that they can discern the times. This will get them ready for the rapture of the church.

The household of God must be imitators of him, living a life of love following the example of Jesus Christ. Being taught endtimes prophecy informs the church of how close the rapture is to occurring, which will empower them to live holy lives and be pure, having not even a hint of sexual perversion or greed in their lives. Enforcing the truth of the rapture of the church will empower them to be holy as the Lord is holy as they meditate on it and believe it. It will warn them to live as children of light and to stay away from the works of darkness.

Jesus taught that as the church of God witnesses endtimes prophecy being fulfilled they must watch and be ready for the rapture to occur, because the day and hour is not precisely revealed, only that at any time the church will be caught up to meet him in the air—so we must watch and be ready. As the church recognizes the formation of the one-world government, especially in the emergence of its final stages, this should warn them that the seven-year Tribulation Period is ready to commence. More importantly, that the rapture is ready to happen. It is time to get ready: “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, ESV). The church of God is supposed to encourage one another with the above Scripture,[11] especially in the days we are in.

Picture: Alexander Zemlianichenko/Pool/Reuters

[1] Dominion Theology

(Accessed 6/21/2021)

[2] Romans, Chapters 9-11

[4] 1 John 4:4

[5] Luke 3:7; John 3:36; Romans 2:5, 8; 5:9; Ephesians 5:6; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 5:9; Revelation 6:16-17; 11:18

[6] Daniel 9:24-27

[7] Luke 19:28-44; Daniel 9:25-26a

[8] Daniel 9:27

[9] Revelation 19:11-21; Romans 9-11

[10] Romans 11:26-27; Isaiah 59:20-21; 27:9; Jeremiah 31:33-34

[11] 1 Thessalonians 4:18

Monday, March 15, 2021

The Ten Virgins—A Teaching


If you make it a practice to read the Bible then you likely have read more than once the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew’s gospel.[1] Many people call it a parable, but I suggest that it is more allegorical. What do I mean? A parable is generally a story that is elementary to demonstrate a spiritual lesson, but an allegory suggests that the story has a hidden meaning within the reading. Calling the story of the ten virgins a parable is not wrong because it is a truth that gives instruction, but if you understand that within this instructive lesson there is also divine revelation then the parable moves from just being a spiritual lesson to a divine message being revealed. This divine message reveals how those that have received Jesus Christ into their life should be watching and ready when he (the bridegroom) comes to get those appointed to eternal life (his bride) to then take them to live in his Father’s house.[2]

For those that are not familiar with this parable, it is a story about ten virgins that were supposed to be prepared to meet the bridegroom when he came for them. There were ten virgins in all, five were foolish or stupid, and the other five were wise or prudent. What made the difference in their character was whether or not they were prepared for when the bridegroom came to receive them to go into the wedding feast. The five virgins that were wise had enough oil in their lamps so they would not go out when it was time to go out and meet the bridegroom. The five virgins that were foolish confessed that they did not have enough oil in their lamps to keep them from going out when it was time to go out and meet the bridegroom. The reason the virgins had to have lamps that would give off light is because, in this parable he came to receive them in the middle of the night rather than at a time when there was daylight. Because they did not know whether he would come at a time when there was daylight or at a time when it was dark outside, they had to be prepared for whatever time it was that he would come for them.  The bridegroom had kept the virgins waiting for a time longer than what they anticipated, because he was delayed, and they all got fatigued from their waiting and fell asleep. So, because he came for the virgins in the middle of the night, they had to have oil lamps that would light up the way back to the wedding feast. But because the foolish virgins did not take enough oil with them to refill their lamps their lamps began to run out of oil, so they then had to go and buy some more once they had the instructions it was time to go meet the bridegroom. The wise virgins could not give the foolish virgins any of their oil because that would leave them with not enough oil to keep their lamps burning, so the foolish virgins had to go get more oil from another source. But while they were gone obtaining more oil the bridegroom came and received the other five virgins and they all went to the wedding feast.  The wise virgins had lots of oil on hand to refill their lamps, so they were able to make their way to the wedding feast lighting up the way for the wedding procession. Once they were inside the wedding feast the door was shut, entrance was forbidden from that point on. When the foolish virgins finally got to the wedding feast they tried to get in, but they were refused entry. The man at the door, whether it was the door attendant or the bridegroom himself, told the five foolish virgins that he did not recognize them. Jesus likely told this parable because it is similar to an ancient Jewish wedding. It helped him to explain to his disciples what it would be like the day he would come back for them.

There are similarities between an ancient Jewish wedding and that of how Christians ultimately become the, Bride of Christ. In the parable of the ten virgins the bride herself is not mentioned, but instead the ten virgins are substituted to refer to those that are part of the Church. In other words, the Church is likened to the ten virgins in this parable to reveal what it will be like when the rapture occurs using the analogy of an ancient Jewish wedding. The Church, is represented by the ten virgins mentioned in this parable rather than the actual bride, the ten virgins are used as a substitution for the bride of the bridegroom that was delayed in coming to meet them. Why would Jesus use the ten virgins that typically refer to the bridesmaids, or the attendants, of the bride in an ancient Jewish wedding, rather than just shape this parable around the bridesmaid herself? Well, I will get to that further into this article. But for now, let me explain what an ancient Jewish wedding was like.

To get a good idea of what an ancient Jewish wedding was like, the Free Messianic Bible website[3] gives a good description of it.[4] Below I will attempt to give a brief description of it on my own.

An ancient Jewish father would generally scrutinize and then contact another Jewish family to see if their daughter would consider making his son his bride. Once a contact was made the son’s father would make a proposal to the potential bride’s father, and then if they could find mutual grounds for a marriage between their children the daughter would usually be consulted about the proposal. If she then gave her consent to the bonds of marriage between her and the son there would then be a time of mutual commitment which was called, Shiddukhin. The Shiddukhin, was a time where both the bridegroom and bride prepared themselves for the, Erusin. The Erusin, is the engagement, or the betrothal. During the time of Shiddukhin, the bridegroom and the bride would take part in a spiritual cleansing ritual called the, mikvah. The mikvah, was a symbolic ritual where both bridegroom and bride would be immersed separately in water. Once the couple took part in this ceremony, they then entered and stood under the marriage canopy which is called the, chuppot, or chuppah.  As the couple stood under the chuppot it symbolized that they both pledged to build a home together; it was a binding contract that they both legally entered into. While standing under the chuppot, the bridegroom would give his bride a dowry. Some wine was consumed to seal their covenant of betrothal. Once this ceremony was completed, which was usually a public ceremony, the period of engagement then began. The betrothal normally would last about a year. Even though during the betrothal the couple were regarded as married they did not consummate the marriage or live in the same house. There was no kissing and smooching during the engagement, or before they consummated the marriage. During this time the bridegroom prepared a place for them at his father’s house. Typically, he would build a suite for them to live in once the marriage became physical. The bride would continue living with her family until her bridegroom came to receive her, and she had no idea at what date he would come for her. She had an idea that it may be within a year according to the betrothal rules, but she did not know for sure what day or hour her bridegroom would come and get her. In this ancient Jewish custom, the father of the bridegroom determined the proper time for his son to go get his bride and bring her to his home. Because the bride did not know what day or hour her bridegroom would come and take her to his father’s house so the marriage could physically begin, she would keep likely two types of oil lamps and extra oil by her side. She had to have different types of lamps available incase her bridegroom came at night.  She had to have one type of lamp in her window so her bridegroom would know she was ready for him. The lamp likely looked like the lamp exhibited in Perry Stone’s video (Episode 981) at the, 12:30 minute mark.[5] Because this type of lamp was used inside the home in the time of Jesus. But then for the journey to the wedding feast she had to have another type of lamp that was used outdoors in the time of Jesus, and this lamp likely looked like the type of lamp also displayed in the same Perry Stone video at approximately the, 12:50 minute mark. The bridesmaids (the virgins honored to accompany the bride on her wedding day) would need lamps to light the way of the wedding procession too, so they would have likely used the outdoor lamps also. The bride would keep her indoor lamp burning in her father’s house at nighttime to indicate that her bridegroom can receive her, that is, if she was prepared to meet him. He would have to see the light from her lamp burning. If she wasn’t prepared to meet him when he came to take her to his father’s house then she would not have her lamp burning or have extra oil to keep it from going out. The bridegroom would come to her home sounding a ram’s horn (a shofar) looking for her lamp burning, and then once he saw the light of her lamp, he would snatch her up and then continue to sound his shofar as he took her to the place that he built for her at his father’s house. Once the bridegroom retrieved his bride from her family home the nissuin, or marriage, then started to move into the essence of the physical. The marriage ceremony then took place as they would consummate their marriage under the chuppot.

The likely reason why Jesus used the attendants of the bride rather than just shape his parable around the bride herself is because his Bride is not just one person. The Bride, the wife of the Lamb of God,[6] are the many Jews and Gentiles that will put their faith in him during the Church-age. The Bride, the wife of the Lamb, will be found faithful to him during their life on Earth during the betrothal period. The Church-age is actually similar to the Erusin, the engagement period of an ancient Jewish wedding. The Church waits and gets herself ready during the betrothal period for her husband to come and get her. The rapture of the Church is actually the day when Jesus Christ, the Heavenly Bridegroom, comes to get his Bride and take her to his Father’s dwelling. The Lord’s bride will obey his Word, the Holy Scriptures, which is the litmus test that proves they love their Lord; their bridegroom.[7] People that claim they are Christians will truly love Jesus if God is truly their Father.[8] Consider this: The many Jews and Gentiles that put faith in the Lord during the Church-age, and are faithful to him, are referred to as the Body of Christ in the Holy Scriptures.[9] The Bride, the wife of the Lamb, is the Body of Christ, and after the rapture occurs, we will be presented to him as a pure virgin by the Apostle Paul.[10] So, even though the Body of Christ is made up of the many that put their faith in him, and are faithful to obey his commands, we are all being transformed into one bride for the one husband. The Bride, the wife of the Lamb of God, is the Body of Christ, innumerable believer’s that create one body. The Body of Christ, are the many virgins that produce the one bride. As the Bride, the wife of the Lamb, we need to keep watch and be ready, for we do not know the day or hour that our husband comes to take us to his Father’s house.

Some argue that the Bride, the Lamb’s wife, is really by definition a city, the New Jerusalem. But they fail to interpret the Holy Scriptures correctly. Because the New Jerusalem, as it is, by definition a city, is actually a gift built by God for the Bride, the wife of the Lamb. The New Jerusalem is a human settlement, built by God, for his bride, the Body of Christ, to reside in for eternity.[11] The New Jerusalem is the place that Jesus has gone to prepare for those who belong to him,[12] it is the place where Abraham was anticipating: “For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God” (Hebrews 11:10, ESV). The Lord, Jesus Christ, has prepared a city for those that have put their faith in him, and he is not ashamed to be called our God.[13] The New Jerusalem is a physical structure that comes out of Heaven, and the Bride, the wife of the Lamb, who is now flesh and blood men and women,[14] but will very soon receive glorified bodies at the rapture of the Church,[15] will have this place as their dwelling. The Body of Christ, will be made like Jesus at the rapture,[16] meaning each believer will receive a glorified spiritual body just like the Lord has now.[17] We will not be transformed into urban structure, the Body of Christ is not recast from human beings into large buildings, houses or infrastructure, and then be given the name, New Jerusalem. No! The New Jerusalem is a real megalopolis made by the hands of God so that we can dwell in it sometime after we enter Eternity and are glorified. God has made the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, a beautiful city. A city as beautiful as a bride who meticulously prepares herself for her husband for their wedding day.

The parable of the ten virgins was only recorded by Matthew. I don’t know why Peter did not instruct Mark to write this story down to be part of his record, or why even the fastidious Doctor Luke did not supply a record of this parable either. I believe that the writers of the Gospels were led along by the Holy Spirit as they made their records of what they witnessed about the ministry of Jesus, so if Matthew was the only one to record this story for us then there must be a purpose for it.

If you notice, Matthew inserted the parable of the ten virgins right after Jesus’ teaching to the Church in: Matthew, chapter twenty-four, verses thirty-six through fifty-one. At the time when Jesus spoke these words the Church was not even born yet, as it wasn’t when he taught the parable about the ten virgins either. But when Matthew recorded his gospel the Church had been born for at least twenty years. There is the possibility that the parable of the ten virgins wasn’t even taught to the disciples right after the Lord’s prophetic teaching about the Church in chapter, twenty-four. But because Matthew was born-again and led along by the Holy Spirit when he recorded his gospel, he recognized that both the prophetic teaching in chapter twenty-four, verses thirty-six through fifty-one, and the prophetic parable of the ten virgins were both in reference to the Church and this is likely the reason why we see he recorded both teachings in sequence. The sequence of his documentation is actually in harmony with how the final days of the Church on the earth will end-up. The end of the Church-age is like in the days of Noah,[18] and the days of Lot,[19] and then in an instant the rapture occurs.

Before Matthew documented Jesus’ prophetic teaching about the Church, he records the Lord’s warning to both the Church and Israel, and I dare not forget his warning to the World also, about the time leading up to the seven-year Tribulation Period, in Matthew, chapter twenty-four, verses four through eight. More accurately, the seven-year Tribulation Period is the Seventieth-Week of Israel,[20] or the time of Israel’s trouble.[21] Then after this initial warning to the Church, Israel, and the World, Jesus warns the nation of Israel chiefly about certain events that will occur during the seven-year Tribulation Period with the return of their true Messiah at the very end of this terrible time on Earth in: Matthew, chapter twenty-four, verses nine through thirty-one. Then in the following three verses, thirty-two through thirty-four, Jesus prophesies the time when all these things will take place with the rebirth of the nation of Israel that will kickstart all these events. Jesus used symbolic language to prophecy the time these events will begin in these three verses. He uses prophetic language that can only be understood by revelation of God—eyes to see and ears to hear.[22] May 14, 1948, was the date that Israel became a nation again, and this date kickstarted these events.

Jesus does not refer to the Church by name during the passage concerning the Body of Christ in Matthew, chapter twenty-four, verses thirty-six through fifty-one,[23] or in the parable of the ten virgins for that matter, and that is why some have misunderstood these Scriptures and sadly mistaken them as references to the nation of Israel. A simple reason why Jesus didn’t name the Church in these teachings could be like I said two chapters ago; the Church wasn’t even born when Jesus initially prophesied these words. So, logic would suggest that he carefully didn’t introduce the name of an unknown divine entity to the disciples before they themselves became the foundation[24] of that divine entity, the New Creation.[25] Likely the error that some make in interpreting these passages as the nation of Israel is because some have their own ministerial agenda, they have personal spiritual aspirations, and the only revelation they can receive comes from seducing spirits rather than the Holy Spirit. Could it be that the pastor or teacher that buckles down and persists in his own priestly agenda has delusions of grandeur? A careful study of the Apostle’s teachings in the New Testament[26] reveals that Jesus is warning the Church in the passage and parable above so that we can be alert and always watching for him to come and take us out of this world, in the last days of the Church-age. Again; the passage and parable at the top of this paragraph are not references to the Jewish nation. Matthew, chapter twenty-four, verses nine through thirty-one, and the three verses following, thirty-two through thirty-four, are references to the nation of Israel. But not chapter twenty-four, verses thirty-six through fifty-one, or the parable of the ten virgins.  

What else can be seen in the parable of the ten virgins? I will present something to you that I have never heard anyone else suggest. Instead, what I have heard them say is something that is actually not Scriptural. You will have to keep reading to find out what it is I am proposing. But before that; as I said in the first paragraph, this prophetic parable pertains to the rapture of the Church, and specifically it is a warning to be ready for the hour it will occur. It is a prophetic allegory involving the hour when the Bridegroom comes for his Bride; the hour when the Lord, Jesus Christ, comes for the Body of Christ. He warns the Church what we should do prior to his arrival, and he warns us what is involved in actually being ready for when the call rings out, “Behold, the bridegroom!” (ASV).

It is clear from the message that Jesus is saying there will be both wise and foolish believers in his Church. He does not make any reference to the type of spiritual calling a believer may have, or the kind of ministry the believer would have in the church body, but his message seems to focus on what kind of devotion the believer must have concerning their wedding day. Remember; the day when he comes to get us to take us to his Father’s house is the day and hour when the rapture of the Body of Christ will occur. This is the day when the Lamb comes for his Bride. This parable is not focused on the Church’s performance in the works department. It is more focused on how the Church gets herself ready for the day when her bridegroom comes to get her, or rather how committed she is to make sure she is ready when the trumpet call of God sounds.[27] This parable/allegory reveals that when the trumpet call of God sounds to rapture the Body of Christ into Eternity there will be both wise and foolish people in the Church.

This parable states, that the bridegroom took a long time to come and receive his bride, and so it is, the Lord seems to be taking a long time to come and rapture the Church. Because the bridegroom in this parable was taking a long time in coming to receive his betrothed all the virgins fell asleep, and because Yeshua Hamashiach seems to be taking a long time to rapture the Body of Christ much of the Church has fallen asleep. How is the Church asleep? A sleeping church is a metaphor for a church that is disloyal. How are some Christians disloyal? Some don’t manifest love for Jesus anymore, nor do they practice love one-for-another as we have been commanded; these inactions are like falling from grace. Some practice sexual immorality and see nothing wrong with it, they gratify the sinful nature because they do not live by the Holy Spirit. Some are involved in occult practices; they consult false prophets and destiny cards for direction instead of following the Word of God. More than half the Church is influenced by New Age teaching in one way or another.[28]  Most of the Church cannot discern whether so-called worship songs are scriptural or not. Many worship ministers lead God’s people in New Age music every time Church-service is called and most don’t know the difference. Because much of the Church has fallen asleep apostacy is on the rise; people that once had faith keep falling away. Many churches have been preaching another Jesus for some time, they have abandoned the truth and are zealots of liberal theology; the truth is not in them.

The Apostle Paul said, that before the rapture of the Church would happen this apostacy would occur. He prophesied that in the final days of the Church-age some would depart from the faith and be carried along by seducing spirits instead of the Holy Spirit.[29] The doctrine of demons will be more enticing and alluring to these people that fall away then the truth of Scripture. The deception begins usually by the enchanting persuasion of teachers that will preach and teach only what the people want to hear. The hireling’s hearers don’t want sound doctrine, so they will navigate to teachers that satisfy their earthly desires. They would rather hear a minister teach things that indulge their fantasies, speak words that pamper their emotions, they like to be entertained rather than be warned about the hard realities of the spiritual realm that governs this world; they don’t want to hear the truth of Scripture.[30] They would rather hear a good story then hear the Word of God. Because the Lord seems to be taking a long time to rapture the Church many think he will never come in their lifetime, so they believe it is better to just live life to the fullest—eat, drink, and be merry. Much of the Church is asleep right now because of what appears to be a tardy pace to the rapture, but because of the recent covid restrictions/lockdowns the Church should wake up—the Antichrist government is emerging. The covid pandemic is a method being used to usher in the Antichrist’s global government.

In this parable, the virgins finally woke up out of their slumber because the call rang out that the bridegroom is here. They had no more time to get ready, he arrived and is now ready to meet them. The slumber the virgins experienced is symbolical to Christian apathy, it pictures the lack of enthusiasm that some have for the coming of the Lord. It is a prophetic illustration showing that some have absolutely no interest in preparing for the rapture; they believe it is not important. The parable Jesus taught is about ten virgins who were waiting for the bridegroom to come, allegorically Jesus was warning what it will be like when he comes for his Bride.

The parable of the ten virgins is a prophetic warning that reveals in the final days of the Church-age many will become spiritually detached and will neglect the doctrine of the rapture. This prophesy has come to fulfillment as many have neglected this message and therefore become disengaged to this glorious event. Some even mock it. When you hear a Christian say, “Where is the promise of his coming?” (2 Peter 3:4a, ESV), or something similar to that, you can know that person is disinterested in the rapture of the Church. They are unmoved about this part of the gospel message. They scoff at the doctrine of the rapture because they have worldly desires that they want to see come to pass. The catching up of God’s people out of the world is a hinderance to their earthly passions. When you hear a pastor scoff the doctrine of the rapture you can be sure that it is because he has delusions of grandeur. He has been convinced by seducing spirits that he is some special envoy of Heaven. He is seduced into believing that he has been born, “for such a time as this.” It could be that a fallen angel has appeared to him masquerading as an angel of light. Because some pastors believe that they are special, and that the Church exists to only serve them rather then they serve the Body of Believers, a false aspiration gets birthed within their mind that they believe is true. These hireling’s rule their church with a religious spirit, their spiritual ambition is an ecclesiastical nightmare.  

Paul warns the Church to not fall asleep. We are not to be lukewarm concerning the rapture. The rapture will happen like a thief in the night to those that are not expecting it; a thief comes without notice. The rapture will happen unexpectedly to those that are lukewarm. But to those that are expecting the rapture will not be at all surprised when it happens. They took the warning to watch and be ready seriously, preparing themselves for their Bridegroom. Paul promises that God has not appointed the Body of Christ to suffer wrath, meaning we will not go into the seven-year Tribulation Period. God rescues us from the coming time of wrath. We will be raptured before the Tribulation begins and receive the completion of our salvation.[31]

Are you sure that because someone believes in Jesus Christ they will automatically be raptured? Is there a guarantee that everyone that believes Jesus is Lord will be caught-up to meet the Lord in the air?  When Paul recorded the main passage about the rapture of the Body of Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) he was talking to believers that were warned to live their life to please God. In fact, the Thessalonian Church, were living to please God; Paul said they were. He instructed them that it is God’s will they be sanctified, or be holy (hagios). He warns them to control their own body and to not let it be in passionate lust like the pagans do. Today, like in Pauls’ day, a Christian should not take advantage of or sin against a brother. We are not to be impure but holy. Being holy means to be completely dedicated to the Lord, committed to him and the Holy Scriptures in every way. If a Christian rejects this instruction then he rejects God who gives us his Holy Spirit.[32] We are to actually love one another instead of this fake love that passes for Christian love in most churches today.

There is a guarantee that the faithful will meet the Lord in the air, and the evidence of their faithfulness will be their love for him as I mentioned earlier in this article; they obey his Word. In Ephesians, chapter five, Paul exhorts us to imitate God, live a life of love because we are his children and he loves us: “He gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for an odor of a sweet smell” (Ephesians 5:2, ASV). Paul warns us to not be sexually immoral, or be impure, or be greedy, because we are called to be holy. We should not entertain filth or have a potty mouth: “For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God” (Ephesians 5:5, ESV). Paul says to the Church, that God’s wrath comes on those that are disobedient in Ephesians, chapter five, verse six. Could this mean that those that walk-in disobedience will end up suffering like the world does in the time of wrath, the Tribulation Period? What about the Christian that is unenthusiastic about the rapture, the person that would rather the rapture not happen while they still have life to live, will God overlook them when he calls his consecrated ones up into Eternity? The Revelation reveals that there will be millions of people that refuse to follow the Global Government system during the first 1260 days of the seven-year Tribulation Period, they finally repent and turn to God but will be killed for disobeying the Antichrist government. The Revelation reveals their souls under the alter of God after their deaths asking him to avenge their deaths.[33] Could some of these people be ones that believe in Jesus right now but do not live a holy life, they practice disobedience to fulfill their earthly desires every day and therefore end up suffering the wrath of God in the Tribulation Period until they finally repent? If they do not want the rapture to happen during their life on earth, so they can enjoy the fruit of their labors, or because they just enjoy their sinful nature, will they then be caught up to meet the Lord in the clouds when the rapture occurs?  Will God force a believer to be raptured when that believer is uninterested in being raptured, when he is lukewarm to this glorious event? Some say that if a person is born again then they will go in the rapture. But the Apostle Paul says the believer has a responsibility to live a holy life once he puts his faith in the Lord; the Christian must consecrate his life to God, he must make a solid effort. The Holy Scriptures leave no doubt that those that are truly committed to the Lord will be snatched up in the rapture.

I would like to mention something that doesn’t sit well with me when I hear some interpret the parable of the ten virgins. Many will often suggest that the oil in their lamps represent the Holy Spirit. I have heard some pastor’s say that wherever we read the word oil in the Bible that it always refers to the Holy Spirit. I could challenge them on that. In fact, I could challenge those that say the oil in the lamps of the ten virgins refer to the Holy Spirit. They say the oil in their lamps refer to the Spirit of God, and I say the oil in their lamps refers to something else.

The reason why the virgins make sure that they have oil in their lamps, and that they carry extra with them, is so that when the bridegroom arrives, they can then lead the wedding party to the wedding banquet; it is so they can light up the way with their lamps. That is their duty as they take part in the wedding party. They have been given a commission and they are honored to fulfil it, so they make sure they fulfill this endeavor without fault. It is the same with the bride, she makes sure she has plenty of oil in her lamp so that it doesn’t dry up and go out. The bride wants to be received by her betrothed so she makes sure that her lamp is burning to give off light from her father’s house, so that when he comes for her, he sees that she is ready for him. Both the virgins that light up the way for the wedding party and the bride are dedicated in making sure that their lamp oil is plentiful. They devote themselves to this momentous engagement; they are committed to it. Having oil, and having extra on hand in case the bridegroom is late in coming to meet them, is a sign that they are faithful and devoted in making sure the wedding is a success. This I would propose is the message Jesus is sending out here. When he comes for the Church, will the Church be found faithful to having been devoted to him and his return? Will the Church be found committed in making sure they are found without blemish? “So that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish” (Ephesians 5:27, ESV). This is what the oil represents, devotion to Jesus and his return. Being committed to keeping watch (Matthew 24:42; 25:13) and making sure they are ready (Matthew 24:44) when the trumpet sounds. The Church does not know the day and hour the rapture will happen, like the ten virgins do not know the day and hour the bridegroom comes for them, but both are expected in making sure they are committed in making sure they are ready when that hour happens.

Remember when I said two chapters ago that I could challenge those that say the lamp oil of the ten virgins refers to the Holy Spirit? And that I could challenge certain pastors that say every time oil is mentioned in the Scriptures that it refers to the Holy Spirit? Well, I can. The oil used to fuel lamps back in the days of the disciples was straight olive oil, but anointing oil which typically refers to the Holy Spirit has a number of spices added to its olive oil base. So yes, olive oil does refer to the anointing of the Holy Spirit, but only when it is has four specific spices added to it to make it sacred anointing oil. But just straight olive oil does not refer to the Holy Spirit or his anointing; it is just olive oil used for light or cooking. The four spices used for sacred anointing oil are: Pure myrrh which is in liquid form, sweet cinnamon, sweet calamus which could be similar to sugarcane, and cassia which is an essential oil that comes from the cinnamon family. These specific spices have to be measured out and added to the right amount of olive oil to make it officially a sacred anointing oil.[34] Sacred anointing oil had a fragrant smell to it. Anointing oil was used to consecrate the Tent of Meeting, the ark of the testimony, the table and all its vessels, the lampstand and its vessels, the alter of incense, the alter of burnt-offering and its vessels, and the washbasin and its stand used by the priests for washing. The sacred anointing oil was used to anoint all these temple articles to make them holy, and then whatever touched them would be made holy. The sacred anointing oil was symbolic to the anointing of the Holy Spirit coming upon these articles. The Sacred anointing oil was also used to anoint Aaron and his sons, so that they could serve the Lord.[35] It was also used by the Prophets to anoint the kings of Israel. It signified that they were anointed by the Holy Spirit.

The oil used in the lamps of the ten virgins was not sacred anointing oil but rather straight olive oil. It was the same straight olive oil used by Jacob when he woke up early one morning and poured oil on top of the stone that he used as a pillow the night before (travelers carried olive oil to cook and to burn in lamps). This was the morning after the night when the Lord gave him a dream about a stairway reaching up to heaven from the earth, and the angels were ascending and descending back and forth on it. Jacob sees Yahweh at the top of the stairway and the Lord proceeds to make Jacob some promises. You can read the promises for yourself as the passage reference will be in the endnotes.[36] Yahweh tells Jacob that he will give him and his descendants all the land in which he is laying upon. The stone that Jacob poured oil upon was used as a מַצֵּבָה (mats-tsay-baw'), an image or pillar, to illustrate that he believed the words God spoke to him, and to demonstrate his dedication to the Lord. This act was physical evidence of Jacob’s commitment to the will of Yahweh. Consecrating the place where the Lord spoke to Jacob with straight olive oil was a physical gesture of his devotion to Yahweh and his plan, even though he had not yet seen this promise come pass.   

And then another time, the Lord appeared to Jacob again.[37] This time he changes Jacob’s name to Israel. Yahweh informs Jacob that a nation (Israel), and a multitude of nations will proceed from him. Yahweh informs Jacob that the land he gave to Abraham and Isaac he gives to him and his descendants also. Once this vision ended Jacob set up another image at the exact location where God visited him, he pours a drink offering on it, and then pours his cooking and lamp oil over it, straight olive oil. Again, Jacob confirms his faith and dedication to the Lord’s word. Consecrating the place where Yahweh spoke to him with a drink offering and straight olive oil was again physical evidence that Jacob was confident that Yahweh’s promise would happen.  

You maybe can see that in these two incidences above, that the olive oil used for lamps was symbolic for consecrating the ground where Yahweh spoke to Jacob. Consecrating both images refer to the amount of commitment Jacob would muster in seeing Yahweh’s promises coming to pass. The olive oil in the parable of the ten virgins represents more than just oil to keep their lamps burning, but rather the message in this parable is that their lamp oil represents their commitment to the coming of the bridegroom. Having extra oil on hand to replenish their lamps is symbolic to their commitment in seeing the betrothal period through to the end, right up until the moment the bridegroom comes to get them, and then to the point they get into the wedding banquet. It is the same with the Church, we must be committed to the Lord right up to the day he comes to get us. We must be devoted to his plan to rapture us and take us to his Father’s house. Right now, the Church is in the betrothal period of our relationship with our Husband, the Lamb of God. Scholars usually call this time, the process of salvation. The redemption of our physical body completes the process of our salvation; this occurs at the rapture of the Body of Christ. The oil in this parable doesn’t represent the Holy Spirit, but rather it is symbolic of the level of devotion the Bride, the wife of the Lamb, has for her Husband; the Lamb of God. It is also deeply symbolic to the level of commitment the Church must have in watching and being ready for the hour that he comes for us. One sign that a Christian is not devoted to God’s plan to rapture the Church is when they never want to hear anything about it. When a pastor will never teach on the end-times, or scorns anyone that wants to hear about this subject, it is a sign that he is not committed to the Lord’s plan. That pastor may be committed to his own agenda, but he is surely not committed to God’s plan. The rapture is God’s plan for the Body of Christ, but there are some in the Church that make it sound as if it is a doctrine of demons. When the rapture happens, will these deniers be snatched out of the world or be left to go into the Tribulation Period to experience God’s wrath? One thing is clear, the Apostles specifically prophesied that those who are eagerly waiting for Jesus to rapture us will be caught up and instantly taken out of this world.[38] I think the best thing is for the Church to have plenty of oil on hand.


[1] Matthew 25:1-13

[2] John 14:1-3

[6] Revelation 21:9

[7] John 14:15, 21, 23-24; 15:10-14; 1 John 2:3; 5:3; 2 John 1:6

[8] John 8:42

[9] Romans 12:4-5; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27; Ephesians 5:28-32; Colossians 1:24

[10] 2 Corinthians 11:2

[11] Revelation 21:2

[12] John 14:2

[13] Hebrews 11:16

[14] Those that have received Christ as Savior, and have already passed from this life to the next, are the Bride of the Lamb also, and will receive their glorified bodies at the rapture of the Church as well.

[15] 1 Corinthians 15:50-54; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

[16] 1 John 3:2

[17] Philippians 3:21; Romans 8:29; 1 Corinthians 15:42-44, 48-54; Colossians 3:4; 2 Peter 1:4

[18] Matthew 24:37-41; Luke 17:26-27

[19] Luke 17:28-35

[20] Daniel 9:24-27

[21] Jeremiah 30:4-7

[22] Matthew 13:10-13

[23] Mark 13:32-37; Luke 12:42-48; 17:26-29, 34-35

[24] Ephesians 2:19-20

[25] 2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 6:15

[26] Romans 13:11-14; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Galatians 5:19-21; Philippians 3:16-21; 4:5; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-8; 1 Peter 4:7; 5:1-4; 2 Peter 2:1-3; 3:3-9, 13-15; Jude 1:4; Revelation 3:2-3

[27] 1 Thessalonians 4:16

[29] 2 Thessalonians 2:3; 1 Timothy 4:1

[30] 2 Timothy 4:3-4

[31] 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 5:1-11

[32] 1 Thessalonians 4:1-9

[33] Revelation 6:9-11; 7:9-17

[34] Exodus 30:22-25

[35] Exodus 30:26-30

[36] Genesis 28:10-22

[37] Genesis 36:9-15

[38] 1 Corinthians 1:7-8; Philippians 3:20-21; 1 Thessalonians 1:10; 2 timothy 4:8; Titus 2:11-13;

Hebrew 9:27-28; 1 Peter 1:13; 2 Peter 3:12; Jude 1:21